300+ TOP Pharmacognosy MCQs & Answers D.Pharma B.Pharma

Pharmacognosy Multiple Choice Questions | D.Pharma | B.Pharma

1. In protoplast culture protoplasm is isolated by using
A. Cellulase
B. Macerozyme
C. Both
D. None

Answer: D

2. Stellate trichomes are present in
A. Humulus
B. Pyrethrum
C. Hammaelis
D. Calendula officinalis

Answer: C

3. Lycopodium spore method is used for
A. Powdered drugs having well-defined particle size
B. Single layered cells or tissues
C. The objects of uniform thickness
D. All of the above

Answer: D

4. 1 IU of vitamin A represents
A. 0.0344 μg of standard preparation
B. 0.344 μg of standard preparation
C. 0.443 mg of standard preparation
D. 0.77g of standard preparation

Answer: B

5. Keris test is used for
A. Caffeine
B. Presence of deoxy sugar
C. Rancidity of fats and oils
D. Aloes

Answer: C

6. The germination capacity of seeds is tested by
A. Rolled towel test
B. Germination index
C. Locast test
D. Testa swelling test

Answer: A

7. Monophybrids describes
A. One pair of different characters
B. Two pairs of different characters
C. More than two pairs of different characters
D. None of the above

Answer: A

8. Chemodemes refer to
A. Chemical race
B. Taxonomic race
C. Physical race
D. None of the above

Answer: A

9. Which of the following is not a micronutrient?
A. Copper
B. Zinc
C. Molybdenum
D. Hydrogen

Answer: C

10. All are true about leaflets, except
A. Bud or branch is absent in leaflets
B. Leaflets are arranged in pairs
C. Leaflets are asymmetric at the bases
D. Examples include rose, neem, digitise and senna etc.

Answer: D

11. Which drug has a cytotoxic activity?
A. Anthropleurins
B. Laminine
C. Ara c
D. Saxitoxin

Answer: C

12. Caruncle is present in
A. Nutmeg
B. Cardamom
C. Strophanthus
D. Castor

Answer: D

13. The biological source of cotton fiber is
A. Cyamopsis tetragonolobus
B. Gossypium barbadense
C. Arachis hypogaea
D. Saraca indica

Answer: B

14. Silk consists of:
A. Keratin
B. Fibroin
C. Resins
D. None of the above

Answer: C

15. The callus is
A. Differentiated cell mass
B. Biomass
C. Isolated roots
D. Undifferentiated cell mass

Answer: D

16. Marine fungus is the source for
A. Penicillin
B. Cephalosporin
C. Zonarol
D. Avarol

Answer: B

17. Antileukemic compound bryostatin is isolated from marine organism
A. Bugula neritina
B. Tethya crypta
C. Lissoclinum patella
D. Trididemnum species

Answer: A

18. Centroxylic stands for
A. Phloem in the centre surrounded by xylem
B. Xylem in the centre surrounded by phloem
C. Phloem in the centre surrounded by cambium
D. Xylem in the centre surrounded by cambium

Answer: B

19. Closed collateral vascular bundles are the characteristics of
A. Dicotyledonous plant
B. Monocotyledonous plant
C. Weeds
D. None of the above
Ans. B

20. For the formation of shoot which ratio of plant growth regulators is required ?
A. Auxin:cytokinin (1:4)
B. Auxin:cytokinin (4:1)
C. Auxin:cytokinin (100:1)
D. Auxin:cytokinin (1:100)

Answer: B

21. Iodine value for oils and fats is measured as
A. Iodine present in oils
B. Extent of unsaturation
C. Extent of saturation
D. None of the above

Answer: B

22. Chlorophytum borivilianum is used as
A. Anti-fertility
B. Antipyretic
C. Aphrodisiac
D. Expectorant

Answer: C

23. The number of milligram of KOH required to combine with fatty acids which are present in glyceride from in 1 gram of sample of oil or fat is called
A. Difference between saponification value and acid value
B. Ester value
C. Acid value
D. Both (A) and (B)

Answer: D

24. For vitamin A,
A. 1IU is, contains 76 mg of standard preparation
B. 1IU is contained 0.025 μg of standard preparation
C. 1IU is present in 0.344μg of standard preparation
D. 1 IU is present in 7.7 μg of standard preparation

