Top 300 Urinary System MCQ Questions and Answers

Urinary System Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) :-

urinary system questions and answers pdf

1. The renal sinus is:

  • An internal cavity lined by fibrous capsule
  • A large branch of the renal pelvis
  • The innermost layer of kidney tissue
  • A conical structure located in the rental medulla

2. The part of the kidney that consists of 6-18 distinct conical or triangular structures (renal pyramids) is the

  • Renal medulla
  • Renal cortex
  • Renal sinus
  • Renal papilla

3. The urinary system synthesizes calcitriol, a hormone derivative of vitamin D3 that stimulates calcium ion absorption by the intestinal epithelium.

  • False
  • True

4. The loop of Henley is an endocrine structure that secretes two hormones. renin and erythropoietin.

  • False
  • True

5. The total number of kidney nephrons drops by 60-70% between the ages 25 and 85.

  • False
  • True

6. The female urethra lining is usually a transitional epithelium near the urinary bladder; the rest is usually a stratified squamous epithelium.

  • True
  • False

7. Urinary tract infections result from the colonization of the urinary tract by bacteria or fungal invaders.

  • False
  • True

8. Each kidney receives blood from:

  • Arrerent arterioles
  • Interlobar veins
  • Renal artery
  • Renal vein

9. Urination results from an involuntary and voluntary response. This process is called the:

  • Maturation reflex
  • Glomerular filtration rate
  • Kidney process
  • Prostate reflex

10. The ureters and urinary bladders are lined by:

  • Pseudo stratified columnar epithelium
  • Stratified squamous epithelium
  • Simple cuboidal epithelium
  • Transitional epithelium
URINARY SYSTEM Objective Questions
URINARY SYSTEM Objective Questions

11. Urine production occurs in the renal lobes, and ducts within each renal papilla discharge urine into a cup-shaped drain, called a renal pelvis.

  • False
  • True

12. The higher the levels of circulating ADH. the greater the amount of water reabsorbed and the more concentrated the urine.

  • False
  • True

13. Inflammation of the walls of the renal pelvis due to bacterial infection is pyelitis.

  • False
  • True

14. Problems with the maturation reflex in older adults include:

  • Increased sensitivity to ADH
  • Urinary retention in males because of prostate enlargement
  • Increased retention of sodium ions
  • Increased tone In the sphincter muscles, preventing easy emptying of the bladder

15. The urinary system regulates plasma concentrations by (a) adjusting the volume of water lost in the urine, (b) releasing erythropoietin, and (C) releasing renin.

  • False
  • True

16. The presence of kidney stones is:

  • Dysuria
  • Nephrolitiasis
  • Cystitis
  • Incontinence

17. The urinary system does all of the following EXCEPT:

  • Secrete excess glucose modules
  • Contribute to stabilizing blood pH
  • Regulates blood volume
  • Eliminates organic waste products

18. What is the kidney’s response to increased fluid intake?

  • Secretes renin
  • Increases urine output
  • Secretes erythropoietin
  • Produces aldosterone

19. What hollow muscular organ serves as a storage reservoir for urine?

  • Urethra
  • Kidney
  • Bladder
  • Spleen

20. Which of the following maintains the shape of the kidney and provides mechanical protection?

  • Renal fascia
  • Adipose capsule
  • Renal sinus
  • Renal capsule

21. The outermost covering of the kidney is the _____.

A) Cortex
B) Medulla
C) Pelvis
D) Capsule

22. The kidneys are located in the _____ space.

A) Pelvic cavity
B) Peritoneal cavity
C) Abdominal
D) Retro-peritoneal

23. The entrance into the kidney is called the _____.

A) Sinus
B) Column
C) Hilum
D) Pyramid

24. Which structure is the first to collect the urine?

A) Pelvis
B) Calyx
C) Ureter
D) Urethra

25. Each minor calyx receives urine from the _____.

A) Renal papillae
B) Pelvis
C) Ureter
D) Columns

26. The renal pyramids are located within the _____.

A) Column
B) Cortex
C) Medulla
D) Pelvis

27. The striated appearance of the pyramids is caused by _____.

A) Parallel blood vessels
B) Micro-tubules
C) Connective tissue
D) Nerve fibers

28. The kidney secretes ___ for the purpose of stimulating bone marrow activity.

A) Renin
B) Aldosterone
C) Erythropoietin
D) Somatomedin

29. The kidney secretes ___, which is an enzyme-hormone that raises blood pressure.

A) Aldosterone
B) Renin
C) Angiotensinogen
D) Angiotensin II

30. Uric acid results from _____ metabolism.

A) Protein
B) Carbohydrate
C) Purine
D) Pyrimidine

31. Renal secretion of a compound usually occurs from the _____ into the distal convoluted tubule.

A) Loop of Henle
B) Glomerulus
C) Vasa recta
D) Peritubular capillaries

32. Which of these is not usually secreted by the kidneys?

A) Creatine
B) Creatinine
C) H +
D) Penicillin

33. The compound used to assess the function of the kidney at the level of the glomerulus is _____.

A) Creatinine
B) Insulin
C) Para-aminohippuric acid
D) Creatine

34. Which of these could appear in the urine from dieting or the utilization of excess lipids?

A) Urea
B) Uric acid
C) Glycine
D) Ketone

35. Vigorous exercise could release high amounts of _____ into the urine.

A) Glucose
B) Uric acid
C) Albumin
D) Ascorbic acid

36. What causes urine to flow from the kidneys to the bladder?

A) Gravity
B) Hydrostatic pressure
C) Peristalsis
D) Osmotic pressure

37. Renal calculi are usually comprised of the following except which one?

A) Calcium oxalate
B) Cholesterol
C) Uric acid
D) Magnesium phosphate

38. The mucosa of the bladder is comprised of _____.

A) Smooth muscle
B) Squamous epithelium
C) Transitional epithelium
D) Simple columnar epithelium

