300+ TOP Advertising MCQs and Answers Advertisement Quiz

Advertising Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is advertising?
A. publicity
B. sales promotion
C. paid information
D. all the above
Answer: D

2. The motive to which an ad is directed, designed to stir a person toward goal the advertiser has set is
known as
A. appeal
B. need
C. demand.
D. desire
Answer: A

3. Handwritten posters in the sixteenth and the seventeenth century which are considered to be the forerunners of advertising are
A. pamphlets
B. siquis
C. billboards
D. brochures
Answer: B

4. The _______________ is the foundation of any advertising or marketing campaign.
A. Research.
B. Target segmentation
C. Creative brief.
D. Media planning.
Answer: C

5. Printed matter that runs over the edges of an outdoor board or a page leaving no margin is known as
A. Bleed
B. Solus
C. Broadsheet
D. Classified
Answer: A

6. ______________ became the first full service advertising agency.
A. N.W.Ayer & Son
B. FCB Ulka Advertising Ltd
C. Ogilvy & Mather.
D. William Taylor
Answer: A

7. Typical ad agency clients contain businesses and ________, non-profit organization and government agency.
A. Corporate law
B. Company.
C. Companies law
D. Corporations.
Answer: D

8. ________ agencies specialize in endorsement of brands in the various social media platforms like blogs, social network sites, Q&A sites, discussion forums, micro blogs etc.
A. Social media
B. User-generated contented.
C. Friend Feed.
D. Social network service.
Answer: A

9. This is a hierarchy of effects or sequential model used to explain how advertising works:
Answer: B

10. Palmer opened the first American advertising agency at________ in 1850
A. Pennsylvania.
B. Philadelphia.
C. San Fransisco.
D. Pittsburgh.
Answer: B

11. Dividing the market based on age, income, educational qualification,is known as
A. profile
B. census
C. target audience
D. demography
Answer: D

12. The problem with implementing many of today’s available security solutions in web advertising are
A. Slower online communication
B. More expensive for the advertiser
C. More cumbersome of users
D. All the above.
Answer: D

13. Advertising is affected by ________ forces
A. Economic.
B. Social.
C. Technological.
D. All the above
Answer: D

14. Any device or word that identifies the origin of the product,the manufacturer details etc is known as
A. trade name
B. brand name
C. trademark
D. identity
Answer: C

15. Infomercials are designed to solicit a direct response which is ___________ and are, therefore, a form of direct marketing.
A. Specific and experimental
B. Persuasive.
C. Advertising.
D. Marketing ethics
Answer: A

16. Sponsorship belongs to the promotional tool to _________________.
A. Business marketing
B. Marketing.
C. Marketing management
D. Advertising.
Answer: B

17. A corporate unit may provide equipment for a famous sportsperson or sports team in exchange for ________
A. Advertising.
B. Brand.
C. Brand management
D. Product placement.
Answer: B

18. _________ is more commonly used to derive benefit from the associations shaped for a company’s brand or image as a result of the support.
A. Product placement
B. Advertising.
C. Sponsorship.
D. Brand management
Answer: C

19. Copywriting is the act of writing copy for the purpose of selling or marketing a _______, business, or idea.
A. price
B. product
C. material
D. concept
Answer: B

20. _______ teams for many years relied a great deal on the income from tobacco advertising, reflected in the sponsorship liveries of the teams.
A. 2010 Formula One season
B. Michael Schumacher
C. 2009 Formula One season
D. Formula.
Answer: D

21. Series of messages that divide a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication.is known as
A. Advertising.
B. Advertising research
C. Advertising Campaign
D. Product placement
Answer: C

22. _________ decides on complaints from the general public including government officials, consumer groups, etc., complaints from one advertiser against another.
A. Consumer Complaints Council (CCC).B. ASCI.
Answer: A

23. A strap line is a British term used as a less important sentence attached to a ________ name.
A. Product placement
B. Brand.
C. Advertising
D. Brand management.
Answer: B

24. A longer commercial that mixes entertainment along with information in a program like format is known as
A. Advertorial
B. Informercial
C. Space feature
D. Classified
Answer: B

