300+ JNKVV & RVSKVV PhD Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry Entrance Question Paper

JNKVV and RVSKVV PhD Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry Entrance Question Paper

1. If the soil material is transported by water it is?

  1. Aeolian
  2. Colluvium
  3. Alluvium
  4. Loess
Answer: Alluvium

2. The relative percentage of different soil separates i.e. sand, silt and clay is called?

  1. Particle density
  2. CEC of soil
  3. Soil structure
  4. Soil texture
Answer: Soil texture

3. Best suitable soil structure for cultivation is?

  1. Elliptical
  2. Spheroidal
  3. Crumb
  4. Round
Answer: Crumb

4. The soil samples are dried at ________ for gravimetric soil moisture analysis?

  1. 105°C
  2. 99°C
  3. 97°C
  4. 120°C
Answer: 105°C

5.  Stratification is the most common feature of?

  1. Igneous rocks
  2. Sedimentary rocks
  3. Metamorphic rocks
  4. Plutonic rocks
Answer: Sedimentary rocks

6. Of the following, which is an example of basic igneous rock?

  1. Basalt
  2. Granite
  3. Gabbro
  4. Syenite
Answer: Basalt

7. In which stage of weathering decomposition of easily weathered minerals occur?

  1. Initial
  2. Juvenile
  3. Virile
  4. Senile
Answer: Virile

8. The mass per unit volume of soil consisting of solid and gaseous phase is called as?

  1. Bulk density
  2. Particle density
  3. Porosity
  4. Consistency
Answer: Bulk density

9. The maximum amount of water which a soil can hold after free drainage has ceased is called as?

  1. Water harvesting
  2. Water use efficiency
  3. Water potential
  4. Water holding capacity
Answer: Water holding capacity

10. The process which involves the accumulation of CaCO3 in the soil is known as?

  1. Solonization
  2. Podzolization
  3. Calcification
  4. Salinization
Answer: Calcification

11. The soil having an oxic horizon within 2 m and no argillic horizon is called?

  1. Spodosols
  2. Oxisols
  3. Alfisols
  4. Aridisols
Answer: Oxisols

12. Soils formed on volcanic ash belongs to which of the following order?

  1. Andisol
  2. Gelisol
  3. Alfisols
  4. Inceptisol
Answer: Andisol

13. Which of the following is 1:1 clay mineral that has zero electrical charge?

  1. Kaolinite
  2. Halloysite
  3. Chrysolite
  4. Serpentine
Answer: Serpentine

14. Number of diagnostic epipedons included in soil taxonomy are?

  1. 6
  2. 9
  3. 12
  4. 15
Answer: 9

15. Which soil has highest area in India?

  1. Black soil
  2. Laterite soil
  3. Alluvial soil
  4. Acid sulphate soil
Answer: Alluvial soil

16. Base map for detailed survey is prepared using?

  1. Toposheet
  2. Map
  3. Photograph
  4. Cadastral map
Answer: Cadastral map

17. Slickensides and gilgai micro relief are characteristic features of?

  1. Vertisols
  2. Oxisols
  3. Histosols
  4. Spodosols
Answer: Vertisols

18. The Mg(OH)2  sheet in 2:1:1 chlorite mineral is called as ________ layer?

  1. Goethite
  2. Brucite
  3. Gibbsite
  4. Lepidochrosite
Answer: Brucite

19. Red colour of soil is due to _____?

  1. Maghemite
  2. Geothite
  3. Hematite
  4. Glauconite
Answer: Hematite

20. What type of clay will have high buffering capacity?

  1. 1:1 clay minerals
  2. 2:1 clay minerals
  3. 2:1:1 clay minerals
  4. clay minerals
Answer: 2:1 clay minerals

21. Soil crust can be measured by using?

  1. Penetrometer
  2. Spectrophotometer
  3. Altimeter
  4. Thermometer
Answer: Penetrometer

22. French Agricultural Chemist who first observed that legumes could utilise the N from atmosphere for their nutrition?

  1. M.W.Beijerinck
  2. Whitney
  3. Liebig
  4. J.B.Boussingault
Answer: J.B.Boussingault

23. The enzyme which is involved in Biological Nitrogen Fixation is?

  1. Nitrogenase
  2. Amylase
  3. Cellulase
  4. Sulphatase
Answer: Nitrogenase

24. Weathering stages of soil formation was proposed by?

  1. Jenny
  2. Mohr
  3. Miller
  4. Brady
Answer: Mohr

25. Nitrification bacteria is?

  1. Obligate heterotroph
  2. Obligate autotroph
  3. Facaltate heterotroph
  4. Facaltate autotroph
Answer: Obligate autotroph

