250+ TOP MCQs on Frequency Reuse and Answers

Wireless & Mobile Communications Multiple Choice Questions on “Frequency Reuse”.

1. Cellular concept replaces many low power transmitters to a single high power transmitter.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Clarification: Cellular concept is a system level idea that replaces a single high power transmitter to many low power transmitters. High power transmitters lead to large cell, and thus it was impossible to use the same frequencies throughout the systems. But, it is possible with low power transmitter.

2. Why neighbouring stations are assigned different group of channels in cellular system?
a) To minimize interference
b) To minimize area
c) To maximize throughput
d) To maximize capacity of each cell

Answer: a
Clarification: Neighbouring base stations are assigned different group of channels. It minimizes the interference between base stations and the users under their control.

3. What is a cell in cellular system?
a) A group of cells
b) A group of subscribers
c) A small geographical area
d) A large group of mobile systems

Answer: c
Clarification: Cell is a small geographic area in a cellular system. Each cellular base station within a cell is allocated a group of radio channels that could be used in another cell.

4. What is frequency reuse?
a) Process of selecting and allocating channels
b) Process of selection of mobile users
c) Process of selecting frequency of mobile equipment
d) Process of selection of number of cells

Answer: a
Clarification: Frequency reuse is the process of using the same radio frequencies on radio transmitter sites within a geographic area. They are separated by sufficient distance to cause minimal interference with each other.

5. Which of the following is a universally adopted shape of cell?
a) Square
b) Circle
c) Triangle
d) Hexagon

Answer: d
Clarification: Hexagonal cell shape is a simplistic model of radio coverage for each base station. It has been universally adopted since the hexagon permits easy and manageable analysis of a cellular system.

6. Actual radio coverage of a cell is called __________
a) Fingerprint
b) Footprint
c) Imprint
d) Matrix

Answer: b
Clarification: Actual radio coverage of a cell is known as the footprint. It is determined from field measurements or propagation prediction models. Although the real footprint is amorphous in nature, a regular cell shape is needed for systematic system design.

7. Why the shape of cell is not circle?
a) Omni directionality
b) Small area
c) Overlapping regions or gaps are left
d) Complex design

Answer: c
Clarification: Circle is the first natural choice to represent the coverage area of a base station. But while adopting this shape, adjacent cells cannot be overlaid upon a map without leaving gaps or creating overlapping regions.

8. What is the main reason to adopt hexagon shape in comparison to square and triangle?
a) Largest area
b) Simple design
c) Small area
d) Single directional

Answer: a
Clarification: For a given distance between the center of a polygon and its farthest perimeter points, the hexagon has the largest area. Thus, by using the hexagon geometry, the fewest number of cells can cover a geographic region.

9. Which type of antenna is used for center excited cells?
a) Dipole antenna
b) Grid antenna
c) Sectored antenna
d) Omnidirectional antenna

Answer: d
Clarification: For center excited cells, base station transmitters are used at the center of cell. To cover the whole cell, omnidirectional antenna is the best choice for base station transmitters.

10. Which type of antenna is used for edge excited cells?
a) Omnidirectional antenna
b) Grid antenna
c) Sectored directional antenna
d) Dipole antenna

Answer: c
Clarification: For edge excited cell, mostly base station transmitters are placed on three of the six cell vertices. To cover the assigned portion of a cell, sectored directional antenna is the best choice.

11. For a cellular system, if there are N cells and each cell is allocated k channel. What is the total number of available radio channels, S?
a) S=k*N
b) S=k/N
c) S=N/k
d) S=kN

Answer: a
Clarification: If there is a cellular system with total of S duplex channels. Each cell is allocated a group of k channels and there are total N cells in the system, S channels are divide among N cells into unique and disjoint channel groups. Therefore, total number of radio channel is the product of total number of cells in the system (N) and number of channel allocated to each cell (k).

12. What is a cluster in a cellular system?
a) Group of frequencies
b) Group of cells
c) Group of subscribers
d) Group of mobile systems

Answer: b
Clarification: Cluster is group of N cells. These cells use the complete set of frequency available for the cellular system at that location.

13. What is a frequency reuse factor for N number of cells in a system?
a) N
b) N2
c) 2*N
d) 1/N

Answer: d
Clarification: The frequency reuse factor is defined as 1 over the number of cells in the cluster of the system (N). It is given by 1/N since each cell within a cluster is only assigned 1/N of the total available channels in the system.

14. Capacity of a cellular system is directly proportional to __________
a) Number of cells
b) Number of times a cluster is replicated
c) Number of Base stations
d) Number of users

Answer: b
Clarification: The capacity of a cellular system is directly proportional to the number of times a cluster is replicated in a fixed area. If the cluster size N is reduced while the cell size is kept constant, more clusters are required to cover a given area, and hence more capacity is achieved.

15. A spectrum of 30 MHz is allocated to a cellular system which uses two 25 KHz simplex channels to provide full duplex voice channels. What is the number of channels available per cell for 4 cell reuse factor?
a) 150 channels
b) 600 channels
c) 50 channels
d) 85 channels

Answer: a
Clarification: Total bandwidth is 30 MHz. And the channel bandwidth is 50 KHz/duplex channel (25KHz*2). Therefore, total available channels are 600 channels (30,000/50). For 4 cell reuse factor, total number of channels available per cell will be 150 channels (600/4).