250+ TOP MCQs on Materials for Lintels and Answers Quiz

Construction and Building Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) on “Materials for Lintels”.

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1. A _________ is a horizontal member which is placed across an opening to support the position of the structure above it.
a) Door
b) Window
c) Sill
d) Lintel

Answer: d
Clarification: The function of a lintel is just the same as that of arch or beam. However, the lintels are easy and simple in construction. For an arch, special centring or formwork is required.

2. At present, the lentils of _________ are widely used to span the openings for doors, windows, etc. in a structure.
a) Timber
b) Wood
c) RCC
d) Cement

Answer: c
Clarification: In general, it should be seen that the bearing of lintel i.e. the distance upto which it is inserted in the supporting wall, should be minimum of 100 mm or height of lintel.

3. _________ lintels consist of pieces of timber which are placed across the opening.
a) Timber
b) RCC
c) Steel
d) Brick

Answer: a
Clarification: The Timber Lintels are the oldest type of lintels and they have become absolute except in hilly areas or places where timber is easily available.

4. In Wood or Timber lintels, the depth of lintel should be about __________ to __________ of the span with the minimum value of 80 mm.
a) 1/6,1/4
b) 1/12,1/4
c) 1/12,1/8
d) 1/6,1/8

Answer: c
Clarification: The Wood Lintels are comparatively weak and relieving arches of brick or stone should therefore be provided. The wooden lintels help have in securing the heads of frames of timber doors and windows.

5. ___________ consist of slabs of Stones which are placed across the opening.
a) Stone Lintels
b) Brick Lintels
c) Steel Lintels
d) Wood Lintels

Answer: a
Clarification: The stone ring tones may be formed of a single piece or more than one piece the stone lintels are not generally favoured mainly due to the stone possess low tensile resistance.

6. ___________ consist of bricks which are generally placed on one end or edge.
a) Stone Lintels
b) Brick Lintels
c) Wood Lintels
d) Timber Lintels

Answer: b
Clarification: It is founded the bricks having frogs are more suitable for the brick lintel. It is due to the fact that the frogs, filled with mortar, form keys between different layers and thus the shear resistance of end joint is increased.

7. ______________ consists of Steel angles or rolled Steel joists.
a) RCC Lintels
b) Steel Lintels
c) Wood Lintels
d) Timber Lintels

Answer: b
Clarification: The Steel Lintels are used for small spans and light loading and the latter is used for large span and heavy loading. A steel lintel becomes useful when there is no space available to accommodate the rise of an arch.

8. ____________ consists of the reinforcement cement concrete and they have replaced practically all other materials for the lintels.
a) RCC Lintels
b) Wood Lintels
c) Stone Lintels
d) Timber Lintels

Answer: a
Clarification: The RCC lintels are fireproof, durable, strong, economical and easy to construct. No relieving arches are necessary when the RCC lintels are adopted.

9. The usual concrete mix for RCC lintel is ___________ (cement:sand:aggregate).
a) 1:2:3
b) 1:2:4
c) 1:4:8
d) 1:3:6

Answer: b
Clarification: The usual Congress mixed for RCC lintel is 1:2:4 i.e. 1 part of cement, two parts of sand and four parts of aggregate by volume. The plain concrete lintel can be used up to a span of about 800 mm.

10. ___________ arrangement helps in improving the appearance of the face and also reduces the quality of concrete.
a) Rebated boot lintel
b) D.P.C.
c) RCC
d) Reboot Lintel

Answer: a
Clarification: A flexible D.P.C. should be provided and the toe of the boot should be strong enough to bear the load of the wall above it.

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