Data Science Multiple Choice Questions on “Time Deltas”.
1. Which of the following operations are supported on Time Frames?
a) idxmax
b) ixmax
c) ixmin
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Operands can also appear in a reversed order.
2. Point out the correct statement.
a) Timedeltas are differences in times, expressed in difference units
b) You can construct a Timedelta scalar through various argument
c) DateOffsets cannot be used in construction
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Timedeltas can be both positive and negative.
3. Numeric reduction operation for timedelta64[ns] will return _________ objects.
a) Timeseries
b) Timeplus
c) Timedelta
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: NaT are skipped during evaluation.
4. Which of the following scalars can be converted to other ‘frequencies’ by as typing to a specific timedelta type?
a) Timedelta Series
b) TimedeltaIndex
c) Timedelta
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: These operations yield Series and propagate NaT -> nan.
5. Point out the wrong statement.
a) min, max, idxmin, idxmax operations are supported on Series
b) You cannot pass a timedelta to get a particular value
c) Division by the numpy scalar is true division
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Dividing or multiplying a timedelta64[ns] Series by an integer or integer Series yields another timedelta64[ns] dtypes Series.
6. Which of the following is used to generate an index with time delta?
a) TimeIndex
b) TimedeltaIndex
c) LeadIndex
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Using TimedeltaIndex you can pass string-like, Timedelta, timedelta, or np.timedelta64 objects.
7. Combination of TimedeltaIndex with DatetimeIndex allow certain combination operations that are NaT preserving.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: You can also convert indices to yield another index.
8. Using _________ on categorical data will produce similar output to a Series or DataFrame of type string.
a) .desc()
b) .describe()
c) .rank()
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Categorical data has a categories and a ordered property.
9. Which of the following method can be used to rename categorical data?
a) Categorical.rename_categories()
b) Categorical.rename()
c) Categorical.mv_categories()
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Renaming categories is done by assigning new values to the property.
10. All values of categorical data are either in categories or np.nan.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Categoricals are pandas data type.