[Explain] What is the Scientific Name of a Frog?

Frogs belong to the member of amphibians which means they can survive on both land as well as water. The amphibians are the first vertebrate species found on the planet. There are more than 5000 species of frog found all over the world. 

Different Species of Frog and their Scientific Names

Following are some of the main species of frogs and their scientific names:

Red-eyed Frog: This species is mainly found in Southern and Northern America. The scientific name of this species is Agalychnis Callidyras. This species is known for its neon green body color, red eyes and orange to reddish feet. This frog is mainly known as a monkey frog because of the huge feet which provide a strong grip as it climbs tall trees.

Goliath Frog: This is another exciting amphibian. The scientific name of this species is Conraua Goliath. The frog ranges between 6.5 to 12.5 inches in length. They are the largest known frogs in the world. The male goliaths make whistling sound to attract their female counterparts during mating season. 

Tree Frog: Tree frogs are considerably smaller in size. They are so small that they can easily fit in human hands. They spend most of their time on trees, and they have rounded feet, which discharge a gluey liquid that helps them in climbing the trees. The tree frogs make a disturbing noise at night. The scientific name of Tree frog is Hyla. 

Wood Frogs: Wood frogs are considered as one of the rarest amphibian species and are mainly found in Alaska and Arctic Circle. This is the only frog species that slips into hibernation when the temperature falls below zero degrees Celsius. The scientific name is Lithobates sylvaticus.

Tomato Frog: Tomato frogs are considerably bigger in size and look like ripe tomatoes. The female tomato frogs are much brighter than their male counterparts. The scientific name of tomato frog is Dyscophus. 

Glass Frog: These frogs have transparent bellies due to which their internal organisms are visible from outside. One can actually see a glass frog’s heart pumping blood, through its skin. Its scientific name is Centrolenidae. 

Rain Frog: This species is the cutest of all known amphibians. They have short limbs and bulging eyes. The scientific name of rain frog is Breviceps gibbosus.

Common Frog: The scientific name of this frog is Rana Temporaria. The color of this species varies from gray to olive and yellow to brown. They are known to be active during night. 

Indian bull frog: 

Blue Poison Dart Frog: The blue poison dart frog looks amazing and this creature is found in the tropical forest. They secrete a toxic substance through its skin.

Stages of a Frog Life Cycle

Let us now go through the gestation process and different stages of a frog life cycle.

Gestation Method: -The mating process takes place during the spring season and in the rainy season. Sometimes you must have heard the croaking noise of a frog that is made by the males to attract their female partners.

Stage 1: Egg

The frog species mainly lay their eggs in calm water. The group of laid eggs is known as spawn. The fertilized eggs when get matures, the yolk in each egg divides into many cells and develops in the form of tadpole within a time period of -3 week.

Stage 2: Tadpoles

Tadpoles (larva) are the second stage of a frog lifecycle. During the first week, the tadpole gets nutrition from the yolk of hatched eggs. The tadpole feeds on algae to receive nutrition and grow their diet habits by feeding on plants and insects. During this stage, tadpole develops limbs and the body gets elongated. Slowly, the front limbs grow and the skin gets formed.

Stage 3: Adults

The gills of the tadpole and tails are fully developed after 12 weeks of age, which means that the frog has reached the adult age. By this time the frog is fully grown up and ready to live their life.

It is important to know the scientific names as it describes various species in a universal way. This is known as binomial nomenclature and the scientific names are derived from the Latin name of the organism. The scientific name is divided into the genus name, which comes first followed by the species- specific name.

[Explain] Speech on Environment Protection

In recent years, the conscience of humanity has been strongly awakened to the need to protect the environment and preserve the environment. It is of the utmost importance that people are aware not only of the problems they pose, but also of the role they must play in protecting the environment.

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In addition to grassroots participation, formal education should be provided and the implementation of mental protection projects. In addition, it is also essential to develop environmentally friendly technologies and renewable energy sources according to the principle of conservation.

