300+ TOP CAPTIVA Interview Questions and Answers

Captiva Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What about FreeForm abstraction?
The add-ons to favor Captiva for the purpose of capturing information out of an unstructured document is said to be FreeForm abstraction. Keywords play a predominant role when it comes to the working of FreeForm abstraction. Initially, it searches for relevant keywords after checking with the predefined validation and then captures the corresponding data with the aid of keywords.

FreeForm abstraction is an exclusive technique used by the business organizations in case if there are any complications to identify unique documents.

2. What is the function of IAMulti?
Input Accel(IA)Multi caters an important functionality post a batch process is completed. IAMultii provides infrastructure to break or split any process into one or more directions. Pages/Documents/Batches can be deleted by Multi after any of those is processed. Batch processing will be done with 100% accuracy and even any sort of exceptional errors are rarely possible.

3. List down the responsibilities of a process developer using Captiva.
Process developer performs operations that deal with Visual studio tool and it is mainly related to Captiva process flow development. A Captiva process developer has the following responsibilities,

  • Code writing
  • Process building
  • Workflow control
  • Formulating conditions
  • Error handling
  • Custom code creation
  • Code implementation

4. What is Captiva Dispatcher?

  • In order to automate information from bulk documents, Captiva Dispatcher is deployed. The major function of the dispatcher is to create templates for predefined documents or forms. From similar kind of documents, templates fetch data with ease. In addition to capturing information, templates also widen productivity by reducing a significant percentage of errors.
  • When using dispatcher to process any documents, modules such as Recognition, Classification, Edit, and Validation etc. come handy along with the process.
  • Literally dispatcher optimizes Captiva’s performance and therefore, minimizes the total time required to collect data.

5. What is MDW?
MDW is Multi-Directory Watch (MDW) used to monitor folders under InputAccel. Basically, the monitoring operation involved in MDW differentiates from Scan module in such a way that, MDW directly copies from any folder whereas Scan module pulls a soft copy scanned from the scanner.

CAPTIVA Interview Questions
CAPTIVA Interview Questions

6. What are the key features of Administrator module?
The administrator module takes care of entire administrating responsibilities for Captiva. Some of the administrating activities include, dynamic priority changing, batch status checking, batch configuration/process configuration, batch execution and security activities such as granting access to a user group for updating/accessing/deleting any batch or process.

Administrator performance is monitored on a regular basis to update authenticity, especially if the processes are running on multiple servers. In the case of multiple server functionalities, the administrator module can also perform load balancing.

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