250+ TOP MCQs on Fuel System and Answers

Energy Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Fuel System”.

1. Which among the following are of great importance in a diesel power plant?
A. Tight pipe joints
B. Orifices
C. Air compressors
D. High grade filters

Answer: D
clarification: Due importance should be given for cleanliness in handling bulk fuel oil. Dirt particles will ruin lap of injection pumps or plug the injection nozzle orifices. Thus, high grade filters are of great importance to the diesel oil supply system.

2. Fuel injection system is the _______ of the diesel engine.
A. sole part
B. heart
C. main part
D. part

Answer: B
clarification: Function of fuel injection system are:


  • Filter the fuel.
  • Measure the correct quantity of fuel to be injected.
  • Proper time the fuel injection.
  • Control the rate of fuel injection.
  • Break up the fuel into fine particles.
  • Properly distribute the fuel in the combustion chamber.


3. How much amount of fuel must be measured out in a fuel injection system?
A. Very high
B. Very Small
C. High
D. Medium

Answer: B
clarification: Fuel injection system is the heart of diesel engine. In an injection system very small quantity of fuel must be measured out, injected, atomized, and mixed with combustion air. The mixing problem becomes more difficult. The larger the cylinder and faster is the rotational speed. However, special combustion arrangements such as pre-combustion chambers, air cells etc, are necessary to ensure good mixture.

4. Injection systems are cheap.
A. True
B. False
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Answer: B
clarification: The injection systems, especially the parts that actually are manufactured with great accuracy meter and inject the fuel. Some of the tolerances between the moving parts are so small that they require some special attention during manufacture. Hence the injection systems are costly.

5. How many are the number of commonly used fuel injection systems in diesel power stations?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 5

Answer: C
clarification: There are three most commonly used fuel injection systems in diesel power station, they are:
i) Common rail injection system.
ii) Individual pump injection system.
iii) Distributor.

6. Atomization of fuel can be done in how many ways?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Answer: A
clarification: Atomization of fuel can be done by (i) Air blast (ii) Pressure spray. In the olden days engines used air fuel injection at about 70bar which is sufficient not only to inject the oil, but also to atomize it for rapid and thorough combustion. The expense of providing an air compressor tank leads to the development of “solid” injection.

7. How many types of common rail injection systems are there?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Answer: B
clarification: There are basically two types of common rail injection systems which are by using single pump and using controlled pressure system. In case of single pump, it supplies high pressure fuel to header. In the controlled pressure system, it has a pump which maintains a set head pressure.

8. Common rail system prototype was first developed in year?
A. 1945
B. 1950
C. 1960
D. 1975
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Answer: C
clarification: The common rail system prototype was developed in late 1960s by Robert Huber of Switzerland and the technology further developed by Dr. Marco Ganser at the Swiss federal institute of technology in Zurich, later of Ganser-Hydromag AG (est. 1995) Oberageri.