300+ TOP C++ Interview Questions and Answers

C++ Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What is C++?
Released in 1985, C++ is an object-oriented programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ maintains almost all aspects of the C language, while simplifying memory management and adding several features – including a new datatype known as a class (you will learn more about these later) – to allow object-oriented programming. C++ maintains the features of C which allowed for low-level memory access but also gives the programmer new tools to simplify memory management.

C++ used for:

C++ is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It can be used to create small programs or large applications. It can be used to make CGI scripts or console-only DOS programs. C++ allows you to create programs to do almost anything you need to do. The creator of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup, has put together a partial list of applications written in C++.

2. What is an accessor in C++?
An accessor is a class operation that does not modify the state of an object in C++. The accessor functions need to be declared as const operations

3. Differentiate between a template class and class template in C++?

Template class: A generic definition or a parametrized class not instantiated until the client provides the needed information. It’s jargon for plain templates. Class template: A class template specifies how individual classes can be constructed much like the way a class specifies how individual objects can be constructed. It’s jargon for plain classes.

4. When does a name clash occur in C++?
A name clash occurs when a name is defined in more than one place. For example., two different class libraries could give two different classes the same name. If you try to use many class libraries at the same time, there is a fair chance that you will be unable to compile or link the program because of name clashes.

5. Define namespace in C++?
It is a feature in C++ to minimize name collisions in the global name space. This namespace keyword assigns a distinct name to a library that allows other libraries to use the same identifier names without creating any name collisions. Furthermore, the compiler uses the namespace signature for differentiating the definitions.

6. What is the use of ‘using’ declaration in C++?
A using declaration in C++ makes it possible to use a name from a namespace without the scope operator.

7. Differentiate between the message and method in C++?
Message in C++ :

  • Objects communicate by sending messages to each other.
  • A message is sent to invoke a method in C++.

Method in C++ :

  • Provides response to a message.
  • It is an implementation of an operation in C++.

8. What is an adaptor class or Wrapper class in C++?
A class that has no functionality of its own is an Adaptor class in C++. Its member functions hide the use of a third party software component or an object with the non-compatible interface or a non-object-oriented implementation.

9. What is a Null object in C++?
It is an object of some class whose purpose is to indicate that a real object of that class does not exist. One common use for a null object is a return value from a member function that is supposed to return an object with some specified properties but cannot find such an object.

10. What is class invariant in C++?
A class invariant is a condition that defines all valid states for an object. It is a logical condition to ensure the correct working of a class. Class invariants must hold when an object is created, and they must be preserved under all operations of the class. In particular all class invariants are both preconditions and post-conditions for all operations or member functions of the class.

C++ Interview Questions
C++ Interview Questions

11. What do you mean by Stack unwinding in C++?
Stack unwinding in C++ is a process during exception handling when the destructor is called for all local objects between the place where the exception was thrown and where it is caught.

12. What are the conditions that have to be met for a condition to be an invariant of the class?

  • The condition should hold at the end of every constructor.
  • The condition should hold at the end of every mutator (non-const) operation.

13. Name some pure object oriented languages?
pure object oriented languages are Smalltalk, Java, Eiffel, Sather.

14. What is a node class in C++?
A node class is a class that,

  • relies on the base class for services and implementation,
  • provides a wider interface to the users than its base class,
  • relies primarily on virtual functions in its public interface
  • depends on all its direct and indirect base class
  • can be understood only in the context of the base class
  • can be used as base for further derivation
  • can be used to create objects.

A node class is a class that has added new services or functionality beyond the services inherited from its base class.

15. What is an orthogonal base class in C++?
If two base classes have no overlapping methods or data they are said to be independent of, or orthogonal to each other. Orthogonal in the sense means that two classes operate in different dimensions and do not interfere with each other in any way. The same derived class may inherit such classes with no difficulty.

16. What is a container class? What are the types of container classes in C++?

A container class is a class that is used to hold objects in memory or external storage. A container class acts as a generic holder. A container class has a predefined behavior and a well-known interface. A container class is a supporting class whose purpose is to hide the topology used for maintaining the list of objects in memory. When a container class contains a group of mixed objects, the container is called a heterogeneous container; when the container is holding a group of objects that are all the same, the container is called a homogeneous container.

17. What is polymorphism in C++?
Polymorphism in C++ is the idea that a base class can be inherited by several classes. A base class pointer can point to its child class and a base class array can store different child class objects.

18. How can you tell what shell you are running on UNIX system?
You can do the Echo $RANDOM. It will return a undefined variable if you are from the C-Shell, just a return prompt if you are from the Bourne shell, and a 5 digit random numbers if you are from the Korn shell. You could also do a ps -1 and look for the shell with the highest PK).