25. Placement of advertisements inside or outside transportation vehicles is known as
A. Arieal advertising.
B. Outdoor advertising
C. Transit advertising
D. classifieds
Answer: C

26. Mass marketing is otherwise known as
A. Undifferentiated marketing
B. Differentiated Marketing
C. concentrated marketing
D. customised marketing
Answer: A

27. The local ad server was first urbanized and introduced by Net Gravity in January 1996 for delivering online advertising at major publishing sites such as ________ and guide.
A. Google.
B. Microsoft.
C. Yahoo!.
D. Intel Corporation
Answer: C

28. A__________ is in charge for selecting media for advertisement assignment on behalf of their customers.
A. Media planner
B. Media buying
C. space seller.
D. copywriter
Answer: A

29. ________ is a very rough rendition of a proposed commercial, composed of images and sounds borrowed from other commercials or broadcast materials.
A. Ripomatics.
B. Animatics.
C. Graphics.
D. Neuropsychology

Answer: C

30. A personal ad is an item or notice conventionally in the ________, similar to a classified ad but personal in life.
A. Defamation.
B. Newspaper.
C. Media bias.
D. News media
Answer: B

31. A television commercial produced from semi-finished artwork, generally used only for test purposes is ________________.
A. Cinematic.
B. Systematic.
C. Animatic.
D. Diplomatic
Answer: C

32. _______________ is the number of people or households who are exposed to a medium.
A. Audience.
B. Market.
C. Target.
D. None the above
Answer: A

33. The total net audience exposed to prepared periodical, outdoor, television or radio advertising is _____________.
A. Space accumulation.
B. Agency accumulation.
C. Audience accumulation.
D. Audience composition.
Answer: C

34. A specific period of broadcast commercial time offered for sale by a station or network for sponsorship is _________________.
A. Usage.
B. Availability.
C. Durability.
D. Primary availability
Answer: B

35. A _________ is a document the advertiser signs agreeing to stop the objectionable advertising without admitting any wrongdoing.
A. Consent decree.
B. Cease and desist order.
C. Contempt decree.
D. Billboard
Answer: D

36. Total coverage by television and radio of a given geographic area is _________.
A. Blank coverage.
B. Blanket coverage.
C. Zero coverage.
D. National coverage
Answer: B

37. ___________ is an elaborate booklet, usually bound with a special cover.
A. Leaflet.
B. Brochure.
C. Pamphlet.D. Hoarding
Answer: B

38. A system of broadcasting television whereby programs are first tuned in by a community antenna and then distributed to individual homes is______________.
A. Cable TV.
D. Car card.
Answer: A

39. ____________ is a promotion piece consisting of one large sheet of paper, generally printed on one side only.
A. Equal side.
B. Broadside
C. Neutral side.
D. Horizontal side
Answer: B

40. Sales of copies of a publication in quantity to one purchaser to be given free by him is known as_________________.
A. Enough space.
B. . Running space.
C. Bulk space.
D. Full space.
Answer: C

41. Egyptians used ________ to make sales messages and wall posters.
A. papyrus
B. fabric
C. pine
D. eucalyptus
Answer: A

42. ____________ is a process used by an advertiser to reserve a time period with a local station and by a network to check with its affiliates on the availability of a time period.
A. Pass time.
B. Frequent time.
C. Agency time.
D. Clear time.
Answer: D

43. Compensation to a salesperson, agency, etc., as a percent of their sales, is known as_________.
A. Replication.
B. Implication.
C. Commission.
D. Expansion
Answer: C

44. _________ are large structures located in public places which display advertisements to passing pedestrians and motorists.
A. posters
B. billboards
C. display
D. classified
Answer: B

45. ____________ is a term used to define a medium geographical potential.A. Transmitter.
B. Antenna.
C. Mass audience.
D. Coverage.
Answer: D

46. _____________ is a kind of advertising run by a local advertiser in conjunction with a national advertiser.
A. Local advertising. .
B. Cooperative advertising.
C. International advertising.
D. National advertising.
Answer: A

