[Explain] What is tyndall effect ?

The phenomenon of scattering of light by particles in a colloid or in a very fine suspension is called tyndall effect. The individual suspension particles scatter and reflect light, making the beam visible. The amount of scattering depends on the frequency of the light and density of the particles. As with Rayleigh scattering, blue light is scattered more strongly than red light by the Tyndall effect. Another way to look at it is that longer wavelength light is transmitted, while shorter wavelength light is reflected by scattering.

Examples of tyndall effect: Shining a flashlight beam into a glass of milk, The visible beam of headlights in fog is caused by the Tyndall effect. The water droplets scatter the light, making the headlight beams visible.

[Explain] Chemical name and common name of caustic soda, washing soda, lime stone, soda lime, baking soda

Chemical name of caustic soda is sodium hydroxide. Formula: NaOH

It is an alkali and has several uses. It is used in manufacture of everyday products like: paper, aluminium, drain cleaners, soap and detergents.

Chemical name of washing soda is sodium carbonate decahydrate. Formula: Na2CO3, 10H2O

As the name suggests washing soda is commonly used in detergents. It is also used in treatment of hard water.

Chemical name of of the main component of limestone is Calcium carbonate. Formula: CaCO3 

Limestone is a popular building material. It is also used in purification of iron in blast furnaces. It is also used in manufacture of glass and cement.

Soda lime is a mixture of Sodium hydroxide and potassium or sodium hydroxide. Chemical formula: CaHNaO2

Soda lime has a unique ability to absorb moisture from air. It also absorbs carbon dioxide from air. Hence it is used in manufacture of gas masks.

Chemical name for baking soda is Sodium Bicarbonate. Chemical formula: NaHCO3

Baking soda releases carbon dioxide when heated. As the name suggests it is a vital component in the baking industry providing fluffiness to cakes and breads. It is also used in tooth pastes as a whitening agent, manufacture of diaper rash creams and deodorants.

[Explain] What are the health hazards of wool industry workers ?

Some of the health hazards faced by wool industry workers are:

1. Respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis etc., are very common among these workers. It is because they inhale small hair while sorting and scouring.

2. The workers suffer from various skin infections.

3. Other health problems include headache, fever, back pain, neck pain etc. As the workers sit continuously and work, they may even develop problems in their legs.

[Explain] What are Rights and Responsibilities of Consumers?

Awareness, Rights and Responsibilities of Consumers

The term consumer awareness denotes that the consumer is aware of his rights and details about the product or service he is buying. Consumer awareness is of immense importance as, by this, the consumer can be assured of the quality of his purchase and thus take the right decision value-wise. The right to safety, right to information, and right to choose are the fundamental rights of the consumers that every buyer of any goods or service must know. It helps to keep sanity in the market and builds a strong economy from inside out. 

Rights and Responsibilities of Consumers

Consumer rights are the link between the seller and the buyer regarding the products and services. Is the product up to the mark of standard quality? If not, the consumer can take actions against the seller too. Consumer rights enable the consumers to know the rights that they hold if any malpractice is observed on the part of the seller and they (the consumers) have to reach the court of law to fight against it. 

The Various Consumer Rights

There are a number of consumer rights. Each right entitles some special amenities to the consumer. These rights and their details are as follows:

Right to Safety

No product or service should ever hamper the safety of the consumers- this is the most important one. The product or service that the consumer buys must not exert adverse actions on the mental or physical health or overall health from any aspect. 

Right to Choose

Sellers can convince a consumer to a great extent but they can never force the consumer to buy a particular product as they have the right to choose and take decisions themselves. The right also entails that a variety of similar products should be available to the consumer to choose from instead of monopoly in the market. 

Right to Information

The consumers should know everything about the product or service and stay informed. The information should be neatly printed on the packaging of the product so that it can be read by the consumer. No details should be hidden or false information should be printed. 

Right to Redressal

The consumers can seek redressal under this act if they come across trade practices they feel to be unfair or if the consumers feel they have been exploited unscrupulously. In case of dissatisfaction, the consumer should be compensated, his product should be replaced or money refunded. 

Right to Heard

If a product fails to satisfy the consumer as it claimed it should, the consumer can pay a visit to the court of law and file complaint against the seller or manufacturer of the product. Such a complaint must be addressed within a timeframe and cannot be left unheard for an indefinite time period. 

Right to Consumer Education 

This is, in other words, awareness on part of the consumer. The consumers themselves must be aware of their rights and responsibilities as vested by the government. Lack of such awareness is quite common and must be done away with. 

Consumer Responsibilities 

Unfair trade practices can be brought to a halt only by the execution of consumer responsibilities. Once observed, this can bring a much-needed change in society. The consumer responsibilities are:

  • Knowing the Consumer Protection Act and implementing them in case the need arises

  • Being aware and informed of the product and service they are buying and acting cautiously

  • Filing a complaint when the product bought fails to match the standard or meet the satisfaction

  • Asking for a Cash Receipt is a must after making every purchase

  • Checking for standard marks such as ISI, FSSAI etc which confirm the authenticity of the product

Consumer Awareness and Its Condition in India

Consumer awareness, as mentioned earlier, is the awareness regarding the redressal, information, safety of the products and services the consumers buy. This ensures satisfaction among the customers and the elimination of unfair trade practices. Not a lot of consumers are aware of the rights and responsibilities. 

To deal with this, the Government of India has come up with various solutions. “Jaago Grahak Jaago” is one such campaign to aware consumers. Department of Consumer Affairs is working tirelessly toward this. 

A Final Word

Consumer awareness is the need of the hour to get rid of sellers and manufacturers who follow unfair means. Consumers must be aware of the rights and responsibilities they are entitled by the government so that they are never deprived of their rightful purchase. These responsibilities must be executed too in a rightful manner by every consumer.