300+ TOP Animal Husbandry MCQs and Answers Quiz Pdf

Animal Husbandry Multiple Choice Questions :

1. Which among the following meat has the lowest level of cholesterol?

A. chicken
B. chevon
C. rabbit
D. pork

Answer: C

2. In caprines milk feeding can be completely stopped for kids at an age of

A. 3 months
B. 2 months
C. 5 months
D. 4 months

Answer: A

3. The common disinfectant used at naval cord at the time of birth is

A. Betadine
B. Tincture Iodine
C. Dettol
D. Potassium permanganate

Answer: B

4. A Himalayan sheep breed is

A. Lohi
B. Gurez
C. Nellore
D. Bikaneri

Answer: B

5. Which is a cattle breed?

A. Ayrshire
B. Berkshire
C. Hampshire
D. Yorkshire

Answer: A

6. A solid, broad comb, terminating in a tapering spike is

A. pea
B. single
C. walnut
D. rose

Answer: D

7. The teeth which are examined first for age determination in cattle are

A. premolars
B. canines
C. molars
D. incisors

Answer: D

8. The normal rectal temperature of goat is about

A. 103.5°F
B. 101.5°F
C. 99.2°F
D. 105.3°F

Answer: A

9. Scrotum is absent in

A. stallion
B. ram
C. cock
D. boar

Answer: C

10. The composition of biogas is

A. 25% methane and 75% carbon dioxide
B. 75% methane and 25% carbon dioxide
C. 25% methane and 75% hydrogen sulphide
D. 75% methane and 25% hydrogen sulphide

