[Explain] Give 10 Points on Argument Against Democracy.

Hint: In democratic countries, it is the ordinary person who has the ultimate right to decide on his parliament and his current powers. Likewise, not all people are aware of the political circumstances of their nation. 

Complete answer:

The 10 points on arguments against the democracy are given below:

  1. As democracy is a system where people rule themselves, thus it may be the possibility of lack of knowledge among the people about what is going on in the country and what is good for them. 

  2. Democracy can lead to delays in the decision making process whereas the monarchy system guarantees quick decision making.

  3. Lack of free and fair elections can hamper the beauty of democracy and here the major issue arises is vote bank politics. 

  4. People sometimes don’t choose the right representative. It becomes ineffective when people of the country are not educated enough to choose the right candidate for them.

  5. Democracy system is not considered as a cost effective system as a lot of money is required to hold elections and that too is required to be done on a regular basis.

  6. Here, majority party rule can be seen. Thus, the party which gets maximum votes wins the elections. It doesn’t matter how many people didn’t vote for that party. 

  7. Lack of transparency and accountability are also one of the major issues that can be seen in a democracy. 

  8. Change in the leaders and administrators can lead to instability.

  9. Lack of checks and balances can lead to dominance of one part of the government and can lead to corruption as well.

  10. Where there political conflicts arise, downgrading of moral values can be seen. Poor, bad and negative politics can lead to the effects of the ethics and moral values of the country.

Note: The government is bound to changes and adjustments once they are elected or re-elected, it can work with a short-term goal. Since governments must go through the election process once their term is over and they have to be re-elected, they risk losing focus on effective functioning for the public and paying attention to victory in election.

[Explain] I Want a Short Article on Save Environment of Around 1 Page 

Our natural and surrounding environment provides us everything we need. We receive air, water, food and all the rest of the environment. The term “Save the environment” refers to the practice involved in safeguarding and protecting the environment by ensuring its sustainability.

How to save the environment?

1. We should save drinking water. Water is a valuable component of our environment. It should never be wasted.   

2. We should never pollute the water. Efforts should be made to significantly reduce domestic and industrial discharges into water bodies. 

3. Wherever possible, waste should be recycled to make new items. Household and industrial waste must be separated as recyclable and non-recyclable material before being disposed of.     

4. There should be a zero tolerance policy towards deforestation. Each of us can help save the environment by planting a single tree each month. 

5 We can donate to NGOs that plant trees or work anyway to save the environment.

6. An environmentally friendly and safer car and vehicles should be used. For short distances, people should be encouraged to use the bicycle instead of motorized vehicles. 

7. The use of environmentally unfriendly materials such as plastics should be discouraged.

8. Instead of dumping household waste into the pond, lake or river, these should be   

9. Many environmental problems would disappear if we stopped using petroleum, coal and natural gas as raw materials for electricity generation. The focus should change entirely on renewable energy sources. The use of renewable energy sources (eg solar energy) would help preserve the environment from global warming.   

[Explain] Difference Between Communicable and Non-Communicable ?

Communicable diseases are the diseases which passes from one individual to another individual. They are generally caused by some bacteria, viruses or any other pathogens. For example, malaria, AIDS etc. Non-communicable diseases are the diseases which does not spread from one person to another person. They are generally caused by some nutrient deficiency, allergy etc. 

Communicable diseases are inheritable compared to non-communicable diseases which can be heritable also. Communicable diseases can be treated by some conventional methods whereas non-communicale diseases needs special treatments. 

[Explain] Short Speech on Bermuda Triangle for ASL

The Bermuda Triangle is also called the Devil’s Triangle. It is an imaginary place near Miami, Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas in the United States. The American author Vincent Gaddis was the first to define its boundary in 1964 in an issue of the magazine named Argosy and called the area ‘The Deadly Bermuda Triangle’. 

It is situated in the Atlantic Ocean. It is claimed that whoever goes around this area does not come back, let it be a plane or a ship. There are many studies which show that there may be a scientific reason behind it but there are other people who claim that there are some aliens who take the people as some sort of experiment. This triangle is a mysterious triangle which covers about 500,000 square miles of ocean off the southeastern tip of Florida.

Everyone tried to solve this mystery but there is no single theory that solved it. Bermuda triangle disappearance is no more logical than trying to find a common cause for every automobile accident in Arizona. There has been nothing discovered that would indicate that casualties were the result of anything other than physical causes. No extraordinary factors have ever been identified.

[Explain] What is the volume of hollow sphere ?

To determine the volume of a sphere, we use the formula 4/3πr^3. So, to find the volume of a hollow sphere, we must subtract the volume of the hollow region from the volume of the overall sphere. Let’s call the radius of the overall sphere r1 and the radius of the hollowed region r2. Thus, we get 4/3π*r1^3 – 4/3π*r2^3.

[Explain] What is the importance of natural resources? Why is it necessary to conserve them?

Everything material in our culture ultimately comes from natural resources. For example, Coal, Oil, Soil, Water, Land, Minerals, Forests and Timber, and Air we breathe. The role natural resources has on earth is imperative indeed. That is why it’s so important for us to all have some accountability and why we need to PROTECT and RESPECT our environment.

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  Here are few reasons listed below which will through light regarding the importance of natural resources and the need to conserve them:

1. Nature helps to maintain the environmental balance and satisfy the needs to the fullest.

2. A wide range of industrial material and biological material from plant and animal, directly or indirectly are used in production and in the manufacturing of medicine.

3. Resource are known as capital converted to commodity inputs to infrastructural capital processes.

4. These are the “3R Concept” 3R means “REDUCE”, “REUSE” and “RECYCLE”. An example is papers, our used papers will reuse by recycling it and turn it into a new paper product.

5. Resources are important for the development of any country. For example, to generate energy, one need fossil fuels; and for industrial development, we require mineral resources.

6. Irrational consumption and over utilisation of natural resources has led to socio-economic and environmental problems.

7. Natural resources are available in fixed quantity and they are non – renewable, 

8. Natural resources are getting scarce with the increasing population, so it is essential to conserve them. This empowers us as well as our future generation to utilise the natural resources to the full extent.

9. It takes millions of year for the formation of natural resources.

10. They play a vital role in the economic development of the country by enriching agriculture, trade, imports and exports, etc.