47. The participation of two or more sponsors in a single broadcast program where each advertiser pays a proportionate share of the cost is called____________.
A. Sponsorship.
B. Co-sponsorship.
C. Commercials .
D. Slot.
Answer: B

48. Letters, folders, reprints, or other material sent through the mails directly to prospective purchases is____________.
A. Instant mail advertising.
B. retrieve mail advertising
C. Spam.
D. Direct mail advertising.
Answer: D

49. _________ allows the prospect to respond directly to the advertiser rather than going through a retailer or other middlemen.
A. Direct advertising.
B. Indirect advertising.
C. Instant advertising.
D. Mixed response advertising.
Answer: A

50. Advertising in a directory is ______________.
A. Delivery advertising.
B. Directory advertising.
C. Direct advertising.
D. Dynamic advertising.
Answer: B

51. ___________ is a transit advertising term specifying two displays in each vehicle.
A. Hoarding.
B. Double carding.
C. Carding.
D. Billboard.
Answer: B

52. ____________ is a reduction from regular rates when advertising contracts to use quantities of advertising.
A. Discount.
B. Allowance.
C. Valuation.
D. Correction.Answer: A

53. An ______ is a long-format television commercial, typically five minutes or longer.
A. infotainment
B. entertainment
C. informercial
D. advertorial
Answer: C

54. ____________ is used in outdoor advertising to refer to the number of billboards used in one display.
A. Depth.
B. Facing.
C. Changing.
D. Exposure
Answer: B

55. _____________ is the measurements which are based on respondents who either say with assurance that they have looked into a given magazine.
A. Exposure.
B. Lights.
C. Depth of field.
D. Focus
Answer: A

56. When marketing practices are criticized for reducing competition, the criticism falls under which universal area of societal marketing issues?
A. Marketing’s impact on society as a whole.
B. Marketing’s impact on other businesses.
C. Marketing’s impact on the company.
D. Marketing’s impact on the individual.
Answer: B

57. ____________ is about bringing your product/service to the notice of your target market, and reminding them or persuading customers to purchase that product/service.
A. Production.
B. Promotion.
C. Budget.
D. Image.
Answer: B

58. The ____________ that is selected to communicate the product/service to clientele forms the promotional mix.
A. Marketing.
B. Product.
C. Promotional budgets.
D. Promotional methods.
Answer: D

59. Projecting the image of the company by taking up social causes for a long term benefit is done through
Answer: B

60. ___________ involves targeting specific areas where possible customers are likely to be, using public information lists to help identify prospective clients.
A. Direct mail.
B. Community directories.
C. Radio.
D. Point of sales display.
Answer: A

61. ____________ provides a chance to show the features and benefits of a product/service directly to the customers who may be in a position to make an instant purchase.
A. Direct mail.
B. Community directories.
C. Radio.
D. Point of sales display.
Answer: D

62. The selection of the ___________ will depend upon your target market, the message you wish to convey, and the relative costs of the different media.
A. Advertising medium.
B. Objective.
C. Mission vision.
D. Market gap.
Answer: A

63. What is AIDA?
A. Advertisement, Interest, Demand, Acquire.
B. Advertisement, Interest, Desire, Attention.
C. Advertisement, Interest, Desire, Attention.
D. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
Answer: D

64. _________ is the material abounding to the magazine or newspaper to use in the production of the advertisement.
A. Artwork.
B. Data.
C. Copy.
D. Text.
Answer: A

65. A black and white photographic print of the final artwork used to replicate the advertisement is called _____________.
A. Artwork.
B. Copy.
C. Layout.
D. Bromide.
Answer: D

66. ____________ is the outer shell of the advertisement, which should be attention-grabbing, attractive and interesting to your customers
A. Message design.
B. Physical design.
C. Transformational Advertising.
D. Informational advertising.
Answer: B

67. _____________ aims to transform the perception, attitude, or action of the prospective customer.
A. Message design.
B. Physical design
C. Transformational Advertising.
D. Informational advertising.
Answer: D

