250+ TOP MCQs on Organisms – Asexual Reproduction and Answers

Biology Multiple Choice Questions on “Organisms – Asexual Reproduction”.

1. Which of the following undergoes binary fission?
a) Amoeba
b) Hydra
c) Yeast
d) Ring worm
Answer: a

2. How does hydra reproduce?
a) Gemmules
b) Budding
c) Conidia
d) Zoospores

Answer: a
Clarification: Hydra reproduces by forming buds externally. It grows and develops tentacles. It eventually separates from the parent and lives an independent life. This process may also be known as fragmentation in hydra since a part of it falls of and starts growing independently.

3. Which organism undergoes the phenomenon of encystation?
a) Plants
b) Amoeba
c) Ring worm
d) Fungi

Answer: b
Clarification: Amoeba undergoes the phenomenon of encystation. Under unfavorable conditions, amoeba withdraws its pseudopodium and secretes a cyst that covers it.

4. Amoeba undergoes sporulation.
a) False
b) True

Answer: b
Clarification: Sporulation is the phenomenon of encysted amoeba undergoing multiple fission to produce pseudopodiospores that are scattered into the environment to grow independently.

5. Offset can also be described as a ______
a) Thick runner
b) Thin tuber
c) Long rhizome
d) Short suckers

Answer: a
Clarification: Offset is a thick runner type branch that helps in vegetative propagation by sub aerial stems. It can grow even if there is an injury and it will grow independently. Examples are Pistia, Eichhornia.

6. Which one of the following is an example of a runner?
a) Lolium multiflorum
b) Narcissus
c) Bryophyllum daigremontianum
d) Kalanchoe

Answer: a
Clarification: Lolium multiflorum also known as lawn grass is a type of runner. Narcissus is a plant that reproduces by bulb formation, like onions and the other 2 are plants that reproduce by adventitious buds.

7. What is budding also called in yeast?
a) Archaeocytes
b) Vegetative propagation
c) Torulation
d) Fragmentation

Answer: c
Clarification: Budding is the process of formation of small mini structures similar to the parent that grow to an extent and then falls off to grow independently. It is also called torulation in yeast as a parent cell. Buds bearing buds resemble a fungi genus Torula.

8. Which of the following is not an example of vegetative propagation?
a) Offset
b) Sucker
c) Rhizome
d) Fragmentation

Answer: d
Clarification: In some organisms a body part breaks and forms into an independent organism just like the parent. Hydra is one such organism which undergoes reproduction like that.

9. Which of the following is commonly known as walking fern?
a) Kalanchoe
b) Saintpaulia
c) Begonia
d) Adiantum caudatum

Answer: d
Clarification: Adiantum caudatum is commonly known as walking fern. This is because their leaf tips form new plants when they come in contact with the soil. Others are an example of plants that reproduce by leaves. It forms buds on the notches and falls off when old enough to grow on its own. In begonia, the injured leaf grows into a new plant.

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