Answer: C

25. Manoalide, a marine drug, is
A. Antifungal
B. Muscle relaxant
C. Anti-inflammatory
D. Antipyretic

Answer: C

26. Biosynthesis of alizarin follows the
A. Shikkimic acid pathway
B. Mevalonic acid pathway
C. Both A and B
D. Acetate pathway

Answer: C

27. In which Ayurvedic formulation preservative is not required?
A. Lepa
B. Vatika
C. Asava
D. Pisti

Answer: C

28. Candelabra trichomes are present in
A. Verbascum thapsus
B. Digitalis purpurea
C. Senna angustifolia
D. Helicteris isora

Answer: A

29. Centroxylic vascular bundle is present in
A. Malefern
B. Sweat flag
C. Maize
D. Sunflower

Answer: A

30. Open collateral vascular bundles are the characteristics of
A. Dicotyledonous plant
B. Monocotyledonous plant
C. Weeds
D. None of the above

Answer: A

31. Which marine drug has a cardiovascular activity?
A. Spongosine
B. Anthropleurins
C. Saxitoxin
D. A and B

Answer: D

32. Corm is present in
A. Saffron
B. Colchicum
C. Nux-vomica
D. A and B

Answer: D

33. Relation between ester value saponification value and acid value is
A. Ester Value = Saponification value – Acid value
B. Ester Value = Saponification value + Acid value
C. Acid value = Ester value – Saponification value
D. B and C

Answer: A

34. Iodine number of fat is determined to know:
A. Free fatty acid
B. Average molecular size
C. Relative unsaturation
D. All of the above

Answer: C

35. In plant tissue culture surface sterilization of explant is done by
A. Sodium hypochloride
B. Bromine water
C. Hydrogen peroxide
D. All of the above

Answer: D

36. Gibberelin obtained from fungus is
A. Gibberellin fujikuroi
B. Fusarium heterospermum
C. Aspergillus niger
D. A and B

Answer: D

37. Adaptogen are substances which
A. Improve physical endurance
B. Maintain stamina in adverse and difficult environment
C. Increase the tolerance to change in environment
D. All of the above
And: D

38. Which one is essential vitamin in culture media?
A. Thiamine
B. Ascorbic acid
C. Pantothenic acid
D. Biotin

Answer: A

39. Which one is not an intermediate in shikimik acid pathway?
A. Erythrose 4 phosphate
B. Chrosmic acid
C. Shikimik acid
D. Prephenic acid

Answer: A

40. Aril is present in
A. Nutmeg
B. Cardamom
C. Strophanthus
D. Castor

Answer: A

41. Aril is
A. Outgrowth from micropyle and covering the seed
B. Stiff-bristle like appendages with wavy flowering glume of grasses
C. Warty out growth from micropyle
D. Succulent growth from hilum covering entire seed

Answer: D

42. Halphen’s test is used for
A. Detection of cotton seed oil as an adulterant
B. Detection of artificial invert sugar
C. Saponins
D. Tannins

Answer: A

43. According to Ayurveda PITA (bile) is responsible for:
A. Transmitting sense impression to the mind
B. Providing the static energy for holding body tissues together
C. All digestive and metabolic activities
D. Lubrication of various points of friction

Answer: C

44. Palisade ratio is
A. Total number of palisade cells beneath each upper epidermal cell
B. Total number of palisade cells beneath mesophyll
C. Average number of palisade cells beneath each upper epidermal cells
D. None of the above

Answer: C

45. Natural cytokinin is
A. Kinetin
B. Zeatin
C. Adenine
D. None

Answer: B

46. Chrysanthemum is mainly used as
A. Pesticide
B. Insecticide
C. Rodenticide
D. Larvicide

Answer: B

47. Which of the following causes fruit ripening?
A. Auxin
B. Cytokinin
C. Gibberellins
D. Ethylene

Answer: D

48. All are plant growth promoters except
A. Abscisic acid
B. Auxin
C. Gibberellin
D. Cytokinin

Answer: A

49. Which one is also known as extra-nuclear?
A. Golgi complex
B. Plastid
C. Argon
D. Mitochondria

Answer: D

50. Which is not one of the parameter of quantitative chemical tests of fixed oils and fat?
A. Viscosity
B. Reichert-Meissel value
C. Peroxide value
D. Hydroxyl value

Answer: A.

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