19. What is the difference between realloc() and free()?
The free subroutine frees a block of memory previously allocated by the malloc subroutine. Undefined results occur if the Pointer parameter is not a valid pointer. If the Pointer parameter is a null value, no action will occur. The realloc subroutine changes the size of the block of memory pointed to by the Pointer parameter to the number of bytes specified by the Size parameter and returns a new pointer to the block. The pointer specified by the Pointer parameter must have been created with the malloc, calloc, or realloc subroutines and not been deallocated with the free or realloc subroutines. Undefined results occur if the Pointer parameter is not a valid pointer.

20. What is the difference between declaration and definition?
The declaration tells the compiler that at some later point we plan to present the definition of this


E.g.: void stars () //function declaration

The definition contains the actual implementation.

E.g.: void stars () // declarator


for(intj=10; j > =0; j—- //function body

cout« *;

cout« endl; }

21. What are the advantages of inheritance in C++?
It permits code reusability. Reusability saves time in program development. It encourages the reuse of proven and debugged high-quality software, thus reducing problem after a system becomes functional.

22. What do you mean by inline function?
The idea behind inline functions is to insert the code of a called function at the point where the function is called. If done carefully, this can improve the application’s performance in exchange for increased compile time and possibly (but not always) an increase in the size of the generated binary executables.

23. What is public, protected, private in C++?

  • Public, protected and private are three access specifiers in C++.
  • Public data members and member functions are accessible outside the class.
  • Protected data members and member functions are only available to derived classes.
  • Private data members and member functions can’t be accessed outside the class. However there is an exception can be using friend classes.

24. What is the difference between class and structure in C++?
Structure: Initially (in C) a structure was used to bundle different type of data types together to perform a particular functionality. But C++ extended the structure to contain functions also. The major difference is that all declarations inside a structure are by default public. Class: Class is a successor of Structure. By default all the members inside the class are private.

25. What is RTTI in C++?
Runtime type identification (RTTI) lets you find the dynamic type of an object when you have only a pointer or a reference to the base type. RTTI is the official way in standard C++ to discover the type of an object and to convert the type of a pointer or reference (that is, dynamic typing). The need came from practical experience with C++. RTTI replaces many homegrown versions with a solid, consistent approach.

26. What is encapsulation in C++?
Packaging an object’s variables within its methods is called encapsulation.

27. What do you mean by inheritance?
Inheritance is the process of creating new classes, called derived classes, from existing classes or base classes. The derived class inherits all the capabilities of the base class, but can add embellishments and refinements of its own.

28. What is a COPY CONSTRUCTOR and when is it called?
A copy constructor is a method that accepts an object of the same class and copies it’s data members to the object on the left part of assignement:

class Point2D{ int x; int y;

public int color;

protected bool pinned;

public Point2D() : x(0), y(0) {} //default (no argument) constructor

public Point2D( const Point2D & );


Point2D::Point2D( const Point2D & p )


this->x = p.x; this->y = p.y; this->color = p. color; this->pinned = p.pinned;



Point2D MyPoint;

MyPoint.color = 345;

Point2D AnotherPoint = Point2D( MyPoint); // now AnotherPoint has color = 345

29. What is Boyce Codd Normal form in C++?
A relation schema R is in BCNF with respect to a set F of functional dependencies if for all functional dependencies in F+ of the form a-> , where a and b is a subset of R, at least one of the following holds:

* a- > b is a trivial functional dependency (b is a subset of a)

* a is a superkey for schema R

30. What is virtual class and friend class?
Friend classes are used when two or more classes are designed to work together and need access to each other’s implementation in ways that the rest of the world shouldn’t be allowed to have. In other words, they help keep private things private. For instance, it may be desirable for class DatabaseCursor to have more privilege to the internals of class Database than main() has.

31. What do you mean by binding of data and functions?

32. What is friend function in C++?
As the name suggests, the function acts as a friend to a class. As a friend of a class, it can access its private and protected members. A friend function is not a member of the class. But it must be listed in the class definition.

33. What is abstraction in C++?
Abstraction is of the process of hiding unwanted details from the user.

34. What are virtual functions in C++?
A virtual function allows derived classes to replace the implementation provided by the base class. The compiler makes sure the replacement is always called whenever the object in question is actually of the derived class, even if the object is accessed by a base pointer rather than a derived pointer. This allows algorithms in the base class to be replaced in the derived class, even if users don’t know about the derived class.

35. What is a scope resolution operator?
A scope resolution operator (::), can be used to define the member functions of a class outside the class.

