250+ TOP MCQs on Linux OS and its Security and Answers

Cyber Security Multiple Choice Questions on “Linux OS and its Security”.

1. _________ is one of the most secured Linux OS that provides anonymity and an incognito option for securing its user data.
a) Fedora
b) Tails
c) Ubuntu
d) OpenSUSE

Answer: b
Clarification: If any user is looking for Linux based security solutions, Tails is one of the most popular Linux-based operating systems that provides anonymity and an incognito option for securing its user data.

2. Which of the following OS does not comes under a secured Linux OS list?
a) Qubes OS
b) Tails
c) Tin Hat
d) Ubuntu

Answer: d
Clarification: Qubes OS, Tails OS, and Tin Hat are amongst the most secured Linux Operating Systems (OS) that provide fast and secure Linux experience along with maintaining anonymity for the users.

3. ____________ is a Debian-Linux based OS that has 2 VMs (Virtual Machines) that help in preserving users’ data private.
a) Fedora
b) Ubuntu
c) Whonix
d) Kubuntu

Answer: c
Clarification: Whonix is a Debian-Linux based OS that has 2 VMs (Virtual Machines) that help in preserving users’ data private. One VM is a Tor Gateway that runs Debian while the other is Workstation.

4. Subgraph OS is a Debian based Linux distro which provides hardcore anonymity and is approved by Edward Snowden.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Clarification: Subgraph OS is a secured Debian-based Linux distro which provides hardcore anonymity and is approved by Edward Snowden. It helps the users give anonymous digital experience along with data hardening feature.

5. Which of the following comes under secured Linux based OS?
a) Ubuntu
b) Fedora
c) Kubuntu
d) Tails

Answer: d
Clarification: If any user is looking for Linux based security solutions, Tails is one of the most popular Linux-based operating systems that provide anonymity and incognito option for securing its user data.

6. Using the ______ account of a UNIX system, one can carry out administrative functions.
a) root
b) administrative
c) user
d) client

Answer: a
Clarification: Using the root account of a UNIX system, one can carry out administrative functions in the system. Rest of the accounts in the system are unprivileged, i.e. other accounts have no rights beyond accessing of files having proper permission.

7. In your Linux-based system, you have to log-in with your root account for managing any feature of your system.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Clarification: Try to avoid logging in as a root user. In your Linux-based system, you don’t have to log-in with your root account for managing any feature of your system. For the administrative task, you can use the tool or command ‘sudo’ or ‘su’ that gives root privileges.

8. In a Linux-based system, the accounts may be members of 1 or more than one group.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Clarification: In a Linux-based system, the accounts may be members of 1 or more groups. If any group has been assigned to access resources, then from the security perspective, one needs to keep in mind that every member of that group gets access to it automatically.

9. MAC is abbreviated as _______________
a) Machine Access Control
b) Mandatory Accounts Control
c) Mandatory Access Controlling
d) Mandatory Access Control

Answer: d
Clarification: Mandatory Access Control systems provides separation of a computer and its OS into several small discrete sections. This is because the user of a system can only utilize those pieces of a system for which they’ve been given permission to.

10. _______________ in a system is given so that users can use dedicated parts of the system for which they’ve been given access to.
a) Machine Access Control
b) Mandatory Accounts Control
c) Mandatory Access Control
d) Mandatory Access Controlling

Answer: c
Clarification: Mandatory Access Control is a technique that provides separation of a computer with its OS into several small discrete sections so that the user of a system can only utilize those pieces of a system for which they’ve been given permission to.

11. DTE is abbreviated as ___________________
a) Domain and Type Enforcing
b) Domain and Type Enforcement
c) DNS and Type Enforcement
d) DNS and Type Enforcing

Answer: b
Clarification: Domain and Type Enforcement is a technique for access-control in technology and in OS like Linux which helps in limiting the access of programs that are running, to limited users, or only to those who have permission to access.

12. RBAC is abbreviated as ______________
a) Rule-Based Accessing Control
b) Role-Based Access Control
c) Rule-Based Access Control
d) Role-Based Accessing Control

Answer: b
Clarification: RBAC which is abbreviated as Role-Based Access Control defines a set of functions for users in a Linux system and is often built on top of DTE systems. Here users can log for certain roles and run particular programs that are apposite for the role.

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