68. _____________ is commercially significant news regarding a product/service, which appears in the commercial media at no cost to the business. It is not considered to be advertising.
A. Publicity.
B. Public relations.
C. Advertising tools.
D. Promotion.
Answer: A

69. _______________ is about direct person to person selling, or voice to voice, or digital to digital communication designed to explain how products, services, or ideas fit the needs of a prospective customer.
A. Publicity.
B. Public relations.
C. Advertising tools.
D. Personal selling.
Answer: D

70. The words used in an advertisement is referred to as ___________.
A. Data.
B. Artwork.
C. Copy.
D. Text.
Answer: C

71. An advertising that rate that does not include any discounts are _____________.
A. Maximum rate.
B. Neutral rate.
C. Flat rate.
D. Normal rate.
Answer: C

72. In a periodical advertising, _________ is to run an advertisement within a space which is layer than the advertisement.
A. Folio.
B. Flat.
C. Float.
D. Flow.
Answer: C

73. A specific position in a publication for which an advertiser is granted a permanent franchise is __________.
A. Grant position.
B. Franchise position.
C. Lead position.
D. Permanent position.
Answer: B

74. ____________ is an array of reach according to the level of frequency delivered to each group.
A. Frequency period.
B. Frequency distribution.
C. Frequency channel.
D. Frequency time.
Answer: B

75. ___________ is a preferred position for newspaper advertisement, generally following and next to reading matter or top of column next to reading matter.
A. Equal position.
B. Top position.
C. Full position.
D. Half position.
Answer: C

76. ______________ is a regular program sponsored by only one advertiser.
A. Program sponsorship.
B. Franchise
C. Half program.
D. Full program sponsorship.
Answer: D

77. Which is a consumer magazine not classified to a specific audience?
A. Film magazine.
B. General editorial magazine
C. Women magazine.
D. Kids magazine.
Answer: B

78. ____________ is a combined audience of a combination of media or a campaign in a single medium
A. Net audience.
B. Guaranteed audience.
C. Neutral audience.
D. Gross audience.
Answer: D

79. ________ is an association of the largest advertising agencies throughout the United States, controls agency practices by denying membership to any agency judged unethical.
A. American Association of Advertising Agencies.
B. American Advertising Federation
C. Association of National Advertisers
D. Federal Communications Commission
Answer: A

80. ____________ is a period of time during which there is no advertising activity.
A. Down link.
B. Duplication.
C. Hiatus.
D. Imprint.
Answer: C

81. ____________ is an extent or degree of consumer awareness of an advertisement within a specific media.
A. Impact.
B. Alternate.
C. Choice.
D. Impression.
Answer: A

82. What refers to the portion of media exposure done in the home?
A. Out of home.
B. In home.
C. Outdoor
D. Insert.
Answer: B

83. __________ is an advertisement in a print media.
A. Exertion.B. Extension.
C. Integration.
D. Insertion.
Answer: D

84. An advertisement appearing on two facing junior pages that occupies only part of each page is ___________.
A. Control panel.
B. Control room.
C. Pony spread.
D. Close spread.
Answer: C

85. _____________ is networks that connect people within a group to each other and to the company network.
A. Internets.
B. Bitstreams.
C. Extranets.
D. Intranets.
Answer: D

86. _______________ is the encircling term that involves the use of electronic platforms – intranets, extranets and the Internet – to conduct a company’s business.
A. E-procurement.
B. E-marketing.
C. E-business.
D. E-commerce
Answer: C

87. Which of the following is not one of the reimbursements of e-commerce to sellers?
A. E-commerce can help to reduce costs.
B. E-commerce offers greater flexibility in meeting customer needs.
C. E-commerce increases the net cost per contact
D. E-commerce is a powerful tool for customer relationship building.
Answer: C

88. The E-commerce domain that involves business action initiated by the consumer and targeted to businesses is known as____________.
A. Consumer to Consumer.
B. Consumer to Business.
C. Business to Business.
D. Business to Consumer.
Answer: B

