250+ TOP MCQs on Maxwell Law and Answers

Electromagnetic Theory Multiple Choice Questions on “Maxwell Law”.

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1. The first Maxwell law is based on which law?
A. Ampere law
B. Faraday law
C. Lenz law
D. Faraday and Lenz law

Answer: D
Clarification: The first Maxwell equation states that Curl(E) = -dB/dt. It is based on the emf concept. Thus it is derived from the Faraday and Lenz law.

2. The benefit of Maxwell equation is that
A. Any parameter can be calculated
B. Antenna can be designed
C. Polarisation of the wave can be calculated
D. Transmission line constants can be found

Answer: A
Clarification: The Maxwell equation relates the parameters E, D, H, B. When one parameter is known the other parameters can be easily calculated. In other words, it is used to relate an electric field parameter with its equivalent magnetic field.

3. The correct sequence to find H, when D is given is
A. D-E-B-H
B. D-B-E-H
C. It cannot be computed from the data given
D. D-H

Answer: A
Clarification: There is no direct relation between D and H, so the option D-H is not possible. Using the formula D = εE, the parameter E can be computed from D. By Maxwell equation, Curl(E) = -dB/dt, the parameter B can be calculated. Using the formula B = μH, the parameter H can be calculated. Thus the sequence is D-E-B-H.

4. The curl of the electric field intensity is
A. Conservative
B. Rotational
C. Divergent
D. Static

Answer: B
Clarification: The curl of electric field intensity is Curl(E). From Maxwell law, the curl of E is a non-zero value. Thus E will be rotational.

5. Which of the following identities is always zero for static fields?
A. Grad(Curl V)
B. Curl(Div V)
C. Div(Grad V)
D. Curl(Grad V)

Answer: D
Clarification: The curl of gradient of a vector is always zero. This is because the gradient of V is E and the curl of E is zero for static fields.

6. Find the Maxwell first law value for the electric field intensity is given by A sin wt az
A. 0
B. 1
C. -1
D. A

Answer: A
Clarification: The value of Maxwell first equation is Curl(E). The curl of E is zero. Thus for the given field, the value of Maxwell equation is zero. Thus the field is irrotational.

7. Find the electric field applied on a system with electrons having a velocity 5m/s subjected to a magnetic flux of 3.6 units.
A. 15
B. 18
C. 1.38
D. 0.72

Answer: B
Clarification: The electric field intensity is the product of the velocity and the magnetic flux density. Thus E = v x B, on substituting v = 5 and B = 3.6, we get E = 5 x 3.6 = 18 units.

8. Which of the following relations holds good?
A. Bq = ILE
B. E = ILBq
C. Eq = ILB
D. B = ILEq

Answer: C
Clarification: The force of a electrostatic field in given by F = Eq. The force on a conductor is given by F = BIL. In the case when a charge exists on a conductor, both the forces can be equated. Thus Eq = BIL is true.

9. When the Maxwell equation is expressed in frequency domain, then which substitution is possible?
A. d/dt = w/j
B. d/dt = j/w
C. d/dt = jw
D. Expression in frequency domain is not possible

Answer: C
Clarification: The conversion of time to frequency domain in Maxwell equation is given by the Fourier Transform. Differentiation in time gives jw in frequency domain. Thus d/dt = jw in frequency domain.

10. Calculate the emf of a material having a flux linkage of 2t2 at time t = 1second.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16

Answer: B
Clarification: The emf of a material is given by Vemf = -dλ/dt. On substituting λ = 2t2, the emf is 4t. At t = 1 sec, the emf will be 4 units.

11. Calculate the emf of a material having flux density 5sin t in an area of 0.5 units.
A. 2.5 sin t
B. -2.5 cos t
C. -5 sin t
D. 5 cos t

Answer: D
Clarification: The emf can be written as Vemf = -d(∫B.ds)/dt. It can be written as Vemf = -B= -5sin t, since the integration and differentiation gets cancelled.

12. To find D from B, sequence followed will be
A. B-E-D
B. B-H-D
C. E-H-D
D. E-B-D

Answer: A
Clarification: Using Maxwell equation, from B we can calculate E by Curl(E) = -dB /dt. From E, D can be calculated by D = εE. Thus the sequence is B->E->D.

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