While developing technologies for the benefit of man, it is also essential to simultaneously study their impact on the environment so that cyclical processes that nature has designed for resource conservation are not affected.

Air, water and earth are the basic amenities of life. But overpopulation and rapid industrialization have created a state of decadence in the environment. Man has constantly tampered with nature. As a result, a threat to his life has been increased due to the lack of clean air and clean water and the imbalance established in the biosphere.

Earth is, perhaps, the only planet with an environment and we all share it. But if they inherit such a polluted environment, life will be a misery for them. Men have improved the technologies and other means necessary to increase the production of wealth and exploited nature for its benefits, but without any foresight as to the implications of its actions. Blind industrialization has led to urban migration and slum development, which in turn has led to environmental degradation.

Before the advent of modern civilization, man lived and prospered amidst the right balance of process multiple biological . As the most intelligent being on earth, man has constantly manipulated nature by using his inventive genius and disrupting the ecological balance. Thus, air, water and soil are all polluted and pose a threat to the substance of humanity.

Air pollution is due to the direct involvement of industrialization. Industry chimneys emit smoke and vehicles have fumes that contribute directly to air pollution. Any gaseous matter not considered a normal constituent of the air or a excess sulphur dioxide, monoxide of carbon, nitrogen dioxide, of the dust etc., in the pollution of the cause of the actually. Air pollution also occurs when forests catch fire, rubber plants are disembowelled or plastics burned with household waste. This danger of pollution has been aggravated today by atomic explosions in some advanced countries. Some hovering au above cities they early the morning is also the result of the atmospheric pollution. The depletion of the ozone layer, which is essential for life to protect against dangerous ultraviolet rays, is also due to air pollution and can lead to skin diseases.

The emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide in increased concentration has resulted in climate change. Although it has no toxic effect, it is largely responsible for the greenhouse effect and therefore global warming.

Most air pollutants directly affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Nitrogen dioxide and ozone also act on the respiratory system, irritate the eyes, nose and throat and, moreover, ozone can cause headaches. Carbon monoxide is able to displace oxygen in the blood, which can lead to cardiovascular and neurological effects. Lead affects bone, impairs liver and kidney function, causes neurological damage, and limits metal development in patients.

Although the land is surrounded by water in three quarters, drinking water is scarce. All major sources of drinking water such as rivers, lakes, ponds and even wells have been polluted with a variety of hazardous chemical and biological wastes. The coagulated mixture of dirt, sewage and industrial waste pollutes the water of the river on whose banks the factories are established. The increased use of fertilizers and insecticides also pollutes the drinking water of ponds and wells. Harmful fertilizers and insecticides seep into the earth and pollute the groundwater. The supply of polluted water is an epidemic such as cholera, jaundice and gastroenteritis, etc.

The soil is also polluted in various ways. Soil pollution usually results from the removal of solid and semi-solid wastes from unsanitary agricultural practices and habits. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have discharged a variety of solid and semi-solid wastes at different locations polluting the soil. as well as air and water. Apart from this, the direct pollution of land by pathogenic organisms is also of a major importance. Thus, the soil is heavily polluted day by day by dangerous substances and micro-organisms that enter the food chain or water and are therefore ingested by humans. As a result, there are many problems of health such as dysentery, cholera, and paratyphoid fever. The increased use of plastics, politeness and other non-degradable products has led to the problem of their elimination.

In addition to the pollution of the air, water and soil, we are now confronted with noise pollution. The incessant din of city life, the frequent play of loudspeakers, even in odd hours, the constant play of radios and televisions, the incessant noise of vehicles deaf us during the day. Research has shown that noise pollution is capable of causing ulcers, abortions, cardiovascular disease and hypertension in addition to many mental disorders.

Food pollution is another problem we face every day . We suffer from several diseases because of the polluted foods we take. After the advent of nuclear weapons, the level of exposure to ionizing radiation has increased, which is dangerous for people. The harmful effects of radioactive pollution are cancers, genetic damage and mutations leading to abnormal births.