36. What do you mean by pure virtual functions?
A pure virtual member function is a member function that the base class forces derived classes to provide. Normally these member functions have no implementation. Pure virtual functions are equated to zero. class Shape { public: virtual void draw() = 0; };

37. What is polymorphism in C++? Explain with an example?

“Poly” means “many” and “morph” means “form”. Polymorphism is the ability of an object (or reference) to assume (be replaced by) or become many different forms of object. Example: function overloading, function overriding, virtual functions. Another example can be a plus ‘+’ sign, used for adding two integers or for using it to concatenate two strings.

38. What is the best way to declare and define global variables?
The best way to declare global variables is to declare them after including all the files so that it can be used in all the functions.

39. What does extern mean in a function declaration in C++?
It tells the compiler that a variable or a function exists, even if the compiler hasn’t yet seen it in the file currently being compiled. This variable or function may be defined in another file or further down in the current file.

40. Explain the scope resolution operator.
It permits a program to reference an identifier in the global scope that has been hidden by another identifier with the same name in the local scope.

41. What is an explicit constructor?
A conversion constructor declared with the explicit keyword. The compiler does not use an explicit constructor to implement an implied conversion of types. It’s purpose is reserved explicitly for construction.

42. What is the Standard Template Library (STL)?
A library of container templates approved by the ANSI committee for inclusion in the standard C++ specification.

A programmer who then launches into a discussion of the generic programming model, iterators, allocators, algorithms, and such, has a higher than average understanding of the new technology that STL brings to C++ programming.

43. In C++, what is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?
Overloading a method (or function) in C++ is the ability for functions of the same name to be defined as long as these methods have different signatures (different set of parameters). Method overriding is the ability of the inherited class rewriting the virtual method of the base class.

44. What methods can be overridden in Java?
In C++ terminology, all public methods in Java are virtual. Therefore, all Java methods can be overwritten in subclasses except those that are declared final, static, and private.

45. What are the defining traits of an object-oriented language?
The defining traits of an object-oriented langauge are:

  1. encapsulation
  2. inheritance
  3. polymorphism

C++ Questions and Answers Pdf Download

300+ [LATEST] C Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Can The Sizeof Operator Be Used To Tell The Size Of An Array Passed To A Function?

No. There’s no way to tell, at runtime, how many elements are in an array parameter just by looking at the array parameter itself. Remember, passing an array to a function is exactly the same as passing a pointer to the first element.

Q2. Mention The Levels Of Pointers Can You Have?

The wer depends on what you mean by “levels of pointers.” If you mean “How many levels of indirection can you have in a single declaration?” the wer is “At least 12.”

  int i = 0;  int *ip01 = & i;  int **ip02 = & ip01;  int ***ip03 = & ip02;  int ****ip04 = & ip03;  int *****ip05 = & ip04;  int ******ip06 = & ip05;  int *******ip07 = & ip06;  int ********ip08 = & ip07;  int *********ip09 = & ip08;  int **********ip10 = & ip09;  int ***********ip11 = & ip10;  int ************ip12 = & ip11;  ************ip12 = 1; /* i = 1 */

The ANSI C standard says all compilers must handle at least 12 levels. Your compiler might support more.

Q3. What Is A Pointer Variable?

A pointer variable is a variable that may contain the address of another variable or any valid address in the memory.

Q4. Differentiate Between Text And Binary Modes?

Streams can be classified into two types: text streams and binary streams. Text streams are interpreted, with a maximum length of 255 characters. With text streams, carriage return/line feed combinations are trlated to the newline n character and vice versa. Binary streams are uninterpreted and are treated one byte at a time with no trlation of characters. Typically, a text stream would be used for reading and writing standard text files, printing output to the screen or printer, or receiving input from the keyboard.

A binary text stream would typically be used for reading and writing binary files such as graphics or word processing documents, reading mouse input, or reading and writing to the modem.

Q5. What Do You Mean By Hashing?

To hash me to grind up, and that’s essentially what hashing is all about. The heart of a hashing algorithm is a hash function that takes your nice, neat data and grinds it into some random-looking integer.

The idea behind hashing is that some data either has no inherent ordering (such as images) or is expensive to compare (such as images). If the data has no inherent ordering, you can’t perform comparison searches.

If the data is expensive to compare, the number of comparisons used even by a binary search might be too many. So instead of looking at the data themselves, you’ll condense (hash) the data to an integer (its hash value) and keep all the data with the same hash value in the same place. This task is carried out by using the hash value as an index into an array. To search for an item, you simply hash it and look at all the data whose hash values match that of the data you’re looking for. This technique greatly lessens the number of items you have to look at. If the parameters are set up with care and enough storage is available for the hash table, the number of comparisons needed to find an item can be made arbitrarily close to one.

