[Explain] Coping with Environmental Loss

In recent years, the conscience of humanity has been strongly awakened to the need to protect the environment and preserve the environment. It is of the utmost importance that people are aware not only of the problems they pose, but also of the role they must play in protecting the environment.

In addition to grassroots participation, formal education should be provided and the implementation of ¬ mental protection projects. In addition, it is also essential to develop environmentally friendly technologies and renewable energy sources according to the principle of conservation.

While developing technologies for the benefit of man, it is also essential to simultaneously study their impact on the environment so that cyclical processes that nature has designed for resource conservation are not affected.

Air, water and earth are the basic amenities of life. But overpopulation and rapid industrialization have created a state of decadence in the environment. Man has constantly tampered with nature. As a result, a threat to his life has been increased due to the lack of clean air and clean water and the imbalance established in the biosphere.

Earth is, perhaps, the only planet with an environment and we all share it. But if they inherit such a polluted environment, life will be a misery for them. Men have improved the technologies and other means necessary to increase the production of wealth and exploited nature for its benefits, but without any foresight as to the implications of its actions. Blind industrialization has led to urban migration and slum development, which in turn has led to environmental degradation.

Before the advent of modern civilization, man lived and prospered amidst the right balance of process multiple biological . As the most intelligent being on earth, man has constantly manipulated nature by using his inventive genius and disrupting the ecological balance. Thus, air, water and soil are all polluted and pose a threat to the substance of humanity.

Air pollution is due to the direct involvement of industrialization. Industry chimneys emit smoke and vehicles have fumes that contribute directly to air pollution. Any gaseous matter not considered a normal constituent of the air or an excess sulphur dioxide, monoxide of carbon, nitrogen dioxide, of the dust etc., in the pollution of the cause of the actually. Air pollution also occurs when forests catch fire, rubber plants are disembowelled or plastics burned with household waste. This danger of pollution has been aggravated today by atomic explosions in some advanced countries. Some hovering au above cities they early the morning is also the result of the atmospheric pollution. The depletion of the ozone layer, which is essential for life to protect against dangerous ultraviolet rays, is also due to air pollution and can lead to skin diseases.

The emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide in increased concentration has resulted in climate change. Although it has no toxic effect, it is largely responsible for the greenhouse effect and therefore global warming.

Most air pollutants directly affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Nitrogen dioxide and ozone also act on the respiratory system, irritate the eyes, nose and throat and, moreover, ozone can cause headaches. Carbon monoxide is able to displace oxygen in the blood, which can lead to cardiovascular and neurological effects. Lead affects bone, impairs liver and kidney function, causes neurological damage, and limits metal development in patients. 

Although the land is surrounded by water in three quarters, drinking water is scarce. All major sources of drinking water such as rivers, lakes, ponds and even wells have been polluted with a variety of hazardous chemical and biological wastes. The coagulated mixture of dirt, sewage and industrial waste pollutes the water of the river on whose banks the factories are established. The increased use of fertilizers and insecticides also pollutes the drinking water of ponds and wells. Harmful fertilizers and insecticides seep into the earth and pollute the groundwater. The supply of polluted water is an epidemic such as cholera, jaundice and gastroenteritis, etc.

The soil is also polluted in various ways. Soil pollution usually results from the removal of solid and semi-solid wastes from unsanitary agricultural practices and habits. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have discharged a variety of solid and semi-solid wastes at different locations polluting the soil. as well as air and water. Apart from this, the direct pollution of land by pathogenic organisms is also of a major importance. Thus, the soil is heavily polluted day by day by dangerous substances and micro-organisms that enter the food chain or water and are therefore ingested by humans. As a result, there are many problems of health such as dysentery, cholera, and paratyphoid fever. The increased use of plastics, politeness and other non-degradable products has led to the problem of their elimination.

In addition to the pollution of the air, water and soil, we are now confronted with noise pollution. The incessant din of city life, the frequent play of loudspeakers, even in odd hours, the constant play of radios and televisions, the incessant noise of vehicles deaf us during the day. Research has shown that noise pollution is capable of causing ulcers, abortions, cardiovascular disease and hypertension in addition to many mental disorders.

Food pollution is another problem we face every day . We suffer from several diseases because of the polluted foods we take. After the advent of nuclear weapons, the level of exposure to ionizing radiation has increased, which is dangerous for people. The harmful effects of radioactive pollution are cancers, genetic damage and mutations leading to abnormal births.

[Explain] Name 5 Social Workers of India

Vinoba Bhave 

Vinoba Bhave was an Indian social reformer who advocated non-violence and human rights. On top of that, he had led many popular movements like Bhoodan Movement. According to the information available, he was the spiritual successor of Mohandas Gandhi because of the act that Vinoba Bhave closely followed his ideals.                 

Contribution: Vinoba Bhave played an important role in Indian Freedom Struggle and was closely associated with Mahatma Gandhi for all social reforms. His major contribution came from the Bhoodan movement in 1951 when he began giving land to the poor so that they could farm the land and make a living.  


Baba Amte 

The next on our list is Baba Amte and he was known to help many poor people. On top of that, he has a popular lawyer who has fought many battles against British rule. Baba Amte was born in December 1914 and died in February 2008 due to natural causes. He has received numerous awards in his life for his contribution to society.             

Contribution: Baba Amte was involved in the struggle for freedom in India and played a major role in the Quit India movement. He received a name of Abhay Sadhak which means Intrepid Seeker of Truth. Apart from that, he has also helped India in the fight against discrimination against people suffering from leprosy.     


