300+ TOP Production & Operations Management MCQs and Answers

Production and Operations Management Multiple Choice Questions

1. Information flow at every stage identifies the ____ that are taking place.
Answer: Value additions

2. The quantities of each of the items have to be assessed for ____, ____, ____ and ____.
Answer: Procurement, storage, inspection and receipt

3. Just-in-time and Lean Manufacturing methodologies were developed to ____ the ____ across the organisation.
Answer: Minimise, wastages

4. ____ sets the quantity of each end item to be completed each week of the short-range planning ____, ____ and ____.
Answer: Master Production Schedule

5. ____ is very efficient in incorporating low cost and non-intrusive methods of improving.
Answer: Quality circles

6. ____ and ____ drag the productivity of a manufacturing system.
Answer: Inventory, Breakdown

7. The operations are based on ____, ____ and ____.
Answer: Sequencing, loading and dispatching

8. When the task is performed systematically under ____ and _____ the job gets done better. The purpose of training is to enhance____.
Answer: Supervision and Guidance, performance

9. Mechanisation helps in improving _____, ____ and ____the materials in addition to relieving the monotony of the workers.
Answer: Identification, pick-up, and repacking

10. When multiple zones are covered simultaneously in different zones we call them ____.
Answer: Parallel routing

11. Directives they need have to be ____, ____ and ____.
Answer: Accurate, timely and sufficient

12. Type of storage we provide depends on the average ____ and ____.
Answer: Duration of storage and the frequency of retrieval.

13. Many times ____will not solve some fundamental problems of the basic design of the system, ____ or inappropriate methodologies.
Answer: Mechanisation, inadequate forecasting

14. Sometimes bulk handling ____ systems are used for ____.
Answer: Belt conveyors, sorting and transporting

15. ____ though dependent on pieces per hour or lines per hour will have to be adjusted to suit the peculiarities of the situation.
Answer: Productivity measures

16. ____ should be such that the strategies of different functions are designed to lend support to one another.
Answer: Organisation strategy

17. Features contribute to a large extent in that they address the ____ of the ____.
Answer: Requirement, Customer

18. ____ is mainly concerned with allocating time slots for different jobs.
Answer: Scheduling

19. Tools like ____ are used to make the choice or choices from among many aspects in any one of the above categories.
Answer: Pareto Analysis

20. _____ is resorted to as a measure of identifying strengths in the organisation.
Answer: Internal Benchmarking

21. ____ in the banking sector has resulted in ATMs which save the banks a huge amount of labour.
Answer: Automation

22. ____ receive orders for materials from anywhere in the production area, collect materials and deliver materials to the workstations.
Answer: Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS)

23. In ____ where one component is manufactured using several operations and machines it is possible to achieve this condition or very nearly.
Answer: Special purpose machine

24. It is not possible to think of ____ a flow line. ____ cannot be permitted.
Answer: inventories, Bottlenecks

25. _____ are designed so that the assembly tasks are performed in the sequence they are designed.
Answer: Product layouts

26. In ____ lines the moving pallets move the materials from station to station.
Answer: Automated assembly

27. _____ of arranging machines helps in flexibility, because when machines that have similar processes are grouped together.
Answer: Cellular layout

28. Since _____ are capable of producing different components, we have flexibility in the manufacturing process.
Answer: Reprogrammed operations

29. ____ is a process by which a new product is developed in small numbers so as to determine the suitability of the materials.
Answer: Prototyping

30. Flexibility has three dimensions in the manufacturing field. They are ___, ____, and ____.
Answer: Variety, Volume and Time

31. Factors influencing plant location can be broadly divided into two types namely ___ and __.
Answer: The production process and the type of production

32. Different types of layouts are in vogue depending upon ____and ____.
Answer: General Factors and Special Factors

33. _____and projections based on simulation or some other techniques helps in optimising this aspect.
Answer: Historic data