One aspect that affects the efficiency of a hashing implementation is the hash function itself. It should ideally distribute data randomly throughout the entire hash table, to reduce the likelihood of collisions. Collisions occur when two different keys have the same hash value. There are two ways to resolve this problem. In “open addressing,” the collision is resolved by the choosing of another position in the hash table for the element inserted later. When the hash table is searched, if the entry is not found at its hashed position in the table, the search continues checking until either the element is found or an empty position in the table is found.

The second method of resolving a hash collision is called “chaining.” In this method, a “bucket” or linked list holds all the elements whose keys hash to the same value. When the hash table is searched, the list must be searched linearly.

Q6. Can A File Other Than A .h File Be Included With #include?

The preprocessor will include whatever file you specify in your #include statement. Therefore, if you have the line


in your program, the file macros.inc will be included in your precompiled program. It is, however, unusual programming practice to put any file that does not have a .h or .hpp extension in an

  #include statement.

You should always put a .h extension on any of your C files you are going to include. This method makes it easier for you and others to identify which files are being used for preprocessing purposes. For instance, someone modifying or debugging your program might not know to look at the macros.inc file for macro definitions. That person might try in vain by searching all files with .h extensions and come up empty. If your file had been named macros.h, the search would have included the macros.h file, and the searcher would have been able to see what macros you defined in it.

Q7. Differentiate Between Far And Near?

Some compilers for PC compatibles use two types of pointers. Near pointers are 16 bits long and can address a 64KB range. far pointers are 32 bits long and can address a 1MB range.

Near pointers operate within a 64KB segment. There’s one segment for function addresses and one segment for data. far pointers have a 16-bit base (the segment address) and a 16-bit offset. The base is multiplied by 16, so a far pointer is effectively 20 bits long. Before you compile your code, you must tell the compiler which memory model to use. If you use a small code memory model, near pointers are used by default for function addresses.

That me that all the functions need to fit in one 64KB segment. With a large-code model, the default is to use far function addresses. You’ll get near pointers with a small data model, and far pointers with a large data model. These are just the defaults; you can declare variables and functions as explicitly near or far.

Far pointers are a little slower. Whenever one is used, the code or data segment register needs to be swapped out. Far pointers also have odd semantics for arithmetic and comparison. For example, the two far pointers in the preceding example point to the same address, but they would compare as different! If your program fits in a small-data, small-code memory model, your life will be easier.

Q8. Can A Variable Be Both Const And Volatile?

Yes. The const modifier me that this code cannot change the value of the variable, but that does not mean that the value cannot be changed by me outside this code. For instance, in the example in FAQ 8, the timer structure was accessed through a volatile const pointer. The function itself did not change the value of the timer, so it was declared const. However, the value was changed by hardware on the computer, so it was declared volatile. If a variable is both const and volatile, the two modifiers can appear in either order.

Q9. What Is Storage Class And What Are Storage Variable?

A storage class is an attribute that changes the behavior of a variable. It controls the lifetime, scope and linkage. There are five types of storage classes.

  1. auto.
  2. static.
  3. extern.
  4. register.
  5. typedef.

Q10. Is It Acceptable To Declare/define A Variable In A C Header?

A global variable that must be accessed from more than one file can and should be declared in a header file. In addition, such a variable must be defined in one source file.

Variables should not be defined in header files, because the header file can be included in multiple source files, which would cause multiple definitions of the variable. The ANSI C standard will allow multiple external definitions, provided that there is only one initialization. But because there’s really no advantage to using this feature, it’s probably best to avoid it and maintain a higher level of portability.

“Global” variables that do not have to be accessed from more than one file should be declared static and should not appear in a header file.


Q11. Difference Between Null And Nul?

NULL is a macro defined in for the null pointer. NUL is the name of the first character in the ASCII character set. It corresponds to a zero value. There’s no standard macro NUL in C, but some people like to define it.

The digit 0 corresponds to a value of 80, decimal. Don’t confuse the digit 0 with the value of ‘’ (NUL)!

NULL can be defined as ((void*)0), NUL as ‘  ’.

Q12. How To Avoid Including A Header More Than Once?