Answer: B

11. A type of dairy farming in which only lactating animals are reared is

A. specialised farm
B. family cow
C. corral dairying
D. milk colonies

Answer: C

12. Isolation boxes in a dairy farm are intended to house

A. diseased animals
B. vicious bulls
C. cows nearing calving
D. early weaned calves

Answer: A

13. The ideal environmental temperature for high producing dairy cows is

A. 30-35°C
B. 25-29°C
C. 17-24°C
D. 5-16°C

Answer: D

14. The present breeding policy for cattle in Kerala is

A. grading up
B. cross breeding
C. line breeding
D. out crossing

Answer: B

15. According to PFA rules, milk containing a minimum of 1.5% fat and 9% SNF is

A. double toned milk
B. toned milk
C. standardised milk
D. recombined milk

Answer: A

16. During calving, the rupture of first water bag indicates

A. beginning of first stage
B. beginning of second stage
C. beginning of third stage
D. end of second stage

Answer: B

17. The rumen activity in calves begin by the age of

A. 6-8 months
B. 1-2 months
C. 2-4 months
D. 4-6 months

Answer: D

18. The ideal annual culling percentage in cows should be

A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 30%

Answer: C

19. The enzymatic digestion in ruminant stomach occurs at

A. abomasum
B. omasum
C. reticulum
D. rumen

Answer: A

20. The nutrient which is needed in largest quantity by the animals is

A. protein
B. fat
C. carbohydrate
D. minerals

Answer: C

21. The age of weaning in piglets is

A. 9 weeks
B. 7 weeks
C. 10 weeks
D. 8 weeks

Answer: D

22. The average daily roughage consumption of an adult rabbit is

A. 100g
B. 200g
C. 300g
D. 400g

Answer: B

23. Pashmina is obtained from

A. Karanah
B. Saanen
C. Kashmiri
D. Merino

Answer: C

24. The optimum boar:sow ratio for breeding is

A. 1:25
B. 1:20
C. 1:15
D. 1:10

Answer: A

25. Which is not related to horse?

A. colt
B. filly
C. mare
D. gilt

Answer: D

26. An adult male goat is called

A. stallion
B. doe
C. buck
D. ram

Answer: C

27. Dorsal indicates

A. under surface of the body
B. front of the body
C. rear of the body
D. upper surface of the body

Answer: D

28. Which of the following organ is not seen in the abdominal cavity of a heifer?

A. uterus
B. spleen
C. caecum
D. liver

Answer: A

29. The fleshy prominent mass lying between the forelimbs of a cattle is called

A. stifle
B. brisket
C. croup
D. loin

Answer: B

30. Among the following which is not used to control the head and neck of animals?

A. muzzle
B. cradle
C. trevis
D. halter

Answer: C

31. The most common method used for pasteurisation of packed milk obtained in the market is

A. HTST system
B. LTLT system
C. UHT system
D. sterilization

Answer: A

32. According to PFA rules, cream should contain a milk fat percentage of

A. 10
B. 80
C. 25
D. 99

Answer: C

33. A fermented milk product is

A. butter
B. channa
C. khoa
D. lassi

Answer: D

34. High fever up to 106°F, hot swelling at throat and surroundings and difficult respiration are mainly seen in

A. brucellosis
B. haemorrhagic septicaemia
C. tuberculosis
D. black quarter

Answer: B

35. The average daily feed consumption of an adult quail will be

A. 20-30g
B. 30-40g
C. 40-50g
D. 50-60g

Answer: A

36. Which of the following is not a distinguishing character between a male and female turkey?

A. males have black beards below the neck
B. females have black speckles on throat
C. males are usually heavier than females
D. males produce a peculiar sound called struting

Answer: B

37. The species which is more susceptible to aflatoxicosis is

A. chicken
B. quail
C. duck
D. turkey

Answer: C

38. Vitamin A deficiency in chicken leads to

A. Crazy chick disease
B. polyneuritis
C. curled toe paralysis
D. nutritional roup
Answer: D

39. RDF vaccination in chicken is given at an age of

A. 1-7 days
B. 7-14 days
C. 14-21 days
D. 21-28 days

Answer: A

40. Hatchery operations does not include

A. dubbing
B. sexing
C. setting
D. brooding

Answer: D

41. For layer farming, how many layer houses are needed for each rearing house?

A. three
B. one
C. two
D. four

Answer: A

42. A breed having yellow skin, red ear lobe, feathered shank, brown shelled egg and loose plumage is

A. Rhode Island Red
B. Sussex
C. Cochin
D. White Leghorn

Answer: C

43. Which plant is known as the “terror of Bengal”?

A. Water hyacinth
B. Water lily
C. Pistia
D. Hydrilla

Answer: A

44. Which among the following is not used for digesting proteins?

A. Pepsin
B. Amylase
C. Trypsin
D. Carboxypeptidase

Answer: B

45. The polymerase enzyme used in PCR technique is isolated from:

A. Bacillus thuringiensis
B. Thermus aquaticus
C. Escherichia coli
D. Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Answer: B

46. The interaction between an orchid plant growing on a mango tree is an example for:

A. Parasitism
B. Mutualism
C. Commensalism
D. Competition

Answer: C

47. Which of the following is not obtained from the plant Cannabis sativa?

A. Cocaine
B. Marijuana
C. Hashish
D. Charas

Answer: A

48. Which of the following is a composite gland?

A. Adrenal
B. Parathyroid
C. Pancreas
D. Pituitary

Answer: C

49. In meiosis, chromosomal cross over take place during which of the following stages?

A. Leptotene
B. Zygotene
C. Pachytene
D. Diplotene

Answer: C

50. The primary carbon dioxide acceptor in C4 plants is:

A. Phospho enol pyruvate
C. Phospho gyceric acid
D. Oxalo acetic acid

Answer: A

51. Which of the following feed ingredient has the highest amount of crude protein?

A. cotton seed cake
B. ground nut cake
C. yellow maize
D. cow pea

Answer: B

52. A leguminous fodder is

A. CO 3
B. signal grass
C. maize
D. cow pea

Answer: D

53. peak yield in cattle is obtained by

A. 30-90 days after calving
B. 20-50 days after calving
C. 70-100 days after calving
D. 90-120 days after calving

Answer: A

54. Which is not related to clean milk production?

A. washing udder with iodophore
B. discarding foremilk
C. using hooded milking pail
D. none of the above

Answer: D

55. According to PFA rules, cow milk in Kerala should contain

A. 3% fat and 8% SNF
B. 3% fat and 8.5% SNF
C. 3.5% fat and 8.5% SNF
D. 3.5% fat and 8% SNF

Answer: C

56. Milk sugar is

A. maltose
B. lactose
C. casein
D. lactalbumin

Answer: B

57. In broiler processing, removal of small hair like feathers by passing flame all over the body of the carcass is known as

