250+ TOP MCQs on Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers – Concurrent and Countercurrent Operation

Heat Transfer Operations Multiple Choice Questions on “Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers – Concurrent and Countercurrent Operation”.

1. In a shell and tube heat exchanger, the flow pattern is usually ________
a) Concurrent
b) Counter current
c) Concurrent at a part and Counter current at the other
d) Mixed flow

Answer: c
Clarification: In a shell and tube HE when the fluids are flowing in their respective paths, there are regions where both Concurrent and Counter current flow is observed.

2. In a 2-4 Shell and Tube heat exchanger, how many concurrent and counter current flow regimes are observed?
a) 2 concurrent and 2 counter current
b) 1 concurrent and 1 counter current
c) 4 concurrent and 0 counter current
d) 0 concurrent and 4 counter current

Answer: a
Clarification: In a 2-4 Shell and Tube heat exchanger, we observe alternate concurrent and counter current flow regimes, as there are total 4 interaction areas, we get alternating 2 concurrent and 2 counter current flow patterns.

3. In a 1-2 Shell and Tube heat exchanger, how many concurrent and counter current flow regimes are observed?
a) 2 concurrent and 2 counter current
b) 1 concurrent and 1 counter current
c) 4 concurrent and 0 counter current
d) 0 concurrent and 4 counter current

Answer: b
Clarification: In a 1-2 Shell and Tube heat exchanger, we observe alternate concurrent and counter current flow regimes, as there are total 2 interaction areas, we get alternating 1 concurrent and 1 counter current flow patterns.

4. In a shell and tube Heat exchanger, sometimes flow regimes cannot be expressed as concurrent or counter-current.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Clarification: Flow regimes can always be represented by counter-current and concurrent by any point of consideration in the setup as possible. This is because the fluid in contact with the tube always has a direction of flow.

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