One easy technique to avoid multiple inclusions of the same header is to use the #ifndef and #define preprocessor directives. When you create a header for your program, you can #define a symbolic name that is unique to that header. You can use the conditional preprocessor directive named #ifndef to check whether that symbolic name has already been assigned. If it is assigned, you should not include the header, because it has already been preprocessed. If it is not defined, you should define it to avoid any further inclusions of the header. The following header illustrates this technique:

  #ifndef _FILENAME_H  #define _FILENAME_H  #define VER_NUM “1.00.00”  #define REL_DATE “08/01/94”  #if _ _WINDOWS_ _  #define OS_VER “WINDOWS”  #else  #define OS_VER “DOS”  #endif  #endif

When the preprocessor encounters this header, it first checks to see whether _FILENAME_H has been defined. If it hasn’t been defined, the header has not been included yet, and the _FILENAME_H symbolic name is defined. Then, the rest of the header is parsed until the last #endif is encountered, signaling the end of the conditional #ifndef _FILENAME_H statement. Substitute the actual name of the header file for “FILENAME” in the preceding example to make it applicable for your programs.

Q13. When Does The Register Modifier Be Used? Does It Really Help?

The register modifier hints to the compiler that the variable will be heavily used and should be kept in the CPU’s registers, if possible, so that it can be accessed faster. There are several restrictions on the use of the register modifier.

First, the variable must be of a type that can be held in the CPU’s register. This usually me a single value of a size less than or equal to the size of an integer. Some machines have registers that can hold floating-point numbers as well. Second, because the variable might not be stored in memory, its address cannot be taken with the unary & operator. An attempt to do so is flagged as an error by the compiler. Some additional rules affect how useful the register modifier is. Because the number of registers is limited, and because some registers can hold only certain types of data (such as pointers or floating-point numbers), the number and types of register modifiers that will actually have any effect are dependent on what machine the program will run on. Any additional register modifiers are silently ignored by the compiler.

Also, in some cases, it might actually be slower to keep a variable in a register because that register then becomes unavailable for other purposes or because the variable isn’t used enough to justify the overhead of loading and storing it.

So when should the register modifier be used? The wer is never, with most modern compilers. Early C compilers did not keep any variables in registers unless directed to do so, and the register modifier was a valuable addition to the language. C compiler design has advanced to the point, however, where the compiler will usually make better decisions than the programmer about which variables should be stored in registers. In fact, many compilers actually ignore the register modifier, which is perfectly legal, because it is only a hint and not a directive.


Q14. What Is The Heap?

The heap is where malloc(), calloc(), and realloc() get memory.

Getting memory from the heap is much slower than getting it from the stack. On the other hand, the heap is much more flexible than the stack. Memory can be allocated at any time and deallocated in any order. Such memory isn’t deallocated automatically; you have to call free ().

Recursive data structures are almost always implemented with memory from the heap. Strings often come from there too, especially strings that could be very long at runtime. If you can keep data in a local variable (and allocate it from the stack), your code will run faster than if you put the data on the heap. Sometimes you can use a better algorithm if you use the heap—faster, or more robust, or more flexible. It’s a tradeoff.

If memory is allocated from the heap, it’s available until the program ends. That’s great if you remember to deallocate it when you’re done. If you forget, it’s a problem. A “memory leak” is some allocated memory that’s no longer needed but isn’t deallocated. If you have a memory leak inside a loop, you can use up all the memory on the heap and not be able to get any more. (When that happens, the allocation functions return a null pointer.) In some environments, if a program doesn’t deallocate everything it allocated, memory stays unavailable even after the program ends.

Q15. When Should A Type Cast Be Used?

There are two situations in which to use a type cast. The first use is to change the type of an operand to an arithmetic operation so that the operation will be performed properly.

The second case is to cast pointer types to and from void * in order to interface with functions that expect or return void pointers. For example, the following line type casts the return value of the call to malloc() to be a pointer to a foo structure.

  struct foo *p = (struct foo *) malloc(sizeof(struct foo));

Q16. What Is #line Used For?

The #line preprocessor directive is used to reset the values of the _ _LINE_ _ and _ _FILE_ _ symbols, respectively. This directive is commonly used in fourth-generation languages that generate C language source files.

Q17. Mention The Purpose Of Realloc ( )?

The function realloc (ptr,n) uses two arguments. The first argument ptr is a pointer to a block of memory for which the size is to be altered. The second argument n specifies the new size. The size may be increased or decreased. If n is greater than the old size and if sufficient space is not available subsequent to the old region, the function realloc ( ) may create a new region and all the old data are moved to the new region.

Q18. What Are The Advantages Of Auto Variables?

  1. The same auto variable name can be used in different blocks.
  2. There is no side effect by changing the values in the blocks.
  3. The memory is economically used.
  4. Auto variables have inherent protection because of local scope.

Q19. Is Using Exit () The Same As Using Return?

No. The exit () function is used to exit your program and return control to the operating system. The return statement is used to return from a function and return control to the calling function. If you issue a return from the main () function, you are essentially returning control to the calling function, which is the operating system. In this case, the return statement and exit () function are similar.