26. The soil particles should be large enough not to undergo Brownian movement is a pre requisite for the use of?

  1. Darcy’s law
  2. Fick’s law
  3. Stokes’ law
  4. Brownian law
Answer: Stokes’ law

27. The equation S=f(cl, b, r, p, t….) was formulated by?

  1. Dokuchaev
  2. Jenny
  3. Hillgard
  4. Whitney
Answer: Jenny

28. Which one is not a potash bearing mineral ?

  1. Feldspar
  2. Biotite mica
  3. Muscovite mica
  4. Olivine
Answer: Olivine

29. Who is known as the father of soil science?

  1. V.V. Dokuchaev
  2. Jenny
  3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
  4. Charls Darwin
Answer: V.V. Dokuchaev

30. Sand appears in FCC as?

  1. White
  2. Red
  3. Blue
  4. Grey
Answer: White

31 Upper plastic limit is called as?

  1. Plastic limit
  2. Liquid limit
  3. Plasticity index
  4. Plasticity number
Answer: Liquid limit

32 Dominant moisture regime in India is?

  1. Udic
  2. Xeric
  3. Ustic
  4. Perudic
Answer: Ustic

33 The path followed by a satellite is referred to as?

  1. Row
  2. Orbit
  3. Circuit
  4. Region
Answer: Orbit

34 GIS makes maps?

  1. Static
  2. Dynamic
  3. Versatile
  4. Dull
Answer: Dynamic

35 Genetic system of soil classification was given by?

  1. Dokuchaev
  2. Joffe
  3. Marbut
  4. Milne
Answer: Dokuchaev

36 The thickness of core is?

  1. 2000km
  2. 2500km
  3. 3000km
  4. 3500km
Answer: 3500km

37 Natural aggregates are called as?

  1. Clods
  2. Peds
  3. Fragments
  4. Congregations
Answer: Peds

38 LISS is a?

  1. Software
  2. Sensor
  3. Satellite
  4. Server
Answer: Sensor

39 The smallest picture element on the map is?

  1. Restoration
  2. Resolution
  3. Pixel
  4. Signature
Answer: Pixel

40 Moisture content at which soil no longer sticks to foreign objects is called as?

  1. Plasticity
  2. Consistency
  3. Tortuosity
  4. Scouring point
Answer: Scouring point

41 Cation exchange capacity on volume basis is highest for?

  1. Kaolinite
  2. Montmorillonite
  3. Vermiculite
  4. Illite
Answer: Vermiculite

42 Non expanding 2:1 type of mineral is?

  1. Kaolinite
  2. Montmorillonite
  3. Vermiculite
  4. Illite
Answer: Illite

43 Stratification is the most common feature of?

  1. Igneous rocks
  2. Sedimentary rocks
  3. Metamorphic rocks
  4. Plutonic rocks
Answer: Sedimentary rocks

44 Approximate weight of surface 15 cm soil of one-hectare field is?

  1. 2.42 x 106kg
  2. 1.50x 106 kg
  3. 2 x 106 kg
  4. 2.24 x 106 kg
Answer: 2.24 x 106 kg

45 The method of survey adopted for intensive cultivation is?

  1. Reconnaissance
  2. Detailed
  3. Semi detailed
  4. Exploratory
Answer: Detailed

46 Which of the following will have high buffering capacity?

  1. Sand
  2. Clay
  3. Humus
  4. Saw dust
Answer: Humus

47 An element, which is necessary for the bio–synthesis and maintenance of chlorophyll in plants is?

  1. Potassium
  2. Calcium
  3. Boron
  4. Iron
Answer: Iron

48 Die back of citrus is because of deficiency of?

  1. Fe
  2. Zn
  3. B
  4. Cu
Answer: Cu

49 Micronutrient fertilizer borax contains Boron of?

  1. 9.50 percent
  2. 10.50 percent
  3. 11.50 percent
  4. 21.50 percent
Answer: 10.50 percent

