250+ TOP MCQs on Classification of Energy Resources and Answers

Renewable Energy Multiple Choice Questions on “Classification of Energy Resources”.

1. Based on usability, Energy Resources are classified into _____
a) primary, secondary and tertiary resources
b) primary and secondary resources
c) primary, secondary, intermediate and tertiary resources
d) primary, intermediate and secondary resources
Answer: d
Clarification: On the basis of usability, Energy Resources are classified into Primary, Intermediate and Secondary Resources. Primary Resources are present in nature prior to human interference or modification. Intermediate Resources are obtained from primary resources after one or more stages of transformation while Secondary Resources are the form of energy that is finally supplied to the consumer for utilization.

2. Which of the following is not a type of primary resource?
a) Crude Oil
b) Coal
c) Hydrogen Energy
d) Sunlight
Answer: c
Clarification: Hydrogen is mainly obtained from Fossil Fuels, which are primary sources of energy. Therefore, Hydrogen energy is a secondary source of energy. Crude Oil, Coal, and Sunlight are the primary source of energy since they can be directly obtained from nature.

3. The ratio of energy received from a raw energy source to energy spent to obtain the raw energy source is called as _____
a) consumption ratio
b) fuel ratio
c) energy yield ratio
d) joule ratio
Answer: c
Clarification: The ratio of the energy provided by a system (like Wind Energy Conversion Systems) over its lifetime to the energy required to make it is called its energy yield ratio.

4. Energy Resources which are being used for many decades are known as _____
a) conventional energy sources
b) non-conventional energy sources
c) primary energy sources
d) fuel cells
Answer: a
Clarification: Conventional sources of energy are those sources that are being used traditionally for a long time i.e. coal, petroleum, firewood, etc. Non-conventional sources are relatively new in terms of utilization.

5. A new renewable energy system is designed to harvest energy from wind. The total energy required to build the system is 240 kJ. The energy yield ratio of the system is 14:3. The total energy provided by the system over its lifetime is _____
a) 18,000 kJ
b) 54,000 kJ
c) 1,120 kJ
d) 2,258 kJ
Answer: c
Clarification: We know that the energy yield ratio (Ey) of a system is given by
Ey = (frac{E_s}{E_r})
Where Es = Energy supplied by the system over its lifetime
And, Er = Energy required to build the system
Therefore, Ey = (frac{Es}{240} = frac{14}{3})
Or, Es = 240 x (frac{14}{3})
Or, Es = 1120 kJ.

6. Which of the statements is correct about Solar Energy?
a) It is a renewable and conventional source of energy
b) It is a non-renewable and non-conventional source of energy
c) It is a renewable and non-conventional source of energy
d) It is a non-renewable source of energy
Answer: c
Clarification: Solar energy is a source of energy that has not been used traditionally and is relatively new in terms of usage. Hence it is a non-conventional source of energy. It is unlimited and inexhaustible and hence is a renewable source of energy.

7. Wind and Hydrogen energy are examples of_________
a) primary sources
b) primary and secondary sources respectively
c) secondary sources
d) tertiary sources
Answer: b
Clarification: Wind energy is directly available in the environment, so it is a primary energy source while Hydrogen energy is obtained from fossil fuels and hence is a secondary energy source.

8. On the basis of long-term availability, resources are classified into____
a) conventional and non-conventional resources
b) renewable and non-renewable resources
c) primary and secondary resources
d) commercial and non-commercial resources
Answer: b
Clarification: On the basis of traditional use resources are classified into conventional and non-conventional resources. On the basis of long-term availability, resources are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. Based on the usability of energy, resources are classified into primary, intermediate and secondary resources. Based on commercial applications, resources are classified into commercial and non-commercial resources.

9. Which of these Energy resources is/are widely used in industries?
a) Coal and Gasoline
b) Wood
c) Biogas
d) Crop Residue
Answer: a
Clarification: Coal and gasoline are commercial resources that are widely used in industries such as Steel, Cement, Electricity, etc. Firewood and crop residue are generally used for domestic purposes. Biogas has some industrial uses such as for electricity generation but is not used widely.

10. Which of these resources does not produce CO2 during electricity generation?
a) Coal
b) Methane
c) Uranium
d) Biogas
Answer: c
Clarification: Coal, Methane, and Biogas produce CO2 during electricity generation as all of them have some carbon content, which on combustion produces CO2. Uranium produces energy by the process of nuclear fission and does not produce CO2.

11. On the basis of origin, energy resources are classified into natural and artificial resources.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: Based on Origin, energy resources are classified into Fossil fuels, Nuclear, Solar, Wind, Biomass, Geothermal, Tidal, Ocean thermal, Ocean wave and Hydro energy.

12. Which of these is the major contributor to world pollution?
a) Commercial resources
b) Non-Commercial Resources
c) Renewable Resources
d) Nuclear Energy
Answer: a
Clarification: Commercial resources are the major contributor to world pollution. Resources like Coal, Coke, Gasoline, etc which are used commercially produce a large chunk of total CO2 produced on earth. To combat this problem and for sustainable development, renewable sources should replace these forms of energy.

13. Half of the world’s energy needs are fulfilled by renewable energy sources.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: 89 percent of the total energy produced is from non-renewable resources i.e. Coal(27%), Natural Gas(24%), Oil(34%) and Nuclear Energy(11%). Only 11% of the world’s energy needs are fulfilled by Renewable resources.

14. Which of the energy resources were considered for large scale use after the oil crisis of 1973?
a) Conventional Sources
b) Non-Conventional Sources
c) Non-renewable sources
d) Primary Sources
Answer: b
Clarification: The oil crisis of 1973 caused oil prices to increase drastically. This also caused the inflation in the price of other commercial resources. Government of all the countries felt the need for alternative sources of energy and non-conventional sources like solar and wind energy were developed for large scale use.

15. The unit of energy yield ratio is _____
a) joule
b) watt
c) joule/Kelvin
d) dimensionless
Answer: d
Clarification: Energy yield ratio is the ratio of energy provided by a system to the energy required to make it which makes it dimensionless since it is the ratio of two quantities with the same unit.