300+ TOP AS400 Interview Questions and Answers

AS400 Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. How do you pass parameters in CL?
Using PARM keyword.

2. What are the valid user defined data area types?

3. What is Multi-format logical file?
Logical which uses fields from two or more physical files.

4. What is the Select and Omit criteria in logical file?

This is used to specify rules for the Selection/Omission of records from a Physical File.

5. Can fields be concatenated INa logical file level?
Yes. by using CONCAT keyword

6. When would the ALL keyword be used?
Use with Select or Omit, to select/omit records.

7. What are the different types of keywords in display files?
File level, Record format level, Field level

8. What is difference between CAT, TCAT, BCAT?

  • CAT – Concatenate two variables or constants into one continuous string.
  • BCAT – Truncates all trailing blanks in the first character string, one blank is inserted, then the two character strings are concatenated.
  • TCAT – Truncates all trailing blanks in the first character string, the two character strings are concatenated.

9. What is the difference between SFLCLR and SFLINZ?
SFLCLR : It clears the subfile. SFLINZ : First it clears the subfile and initiliazing the numeric variables with zeros and alphanumeric variables with characters.

10. What is the purpose of the following?

Using this record level keyword, you can specify cursor location on an output operation to the record format you are defining. The program sends output after setting the cursor location.

AS400 Interview Questions
AS400 Interview Questions

11. How can you detect and handle a record lock situation?
If you try to read the locked record, we can get system defined message i. e. , the program will ended abnormally. With the help of File Information Data Structure we can handle record lock situation. Generally it will happen, when the same file of type ” U” used in different programs.

12. What is the difference between array and a multiple occurrence data structure?
The values stored in array don’t vary. In the other hand, we can store the Different values in same variables at various stages.

13. What is the use of Header Specification in RPG/400?
It identifies by H in column 6, provides informaion about generating and running programs.

14. What are Control level indicators?
L1 to L9 used to identify certain fields on control fields and then used to condition which operations are to be processed at detail or total calculation or output time.

15. What is difference between fully procedural file and primary file?

In primary file the records will be read and processed from begining to end. This order is not changed. In fully procedural file the records will be read and processed in any order. The logic flow is controlled by the opcodes in RPG program.

16. What is the difference between externally described file and program described file?
The field definitions and descriptions are defined out side of the program in a externally described file. The field definitions and descriptions are defined in side the program in a program described file.

17. What is the purpose of FRCDTA (Force Data) keyword?
Use this record-level keyword to immediately display a record format, without waiting for the next input or output/input operation.

18. What is the purpose of SFLFOLD and SFLDROP keywords?

  1. SFLFOLD: To fold the second line of multiple line subfile.
  2. SFLDROP: To drop the second line of multiple line subfile.

19. What is the difference between array and a multiple occurrence data structure?
The values stored in array don’t vary. In the other hand, we can store the different values in same variables at various stages.

20. What is the difference between access path and Dynamic select?
Dynamic select occurs whenever the program reads file. But access path occurs before the file is read (but not necessarily). Because access path maintenance performed on the file.

21. Why would you prefer OPNQRYF than logical file?
The main difference is : Logical file creates permanent object on the system. OPNQRYF creates temporary access path.

22. What is purpose of declarative statement DEFN?
Depends on the factor 1 value it will do two things:

* If the factor1is *LIKE then DEFN opcode defines the new field based on the attributes old field. * If the factor 1 is *NAMVAR then DEFN opcodes defines the field as a data area.

23.Can fields be concatenated INa logical file level?
Yes. by using CONCAT keyword

24.When would the ALL keyword be used?
Use with Select or Omit, to select/omit records.

25.What are the different types of keywords in display files?
File level, Record format level, Field level

26.What is difference between CAT, TCAT, BCAT?

  1. CAT – Concatenate two variables or constants into one continuous string.
  2. BCAT – Truncates all trailing blanks in the first character string, one blank is inserted, then the two character strings
    are concatenated.
  3. TCAT – Truncates all trailing blanks in the first character string, the two character strings
    are concatenated.

27.What are the different types of messages in CL?
Immediate message, Break message, Program message, User message

28.How to trap errors in CL?
By using Monitor Message Command (MONMSG)

29.What is the maximum length of a variable name in CL?
Maximum 11 characters (including ‘&’)

30.What is the use of Header Specification in RPG/400?
It identifies by H in column 6, provides informaion about generating and running programs.

31.When will DUMP and DEBUG opcodes be ignored?
If blank is specified in position 15 of H specs.

32.Specify different indicators used in RPG?

  • Overflow indicators
  • Record Identifying Indicators
  • Field Indicators
  • Resulting Indicators
  • Control Level Indicators

33.What are Control level indicators?
L1 to L9 used to identify certain fields on control fields and then used to condition which operations are to be processed at detail or total calculation or output time.

34.What is the use of E specification in RPG?
Extension Specs describes all record address files, arrays and tables.

35.What is the use of L specs in RPG?
Line counter specification can be used to describe printer file to indicate the length of the form and number of lines per page.

36.In which specification the report layout can be defined?
O Specification.

37.How many files can be defined in F specs?

38.How many printer files can be defined in F specs ?

39.A program variable coded in an Embedded SQL statement is referred to as?
Host Variable

40.Which of the CL command can be used to determine which logical files are dependent on a specific file?

41.What does DFU program you to do on a record?
Insert, Update Delete & File Enquiry.

42.When are the Unique Constraints executed?
During Insert.

