300+ TOP DJANGO Interview Questions and Answers

Django Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What is Django?
Django is an open source web framework. It is use to develop web application in python programming language. It makes easier to build better web applications quickly and with less code.

It has a tag line – “The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines”.

2. What does Django mean?
Django is named after Django Reinhardt, a gypsy Jazz guitarist from 1930 to 1950. He was known as one of the best guitarist of all time.

3. What are the features available in Django.
Features available in Django are

  • Admin Interface (CRUD)
  • Templating
  • Form Handling
  • Internationalization
  • Session, user management, role-based permissions
  • ORM (Object-relational mapping)
  • Testing Framework
  • Fantastic Documentation

4. Which architectural pattern does Django Follow.
It follows the MVC (Model View Control) architectural pattern.

5. Describe the architecture of Django.
Django is based in MVC architecture. It consist the following components:

Models: It describes the database schema and data structure.

Views: It is a user interface. The view retrieves data from appropriate models and pass it to the template.

Templates: It determines how the user sees it. It describes how the data received from the views should be changed or formated for display on the page.

Controller: It specifies the Django framework and URL parsing.

6. Why Django should be used for web-development.

  • It allows to divide code module into logical groups to make it flexible to change.
  • To easy the website administration, it provides auto-generated web admin module.
  • It provides pre-packaged API for common user tasks.
  • It enables to define what should be URL for given function.
  • It enables to separate business logic from the HTML.
  • Everything is written in python programming language.

7. How to create a project in Django.
To start a project in Django, use the following command .

$django-admin.py startproject javatpoint

After execcuting the above command, it will create a project that has following directory structure.


8. Is Django a high level web framework or low level framework?
Django is a high level Python’s web framework which was designed for rapid development and clean realistic design.

9. How we can setup static files in Django.
There are three main things required to set up static files in Django.

Set STATIC_ROOT in setting.py.
run manage.py.
Set up a Static Files entry on the Python Anywhere web tab.

10. Which foundation manages Django web framework?
Django web framework is managed and maintained by an independent and non- profit organization named DSF (Django Software Foundation).

DJANGO Interview Questions
DJANGO Interview Questions

11. Is Django stable?
YES, Django is stable. Many companies like Disqus, Instagram, Pintrest and Mozilla has been using Django for many years.

12. How we can use file based sessions.
We have to set the SESSION_ENGINE settings to “django.contrib.sessions.backends.file” to use file based session.

13. What are the inheritance styles in Django.
In Django, there are three possible inheritance styles:

  • Abstract base classes- It is used, when we only want parent class to hold information that we don’t want to inherit for each child model.
  • Multi-table Inheritance- It is used, when we are sub-classing an existing model and need each model to have its own database table.
  • Proxy Model- We can use this model, when Python level behavior of the model modifies, without changing the model’s fields.

14. What does the Django field class types?
The Django field class types specify:

  1. The database column type.
  2. The default HTML widget to available while rendering a form field.
  3. The minimal validation requirements used in Django admin.
  4. Automatic generated forms.

15. What is some typical usage of middlewares in Django?
Following are the usage of middlewares in Django:

  • Session management.
  • Use authentication.
  • Cross-site request forgery protection.
  • Content Gzipping, etc.

16. What does Django templates consists of?
The template is a simple text file. It can create any text-based format like XML, CSV, HTML, etc.

A template contains variables that get replaced with values when the template is evaluated and tags (% tag %) that controls the logic of the template.

17. What command line is used to load data into Django?
The command line Django-admin.py loaddata is used to load data into Django.

18. What are the advantages of using Django?

  • Django’s stack is loosely coupled with tight cohesion
  • The Django apps make use of very less code
  • Allows quick development of websites
  • Follows the DRY or the Don’t Repeat Yourself Principle which means, one concept or a piece of data should live in just one place
  • Consistent at low as well as high levels
  • Behaviors are not implicitly assumed, they are rather explicitly specified
  • SQL statements are not executed too many times and are optimized internally
  • Can easily drop into raw SQL whenever required
  • Flexibility while using URL’s

19. How do you connect your Django project to the database?
Django comes with a default database which is SQLite. To connect your project to this database, use the following commands:

  • python manage.py migrate (migrate command looks at the INSTALLED_APPS settings and creates database tables accordingly)
  • python manage.py makemigrations (tells Django you have created/ changed your models)
  • python manage.py sqlmigrate <name of the app followed by the generated id> (sqlmigrate takes the migration names and returns their SQL)

20. What are ‘templates’?
Django’s template layer renders the information to be presented to the user in a designer-friendly format. Using templates, you can generate HTML dynamically. The HTML consists of both static as well as dynamic parts of the content. You can have any number of templates depending on the requirement of your project. It is also fine to have none of them.

Django has its own template system called the Django template language (DTL). Regardless of the backend, you can also load and render templates using Django’s standard admin.

21. What is the difference between a Project and an App?
An app is basically a Web Application that is created to do something for example, a database of employee records. A project, on the other hand, is a collection of apps of some particular website. Therefore, a single project can consist of ‘n’ number of apps and a single app can be in multiple projects.

22. Briefly explain Django Field Class.
‘Field’ is basically an abstract class that actually represents a column in the database table. The Field class, is in turn, a subclass of RegisterLookupMixin. In Django, these fields are used to create database tables (db_type()) which are used to map Python types to the database using get_prep_value() and vice versa using from_db_value() method. Therefore, fields are fundamental pieces in different Django APIs such as models and querysets.

23. How to do you create a Django project?
To create a Django project, cd into the directory where you would like to create your project and type the following command:

django-admin startproject xyz
NOTE: Here, xyz is the name of the project. You can give any name that you desire.

24. What do you mean by context?
Context in Django is a dictionary mapping template variable name given to Python objects. This is the conventional name, but you can give any other name of your choice if you wish to do it.

25. What is the significance of manage.py file in Django?
The manage.py file is automatically generated whenever you create a project. This is basically a command-line utility that helps you to interact with your Django project in various ways. It does the same things as django-admin but along with that, it also sets the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable in order to point to your project’s settings. Usually, it is better to make use of manage.py rather than the django-admin in case you are working on a single project.

26. Explain the use of ‘migrate’ command in Django?
In Django, migrations are used to propagate changes made to the models. The migrate command is basically used to apply or unapply migrations changes made to the models. This command basically synchronizes the current set of models and migrations with the database state. You can use this command with or without parameters. In case you do not specify any parameter, all apps will have all their migrations running.

27. How to view and filter items from the database?
In order to view all the items from your database, you can make use of the ‘all()’ function in your interactive shell as follows:

  • XYZ.objects.all() where XYZ is some class that you have created in your models

To filter out some element from your database, you either use the get() method or the filter method as follows:

  • XYZ.objects.filter(pk=1)
  • XYZ.objects.get(id=1)

28. Name some companies that make use of Django?
Some of the companies that make use of Django are Instagram, DISCUS, Mozilla Firefox, YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit, etc.

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