39. Which of these is under voluntary control?

A) Urethra
B) Detrusor muscle
C) Internal sphincter
D) External sphincter

40. The micturition reflex is centered in the _____.

A) Medulla
B) Sacral cord
C) Hypothalamus
D) Lumbar cord

41. What is the function of the renal system?

A) Maintain blood pH
B) Regulate blood pressure
C) Control blood concentration
D) All of these

42. How much of the cardiac output passes through the kidneys?

A) 10%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 65%

43. Which blood vessel delivers blood to the cortex?

A) Interlobular artery
B) Arcuate artery
C) Interlobar artery
D) Efferent arteriole

44. The renal corpuscle is comprised of a glomerulus and _____.

A) Proximal convoluted tubule
B) Bowman’s capsule
C) Loop of Henle
D) Distal convoluted tubule

45. Which section of the nephron is after the ascending limb of the loop of Henle?

A) Descending limb of the loop
B) Proximal convoluted tubule
C) Distal convoluted tubule
D) Collecting duct

46. The countercurrent multiplier mechanism occurs at the _____.

A) Proximal convoluted tubule
B) Loop of Henle
C) Distal convoluted tubule
D) Collecting ducts

47. The fluid in the descending limb of the loop of Henle is _____ relative to the capillaries.

A) Isotonic
B) Weakly hypotonic
C) Strongly hypotonic
D) Hypertonic

48. The function of the countercurrent multiplier is to _____.

A) Increase the concentration of NaCl
B) Decrease the concentration of NaCl
C) Change the blood levels of potassium
D) Conserve potassium

49. What affect does ADH have on urine output?

A) Minimal
B) Increases
C) Decreases
D) Maintains

50. Where does ADH have its greatest effect?

A) Loop of Henle
B) Proximal convoluted tubule
C) Distal convoluted tubule
D) Glomerulus

51. The last part of a nephron is the _____.

A) Collecting Duct
B) Renal papilla
C) Distal convoluted tubule
D) Glomerulus

52. Which area actually secretes renin into the blood?

A) Macula densa
B) Juxtaglomerular apparatus
C) Juxtaglomerular cells
D) Cortical nephron

53. Which blood vessel conveys blood out of the nephron?

A) Efferent arteriole
B) Vasa recta
C) Peritubular capillary
D) Interlobular vein

54. Which blood vessels surround the loops of Henle?

A) Vasa recta
B) Peritubular capillaries
C) Interlobular arteries
D) Efferent arterioles

55. Which of the following are not found in the glomerular filtrate?

A) Glucose
B) Protein
C) Uric acid
D) Creatinine

56. Which muscle metabolism waste product is eliminated by the kidneys?

A) Urea
B) Uric acid
C) Creatine
D) Creatinine

57. Which of these has the highest concentration in the urine?

A) Glucose
B) Sodium
C) Uric acid
D) Phosphate

58. Which ion is reabsorbed in exchange for sodium?

A) Chloride
B) Potassium
C) Calcium
D) Magnesium

59. What is the average glomerular filtration rate?

A) 10 L per day
B) 180 L per day
C) 1,500 ml per day
D) 1 ml per minute

60. Which of the following is usually not found in the urine?

A) Magnesium
B) Urea
C) Uric acid
D) Glucose

61. How much urine is formed in 24 hours?

A) 12 liters
B) 100 ml
C) 1.5 L
D) 3,000 cc

62. Renin acts on _____ to convert it to angiotensin I.

A) Angiotensin II
B) Angiotensinogen
D) Aldosterone

63. The targets of angiotensin II are blood vessels and _____.

A) Nerves
B) Adrenal cortex
C) Adrenal medulla
D) Kidney nephron

64. Tubular re-absorption occurs from the nephron tubules into the _____.

A) Loop of Henle
B) Peritubular capillaries
C) Renal corpuscle
D) Renal pyramid

65. Most tubular re-absorption occurs at the _____.

A) Loop of Henle
B) Distal convoluted tubule
C) Proximal convoluted tubule
D) Glomerulus

66. Where are most micro-villi found?

A) Loop of Henle
B) Distal convoluted tubule
C) Loop of Henle
D) Proximal convoluted tubule

67. Which of the following occurred by active transport?

A) Albumin in the urine
B) Creatinine in the urine
C) Re-absorption of water at the proximal tubule
D) Re-absorption of amino acids

68. Which of these does not operate under a renal threshold mechanism?

A) Creatinine
B) Ascorbic acid
C) Sodium
D) Citric acid

69. The action of aldosterone is to increase _____.

A) Sodium elimination
B) Sodium reabsorption
C) Potassium reabsorption
D) Chloride excretion

70. How much sodium is actively reabsorbed by the proximal segment of the nephron?

A) 10%
B) 1%
C) 70%
D) 99%

71. Eating large amounts of meat will increase the levels of _____ in the blood.

A) Protein
B) Creatinine
C) Urea
D) Uric acid

Urinary System Objective Questions and Answers Pdf Download

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