50 Essential element for synthesis of Auxin is?

  1. S
  2. Mn
  3. Zn
  4. Fe
Answer: Zn

51 The element which is essential for N-fixation is?

  1. Si
  2. Mn
  3. Zn
  4. Fe
Answer: Fe

52 A crop requires more of a given nutrient element without exhibiting deficiency symptoms on plants is called as?

  1. Acute deficiency
  2. Hidden hunger
  3. Luxury consumption
  4. Dormancy
Answer: Hidden hunger

53 K Solubilizing bactria is?

  1. Rhizobium
  2. Thiobcacillus
  3. Pscudomonas
  4. Frateuria
Answer: Frateuria

54 Potassium is taken up by plant as?

  1. K+
  2. K2O
  3. KOH
  4. K2SO4
Answer: K+

55 Browning of Rice is because of Toxicity of?

  1. Iron
  2. Manganese
  3. Copper
  4. Zinc
Answer: Iron

56 Cavity spot in carrot is because of increased accumulation of K leading to decreased?

  1. N
  2. P
  3. Ca
  4. Mg
Answer: Ca

57 Purple colouring in older leaves is due to deficiency of?

  1. N
  2. P
  3. K
  4. S
Answer: P

58 The second most deficient micronutrient in Indian soils after Zn is?

  1. B
  2. Fe
  3. Mo
  4. Mn
Answer: B

59 Illite supplies high amount of?

  1. Ca
  2. Mg
  3. S
  4. K
Answer: K

60 The commonly used soil to water ratio for soil pH determination?

  1. 1:1.0
  2. 1:1.5
  3. 1:2.0
  4. 1:2.5
Answer: 1:2.5

61 At low pH, phosphates are mainly fixed by?

  1. Iron and aluminum
  2. Soil clays
  3. Calcium and magnesium
  4. Sodium and Potassium
Answer: Iron and aluminum

62 Number of equivalents of a substance dissolved in 1L of a solution is called as?

  1. Molarity
  2. Normality
  3. Molality
  4. Solubility
Answer: Normality

63 Adsorption isotherm which explains multi-layer adsorption is____________equation?

  1. Freundlich
  2. Langmuir
  3. BET
  4. Kerr
Answer: BET

64 The principal way in which P and K ions move from the soil solution to the roots of plants?

  1. Root interception
  2. Mass flow
  3. Diffusion
  4. Root contact
Answer: Diffusion

65 Which form of ion uptake requires energy?

  1. Active transport
  2. Passive transport
  3. Root absorption
  4. Leaf absorption
Answer: Active transport

66 Diffusion is related to?

  1. Darcy’s law
  2. Beer’s law
  3. Fick’s law
  4. Stoke’s law
Answer: Fick’s law

67 The dominant group of organic P in soil is?

  1. phospholipids
  2. Inositol phosphorus
  3. Phytic acid
  4. Nucleic acid
Answer: Inositol phosphorus

68 Most of the organic nitrogen is present in the form of?

  1. Amines
  2. Proteins
  3. Peptides
  4. Polypeptides
Answer: Proteins

69 Q/I relationship of potassium depends on?

  1. Stok’s law
  2. Dorcy’s law
  3. Fick’s law
  4. Schofield’s ratio law
Answer: Schofield’s ratio law

70 The phenomenon by which replacement or release of an adsorbed ion is called?

  1. Adsorption
  2. Absorption
  3. Desorption
  4. Cohesion
Answer: Desorption

71 Gapan’s equation is widely used to describe?

  1. CEC of soils
  2. C:N ratio
  3. Nutrient uptake
  4. Water flow
Answer: CEC of soils

72 The presence of solutes in the soil gives?

  1. Gravitational potential
  2. Matric potential
  3. Osmotic potential
  4. Pressure potential
Answer: Osmotic potential

73 For conversion from P2 O5 to P, multiply P2 O5 with?

  1. 0.43
  2. 2.29
  3. 1.20
  4. 0.13
Answer: 0.43

Answer: Q.74 Soil formed from which of the following rocks are more fertile?

