300+ TOP ADVERTISING Interview Questions and Answers

ADVERTISING Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What is the difference between marketing and advertising?

  • Advertising is paid, public, non-personal announcement of a persuasive message by an identified sponsor the non-personal presentation or promotion by a firm of its products to its existing and potential customers.
  • Marketing: The systematic planning, implementation and control of a mix of business activities intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of products.

2. How would you involve in yourself in a book club?

  • Get together in a core group – It is much easier to get involved in a book club with two or three people who already have some connection. Sometimes you might find people to joining book club right away.
  • Set a regular meeting time – As you can imagine, it is often difficult to coordinate that many schedules. Go ahead and set a regular meeting time and date for your book club with your core group. By setting the time, you avoid playing favorites when working around schedules and are up front about what commitment is required.
    Look for Advertisement a book clubs- The best advertising is often word of mouth. You could also look for a book club in other print media.
  • Learning about Establish ground rules – Get together with your potential book club members and learn about ground rules should include how books are chosen, who hosts, who leads discussions, and what kind of commitment is expected. If you did not set the meeting time with your core group, do that now.

3. From its total income a company spent $20000 for advertising, half of the remainder on bonuses and had $6000 left. What was the total income?
Answer is $32000

4. Has Google ever incorporated in-game advertising into its ads services before approaching Adscape Media?
No. Google has not done that before.

5. What is the “Google click fraud”?
Click fraud is a type of internet crime that occurs in pay per click online advertising when a person, automated script, or computer program imitates a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad, for generating a charge per click without having actual interest in the target of the ad’s link. Click fraud is the subject of some controversy and increasing litigation due to the advertising networks being a key beneficiary of the fraud whether they like it or not.

6. What is the purpose of VRRP?
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) is a non-proprietary redundancy protocol described in RFC 3768 designed to increase the availability of the default gateway servicing hosts on the same subnet. This increased reliability is achieved by advertising a “virtual router” (an abstract representation of master and backup routers acting as a group) as a default gateway to the host(s) instead of one physical router. Two or more physical routers are then configured to stand for the virtual router, with only one doing the actual routing at any given time.

If the current physical router that is routing the data on behalf of the virtual router fails, an arrangement is made for another physical router to automatically replace it. The physical router that is currently forwarding data on behalf of the virtual router is called the master router. Physical routers standing by to take over from the master router in case something goes wrong are called backup routers.

7. How does one come up with professionally made marketing materials?
Have a clear vision of your target market and carefully assess the products you are offering. The advertising materials have to communicate effectively who you are and what you offer.

8. How can you launch a marketing campaign on a shoestring budget?
Word-of-mouth is the key.

9. How can you use word-of-mouth as a marketing tool?
You can generate it by offering a new, good quality and unique product or service that is reasonably prices.

10. List the applications of Bluetooth?

  • Bluetooth is wireless control of communication between a cell phone and a hands free headset or car kit. This is the most popular use.
  • Wireless networking between PCs in a confined space and where little bandwidth is required.
  • Wireless communications with PC input devices such as mouse and keyboards and output devices such as printers.
  • Transfer of files between devices via OBEX.
  • Transfer of contact details, calendar appointments, and reminders between devices via OBEX.
  • Replacement of traditional wired serial communications in test equipment, GPS receivers and medical equipment.
  • For remote controls where infrared was traditionally used
  • Sending small advertisements from Bluetooth enabled advertising hoardings to other, discoverable, Bluetooth devices.
  • Sending small advertisements from Bluetooth enabled advertising hoardings to other, discoverable, Bluetooth devices.
  • Wireless control of a games console, Nintendo’s Wii and Sony’s PlayStation 3 will both use Bluetooth technology for their wireless controllers.
  • Ending commands and software to the upcoming LEGO Mindstorms NXT instead of infrared
ADVERTISING Interview Questions
ADVERTISING Interview Questions

11. What is photo editing?
The photographs affecting negatively to the public sentiment and psychology should be avoided. Thus before publishing a photograph in any media it needs to be edited, whether the photo has some massage to public and should consider the public interest.

12. What is different between advertisements and sales?

  • Advertisement-means creating awareness about the product to the world
  • Sales-means make available that product in the market for using it by the consumers for an exchange of monitory value.

13. What are the advantages of franchising a restaurant?
The advantages of franchising are-

  • If you get the right franchise in the right place, it can be a lucrative opportunity.
  • You do not have to come up with your own brand name and establish yourself from scratch. In most cases, you are relying on the franchise name to have a certain amount of awareness and a quality product that people know and want in your area.
  • There is help, training available to get you up, and running. Most franchises will train you to make their product and teach you how to run one of their units.
  • There is marketing support already in place. You will have to pay for it, but with the big name franchises, there is advertising and promotional support.