A. trussing
B. singeing
C. scalding
D. pinning

Answer: B

58. For a good layer flock feed efficiency will be

A. 2
B. 2.5
C. 1.75
D. 2.25

Answer: C

59. A filler flat will hold

A. a dozen of eggs
B. 36 eggs
C. 360 eggs
D. 30 eggs

Answer: D

60. Adlibitum feeding means

A. feeding only on alternate days
B. feed and water is made available at all times
C. only feed is made available at all times
D. none of these

Answer: B

61. The egg albumen is formed in the

A. infundibulum
B. magnum
C. isthmus
D. uterus

Answer: B

62. In fowls feed storage is the main function of

A. caeca
B. gizzard
C. cloaca
D. crop

Answer: D

63. Feathers are arranged in definite feather tracts called

A. pterylae
B. stigma
C. filoplumes
D. quill

Answer: A

64. The cholesterol content in a hen’s egg is

A. 100-200mg
B. 300-400mg
C. 200-300mg
D. 400-500mg

Answer: C

65. The floor space requirement for broilers is

A. 790 square centimeter
B. 930 square centimeter
C. 850 square centimeter
D. 730 square centimeter

Answer: B

66. The scientific name of duck is

A. Anas platyrrhynchos
B. Meleagris gallopavo
C. Anser anser
D. Numida meleagris

Answer: A

67. The chemicals used for fumigation are

A. potassium permanganate and iodine
B. bleaching powder and formalin
C. bleaching powder and iodine
D. potassium permanganate and formalin

Answer: D

68. Culling should be practiced in

A. chicks and layers
B. growers and breeders
C. both 1 and 2
D. none of these

Answer: C

69. Which cell organelle is known as the “power house of the cell”?

A. Ribosome
B. Mitochondria
C. Chloroplast
D. Nucleus

Answer: B

70. Which among the following microbes is involved in the production of biogas?

A. Lactic acid bacillus
B. Yeast
C. Clostridium
D. Methanogens

Answer: D

71. The capacity of a plant cell to generate a whole plant is called:

A. Totipotency
B. Parthenogenesis
C. Apomixis
D. Polyembryony

Answer: A

72. In DNA, the nucleotides are linked together to form polynucleotides using:

A. Glycosidic linkage
B. Hydrogen bond
C. Phospho diester linkage
D. Disulphide bond

Answer: C

73. If the tRNA anticodon loop has “UAC” as the anticodon,then which aminoacid will be attached to its “amino acid acceptor end”?

A. Serine
B. Tyrosine
C. glycine
D. Methionine

Answer: D

74. The surgical method of sterilisation in males is:

A. Vasectomy
B. Tubectomy
C. M T P
D. I U D

Answer: A

75. Which among the following is not a characteristic feature of phylum Arthropoda?

A. Radial symmetry
B. Jointed appendages
C. Open circulatory system
D. Chitinous exoskeleton

Answer: A

76. The technique of growing plants without soil, in nutrient solution is known as:

A. Aqua culture
B. Micropropagation
C. Horticulture
D. Hydroponics

Answer: D

77. The pigment that gives red colour to red algae is:

A. Fucoxanthin
B. Phycoerythrin
C. Phycocyanin
D. Haemoglobin

Answer: B

78. The joint between the skull and atlas vertebra is:

A. Saddle joint
B. Hinge joint
C. Fibrous joint
D. Pivot joint

Answer: D

79. Which among the following is the “dihybrid phenotypic ratio” according to Mendelian inheritance?

A. 3:1
B. 1:2:1
C. 9:3:3:1
D. 1:1

Answer: C

80. Resistance of bacteria against antibiotics is an example for the evolution by:

A. Genetic drift
B. Adaptive radiation
C. Anthropogenic action
D. Genetic recombination

Answer: C

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