89. A ______________ is a B2B trading network that links a meticulous seller with its own trading partners.
A. Web community.
B. Private trading network.
C. Virtual network.
D. Bitstream.
Answer: B

90. Television advertising that include a telephone numeral for ordering is an example of__________.
A. Direct-response advertising.
B. Telemarketing.
C. Straight mail.
D. Teleconference.
Answer: A

91. What are the elite qualities of advertising?
A. Consumers view advertised products as standard and legitimate.
B. Advertising is expressive, allowing the dramatization of products.
C. Advertising can be used to build up a long-term image for a product.
D. Can reach masses of geographically dispersed buyers at low cost exposure.
Answer: C

92. In creating the communications message, what is the term functional to the process of putting the intended message or thought into symbolic form?
A. Developing the response.
B. Eliminating the advertising clutter or ‘noise’.
C. Encoding.
D. Decoding.
Answer: C

93. Define what is destined by the cognitive stage of consumer advertising?
A. Stimulating recognition of advertising.
B. Sowing the seeds of a thought and gaining the consumer’s attention.
C. Defining recognition.
D. Involves the creating or changing of an attitude.
Answer: B

94. Which of the following was not referred to as a meaning of IMC?
A. Consistent seamlessness.
B. Whole egg.
C. Orchestration.
D. Seamless communication
Answer: A

95. IMC is about?
A. Co-ordinated promotional tools.
B. Bear for the marketing strategy.
C. Harmonized messages.
D. A strategically resolute bend of internal and external messages.
Answer: D

96. Which of these is a possible disadvantage of IMC?
A. Centralization.
B. Communications synergy.
C. Co-ordinated product development.
D. Customer focus.
Answer: A

97. The period that begins with the early morning news shows and extends to 4:00 PM is known as_________.
A. Primetime.
B. Fringe time.
C. Full time.
D. Daytime
Answer: D

98. Core brand values should be predictable via________.
A. Consistent messages.
B. Conservative messages.
C. Contradictory messages.
D. Conflicting messages.
Answer: A

99. _________ is the ability to reach prospective customers on a personal and intimate level
A. Visuals.
B. Economy.
C. Intimacy.
D. Fractionalization.
Answer: C

100. Newspapers generally offer a ___________ reproduction quality
A. Mediocre.
B. Higher rates.
C. Most advantage.
D. Composing.
Answer: A

101. Newspaper Advertising Strengths
A. Audience in appropriate mental frame.
B. Mass audience coverage.
C. Flexibility.
D. All the above
Answer: D

102. Which medium is best depends entirely on the advertiser s objectives, the creative needs, the competitive challenge and the ______
A. Budget available.
B. Clients choice.
C. Agencies choice.
D. Creative plans choice.
Answer: A

103. The first printed advertisements were single sheets, printed on one side, that nowadays would be called_________.
A. Barrages.
B. Fliers.
C. Flights.
D. Brochures.
Answer: B

104. Which of the following is NOT an area of dependability for people who work in an advertising agency?
A. Creativity.
B. Printing.
C. Buying.
D. Research.
Answer: B

105. Advertisements provide consumers with essential information about products and services, including _______.
A. Where to get the product or service.
B. The existence of the product or service.
C. Where to sell the product or service.
D. How much the product or service costs.
Answer: C

106. Advertising agencies were first urbanized for, and still serve, the purpose of __________.
A. Pushing clients to make rapid decisions.
B. Mystifying ad purchasing so that clients do not attempt it on their own
C. Simplifying and speeding the purchasing of ads for their clients.D. Increasing the amount of research and decision-making clients need to do.
Answer: C

107. Advertising directly to consumers in newspapers was primarily popularized by ______________.
A. The news “criers” of ancient Greece and Rome.
B. USA Today.
C. The ads for other religious books that appeared in Gutenberg’s Bibles.
D. The “penny papers” of the 1800s.
Answer: D

108. Infomercials often look like other types of television shows, including _______________.
A. News shows.
B. Live, audience-participation shows.
C. Reality shows.
D. Talkshows
Answer: A

