300+ TOP CASHIER Interview Questions and Answers

CASHIER Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What experience have you had as a cashier?

  • Basically , almost all times, i must be in full of concentration,
  • secondly, before cash paying and cash receiving we must count and give , at in any situation.
  • Finally, quick listener, and speed and accuracy maintenance is very important.

2. What is meant by Deferred Revenue Expenditure?
A deferred revenue expenditure is that where the benefit the expenditure can be had for more than ONE accounting period and less than FIVE accounting periods. There are no hard and fast rules that the period is linted to 1 – 5. It is just an assumption. It stands as an expired cost after the business entity has had the complete benefits. It is written off every year.

3. What is the difference between net income and free cash flow?
Under the accrual method of accounting, net income is calculated as follows: revenues earned minus the expenses incurred in order to earn those revenues. If a company earns revenues in December but allows those customers to pay in 30 days, the cash from the December revenues will likely be received in January. In this situation the December revenues will increase the December net income, but will not increase the company’s December net cash flow.

Under accrual accounting, expenses are matched to the accounting period when the related revenues occur or when the costs have expired. For example, a retailer may have purchased and paid for merchandise in October. However, the merchandise remained in inventory until it was sold in December. The company’s net cash flow decreases in October when the company pays for the merchandise. However, net income decreases in December when the cost of the goods sold is matched with the December sales.

4. What is TDS and Salary TDS?
TDS Means Tax Deducted at Source, salary TDS means, whoever will get more than 10000 salary per month, they will come under the slab (Salary TDS) TDS will charged, Nature of Payment and it will be in different SECTION

5. What is meant by discount eligibility of a buyer?
If you are asking a general question, I would guess this means whether the buyer meets the requirements to get the discount (on a product?). Such requirements may be living in a certain area, be aged 18 years or older (or younger), buying products from a store of a value of at least $200 … you get the point?

6. What is Money Laundering?

  1. The term Money Laundering has American origin as far as I know. Laundry is such a business which is entirely cash driven. There is no question of debots.
  2. Few people used to open laundry without actually opening it. They used to show their black money as income from business. That was very convenient way of converting black money into white money.
  3. The term money laundering means converting black money into white money. The ways of money laundering is to open Benami (fake) bank accounts and deposit cash there and then get it transferred in your legitimate bank account.
  4. Or opening Benami demat account, purchasing shares and transferring them in your legitimate demat account etc.

7. What is MIS Report? How do you prepare it?
MIS report is known as Management Information System… regarding the Manpower status of a particular month, place and overall..

It helps the Management in decision making.. like what are the reasons of resignation.. in which area attrition is high.. and so many things to help in decision making.. with the help of MIS you may prepare a lot of reports.. Like annual attrition.. region wise attrition.. region wise manpower.. graphical representation of regions manpower status.. and so on..

You may prepare the same at your end. As it will help you to prepare other such formats too.

I am describing you the contents with sheet wise..

First Sheet-
Details of employee
a. E. Code b. Name of employee
c. Date of birth d. Designation e. CTC
f. Address for communication
g. Permanent address h. Contact number
i. Blood group j. Maximum qualification
k. Extra qualification l. Total Experience

Second Sheet-
Salary structure
In this sheet write down the complete salary structure.. and make a column what is salary after any revision

Third Sheet –
New JoineeS
In this sheet write down the name of New joinees of that month with detail
DOB n etc.

Forth Sheet –
Resigned employees
In this sheet write the name of employees who resigned during
that particular month with details like name, designation, date of joining,
Date of resignation, last working day.

Fifth sheet –
Attrition rate

Based on this MIS report, you may find out the attrition report, Qualification analysis reports, team management reports and so on can prepare a number of reports..

8. What is the difference between discount and rebate?
A discount is a reduction in the price that you pay in the store. A rebate is when you pay the full price in the store, but then the manufacturer refunds some of the price to you afterwards.

9. What are Bill of Lading & Shipping Bill. What is the difference between them?
Bill of lading definition: a required document to move a freight shipment. The bill of lading (BOL) works as a receipt of freight services, a contract between a freight carrier and shipper and a document of title. The bill of lading is a legally binding document providing the driver and the carrier all the details needed to process the freight shipment and invoice it correctly.

When a customer books a shipment with Freightquote, the bill of lading is automatically generated based on the shipment details entered during the quoting and booking process. The bill of lading should be provided to the carrier on pick up and will be delivered to the consignee on delivery.

A bill of lading is a statement to a company of merchandise coming into the store or warehouse. It lists what items that the store or warehouse has ordered, how many palettes the items fit on, and the total weight of the shipment. A shipping bill is the document showing the company or individual the amount he/she owes for each item they have ordered.

10. Explain the difference between retail banking and core banking?
Retail Banking is banks dealing with the retial customers like Individuals, HUF’s, Propprietoship concerns, Partnership concerns, Small Pvt. Ltd companies etc.

Where as core banking is all the branches of the banks are connected to each other and a customer of the bank can do transactions from any of the branches i.e the customer is not specific to a branch to will be the customer for the bank.