34. ____is a process where the resultant effect of all factors both cost increasing and decreasing elements in each of them is analysed.
Answer: Optimisation

35. ____will have in terms of their____ – quantities and timeliness.
Answer: Resources, availability

36. In the________, each work centre’s contribution is vital as materials are scheduled, routed and loaded.
Answer: Pipeline of production

37. TQM is the management and control of ____.
Answer: Quality-related activities

38. Customer’s perception of adequacy, if not excellence, goes a long way in establishing___.
Answer: Long term relationships

39. Variability is inherent ____.
Answer: In any process

40. The flow chart helps in ____ the ____at which errors have crept in.
Answer: the pin-pointing, exact place

41. ____ measures are essential to keep the quality culture alive.
Answer: Quality improvement

42. Quality is measured as the price paid for ____ and as indexes.
Answer: Non-conformance

43. ____acts as a starting point towards higher efforts for achieving TQM.
Answer: ISO 9000

44. TPM puts the responsibility of ____ where it belongs to the operator who uses the ____.
Answer: Maintenance, equipment

45. The business system contains a combination of _____ organised to meet business objectives.
Answer: Activities

46. ____ is used synonymously used for the software tools also.
Answer: Business Process Modelling

47. Every business activity can be considered as a ____ and represented by a ____.
Answer: Logical process model, diagram

48. Physical process modelling is concerned with the design of ____ meeting the requirements of the business and represents using ____.
Answer: Database, tables

49. The data collected will be set in ____ making the logical data model complete in all respects before we attempt to define the process.
Answer: Logical order

50. ____ enables us to go into details at every stage of the process and verify the____.
Answer: Process definitions, adequacy of data

51. Managing _____ is Business Process Management.
Answer: Information and workflow.

52. BPM is another concept, when implemented makes ____.
Answer: Workflow more productive

53. A project is a set of activities which are networked in order and aimed towards achieving the goals of a project.
Answer: True

54. A process is part of the project which consists of complex instructions to achieve the desired result of any activity of the project.
Answer: False

55. Project management involves understanding its scope and various processes in the project cycle.
Answer: True

56. The project management dimensions are dependent on one another.
Answer: True

57. A graphical way to depict the project management dimensions is to use a “Kiviat diagram”.
Answer: True

58. Project management dimensions are: features, quality, ____, ____ and ____.
Answer: Cost, schedule and staff

59. ICT Offer enormous opportunities for enhancing ___ and ___ viability.
Answer: Business and economics

60. A good project management methodology provides a framework for the processes.
Answer: True

61. Time is not a characteristic of the project mindset.
Answer: False

62. Project mindset does not lay emphasis on flexible processes.
Answer: False

63. A project plan is a preliminary document that guides the ____ of a project.
Answer: Execution

64. ____ is a technique to analyse the content of work and cost by breaking it down into its component parts.
Answer: WBS

65. Process groups consist of ____, planning, ____, controlling, and ____ processes.
Answer: Initiating, executing, closing

66. In the customisation process, smaller projects may need relatively ____ details.
Answer: Less

67. A life cycle of a project consists of monitoring and controlling the project resources as one of the phases.
Answer: True

68. SRA has to be conducted to determine the non-essential requirements of a project in order to achieve the target.
Answer: False

69. The project members must keep a track of the project progress and need not communicate with other related members of the project.
Answer: False

70. Project files have to be frequently updated with suitable version control number and revision status should be maintained for each change.
Answer: True

71. ____ is necessary to control the increase of work at various stages of the project.
Answer: Change control

72. ____ is a methodology which requires the collection of all formal documented procedures, defining how project performance will be monitored and evaluated.
Answer: CMS

73. Risks are those events or conditions that may occur and whose occurrence has a harmful or negative impact on a project.
Answer: True

74. The risk mitigation step must be properly executed by incorporating them into the project schedule.
Answer: True

75. For successful completion of a project every aspect of the project should be monitored and controlled.
Answer: True

76. A ___ comprises a process wherein an input is transformed or converted into the desired output with a feedback procedure.
Answer: System