Q20. How To Sort A Linked List?

Both the merge sort and the radix sort are good sorting algorithms to use for linked lists.

Q21. Write About Modular Programming?

If a program is large, it is subdivided into a number of smaller programs that are called modules or subprograms. If a complex problem is solved using more modules, this approach is known as modular programming.

Q22. When Does The Compiler Not Implicitly Generate The Address Of The First Element Of An Array?

Whenever an array name appears in an expression such as,

  • array as an operand of the sizeof operator.
  •  array as an operand of & operator.
  • array as a string literal initializer for a character array.

Then the compiler does not implicitly generate the address of the address of the first element of an array.

Q23. What Is A Function And Built-in Function?

A large program is subdivided into a number of smaller programs or subprograms. Each subprogram specifies one or more actions to be performed for a large program. Such subprograms are functions. The function supports only static and extern storage classes. By default, function assumes extern storage class. Functions have global scope. Only register or auto storage class is allowed in the function parameters. Built-in functions that predefined and supplied along with the compiler are known as built-in functions. They are also known as library functions.

Q24. What Is Indirection?

If you declare a variable, its name is a direct reference to its value. If you have a pointer to a variable or any other object in memory, you have an indirect reference to its value.

Q25. Differentiate Between Arrays And Pointers?

Pointers are used to manipulate data using the address. Pointers use * operator to access the data pointed to by them Arrays use subscripted variables to access and manipulate data. Array variables can be equivalently written using pointer expression.

Q26. How Can You Check To See Whether A Symbol Is Defined?

You can use the #ifdef and #ifndef preprocessor directives to check whether a symbol has been defined (#ifdef) or whether it has not been defined (#ifndef).

Q27. How To Search For Data In A Linked List?

Unfortunately, the only way to search a linked list is with a linear search, because the only way a linked list’s members can be accessed is sequentially. Sometimes it is quicker to take the data from a linked list and store it in a different data structure so that searches can be more efficient.

Q28. What Is A Null Pointer?

There are times when it’s necessary to have a pointer that doesn’t point to anything. The macro NULL, defined in , has a value that’s guaranteed to be different from any valid pointer. NULL is a literal zero, possibly cast to void* or char*. Some people, notably C++ programmers, prefer to use 0 rather than NULL. The null pointer is used in three ways:

  1. To stop indirection in a recursive data structure
  2. As an error value
  3. As a sentinel value

Q29. Why Should I Prototype A Function?

A function prototype tells the compiler what kind of arguments a function is looking to receive and what kind of return value a function is going to give back. This approach helps the compiler ensure that calls to a function are made correctly and that no erroneous type conversions are taking place.

Q30. Is It Better To Use Malloc () Or Calloc ()?

Both the malloc() and the calloc() functions are used to allocate dynamic memory. Each operates slightly different from the other. malloc() takes a size and returns a pointer to a chunk of memory at least that big:

  void *malloc( size_t size );

calloc() takes a number of elements, and the size of each, and returns a pointer to a chunk of memory at least big enough to hold them all:

  void *calloc( size_t numElements,size_t sizeOfElement );

There’s one major difference and one minor difference between the two functions. The major difference is that malloc () doesn’t initialize the allocated memory. The first time malloc () gives you a particular chunk of memory, the memory might be full of zeros. If memory has been allocated, freed, and reallocated, it probably has whatever junk was left in it. That me, unfortunately, that a program might run in simple cases (when memory is never reallocated) but break when used harder (and when memory is reused). calloc() fills the allocated memory with all zero bits. That me that anything there you’re going to use as a char or an int of any length, signed or unsigned, is guaranteed to be zero. Anything you’re going to use as a pointer is set to all zero bits. That’s usually a null pointer, but it’s not guaranteed. Anything you’re going to use as a float or double is set to all zero bits; that’s a floating-point zero on some types of machines, but not on all.

The minor difference between the two is that calloc () returns an array of objects; malloc () returns one object. Some people use calloc () to make clear that they want an array.

Q31. What Is The Benefit Of Using Const For Declaring Constants?

The benefit of using the const keyword is that the compiler might be able to make optimizations based on the knowledge that the value of the variable will not change. In addition, the compiler will try to ensure that the values won’t be changed inadvertently.

Of course, the same benefits apply to #defined constants. The reason to use const rather than #define to define a constant is that a const variable can be of any type (such as a struct, which can’t be represented by a #defined constant). Also, because a const variable is a real variable, it has an address that can be used, if needed, and it resides in only one place in memory.

Q32. Differentiate Between A Linker And Linkage?

A linker converts an object code into an executable code by linking together the necessary build in functions. The form and place of declaration where the variable is declared in a program determine the linkage of variable.

