250+ TOP MCQs on Topographic Survey and Answers

Surveying Multiple Choice Questions on “Topographic Survey”.

1. Which survey involves in the collection of information about the elevation of points?
a) Topographic survey
b) Marine survey
c) Township survey
d) Road survey
Answer: a
Clarification: Topographic survey involves in the gathering of data of the elevation points of land, which are used in the preparation of contour lines on a plot. It can be able to differentiate man made and naturally occurring lands.

2. Which of the following describes the usage of the topographic survey?
a) Sanitary line maps
b) Water line maps
c) Electric line maps
d) Topographic maps
Answer: d
Clarification: Topographic survey output is used in case of different fields. Those include the production of topographic maps, construction of topographic profiles and establishing vertical and horizontal control for defining locations.

3. Among the following, which is not a principle of the topographic survey?
a) Establishing horizontal and vertical control
b) Orientation of each survey
c) Orientation of only main station
d) Work with most accurate methods
Answer: c
Clarification: The general principles of the topographic survey includes the selection of scale in advance, work with most accurate methods, orientation of each survey, establishing horizontal and vertical control.

4. Horizontal distance measurement can be done by using ________
a) Chaining
b) Tachymetry
c) Theodolite survey
d) Compass survey
Answer: b
Clarification: Tachymetry is adopted in case of topographical surveying for measuring the horizontal distance. This is the optical means of measuring distance using a telescope with a stadia rod.

5. Difference in elevation levels can be determined by using ____________
a) Chaining
b) Vertical staff
c) Leveling staff
d) Level telescope
Answer: d
Clarification: The difference in elevation can be determined by using the level telescope and a stadia rod. It can also be done by measuring the vertical angles and slope distances. These are obtained by calculating the sine of the angle obtained.

6. Which of the following doesn’t include in the method of the topological survey?
a) Vertical distance
b) Horizontal distance
c) Direction
d) Difference in elevation
Answer: a
Clarification: Topological survey involves certain methodology, which can be given as horizontal distance, difference in elevation and direction. Each of these is having certain instrumental usage which makes it best in certain conditions.

7. Vernier scale is used in which of the following methodology?
a) Horizontal angle
b) Direction
c) Vertical angle
d) Marine survey
Answer: b
Clarification: The usage of vernier scale is done in the direction method of topological survey. This is used for having a precise output in the measurements that are recorded. Compass is used while taking horizontal angles.

8. Which of the following is not a type of horizontal angle used in case of topographic survey?
a) Bearing
b) Azimuth
c) Horizontal angle
d) Deflection angle
Answer: c
Clarification: In general, topographic survey involves in the usage of different types of horizontal angles, which are given as bearings, azimuth, deflection angle, interior angle. These are used in the calculations of topological survey.

9. Open traverse is used in case of topological survey.
a) False
b) True
Answer: b
Clarification: Topological survey uses the different types of traverses among which, open traverse is commonly adopted. This involves surveying from a known position to unknown position.

10. Shape of the earth can act as an error in case of topological survey.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: Topological survey can have certain errors related to the shape of the earth (geoid). This is considered only in the case of geological survey but not in plane surveying. Both of these methods will be adopted based on the accuracy of the output.

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