43.When are the Referential Constraints executed?
Insert, Update & Delete.

44.How many triggers can be associated with a file?

45.Why is the Declare cursor statement is used for?
To define & name the cursor & specify rows to be fetched.

46.What do we can do with the Embedded SQL statements?
We can Insert/Update/Delete records, fetch records, fetch values from records into variables.

47.Which CL command is used to trap error messages during program execution?

48.Which CL command can be used at program execution to redirect the file named in an RPG program?

49.What is *ISO date format?
YYYY-MM-DD for other formats refer to IBM manual or ERIS document.

50.What are the important factors in Error message subfile ?
We must define error message record format (SFLMSG). And a Program Queue. (PGMQ) and Record format is associated to a line number.

51.How to define to define a Hidden filed in DSPF ?
Define a filed in a DSPF of use HIDDEN.(H)

52.How To get the cursor position?
With the help of RTNCSRLOC keyword, here we need to define a field to get row and column. Length of variable should be 5,0 fixed We can specify *FILED for filed *REC for Record on which a key is pressed.

53.What is OVERLAY?
It allows a record format to be displayed on screen retaining the previous displayed record formats.

54.What key word is used when screen is re-display?
RSTDSP is a parameter to be specified at compile time for display file.

55.Command Attention key and Command Function Key ?
With the help of Command attention key we can pass only the indicator status to program not the data from screen. While command function key passes indicator status as well as a data from screen to program.

56.How to validate input values in Display file ?
With the help of Validity check key words VALUE, RANGE, COMP

57.How can see logical file based on which physical file and vice versa

58.How can u check no of records in a file

59.How do u compile RPGLE program
Either thru 15 or crtrpgmod

60.Is module executable
No You need to create an RPG prog to run the module.

61.What is SFLPAG and SFLSIZ ?

  1. SFLPAG : it is an attribute which specifies the number of records that can be displayed in a screen.
  2. SFLSIZ : it is an attribute which specifies the number of records can be stored in the subfile.

62.What are the three line types in RLU ?
Report line, Filler line & Sample line.

63.What is the function of RLU ?
To design & prototype a report.

64.List some of the commonly used commands for debugging
STRDBG(for batch jobs), STRISDB.

65.Define the RCVF command?
RCVF command used to receive the records either from the data base file or device file.

66.Define the purpose of the %SST function?
To extract the information from the specified string.

67.Define the purpose of the *CAT function?
To concatenate the two strings into a one string.

68.Define the purpose of the *BCAT function?
To concatenate the two strings by placing a single blank in a resultant.

69.Describe the difference between the DOWxx and DOUxx operations?

  • DOWxx : If the condition becomes true, then only the group of instructions allowed executing.
  • DOUxx : Irrespective of condition, it will execute at least one time.

70.What is the difference between Packed decimal and Zoned decimal?

  • Packed decimal : One digit occupies 1 byte.
  • Zoned decimal : One digit occupies 2 bytes.

71.What is default data type (if you define decimals ‘0’) in Physical file?
Packed decimal

72.What is default data type for the fields(sub fields) defined in data structures in RPG?
Zoned decimal

73.What is the difference between GOTO & EXSR?
EXSR is a conditional branching while a GOTO is an unconditional branching.

74.Difference between CA & CF?
CA: – It does not retains the value into the buffer memory. CF: – It retains the value into the buffer memory.

75.What does EXFMT does?
Write & Read.

76.What is term CUA , SAA?
Common User Access
System Application Architecture

77. Define a Job Queue?
Job queues are queues of batch jobs waiting to be processed.

78. Define a Output Queue?
Output queues are queues of jobs waiting to be printed.

79. What is acronym of RPG?
Report Program Generator

80. What is the native language of AS/400?

81. Why RPG/400 is famous?
* Easy to code and analyze.
* Supports externally described files.

82. How do you use exceptional write in C specs?
Using EXCPT opcode.

83. What does the opcode FREE do?
The FREE operation removes a program from the list of activated programs, frees static storage and ensures program initialization (first cycle processing) the next time program is called. It does not close file or unlock data are

84. What does opcode POST do?
Puts information in INFDS.

85.A Query can be displayed without saving it?

86.Which are the Query selection criteria, which can be given in a Query?

87.To add a file to the ‘File Selection’ option of a Query, the function key to be pressed is?

88.A query can be run in which mode?
Batch & Interactive

89.What is the values SQLCOD when there is an error in fetching the records specified in the select statement?
-ve value

90.A file cannot have more than 1 unique key?

91.DLCOBJ command is mandatory for removing lock on any object?

92.What is a Journal?
A Journal is an object used primarily to record changes to data in a PF.

93.Which are the DB2 tools to protect Integrity of the database?
Journaling & Commitment Control, Referential Integrity Embedded SQL & Object/Record Locks.

94.How many types of display are available on As/400 for user interaction?
The 4 Types they are Entry, Menu, Information & List Display.

95.Which is the Primary Editor of As/400?
Source Entry Utility (SEU).

96.What are the basic features of SEU?
Prompt depending upon type, shows right hand side date & left hand side the line number.

97.What are the different methods to access SEU?
Use the Start Source Entry Utility command (STRSEU) Option 8 from STRPGMMNU Through Program Development Manager (PDM)

98.Which are the member types which SEU supports?

99.In which Specs Arrays, Tables & Constants are defined?
In I Specs.

100.What is a Spool File?
Printed output items placed in an output queue are known as spooled files.

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