109. Dakota is a graphic designer operational for an advertising agency to develop print advertisements. Which type of service do Dakota provide?
A. Buying
B. Creative
C. Research
D. Promotion
Answer: B

110. Brand names and identity advertising are methods that advertisers use to persuade consumers to____________.
A. Reach their demographic potential.
B. Satisfy subconscious motivations.
C. Make distinctions among products that are actually very similar
D. Perceive hidden messages.
Answer: C

111. Violations that ethical advertisers strive to avoid comprise which of the following?
A. Testimonials from unknowledgeable people.
B. False statements.
C. Misleading and exaggerated claims.
D. Avoiding the messages.
Answer: C

112. The medium on which U.S. advertisers spend the most money each year is________.
A. Radio.
B. Magazines.
C. Newspapers.
D. Television.
Answer: D

113. An advantage of television ads overprint and radio ads is the ability of television to____________.
A. Linger in consumer’s possession for in-depth and repeated reference.
B. Let consumers hear a product and see it in action.
C. Provide advertisers carefully targeted audiences of as few as a single person.
D. Let consumers suggest about the product
Answer: B

114. The concept of positioning is given by
A. Rooser Reeves
B. Al Ries and Jack Trout
C. Alex Osborn
D. Philipp Kotler
Answer: B

115. The Ad Council is ___________.
A. the organization sponsored by the advertising industry to create ads for commendable causes.
B. a new U.S. government organization formed to regulate advertising on the Internet
C. the name for the daily meetings held by small groups of top executives at most large advertising agencies.
D. a self-policing organization funded by the advertising industry to punish unethical advertisers.
Answer: A

116. Advertising can be used to sell _________.
A. products.
B. services.
C. ideas.
D. all the above
Answer: D

117. An economy that relies on purchases of goods and services, and on advertising to create a climate that encourages those purchases has been termed a __________.
A. consumer culture.
B. selling society.
C. meritocracy.
D. brand-name nation
Answer: A

118. Advertisers can reach audiences in target geological areas by ____________.
A. buying time on local radio stations.
B. placing ads in regional issues of national magazines.
C. doing all the activities
D. advertising in local newspapers
Answer: C

119. Products and services that have raised ethical concerns for advertisers and of good reputation media in recent years include?
A. Cigarettes.
B. Weight loss systems.
C. Fortune tellers.
D. Awareness.
Answer: D

120. Psychological research has exposed which of the following to advertisers?
A. Advertisers should match media to the level of rational thought people put into particular buying decisions.
B. Our emotions and desires can be linked to products to drive sales.
C. People lifestyle choices affect their buying habits.
D. People knowledge about the product.
Answer: A

121. Devon works in the marketing department for a large company, formative the most effective media for the company to advertise in and assisting in the purchase of space or time for ads. Devon’s job is _______________.
A. media planning.
B. creative direction.
C. graphic design.
D. account executive.
Answer: A

122. These are written documents, often urbanized by the Account Manager, to provide media planners with relevant information necessary to select and buy media suitable to the campaign
A. Account Brief.
B. Media Brief.
C. Creative Brief.
D. Client Brief.
Answer: C

123. Which of the following are agency personnel who undertake investigate to support a campaign?
A. Research Manager.
B. Account manager.
C. Media Director.
D. Account planner
Answer: C

124. Which of the following is the first stage of the marketing communications planning process and analysis of four main environmental context in order to shape the detail of the plan?
A. Context analysis.
B. Environmental Analysis
C. Media Analysis.
D. Audience Analysis.
Answer: C

125. In _______, the main advertising media in America were newspapers, magazines, signs on streetcars, and outdoor posters.
A. 1925
B. 1980
C. 1887
D. 1856
Answer: A

126. ________brings the product to the attention of potential customers.
A. Marketing.
B. Advertisement.
C. Distribution.
D. Promotion.
Answer: B

127. ___________describes or presents a product to the public to induce them to buy and support it.
A. Ads.
B. Distribution.
C. Marketing.
D. Promotion
Answer: A