77. The six Ms associated with the production process are ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___
Answer: Man, machine, materials, money, method, management

78. The transformation process includes ___, ___, ____, and ____
Answer: The alteration, transportation, storage, output

79. Goods are tangible but ___ are intangible.
Answer: Services

80. Marketing establishes the demand for goods and sells what is produced.
Answer: True

81. Finance provides the capital for equipment and resources.
Answer: True

82. Human Resource Management provides and manages manpower.
Answer: True

83. An organization can survive only if its products satisfy the ___.
Answer: Customers

84. The ____ of the product should be competitive to achieve sales.
Answer: Pricing

85. Production and ___ management play a vital role in providing the product or service on time by effectively maintaining production schedules.
Answer: Operations

86. Layout planning deals with the study of how the factory or plant should be laid out for optimum production.
Answer: True

87. Material management deals with the study of the significance of material flow in an organization, the different methods of material handling, etc.
Answer: False

88. Materials handling deals with methods to control inventory, inventory analysis, etc.
Answer: False

89. ___ makes way for fast and efficient operations in manufacturing companies, as well as facilitates cost-saving measures.
Answer: Technology

90. Characteristics of a human being are not thought of as fixed quantities..
Answer: True

91. The ___ process starts by determining that which is required and then working on the pattern for achieving that target.
Answer: Planning

92. A company’s operation strategy is decided by framing its ___.
Answer: Key Success Factors (KSFs)

93.__ related competencies render firm competent to provide products at a lesser price than that offered by rivals.
Answer: Cost/Price

94. ___ priorities are necessary to design new products and services at operational levels.
Answer: Competitive

95. The functional-level managers and supervisors are not required to take timely initiatives and make quick decisions.
Answer: False

96. The common objectives of any kind of organization are ___, ___ and ____.
Answer: Customer satisfaction, profitability, timeliness

97. An effective POM needs to produce goods or render services of the right quality in the right quantities at the right time and at ____.
Answer: Minimal costs

98. The three most important functions in an organization are___, ____, ___, and ____.
Answer: Finance, operations, marketing and sales

99. Production process selection helps in evaluating different process options possible to produce the type of product in terms of volume and variety and other factors to select the best-suited process.
Answer: True

100. Purchasing management is responsible for making the input material available in time, at the right price and in the right quantity and quality.
Answer: True

101. Quality control is responsible for maintaining a minimum inventory of all critical materials and ensuring no overstocking takes place.
Answer: False

102. ____ is a measure of the quantity of output per unit of input.
Answer: Productivity

103. While ____ means doing something at the lowest possible cost, ___ means doing the right thing to create maximum value for the company.
Answer: Efficiency, effectiveness

104. Domestic austerity measures, rising unemployment rates and decelerating external demand for goods and services had a positive impact on growth in 2012.
Answer: False

105. Market analysis makes the assessment of the strength of the competitors for adopting or making changes in the strategy as per the needs of the buyer and offers cost-effective solutions.
Answer: True

106. Companies bring out goods as per the new technological advancement in automotive, electronics and all other fields that provide improved facilities and comforts to the buyers.
Answer: True

107. Resources can be hired but not purchased by the management.
Answer: False

108. The planning of operational strategy and execution is the inherent job to be done by the management.
Answer: True

109. According to ___ (1994), ‘an organization needs a sense of where it is going and what forces in its environment are going to help or hinder it in achieving its goal’.
Answer: Mintzberg

110. A top-down hierarchical approach to strategy consists of three main levels of strategy: ___, ____, and ___.
Answer: Corporate, business, functional

111. Strategy means a planned methodology to complete a given job.
Answer: True

112. Operations strategy is a set of decisions taken across the organization to help support the implementation of competitive business strategies.
Answer: True

