300+ TOP Reading Drama MCQs and Answers Quiz Exam

Reading Drama Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the author of the work ‘Poetics”?
A. aristotle

B. plato

C. socrates

D. homer

Answer: A. aristotle

2. Who is the author of the work “Republic”?
A. aristotle

B. plato

C. socrates

D. homer

Answer: B. plato

3. Choral odes sung in honour of Dionysus were Known as ——
A. poetica

B. hymns

C. chantings

D. dithyrambs.

Answer: D. dithyrambs.

4. Eliot’s play ‘Murder in the Cathedral’ imbibes the conventions of ——— drama.
A. greek

B. roman

C. italian

D. indian.

Answer: A. greek

5. The name of Bertolt Brecht is associated with ——-
A. the absurd drama

B. the epic theatre

C. comedy of humours

D. feminist theatre

Answer: B. the epic theatre

6. The term drama is derived from the Greek word————.
A. dran

B. dram.

C. darn.

D. drame.

Answer: A. dran

7. Who wrote “Spanish Tragedy”?
A. thomas kyd

B. thomas norton

C. thomas sackville

D. none of these.

Answer: A. thomas kyd

8. Milton’s “Comus ” is a ———
A. masque

B. farce

C. elegy

D. epic

Answer: A. masque

9. The term ‘denoumnet’ refers to ———in a play.
A. the rising action

B. the falling action

C. the climax

D. none of these.

Answer: B. the falling action

10. The French term for ‘unknotting’ ———-
A. denouement

B. due ex machina

C. decorum

D. none of these.

Answer: A. denouement

11. The term ——– is applied to the falling action in a tragedy
A. catastrophe

B. catharsis

C. crisis

D. none of these

Answer: A. catastrophe

12. The term anagnorisis means ———-
A. recognition

B. reversal

C. both “a’ and “b”

D. neither “a” nor “b”

Answer: A. recognition

13. The term peripetia means———-
A. recognition

B. reversal

C. both “a’ and “b”

D. neither “a” nor “b”

Answer: B. reversal

14. In Greek drama, the hero is called——
A. the protagonist

B. a foil

C. a confidant

D. none of these.

Answer: A. the protagonist

15. ———is someone in whom the central character confides
A. the protagonist

B. a foil

C. a confidant

D. none of these.

Answer: C. a confidant

16. Character types that occur repeatedly in comedies are called ——
A. stock characters.

B. round characters

C. flat characters

D. fools.

Answer: A. stock characters.

17. A character who serves as the mouth piece of the playwright is called——–
A. raisonneur

B. confidant

C. stock character

D. foil.

Answer: A. raisonneur

18. Plato was the most celebrated disciple of —–
A. socrates

B. aristotle

C. aristophanes

D. none of the above

Answer: A. socrates

19. Which among the following books contains Plato’s ideas?
A. poetics

B. the new atlantis

C. on the sublime

D. republic

Answer: D. republic

20. Who is the author of “Dialogues”
A. plato

B. aristotle

C. longinus

D. francis bacon

Answer: A. plato

21. Art, according to ———is twice removed from reality
A. plato

B. aristotle

C. longinus

D. francis bacon

Answer: A. plato

22. Who said “the productions of art helped neither to mould character nor to promote the well-being of the state”
A. plato

