300+ TOP American English Literature MCQs and Answers

American English Literature Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who among the following writers was the first American ”to make a professional of literature and first to approach the status of a major novelist?

A. Charles Brockden Brown

B. James Fenimore Cooper

C. Washington Irving

D. W.H Brown

2. Who among the following writers wrote Twice. Told Tales and The Snow Image and Other Tales?

A. Nathaniel Hawthorne

B. Mark Twain

C. O’Henry

D. Herman Melville

3. Identify the author of Moby Dick

A. Herman Melville

B. William Faulkner

C. Harriet Beecher Stowe

D. Stephen Crane

4. Samuel Langhorne Clemens wrote under the pseudonym of

A. Mark Twain

B. James Fenimore Cooper

C. Washington Irving

D. Edgar Alen Poe

5. Who enunciated his views on fiction in The Art of Fiction?

A. Henry James

B. Edgar Allan Poe

C. Hemingway

D. James Cooper

6. Roderick Hudson, The American and Daisy Miller are portraits of Americans. Who wrote these novels?

A. Henry James

B. Edward Eggleston

C. Ambrose Bierce

D. William Sydney Porter.

7. William Sydney Porter wrote under the pseudonym of

A. O’ Henry

B. George W. Cable

C. Henry James

D. Mark Twain

8. Who among the following writes was know as ”The Sage of Concord”

A. Ralph Waldo Emerson

B. Walt Whitman

C. Henry David Thoreau

D. William Cullen Bryant

9. Walden and Civil Disobedience were written by

A. Henry David Thoreau

B. Ralph Waldo Emerson

C. Walt Whitman

D. Henry James

10. Name the poet who was influenced by Jacksonian Democracy and Ioco. foco movement

A. Walt Whitman

B. Edgar Allan Poe

C. Walt Whitman

D. Emily Dickinson

11. Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass was published in

A. 1885

B. 1871

C. 1857

D. 1856

12. The Declaration of Independcnec, a classic in English prose, was written by

A. Thomas Jefferson

B. Abraham Lincoin

C. William Hickling Prescott

D. Alexander Hamilton

13. H.W Longffellow and J.R Lowell are called

A. The Brahmin poet

B. The vagrant poets

C. The Romantic Poets

D. The reactionary poets

14. Which of the following novels is written by Sherwood Anderson?

A. Marching Men

B. Arrowsmith

C. Shadows on the Rock

D. The Age of Innocence

15 Who among the following won the Nobel Prize for literature i 1950?

A. William Faulkner

B. F. Scott Fitzerald

C. Willa Gather

D. Hemingway

16. Lt. Fredrick Henry is a character in Hemingway’s

A. For Whom the Bell Tolls

B. Men Without Women

C. The Sun Also Rises

D. The Old Man and the Sea

17. O’Neill was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in

A. 1938

B. 1931

C. 1933

D. 1940

18. Which of the following plays of O’Neill is a comedy?

A. Ah, Wilderness!

B. Mourning Becomes Electro

C. The Hairy Ape

D. The Emperor Jones

19. Which of the following plays is not written by Tennese Williams?

A. A Memory of Two Mondays

B. Sweet Word of Youth

C. The Glass Managerie

D. Period of Adjustment

20. Where was Walt Whitman born?

A. Long Island, NY

B. New Heaven, CT

C. Harrisburg, PA

D. None

21. In what year was the first edition of ‘Leaves of Grass’ published?

A. 1855

B. 1860

C. 1892

D. 1872

22. Who said ” Leaves of Grass as the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom America has yet contributed”.

A. Ralph aldo Emerson

B. Oliver Wendeli Holmes

C. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

D. Henry David

23. What does the phantom in ”As I ponder in silence” represent?

A. The Genius of poets of old lands

B. The ideal of democratic self

C. The remembrance of loves lost

D. The death of Abraham Lincoln

24. According to the phantom in ”As I ponder in silence” what is the one theme for ever. enduring bards?

A. War

B. Love

C. Peace

D. Family

25. What is the primary theme in ”I sing the Body Electric?

A. The Sanctity of the human body

B. The superiority of white bodies

C. The dangers of female sexuality

D. None

26. How many poems appeared in 185 version of ‘Leaves of Grass”

A. 12

B. 16

C. 20

D. 25

27. Which of the following themes doe not appear in ”One’s self I sing”

A. Humility

B. Democracy

C. Egalitarianism

D. The Self

28. Which of the following poetic devices does Whitman not use in ”Beat! Beat! Drums!?

A. Metonymy

B. Personification

C. Alliteration

D. Onomatopoeia

29. What is the common nickname for the hitman’s final edition of Leaves of Grass published in 1891?

A. The Deathbed Edition

B. The Posthumous Edition

C. The Abridged Editon

D. The Later Period Edition

30. When was Nathaniel Hawthorne born?

A. 4th July 1804

B. 14th OCT 1806

C. 1812

D. 1842

31. Where was Nathaniel Hawthorne born?

A. Salem

B. Dindigul

C. Travancore

D. Boston

32. Where did Nathaniel Hawthorne work as a measurer?

A. Boston Custom House

B. New York Governor’s office

C. White House

D. None

33. Of which movement was Nathaniel Hawthorne a member for some time?

A. Transcendental

B. Literacy

C. Temperance

D. None

34. Which was Nathaniel Hawthorne’s first novel?

A. Fanshawe

B. The Scarlet Letter

C. The House of the Seven Gables

D. Our Old Home

35. When did Nathaniel Hawthorne die?

A. 1864

B. 1860

C. 1899

D. 1875

40. What does the poet describe as ”the door ajar” in I cannot live with you?

A. The Oceans

B. The Prison window

C. Her Eye

D. God’s eye

42. What animal is ”public” in I am Nobody?

A. A frog

B. A snake

C. A bee

D. A Bird

43. What does the speaker feel when she sees the snake in ”A narrow Fellow?

A. A Chill

B. Despair

C. Delight

D. A hot flesh

44. When was Arthur Miller born?

A. 1915

B. 1921

C. 1922

D. 1954

45. Which university did Arthur Miller attend?

A. Michigan 

B. Princeton

C. Cornell

D. Notre Dame

46. Which Arthur Miller play was based on witchcraft trials in Salem in 1692?

A. The Crucible

B. The Man Who Had All the Luck

C. All My Sons

D. The Archbishop’s Ceiling

47. When was Time bends published?

A. 1987

B. 2000

C. 1996

D. 1984

48. When was Arthur Miller married to Marilyn Monroe?

A. 1956

B. 1965

C. 1945

D. None

49. When did Arthur Miller write ‘Death of a Salesman?

A. 1948

B. 1956

C. 1954

D. 1945

50. When did Arthur Miller die?

A. 2005

B. 2006

C. 2007

D. 2008

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