Jyotiba Phule 

Jyotiba Phule is another popular social reformer in our list and his work revolves around anti-caste campaigns. He is also known as Mahatma Phule and formed a group called Society of Seekers of Truth. The members of this group fought against society to ensure equal rights for every person.           

Contribution: Jyotiba Phule has always pleaded for equal rights for every man and therefore fought against social ills such as untouchability . In addition to that, he also worked for the remarriage of widows. Apart from that, Jyotiba provided a place of birth for widows and finally, he also established an orphanage to reduce the rate of infanticide.  

Medha Patkar 

Medha Patkar is a social activist based in Mumbai, who has been recognized for her key role in Narmada Bachao Andolan . She practiced continuous fasting, to oppose at an increase in the height of the Narmada Dam.  

Contribution: Medha Patkar has been associated with many movements that have certainly changed the course of Indian history. She was involved with Narmada Bachao Andolan and Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan . On top of that, she was one of the key people for the protest against Tata Motors by creating a factory in Singur . Medha also fought against land grabbing in West Bengal. Apart from that, she has contributed to society in many other ways.     

Anna Hazare 

Anna Hazare has become a leader among social reformers in the country, with her contribution in the fight against corruption in the country. He is also known for his service to humanity and works for the improvement of the condition of the poor and rural people of India.     

Contribution: Anna Hazare played a major role in the creation of the Grain Bank and the elimination of untouchability in her village. In addition to this, he also called for the fight against corruption, the right to information technology, the movement of the draft law Lokpal and the electoral reform movement.  

[Explain] What do you mean by Endemic Species ?

Endemic species are native to a geographic area and therefore have a restricted area. The diversity of these species is measured in terms of a unit called the number of species. It gives an indicator of the number, type, location (geographic) and other variations in a particular site, i.e. , Primulla and potentilla at high altitude of the Himalayas. 

There are 25 clearly defined zones in the world, called “hot spots”, home to about 50,000 endemic plant species, or 20% of the world’s total flora. The location defined by India’s “hotspots” is the Western Ghats and the Northeast regions. About 4,900 species of flowering plants account for 33% of recorded flora in the country.  


These are spread over 141 genera belonging to 47 families. The Western Ghats are known to harbor 14 endemic species of caecilians (i.e. d. Amphibians without legs) of the 15 recorded to date in the region.     

The causes of species loss are complex and varied, and among these are:

(1) Modification, degradation and loss of habitats due to colonization and clear is laying forest areas for settlement or agricultural expansion, LODG commercial Ings, large Hydel diets, fire, human and animal pressure, etc.

(2) Overexploitation, mainly for commercial (and often illegal) purposes such as meat, fur, skins, organs, medicines, etc.

(3) the accidental or deliberate introduction of exotic species that may threaten native flora and fauna directly through predation or competition and Indi also by correcting natural habitat or the introduction of disease.                 

(4) Pollution (air and water) underlines ecosystem, mismanagement of waste and agriculture threaten INDUSTRIAL terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems system.

(5) Increase in global surface temperature from 2 ° C to 6 ° C (global warming).

(6) Other possible reasons for species loss could be poor use of agrochemicals and pesticides, a rapidly growing human population, inequitable land distribution, economic and political policies and constraints.

[Explain] Please Give an Essay on Adverse Effects of Education

The moral impact Education exacerbates the level of moral values of a child. He instils a form of competitiveness that borders on unhealthy relationships. From the moment they are admitted to school, children are anchored in an attitude that personal achievements are everything. They are taught that brands and trophies are all you need to lead a successful life. The how and the why are not so important, just catch up on what – that’s what a child is taught. And that’s what he grows when he learns. Society has sunk too deep into this mud to get out now – it’s a custom, a tradition to teach our children to come to class and not less. It does not create a healthy adult, but a competitive animal of our grandchildren.

Social Responsibility Education kills our sense of empathy. If you are an Indian pedestrian and you are crushed by a car, it will not be the owner of the car who will rush to help you. It will not be the manager of this restaurant in the Haute or the award-winning secretary of “Mills and sons” who saw you being crushed by the glass doors – no. It would be the local tea vendor, the rickshaw driver, and the security guards who lacked educational qualifications to hold high positions that would rush to help you. It is not the fault of the rich and well educated that they are incapable of empathy, but it is the fault of education. Modern education systems teach children to think for themselves – and only on themselves! 

Lack of wisdom  

The Modern education system involves turning a pile of waste into a small mind. He expects a student to complete huge portions and that’s what students do – but in a wrong way. Rote’s memory is emphasized rather than creative. This is one of the saddest aspects of modern society – we have knowledge but no wisdom to use it.         

[Explain] What is the Full Form of ISI and RAW ?

The Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) is the primary foreign intelligence agency of India. It was established in 1968 following the intelligence failures of the Sino-Indian and Indo-Pakistani wars, which persuaded the Government of India to create a specialised, independent agency dedicated to foreign intelligence gathering previously, both domestic and foreign intelligence had been the purview of the Intelligence Bureau.

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The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is an intelligence agency in Pakistan. It is headquartered in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. It is a premier intelligence service, responsible for providing intelligence assessment and national security in Pakistan. The current (As of October 2017) Director-General or head of ISI is Naveed Mukhtar.

[Explain] What do you mean by Foreign Investment  ?

Foreign investment is when a company or individual from one nation invests in assets or ownership stakes of a company based in another nation. As increased globalization in business has occurred, it’s become very common for big companies to branch out and invest money in companies located in other countries.