[Explain] Describe any Three Feature of Arid Soil

The three main characteristics of arid soil of India are

(i) Arid soils are the soils of desert or semi-desert regions and colours varies from red to brown.

(ii) The soil has sandy texture and salinity. As precipitation is very low the temperature is high and evaporation is faster making it lack in moisture and humus.

(iii) The calcium content increase downward and forms kankar layers downward and sometimes the kankar layer in the bottom layers restrict the infiltration of water. Sometimes, after irrigation its productivity is increased and it becomes suitable for cultivation.

[Explain] An article on environment

The word environment refers to all ecological units which are naturally present on earth in the form of land, water, air, soil, forest, sunlight, minerals, living organisms, etc. This earth is full of natural surroundings, some are biotic and some are non-biotic.

Biotic elements are those element that has life like human, bird, animal, plants and micro-organisms. Whereas non biotic elements are those which have no life like air, sunlight, water, land, soil, minerals, etc. Further it is also divided among four different spheres viz. biosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. In which, hydrosphere is the largest part on the earth among all. Life on earth has become possible due to some kind of actions and reactions between different kinds of resources that are present in environment. All the spheres contain some of the natural resources inside its category:

1. Atmosphere: Air, sunlight, weather, etc.

2. Lithosphere: Solid or rigid area of the earth, also we can say that the crust and the upper mantle of the earth like land.

3. Biosphere: Biosphere is the area or zone of earth where life exists in form of plants, animals, birds and human.

4. Hydrosphere: The largest portion (about 75%) of the earth area where water is found in form of oceans.

        Currently, the situation of environment is very poor that could never be imagined by our ancestors in previous time. We have endlessly spoiled our environment by using its resources in very wrong way. We can see that every day and everywhere pollution is rapidly increasing on earth whether it is air, land, water or soil pollution, deforestation, acid rain and other dangerous disasters created by the human beings through technological advancement. Impurity element has involved in every era of environment. Number of increased factories, industries, vehicles or other transportation has caused the poor situation of air pollution in whole world. At present, the situation has become so poor that IPCC (Intergovernmental panel on climate change), which is a scientific and international body under United Nations, has declared the situation of “Global Warming” on earth due to the increased level of carbon dioxide in atmosphere. 

Use of natural resources should be carefully planned and executed. For providing a better and healthy life to our forthcoming generations, we all should unite with take some pledge about prevention of our environment with less and safe use of natural resources.

         Thus it is correctly quoted, ‘The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth’ – Marlee Matlin. 


[Explain] What is a Coalition government?

Hint: The term ‘coalition’ is derived from the Latin word ‘coalitio’ which means ‘to grow together’. Thus, technically, coalition means the act of uniting parts into one body or whole. Politically, a coalition means an alliance of distinct political parties. Now let us learn more about the coalition government.

Complete answer:

A coalition government is a form of government in which political parties cooperate to form a government. The usual reason for such an arrangement is that no single party has achieved an absolute majority after an election.

The coalition government is actually a group of advisors formed when different political parties unite in the supervision and regulation of a country. We can call it a temporary association, which is formed when no single political party gains a clear majority and as a substitute competing parties negotiate to work together. Such situations usually happen during crisis periods, like war, or a political breakdown. 

Members of all parties in a coalition government are appointed to a cabinet. Cabinets based on a group of parties that command a majority in parliament tend to be more stable and long-lived than minority cabinets. While the former is prone to internal struggles, they have less reason to fear votes of no confidence. Majority governments based on a single party are typically even more stable, as long as their majority can be maintained.

In our country, the very first every successful coalition administration that completed the entire 5-year term (1999 to 2004) was the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) with Atal Bihari Vajpayee as Prime Minister. There is one more talk about a coalition, Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA), consisting of 13 separate parties ruled from 2004 to 2014 (two terms) with Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister.


– A coalition government might also be created in a time of national difficulties or crises. Example: during wartime, economic crisis.

– It can also be created to give a government a high degree of perceived political legitimacy or collective identity.

– Coalition government play a role in diminishing internal political strife.

[Explain] What is cultural and educational right ?

India is a vast land where we have different races, languages, cultures and castes. Indian people are united by race language and literature, geographical proximity, by history, religion, economic interest and cultural unity. It is essential to protect the interest and identities of the minority in such a country. In India, cultural and educational right means the rights of all sections of society that saves their culture, script or language. The right to constitutional remedies is present for enforcement of Fundamental Rights. 

In our Indian constitution, right to Cultural and Educational Rights preserve under articles 29 and 30. Article 30 of Indian constitution further states that all minority communities (whether religion or linguistic), have the right to start and run educational institutions of their choice. The state shall not discriminate on the grounds of religion or language in providing aid to educational institutes. This article also states that no countrymen shall be deprived of admission into any state-run or aided educational institution on grounds of race, caste, creed, language etc. We can refer to Kerala Education Bill (1958) and The State of Madras vs. Compakam (1951) case in this connection with this right.

