300+ TOP Anglican Communion Quiz Questions and Answers MCQs

Anglican Communion Quiz Questions

1) What is Anglican Communion?
A. Association of National Anglican Churches in communcion with Archbishop of Canterbury
B. Association of Orthodox Churches
C. Association of Oriental Churches
D. Association of Occidental Churches

2) When was the Act of Royal Supremacy passed?
A. 1509
B. 1527
C. 1534
D. 1558

3) When was a royal decree passed requiring the clergy of the Church of England to subscribe to 42 Articles of Religion
A. 1553
B. 1603
C. 1625
D. 1660

4) What was the 100th Archbishop of Canterbury?
A. Rowan Williams
B. Arthur Michael Ramsey
C. Robert Alexander Runcie
D. William Temple

5) What is the frequency of Lambeth Conference?
A. One in five years
B. One in seven years
C. One in ten years
D. One in twelve years

6) How are Anglicans known in USA?
A. Baptists
B. Episcopalians
C. Lutherans
D. Quakers

7) Who is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England?
A. Archbishop of Canterbury
B. Archbishop of York
C. Monarch of England
D. Bishop of London

8) When were women first ordained as priests in the Church of England?
A. 1975
B. 1980
C. 1994
D. 2002

9) Some Anglican Churches are not part of the Anglican Communion. Which of the following Churches is not a part of the Anglican Communion.?
A. Church of Ireland
B. American Anglican Church
C. Church of North India
D. Church of South India

10) Who in 1845 left the Church of England, joined the Roman Catholic Church and later became a cardinal?
A. John Heenan
B. John Henry Newman
C. Basil Hume
D. Timothy Manning

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