113. The ___ crisis dominated the headlines in 2012 as policymakers attempted to rescue it from the break-up.
Answer: Euro Zone

114. The sales forecasting for a year or lesser period is known as long-run forecasting.
Answer: True

115. The grassroots method suffers from the disadvantage of being highly subjective.
Answer: True

116. Delphi method was developed by the Rand Corporation in the 1950s.
Answer: True

117. Time series method uses ___ data to predict the future.
Answer: Historical

118. The simple average method smoothens random ___.
Answer: Fluctuation

119. Forecasting means to predict about ___ events by the best possible means or tools.
Answer: Future

120. Sales forecasting is the basis for planning various activities, such as production activities, price policies, marketing planning, programmes policies and ___.
Answer: True

121. Product selection and development take place in a single step.
Answer: False

122. In product selection, idea generation means searching for new products.
Answer: True

123. Ideas are listed by companies into three categories: ___ ideas, ___ ideas and ____.
Answer: Promising, marginal, rejects

124. ___ refers to the process of creating new products or modifying the existing ones in a pre-defined time frame.
Answer: Product development

125. Introducing a new product adds to the ____ for an organization by an increase in sales.
Answer: Profitability

126. ____ implies an economical process used for converting raw material into finished goods.
Answer: Process selection

127. ____ is associated with the sequences of operations necessary to meet product specifications.
Answer: Product design

128. Forecast symbolizes a commitment on the part of the sales department and each of its divisions for expected sales.
Answer: Strategies

129. ___ is placing people with the right talent at the right place at the right time for achieving organizational goals.
Answer: Manpower planning

130. In the ____ environment, goods are produced before customers place orders.
Answer: Make-to-Stock

131. Operations technology includes computer software, hardware, etc.
Answer: True

132. The full form of CAD is ____.
Answer: Computer-Aided Design

133. The full form of FMS is ____.
Answer: Flexible Manufacturing System

134. Continuous Production System (CPS) involves the continuous physical flow of material.
Answer: True

135. Process Production is used for ___ items for which the demand is continuous or high.
Answer: Manufacturing

136. An ___ consists of two or more computer-controlled machines linked by handling devices such as robots and transport systems.
Answer: FMS

137. A ___ is a programmable machine designed to handle materials or tools in the performance of a variety of tasks.
Answer: Robot

138. ____ combines several management functions into a logically integrated system and allows the flow of information across these functions.
Answer: ERP

139. ERP is designed to model and automate basic processes across the organization over a ____ database and discards the need for disparate systems maintained by various units of the organization.
Answer: Centralized

140. ERP system grew to replace the islands of information by integrating these traditional business functions.
Answer: True

141. ERP system provides a tremendous boost to the efficiency of daily transactions such as order fulfilment, timely shipment, vendor performance, quality management, invoice reconciliation, sales realization, and cash management.
Answer: True

142. Routing means the determination of the sequence of operations for manufacturing a product or service.
Answer: True

143. Dispatching means preparation and distribution of work orders and manufacturing instructions to the concerned departments in accordance with the details worked out under routing and scheduling functions.
Answer: True

144. ____ means comparing the actual with the written or expected specifications and assessing whether they have been met.
Answer: Master Production Schedule

145. A ____ is a planned schedule of completing the end items.
Answer: Job sequencing

146. Adam Smith introduced the concept of specialization of labour in the manufacturing process.
Answer: True

147. By the end of the eighteenth century, the internal combustion engine had been invented.
Answer: False

148. Digital manufacturing has disabled companies to rapidly build to order, maintain nonstop production and integrate their supply chains.
Answer: False

149. The term ___ is applicable to entities like manufacturing units, machinery, equipment, assembly lines, etc.
Answer: Production

150. Production theories and practices were being used in a broad range of ___ and conditions, which have very little or no link with industries or manufacturing.
Answer: Operations

Production & Operations Management Objective Questions with Answers Pdf Download

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