14. What is touch points in restaurant?
A touch point is an interaction with a potential customer. It includes literal interactions with customers, such as speaking to them when they make a phone reservation or greeting them when they walk through the restaurant door. Touch points also include high tech interactions, such as automated reservation systems and web sites. Public relations and advertising such as print ads, flyers, t-shirts with logos, coupons, and billboards are important touch points as well. The best restaurant owners will capitalize on Touch points like valet parking attendants and bussers. Often ignored Touch points are Customer Interaction with –

  • Valet Parking Attendants
  • Customer Interaction with bus boys
  • Reservation
  • Greeting guests
  • Wait staff interaction /font>

15. What is a press release?
Press release also known as a news release is a written or recorded communication for news media for announcing something claimed as having news value.

16. What is a news article?
A news article is a gathering of facts written by journalist published in the news or the print media.

17. What is the truth involved in advertising rules which applies to advertisers?

  1. Advertisers should always ensure the following is kept in mind before advertising.
  2. Advertising must always be highly truthful non-deceptive.
  3. Ads should be a fair deal.
  4. Advertisers should always keep backups on the claims and have evidence for their advertising.

18. What are the evidences one should hold for the claims they get on the ads they put up?
Whenever company runs an ad it should have a reasonable basis for the claims they get, which is the evidences for the claims that they receive. These claims must be healthy and safe claims and which has a competent and scientific evidences that is evaluated by qualified people and can be reviewed, modified, and can make additions to it.

19. What do you if you run out of ideas for new Ad?
One should always be creative when you are in advertising field. When you are running out of ideas refer internet, forums, open source ad sense, and blogs, advanced search engine options, use various communication groups, and approach them for to get ideas.

20. What is the main cause for advertisement to be deceptive?
An ad is deceptive when it omits any information or contains any wrong statement. As it is likely to mislead the customers who will be reacting reasonably under various circumstances and which will help the customer to analyze and decide whether to buy or use the product.

21. Letter from satisfied customers are enough to substantiate claims.
No, these letters usually signifies as a healthy and safely claims which required objective claims and evaluations.

22. What kinds of penalties are involved against a company that runs a deceptive ad?
Penalties are considered on the nature of violation the company has done by using a deceptive ad. Usually penalties could be as follow:

  1. Civil penalties
  2. Cease and desist orders
  3. Consumer redress
  4. Monetary compensation

23. What makes an advertisement unfair?
If it is likely to cause a substantial injury to the customer, which consumer cannot avoid. If it not beneficial to the customer

24. Whichever company has offered a money back guarantee, very few people in the market claim back. Should we still have the proof to support companys advertising claims?
Yes, Company should have the records and the proofs to support their company’s advertising claims, as it is not a substitute for substantiation.

25. Are there any limits on ads for alcoholic beverages can run and how they can exhibit?
The ads shown for alcoholic beverages should be very truthful to the best of the knowledge unlike other ads. In addition to these alcohol ads, contents or placement may not be directed to underage customers. Few broadcasters place additional restrictions as to when and where these alcohol ads should run.

26. When a company distributes the catalog of products manufactured by other companies, what will be the main responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the content mentioned in the catalog?
Usually people tend to repeat what other companies say about their product, which also includes the companies, which has online catalog. One should have the proper material back up the claims. Hence once should ensure that the company ad catalog is not a duplicate of the other company’s ad and the same content is not mentioned.

27. How do you conclude on saying who is the target audience for the ad you will release shortly?
One should determine the target audience by knowing the area of business, goal of your market research, by determining your sales demographics and hence establish a target audience. Before outlining he target audience ensure you address yourself the below questions and then conclude on the target audience.

  • The product we are marketing what is the average age line of the customer.
  • Which gender will be mainly interested in using our company’s products and services?
  • Approximately what will be the average salary or income of the potential customers for our product?
  • What will be their marital status and education qualification?
  • Our product and services is a luxury item or a need in the current market.
  • How will be the usage of our products?
  • What should we make to draw the attention of the customers to our product?
  • What is the uniqueness in our product (personalized attention? Is that Low price, easily available, accessible? Special features?)?
  • Which is the special feature, which we can highlight and market?
  • In general, what is the customers liking and disliking on such various range of products?
  • What is the method of payment? Will it be Installment, Cash, and Credit cards?
  • How can we gather information on these above areas? (newspapers, Internet, Magazines, Books, Television?

28. What do you know about internet Advertising?
Today Internet is one of the easiest means to advertise which in turn helps marketers to consume. There are certain rules, which have to be followed and applied as similar to other forms of advertising. Those rules will help business and consumers to maintain the internet credibility, which is a highly effective advertising medium.

29. How important disclaimer or disclosure does should be in ads?
The information should be presented very clearly and conspicuously so that the same will be noticed by the customer and understand the same. A very neat fine print is very important on the bottom of the print ad.

30. How disclaimer and disclosure does work online?
Regardless of the means of the advertisement whether printing ads or mail or online the policy of disclaimer and disclosure remains same. It must be clear and conspicuous though online advertising special guidance, which has to be followed as also few issues like pop up windows, hyperlinks, scrolling and banner ads should be looked.

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