  1. Acid rocks
  2. Basic rocks
  3. Neutral rocks
  4. Acid and basic rocks
Answer: Basic rocks

75 The potential difference between the fixed part and freely mobile portion of diffused double layer is known as?

  1. Stream potential
  2. Diffuse potential
  3. Ionic potential
  4. Zeta potential
Answer: Zeta potential

76 The permanent charge is more as compared to pH dependent charge in?

  1. Kaolinite
  2. Illite
  3. Chlorite
  4. Montmorillonite
Answer: Montmorillonite

77 The value of redox potential in waterlogged soils is?

  1. Positive
  2. Negative
  3. Neutral
  4. Zero
Answer: Negative

78 Spentwash is a waste generated from which agri based industry?

  1. Textile
  2. Paper
  3. Sugar
  4. Gum
Answer: Sugar

79 Which of the following is a soft mineral?

  1. Talc
  2. Quartz
  3. Feldspar
  4. Diamond
Answer: Talc

80 Devarda’s alloy contains?

  1. Cu, Mn, Zn
  2. Cu, Zn, Al
  3. Cu, Mn, Al
  4. Cu, Mg, Al
Answer: Cu, Zn, Al

81 What is the growth of huge amounts of algae and other aquatic plants leading to the deterioration of the water quality called?

  1. Aggregation
  2. Degradation
  3. Eutrophication
  4. Petrification
Answer: Eutrophication

82 Clay minaral structure resembles?

  1. Diagonal
  2. Triangular
  3. Hexagonal
  4. Pentagonal
Answer: Hexagonal

83 The process of enzymatic oxidation of Ammonia to nitrate by microbial action is called as?

  1. Amminization
  2. Ammonification
  3. Nitrification
  4. Denitrification
Answer: Nitrification

84 The concept of critical limit was proposed by?

  1. Arnon and Stout
  2. Subbiah and Asija
  3. Cate and Nelson
  4. Gomez and Gomez
Answer: Cate and Nelson

85 Nitrogen use efficiency is?

  1. 1-20 percent
  2. 30-50 percent
  3. 50-75 percent
  4. >75 percent
Answer: 30-50 percent

86 Which one is not a green manure plant?

  1. Diancha
  2. Sunhemp
  3. Horse gram
  4. Maize
Answer: Maize

87 One meq of HCL is equal to?

  1. 0.14 mg of N
  2. 1.4 mg of N
  3. 14 mg of N
  4. 140 mg of N
Answer: 14 mg of N

88 The percentage of KMnO4 used for estimation of available N is?

  1. 0.32 percent
  2. 0.48 percent
  3. 0.64 percent
  4. 1.60 percent
Answer: 0.32 percent

89 Which plant is used for indication of permanent wilting point?

  1. Safflower
  2. Sunflower
  3. Marigold
  4. Maize
Answer: Sunflower

90 Which one is a phototraph microorganism?

  1. Rhizobium
  2. Rhodopseudomonas
  3. Azatobactor
  4. Azospirillum
Answer: Rhodopseudomonas

91 A salt affected soil having pH<8.5, ESP<15 percent and EC>4 dS m-1 are called as?

  1. Normal soil
  2. Sodic or alkali soil
  3. Saline sodic soil
  4. Saline soil
Answer: Saline soil

92 Shoemaker, McLean and Pratt (SMP) Buffer method is used for estimation of?

  1. Salinity
  2. Acidity
  3. Gypsum Requirement
  4. Lime Requirement
Answer: Lime Requirement

93 Bangalore method of compositing was introduced by?

  1. S. Govindarajan
  2. Ramamurthy
  3. C.N.Acharya
  4. Rahul Saxena
Answer: C.N.Acharya

94 Fertility gradient experiment is necessary in?

  1. SSNM approach
  2. DRIS approach
  3. LCC approach
  4. STCR approach
Answer: STCR approach

95 Khaira disease is caused due to deficiency of?

  1. Zn
  2. P
  3. Mn
  4. N
Answer: Zn

96 In India, the work on biogas was first carried out by?

  1. S.V.Deasi
  2. J.N.Mukarjee
  3. C.N.Acharya
  4. N.N.Goswami
Answer: S.V.Deasi

97 The headquarters of National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning is located at?

  1. Ahmedabad
  2. Bangalore
  3. Mumbai
  4. Nagpur
Answer: Nagpur

98 Indian Institute of Soil Science is located at?

  1. Kolkatta
  2. Hisar
  3. Bhopal
  4. Karnal
Answer: Bhopal

99 Composting was first initiated in?

  1. India
  2. China
  3. England
  4. USA
Answer: England

100 Navigation system developed by India is called?

  1. Navic
  2. IPS
  4. National GPS
Answer: Navic

JNKVV and RVSKVV PhD Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry Entrance Question Papers Pdf Download

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