Q33. How Are Portions Of A Program Disabled In Demo Versions?

If you are distributing a demo version of your program, the preprocessor can be used to enable or disable portions of your program. The following portion of code shows how this task is accomplished, using the preprocessor directives #if and #endif:

  int save document(char* doc_name)  {  #if DEMO_VERSION  printf(“Sorry! You can’t save documents using the DEMO  version of this program!n”);  return(0);  #endif  ....

Q34. Write The Equivalent Expression For X%8?


Q35. How Can You Determine The Size Of An Allocated Portion Of Memory?

You can’t, really free() can , but there’s no way for your program to know the trick free() uses. Even if you disassemble the library and discover the trick, there’s no guarantee the trick won’t change with the next release of the compiler.

Q36. Differentiate Between A String Copy (strcpy) And A Memory Copy (memcpy)? When Should Each Be Used?

The strcpy() function is designed to work exclusively with strings. It copies each byte of the source string to the destination string and stops when the terminating null character () has been moved. On the other hand, the memcpy () function is designed to work with any type of data. Because not all data ends with a null character, you must provide the memcpy () function with the number of bytes you want to copy from the source to the destination.

Q37. When Would You Use A Pointer To A Function?

Pointers to functions are interesting when you pass them to other functions. A function that takes function pointers says, in effect, “Part of what I do can be customized. Give me a pointer to a function, and I’ll call it when that part of the job needs to be done. That function can do its part for me.” This is known as a “callback.” It’s used a lot in graphical user interface libraries, in which the style of a display is built into the library but the contents of the display are part of the application.

As a simpler example, say you have an array of character pointers (char*s), and you want to sort it by the value of the strings the character pointers point to. The standard qsort() function uses function pointers to perform that task. qsort() takes four arguments,

  • a pointer to the beginning of the array,
  • the number of elements in the array,
  • the size of each array element, and,
  •  a comparison function, and returns an int.

Q38. What Are The Standard Predefined Macros?

The ANSI C standard defines six predefined macros for use in the C language:
Macro Name Purpose

  • _ _LINE_ _ Inserts the current source code line number in your code.
  • _ _FILE_ _ Inserts the current source code filename in your code.
  • _ _DATE_ _ Inserts the current date of compilation in your code.
  • _ _TIME_ _ Inserts the current time of compilation in your code.
  • _ _cplusplus Is defined if you are compiling a C++ program.

Q39. What Is The Easiest Sorting Method To Use?

The wer is the standard library function qsort(). It’s the easiest sort by far for several reasons:

  • It is already written.
  • It is already debugged.
  • It has been optimized as much as possible (usually).
  Void qsort(void *buf, size_t num, size_t size, int (*comp)  (const void *ele1, const void *ele2));

Q40. How To Restore A Redirected Standard Stream?

The preceding example showed how you can redirect a standard stream from within your program. But what if later in your program you wanted to restore the standard stream to its original state? By using the standard C library functions named dup() and fdopen(), you can restore a standard stream such as stdout to its original state.

The dup() function duplicates a file handle. You can use the dup() function to save the file handle corresponding to the stdout standard stream. The fdopen() function opens a stream that has been duplicated with the dup() function.

Q41. Mention The Characteristics Of Arrays In C?

  1. An array holds elements that have the same data type.
  2. Array elements are stored in subsequent memory locations.
  3. Two-dimensional array elements are stored row by row in subsequent memory locations.
  4. Array name represents the address of the starting element.
  5. Array size should be mentioned in the declaration. Array size must be a constant expression and not a variable.

Q42. Which Expression Always Return True? Which Always Return False?

  • expression if (a=0) always return false.
  • expression if (a=1) always return true.

Q43. Can Include Files Be Nested?

Yes. Include files can be nested any number of times. As long as you use precautionary measures , you can avoid including the same file twice. In the past, nesting header files was seen as bad programming practice, because it complicates the dependency tracking function of the MAKE program and thus slows down compilation. Many of today’s popular compilers make up for this difficulty by implementing a concept called precompiled headers, in which all headers and associated dependencies are stored in a precompiled state.

Many programmers like to create a custom header file that has #include statements for every header needed for each module. This is perfectly acceptable and can help avoid potential problems relating to #include files, such as accidentally omitting an #include file in a module.

Q44. Why Is That We Have To Assign Null To The Elements (pointer) After Freeing Them?