Verification of environmental pollution was absolutely necessary. Yes it is not verified; the earth will become a cemetery. We must therefore pay the necessary attention to protect it from our own abuses. We must have balanced and planned industrial growth to reduce pollution. Cities and towns need to be planned very carefully and the focus should be on planting more trees.

[Explain] Speech on Adult Education and Ways to Implement it 

Introduction: The good functioning of democratic government and other institutions suffers in large part from the backwardness of education in India.   

Most people are not aware of their rights and duties because of lack of education and awareness. It is only with educated and enlightened people that the country can progress in all directions. In our country, adult illiteracy is a serious problem and, therefore, the need for adult education.   

Adult education refers to the systematic approach to education of the adult population and allows them to read, write and learn new skills.

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The problem of adult illiteracy : Adults are illiterate because they did not receive any education during their childhood. Thus, the root of the current problem of adult illiteracy lies in the past. Since then, the Indian economy has depended mainly on agriculture. The working class is a big part of it. Many parents in this class are not in favour of sending their children to school. Even when they come to school, they become run-down and help their parents tend livestock and do a lot of other work to increase family income.  


Sometimes illiterates and unemployed go to the cities to work as workers in industries and factories. They do not like going back to the villages to gain skills in various trades and ancestral professions and to work for a living.     


The need for adult education or literacy: This is due to lack of education, learning and awareness. When educated, they can actively participate in the development of their campaign in various fields and ensure the progress of the country.     

There is a need for adult education, both formal and informal. In India, many adults are illiterate. They can not read or write. They are not able to develop their sense of awareness of many things that would help them in life. In order to mark these people, emphasis has been placed on adult education by following official channels. Night schools are organized in the slums of cities and undeveloped rural areas. Strong campaigns are being launched for illiterate adults to achieve their goal in life.    


In addition, adult education should also aim at improving the skills of the unskilled adult population in various sectors such as agriculture, industrial processes, etc. Special attention may be given to the establishment of vocational training institutes.

In addition, moral and spiritual values Up- liftment can be done through informal education.     

Conclusion: Adult education is a tool that will make citizens more accountable in a democratic configuration. They will be entitled to perform their duties properly.   

It’s not enough to allow them to read and write , they must know what they are supposed to do as citizens of this great country. Learning is a continuous process and can be done at any age of life. Being in touch with lifelong learning and knowledge is very important for everyone to keep pace with a competitive and ever-changing environment. Adult education can take many forms and cover many different topics, as well as literacy and numeracy, and many mature students study languages, science and a range of other important subjects.          

[Explain] Full Form of PMT and Full Form of JEE

In India, the admissions in universities and professional courses happen based on the school or board results plus consideration of marks obtained in the entrance exams.

There are several entrance exams conducted in India by the government and private universities that helps in the admission process. The effectiveness is yet to be checked but the admissions are based on the rankings received in these entrance exams.


PMT stands for pre medical test. This is an entrance exam conducted for the process of short listing and selecting students for the admissions in medical colleges across the country. Several coaching centres, public and private, offer tuition facility to prepare for the pre medical test every year.


JEE stands for joint entrance examination. This entrance exam is conducted for admission and selection in the engineering colleges across the country. The JEE entrance exam is constituted by two examinations. These two parts are JEE Main and JEE Advance. 

[Explain] What is the English Word of Relation Mama ?

The English word for relation Mama is maternal uncle. Normally in English language, uncle word or term is used to describe any uncle that is on either your mother or father’s side. However technically speaking about the English language, the terms or the way we address maternal means mother’s side and paternal means father’s side of uncle are different.

[Explain] What is the Function of Digestive Enzymes ?

Digestive enzymes helps in digesting complex food materials into simpler molecules for absorption by the body. During digestion of food, different parts of the alimentary canal produces different digestive enzymes that helps in digestion of different components of food. For example, saliva produces salivary amylase that digests the starch. Stomach contain gastric glands that produces pepsin that helps in protein digestion. Apart from that other enzymes such as trypsin, chymotrypsin also helps in protein digestion.