[Explain] What is pollution? How many types of pollution? Define it.

The word pollution comes from the Latin ‘polluere’ that simply means contamination. Hence, in layman terms, pollution is something that contaminates the environment. The presence of harmful substances in the air, land, and water, which can have an adverse effect on living beings and on the environment is pollution. Referring to harmful gases, fluid or other pernicious matter that are released or introduced in the natural environment. It is also toxic material that makes the soil and air impure, pollutants, contaminants, or hazardous substances that makes the environment unsuitable or unsafe. Pollution is also consequential after effect of activities which upsets the biodiversity of the ecosystem. It also poses a threat to the sustainability of the environment. 

The different types of pollution are as follows:-

Air Pollution: – It is the contamination of the natural air by mixing it with different pollutants such as harmful fumes and chemicals. This type of contamination can be caused by burning material or by gases emitted by vehicles or harmful fumes emitted as a by-product of industries. Global warming is one of the biggest side effects of air pollution as per the experts.

Water Pollution:- It is the contamination of the water on the planet Earth. It includes water contamination by pollutants such as bacterial, chemical, and particulate that reduces the purity of the water. Oil seepage, as well as littering is one of the most common forms of pollution. It mainly occurs in lakes, oceans, rivers and even underground reservoirs. 

Soil Pollution:- It is also known as land pollution. It is the contamination of the soil or the land that prevents the growth of natural life. It includes land usage for irrigation, wildlife as well as habitation. The very common causes of soil pollution include hazardous wastage, mining as well as littering, non-sustainable farming practice, seepage into the soil, etc.  

Noise Pollution:- It is the loud noises which are fashioned by human activities that disturb the standard of living in the affected area. It can shoot from things such as railroads, traffic, loud music, concerts, aeroplanes, fireworks etc. This can even result in permanent or temporary loss of hearing as well as disturbances to wildlife.

Radioactive Pollution:- This is one of the most dangerous forms of pollution. It is enormously harmful and can even result in death. We are witting this type of pollution from the 20th century. It evolved with the rise of atomic physics and nuclear weapons. Radioactive pollution results in the pollution of the air and land with radioactive poisoning. Leakages or accidents at nuclear power plants, as well as from improper disposal of nuclear waste are also reasons for this pollution. This pollution results in birth defects, cancer, deteriorating of health and even death.

Thus, somewhere we can understand that all types of pollutions are interrelated and indirectly can be a cause for each other. As air pollution has a direct relation to thermal pollution. Light pollution is caused by energy companies that require burning fossil fuels. In return, they increase air pollution and it increases water pollution. As one can see, there is a connexion between all the types of pollution. To fight the pollution, it might seem like a frightening task for one person, but even doing a little bit sometimes helps. In fact, reduction in water wastage, consuming less light or even not littering can result in reducing pollution massively.

Related Links:

  1. Details on Air Pollution
  2. Details on Water Pollution
  3. Details on Land Pollution
  4. Effects of pollution on health
  5. Paragraph on saving the environment
  6. Descriptive paragraph on pollution
  7. Essay on pollution

[Explain] What is difference between Absolute Poverty and Relative Poverty ?

Both are types of poverty but yet got the difference among them. First, let us understand absolute poverty. It refers to such phenomenon in which an individual cannot afford a basic subsistence level i.e. is insufficient in basic necessities of life like shelter, food and clothing. We all know that income and food consumption is the most important criteria to check on the well-being of an individual. It is also used to define what we call as a poverty line. Absolute, also known as extreme poverty is the type of poverty seen in third world countries. Extreme poverty also means that people lack access to the basic resources needed for survival. Absolute poverty sufferers tend to be malnourished due to lack of access to food. They also stereotypically do not have access to clean water, proper housing, sufficient clothing, as well as health-care and medicine. 

Now, let’s looks into the concept of relative poverty. It is very different from the former one. Relative poverty can be well-defined as a person’s way of life and income being significantly less than the general standard of living in the country or region in which they live. It is mostly seen in developed countries. Even though extreme poverty does exist in small numbers within developed countries. The threshold for measuring relative poverty is around 40-70% of the national median income. This type of poverty results in a significant struggle for those in relative poverty to lead a normal life and to participate not only in normal economic activities but social and cultural activities as well. We assume cases where people in relative poverty group might be living above subsistence level. More precisely such people are able to maintain a basic minimum living standard but then there is no way we can say their conditions are good enough in regards to the society we live in.

Thus, one can see the difference between the two concepts very clearly. The absolute level of dispossession (absolute poverty) and culturally defined standard of living (relative poverty).