B. aristotle

C. longinus

D. francis bacon

Answer: A. plato

23. Plato’s view of art is closely bound up with his theory of ——
A. rasa

B. ideas

C. sublimity

D. decorum

Answer: B. ideas

24. Who is the author of the book “Rhetoric”
A. socrates

B. aristotle

C. aristophanes

D. plato

Answer: B. aristotle

25. Who is the author of the book “Poetics”
A. aristotle

B. aristophanes

C. plato

D. socrates

Answer: A. aristotle

26. ———arouses the emotions of pity and fear
A. tragedy

B. comedy

C. epic

D. revenge play

Answer: A. tragedy

27. In tragedy, the emotions of pity and fear are aroused with a view to ——-
A. hamartia

B. anagnorisis

C. catharsis

D. peripetia

Answer: B. anagnorisis

28. Purgation of the emotions of pity and fear in tragedy is referred to as——
A. hamartia

B. anagnorisis

C. catharsis

D. peripetia

Answer: C. catharsis

29. The term used by Aristotle to mean tragic flaw is —-
A. hamartia

B. anagnorisis

C. catharsis

D. peripetia

Answer: A. hamartia

30. The term used by Aristotle to mean ‘recognition’
A. hamartia

B. anagnorisis

C. catharsis

D. peripetia

Answer: B. anagnorisis

31. The term used by Aristotle to mean “reversal of situations” in a tragedy
A. hamartia

B. anagnorisis

C. catharsis

D. peripetia

Answer: D. peripetia

32. Aristotle classified plot into simple and complex plot on the basis of ——
A. hammartia & catharsis

B. anagnoris & peripetia

C. sublimity & decorum

D. all the above.

Answer: B. anagnoris & peripetia

33. The English equivalent of the term “hamartia”
A. tragedy

B. tragic flaw

C. tragic hero

D. tragic mistake

Answer: B. tragic flaw

34. Who made the distinction between simple and complex plot on the basis of anagnorisis and peripetia
A. aristotle

B. plato

C. words worth

D. coleridge

Answer: A. aristotle

35. the author of Illiad
A. Homer

B. Aristotle

C. virgil

D. Dante

Answer: A. Homer

36. the Author of odessey
A. Homer

B. Aristotle

C. virgil

D. Dante

Answer: A. Homer

37. the author of DIVINE COMEDY
A. Homer

B. Aristotle

C. virgil

D. Dante

Answer: D. Dante

38. the Author AENEAD
A. Homer

B. Aristotle

C. virgil

D. Dante

Answer: C. virgil

39. the author of Decameron
A. Homer

B. Baccaccio

C. virgil

D. Dante

Answer: B. Baccaccio

40. Chaucer’s “Canterbur- tales” is model down _______
A. Homer’s Illead

B. Boccaccio’s Decameron

C. virgil’s aenea

D. D Dante’s Devine Comedy

Answer: D. D Dante’s Devine Comedy

41. ithe strategy of the wodden horse emerged in the cunning brain of _______
A. Ulysses

B. Agamemnon

C. Achilles

D. None of these

Answer: A. Ulysses

42. Which amoung the following does Aristotle consider as the best example for a complex plot

B. Spanish Tragedy

C. Hamlet

D. none of the above


43. the tragedy of OEDIPUS REX is due to
A. Blindinf himself

B. marrying his mother

C. killing of his father

D. both ‘b’ and ‘c’

Answer: D. both ‘b’ and ‘c’

44. The mother of OEDIPUS
A. Laius

B. jocusta

C. venus

D. Penelope

Answer: B. jocusta

45. The father of OEDIPUS
A. Laius

B. jocusta

C. venus

D. Penelope

Answer: A. Laius

46. the term OEDIPUS REX Takes its orgin from

B. Illead


D. none these


47. Ulysses Wife
A. Laius

B. jocusta

C. venus

D. Penelope

Answer: B. jocusta

48. Ulysses’s Son
A. Achilles

B. Hector

C. Telemachus

D. Oedipus

Answer: C. Telemachus

49. the trogen war was faught between
A. The Trojns and The Greek

B. the Athenianas and the Greek

C. Trojns an

D. the Athenians D none of above

Answer: A. The Trojns and The Greek

50. the trogen war was fought on account of
A. Aphrodite

B. Helen

C. Hecuba

D. Penelope

Answer: B. Helen

51. the Adventure of Ulysses is dealt in ______
A. Tennyson’s Ulysses

B. James Joyce’s

C. Browning’s Andrea Del sarto

D. all the above

Answer: A. Tennyson’s Ulysses

52. Siddharta is a novel by
A. Tagore

B. Mulkraj Anand

C. Herman Hesse

D. none of these

Answer: C. Herman Hesse

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