128. The movable type printing press was invented by _________.
A. Einstein.
B. Gutenberg.
C. Kuleshov.
D. Edwin.S. Porter.
Answer: B

129. The first ad agency was set up by____________.
A. Gutenberg.
B. Volney palmer.
C. Kuleshov.
D. E.S. Porter.
Answer: B

130. In 1985, a self-regulatory mechanism of ensuring ethical advertising practices was established in the form of the _________________ a non statutory tribunal
A. Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI).
B. Consumer Protection Act.
C. Indian Penal Code.
D. Information Technology Act.
Answer: A

131. Which was the first- full service ad agency?
A. N.W.Ayer & sons.
B. Dentsu.
C. Publicis.
D. O&M.
Answer: A

132. _________ uses social networking sites, popular sites and industry specific portals to target audience.
A. Online marketing.
B. Guerilla Marketing.
C. Viral Marketing.
D. Offline marketing.
Answer: C

133. Which television Network started selling advertising sponsors?
A. Du Mont.
B. Du Pont.
Answer: A

134. Copywriters are similar to _________.
A. technical editor.
B. technical writer.
C. creative editor.
D. artist.
Answer: B

135. NBC stands for ____________.
A. National Business Center.
B. National Broadcasting Company.
C. National Building Code.
D. National Benefits Centre.
Answer: B

136. ABC stands for __________.
A. Audit Bureau of Circulations.
B. Advertising Bureau of Circulations.
C. American Bureau of circulations
D. African Bureau of circulations
Answer: A

137. The segmenting of mass-media audiences into smaller groups because of the diversity of media outlets is ___________ .
A. media segmentation.
B. audience Segmentation.
C. consolidation.
D. credit.
Answer: B

138. ________ is a combination of marketing functions, including advertising, used to sell a product.
A. Sales promotion.
B. Marketing mix.
C. Public relations.
D. New advertising
Answer: B

139. Communication with various internal and external publics to create a image for a product or corporation is _________.
A. new advertising.
B. marketing mix.
C. public relations.
D. advertising.
Answer: B

140. Advertising by a local merchant who sells directly to the customer is ________.
A. end product advertising.
B. national advertising.
C. retail advertising.
D. direct response advertising.
Answer: C

141. _______ advertising directs to the wholesale or retail merchants or sales agencies through whom the product is sold.
A. Industrial.
B. Trade.
C. Professional.
D. Retail.
Answer: B

142. __________addresses to manufactures who buy machinery equipments and components needed to produce the goods they sell.
A. Industrial.
B. Trade.
C. Professional.
D. retail.
Answer: A

143. The over all objectives that a company wishes to accomplish through its marketing program is called___________.
A. new advertising.
B. marketing mix.
C. promotional mix.
D. marketing goals
Answer: A

144. The key to the success of the typical advertising plan is that it contributes to ___________.
A. profitability.
B. flexibility.
C. complexity.
D. interoperability.
Answer: A

145. The_________ team develops the message strategy from the copy platform.
A. creative.
B. editor.
C. account planners
D. producers.
Answer: A

146. The product that reaches maturity and wide-scale acceptance enter the _______stage of advertising
A. pioneer.
B. competitive.
C. retentive.
D. relative.
Answer: C

147. The product usefulness is recognized and its superiority over other brands has yet to be established in ______ stage of advertising.
A. pioneer.
B. competitive.
C. .retentive.
D. .progressive.
Answer: A

148. Marketing communications is used to achieve one of two principal goals. The first concerns the development of brand values. What is the other goal?
A. Increasing sales.
B. Informing about products.
C. Changing the behaviour of target audiences.
D. Channelling communication tools.
Answer: A

149. Degree to which a consumer purchases a certain brand without considering alternatives is ____________.
A. brand equity.
B. brand loyalty.
C. brand positioning.
D. brand identity.
Answer: B

150. _________ means doing what the advertiser and the advertisers peers believe is morally right in a given situation.
A. Social advertising.
B. Ethical advertising.
C. Legal advertising.
D. Regulatory advertising.
Answer: B

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