This is paranoia based on long experience. After a pointer has been freed, you can no longer use the pointed-to data. The pointer is said to “dangle”; it doesn’t point at anything useful. If you “NULL out” or “zero out” a pointer immediately after freeing it, your program can no longer get in trouble by using that pointer. True, you might go indirect on the null pointer instead, but that’s something your debugger might be able to help you with immediately. Also, there still might be copies of the pointer that refer to the memory that has been deallocated; that’s the nature of C. Zeroing out pointers after freeing them won’t solve all problems.

Q45. What Is The Stack?

The stack is where all the functions’ local (auto) variables are created. The stack also contains some information used to call and return from functions.

A “stack trace” is a list of which functions have been called, based on this information. When you start using a debugger, one of the first things you should learn is how to get a stack trace. The stack is very inflexible about allocating memory; everything must be deallocated in exactly the reverse order it was allocated in. For implementing function calls, that is all that’s needed. Allocating memory off the stack is extremely efficient. One of the reasons C compilers generate such good code is their heavy use of a simple stack.

There used to be a C function that any programmer could use for allocating memory off the stack. The memory was automatically deallocated when the calling function returned. This was a dangerous function to call; it’s not available anymore.

Q46. How Do You Print An Address?

The safest way is to use printf () (or fprintf() or sprintf()) with the %P specification. That prints a void pointer (void*). Different compilers might print a pointer with different formats. Your compiler will pick a format that’s right for your environment.

If you have some other kind of pointer (not a void*) and you want to be very safe, cast the pointer to a void*:

  printf (“%Pn”, (void*) buffer);

Q47. Which Is The Quickest Sorting Method To Use?

The wer depends on what you mean by quickest. For most sorting problems, it just doesn’t matter how quick the sort is because it is done infrequently or other operations take significantly more time anyway. Even in cases in which sorting speed is of the essence, there is no one wer. It depends on not only the size and nature of the data, but also the likely order. No algorithm is best in all cases.

There are three sorting methods in this author’s “toolbox” that are all very fast and that are useful in different situations. Those methods are quick sort, merge sort, and radix sort.

The Quick Sort :The quick sort algorithm is of the “divide and conquer” type. That me it works by reducing a sorting problem into several easier sorting problems and solving each of them. A “dividing” value is chosen from the input data, and the data is partitioned into three sets: elements that belong before the dividing value, the value itself, and elements that come after the dividing value. The partitioning is performed by exchanging elements that are in the first set but belong in the third with elements that are in the third set but belong in the first Elements that are equal to the dividing element can be put in any of the three sets—the algorithm will still work properly.

The Merge Sort:  The merge sort is a “divide and conquer” sort as well. It works by considering the data to be sorted as a sequence of already-sorted lists (in the worst case, each list is one element long). Adjacent sorted lists are merged into larger sorted lists until there is a single sorted list containing all the elements. The merge sort is good at sorting lists and other data structures that are not in arrays, and it can be used to sort things that don’t fit into memory. It also can be implemented as a stable sort.

The Radix Sort : The radix sort takes a list of integers and puts each element on a smaller list, depending on the value of its least significant byte. Then the small lists are concatenated, and the process is repeated for each more significant byte until the list is sorted. The radix sort is simpler to implement on fixed-length data such as ints.

Q48. When Should A Far Pointer Be Used?

Sometimes you can get away with using a small memory model in most of a given program. There might be just a few things that don’t fit in your small data and code segments. When that happens, you can use explicit far pointers and function declarations to get at the rest of memory. A far function can be outside the 64KB segment most functions are shoehorned into for a small-code model. (Often, libraries are declared explicitly far, so they’ll work no matter what code model the program uses.)

A far pointer can refer to information outside the 64KB data segment. Typically, such pointers are used with farmalloc () and such, to manage a heap separate from where all the rest of the data lives. If you use a small-data, large-code model, you should explicitly make your function pointers far.

Q49. What Does It Mean When A Pointer Is Used In An If Statement?

Any time a pointer is used as a condition, it me “Is this a non-null pointer?” A pointer can be used in an if, while, for, or do/while statement, or in a conditional expression.

Q50. Which Is Better To Use A Macro Or A Function?

The wer depends on the situation you are writing code for. Macros have the distinct advantage of being more efficient (and faster) than functions, because their corresponding code is inserted directly into your source code at the point where the macro is called. There is no overhead involved in using a macro like there is in placing a call to a function. However, macros are generally small and cannot handle large, complex coding constructs. A function is more suited for this type of situation. Additionally, macros are expanded inline, which me that the code is replicated for each occurrence of a macro. Your code therefore could be somewhat larger when you use macros than if you were to use functions. Thus, the choice between using a macro and using a function is one of deciding between the tradeoff of faster program speed versus smaller program size. Generally, you should use macros to replace small, repeatable code sections, and you should use functions for larger coding tasks that might require several lines of code.