CASHIER Interview Questions
CASHIER Interview Questions

11. What is the treatment for accrued income l expenses in accounting?
Accrued Income- Dr. Accrued Interest Receivable
Cr. Interest Income

at the time of Interest posting: Dr. Customers Account
Cr. Accrued Interest Receivable

Accrued Expenses- Dr. Interest Expenses
Cr. Accrued Interest Payable

at the time of Interest posting: Dr. Accrued Interest Payable
Cr. Customers Account

12. What is VAT? What type of VAT? in Tally 7.2 How`s work VAT?
VAT (Value Added Tax): It is value added Tax. means total value which is added in goods price as a profit , on that value, the tax is paid is called VAT.

we can see it with example:

goods Purchase= 20000
Input Tax @ 4 % = 20000*4%= 800

now we sold this goods

Sale = 35000
Out put tax @ 4 % = 35000*4% = 1400

When we purchased Goods the saler collect a tax value from us as a sales tax. then we sold goods. we charge a tax amount in invoice. finally wen we pay tax to govt.

then total value of tax payble will be : Out put tax – Input Tax= 1400-800 = 600.

So Nett Tax payable Amount Is Rs. 600. this amount is a part of total value added in sales price not that sales price.

we can see it : Total Value add: Sales – Purchase = 35000-20000= 15000.

and tax amount on value added:15000*4 % = 600.

it has been proved that VAt Is an value added Tax.

13. What is Cash Book and Pass Book?
Recording of all cash transactions in a Book by Casher is called “Cash Book” and coming to Pass Book, Recording of all bank transactions by a banker in a book, which is given by banker is called “Pass Book”.

14. Which type of deposit bank doesnt give interest?
In CURRENT ACCOUNT bank doesn’t give any interest, but there are few banks where you can have interest checking account

15. What is the different revenue expenditure and its treatment in accounts?

  • The nature of some expenses is such that though they do not create an asset but their benefit is spread over more than one accounting period.
  • These are mostly non-recurring and large in amount.
  • In such circumstances instead of debiting the entire amount of these expenses to Profit and Loss of the year, it may be spread over a number of years with a proportionate amount being charged each year to P&L Account.
  • The portion that is still not charged to Profit and Loss is shown in the balance sheet on the asset side after Capital Work in Progress and is called Deferred Expenditure.
  • Examples are Expenses incurred to start a business, Initial marketing cost to launch a product etc.

CASHIER Questions and Answers Pdf Download

300+ TOP Restaurant Cashier Interview Questions and Answers

Restaurant Cashier Interview Questions

1. How Would You Define Excellent Customer Service?

Excellent customer service begins with greeting the clients and assisting them in finding what they are looking for. Providing detailed information regarding the products they are interested in along with specifications and prices is the most important component of excellent customer service.

2. What Experience Do You Have In Processing Non Cash Tractions?

I have handled all forms of non cash tractions including credit cards, vouchers, check payments and online amount trfers.

3. If A Bill Is 19.46 And The Customer Give You A Hundred Dollar Note, What Would Be The Change?

80.54 (take your time if you need it, but produce the correct reply)

4. Tell Us Of A Particularly Difficult Situation That You Handled Involving Customer.

At Macy’s, a customer got quite antsy when he realized that he did not get the change that he was supposed to. He gave me a $100 bill and I was required to return $20 to him but accidentally gave him $@He got very upset and asked to see a supervisor. I apologized but did not offer too much of an explanation of my error as I somehow gauged he was too upset to listen to me. I called my supervisor before the situation got out of hand.

5. Why Would You Want To Make Cashiering As A Career?

I am good with both cash handling and customer service. Since these two aspects of a cashier’s work are the most important, I excel in this role.

6. State Three Traits You Possess That You Think Are Your Major Strengths As A Cashier?

Numeracy skills, customer oriented attitude and cash balancing expertise.

7. What Is The Most Recent Skill You Have Developed As A Cashier?

I have recently attended a two day workshop on cashiering in which I perfected my credit card payment processing and verification skills.

8. What Strategies Do You Use To Remain Focused On A Repetitive Task For Consecutive 7-8 Hours?

I take short 3-5 minute break after every hour and also deal with customers in between receiving cash for purchases which breaks the monotony. This enables me to carry out the core cashiering tasks specially hard cash handling effectively, in a focused manner.

9. Tell Us About A Problem You Faced As A Cashier And How You Overcame It?

It was the annual closing when I had worked only two weeks at my first job. While balancing the cash there was a major discrepancy that just wouldn’t resolve. I solved the problem by conveying it effectively to the management, taking guidance, following instructions and remaining calm. On checking and rechecking several times, I found out the wrong entry. I perform balancing daily ever since.

10. How Do You Think You Will Be A Good Fit To Our Company?

Quite well, actually! I have worked in the retail arena before and can safely say that I am comfortable with most of its demands.

11. What Steps Do You Take When You Find Out That Physical Cash Does Not Tally With The Records?

First, I recount the physical cash. If the difference persists, I check the records. The error is almost always somewhere on the cashier’s table. The key to cash balancing is not panicking and checking vigilantly for the discrepancy.

12. Do You Have Any Experience Of Cash Balancing And Amounts Reconciliation?

Yes. In fact it was part of my duty at my previous workplace. I performed cash and records balancing daily before closing.

13. Differentiate Between Discount And Rebate?

Discounts are given at the time of purchase while rebates are given after the purchase has been made. Once the customer has paid the full amount, they are refunded the rebate amount after some documentation. Discounts and rebates, both imply that the customer has to pay less than the actual price for the merchandise bought.

14. Why Do You Think Customer Service Skills Are Essential For A Cashier?

Since the cashier deals with public and represents the company or the store, customer dealing skills are a must.

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