300+ TOP Flight Attendant Interview Questions and Answers

Flight Attendant Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. Tell me about yourself?
This is one of the first questions most interviewers ask. Keep your answer professional and talk about what you’ve done in your recent work. If you just graduated, talk about what you studied and why, and what you’re looking for now that you graduated.

2. Why do you want to be a flight attendant?

  • You should have researched the job and company as a part of your interview preparation. Then, make sure you’re ready to name specific reasons this job is exciting to you and fits with your career goals.
  • If you don’t seem like you know what the job involves and/or can’t explain why this position is attractive to you, then you’re very unlikely to get hired for a job as competitive as a flight attendant.

3. Why would you be a good flight attendant?
When they ask why you would succeed in this position, it’s a chance to show confidence and brag about yourself a bit.

This isn’t a spot where you want to be timid. So think about your professional strengths and what you saw on the job description that seems like you’d be good at, and mention that.

This can be your customer service ability, interpersonal skills, ability to work as part of a team, etc. (We’ll talk more about all of these topics and questions later in this article because they’re all VITAL to what flight attendants do).

4. Tell me about a situation where you had to deal with a difficult customer. How did you handle it?
Next, you can expect a behavioral question or two about how you deliver good customer service, how you deal with difficult customers, etc. This question above is very common, so be ready with a specific example, the approach you took, and why. Finally, describe the result and what you learned from the experience, too!

5. Tell me about a disagreement you’ve had with a coworker. How did you resolve the situation?
The airline also wants to make sure you can get along well with different types of coworkers (along with different types of customers). So this is the next type of behavioral question you can expect in a flight attendant job interview.

Your goal should be to demonstrate that you stay calm and professional even when disagreements occur and that you realize you’re on the same side as your coworkers… working toward a common goal. Show that you set aside your ego, stayed calm, and solved the issue.

The customer always comes first, so the airline wants to make sure their flight attendants aren’t letting internal disputes get in the way of giving customers an outstanding experience.

6. What do you know about our airline?
They may ask a question like this to see if you’ve done your research. Go to the airline website and read about their history. How big are they? Where are they headquartered? Where are their main hubs?

Make sure you know how many employees they have, when they were founded, and their company history (if they’ve gone through mergers, etc.) Learn this basic info so you can recite this back to the interviewer if they ask this question.

7. Why do you want to work for our airline?
Along with asking, “Why do you want to be a flight attendant?” (mentioned earlier), they’ll also want to hear a specific reason why you applied to their company.

So make sure you know some facts about their individual airline, and mention what you admire or like about their company.

8. What does excellent customer service mean to you?
This is asked for a variety of customer service interviews, including flight attendant interviews. It’s a very common question, and I’ve been asked this myself early in my career.

I’d recommend talking about how you believe great customer service means going above and beyond what the customer expects and over-delivering on the promises your brand makes.

9. What do you think makes our airline different from its competitors?
Along with knowing some basics about their company and its history, try to know one or two things that set it apart from competitors.

This can be its reputation, the places it flies to and serves, the excellent customer service or reviews, etc. Just make sure you’re saying something that’s true!

10. How would you respond to a customer who was refusing to follow rules and regulations on a flight? (Like unbuckling the seat belt during takeoff)
Your goal here is to show that you can stay calm, avoid confrontation, but stand your ground and explain to the passenger what needs to be done and why (for safety reasons, etc.)

Show that you follow procedures and would stick to the steps recommended by the airline, too (in terms of “escalating” this a more senior member of the cabin crew if the situation begins to get out of control).

You can also ask them a question about this, like, “By the way – what type of training does your airline provide to help prepare flight attendants for this type of situation?”

Flight Attendant Interview Questions
Flight Attendant Interview Questions

11. What type of work environment do you prefer?
You should answer this by mentioning that you enjoy a fast-paced, collaborative work environment. If you tell the interviewer that you like to work alone, or that you typically like a very slow environment, it could cost you the job.

12. What are your greatest strengths?
Ideally, pick strengths that are related to the job, or will help you in this job. You should be thinking, “What will convince the interviewer that I’m likely to succeed in this position?”

That’s how they’re thinking in the interview.

13. What languages do you speak?
This is a straight-forward question, and you should reply by stating all of the languages you speak at an intermediate level or above. Explain which languages you’re fluent or native in, and which you’re still learning.

14. Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team?
You should always say you enjoy a team environment because that’s how you’ll be working most of the time as a flight attendant.

It’s okay to say you like both situations, but make sure you show them that you have the skills needed to handle situations where teamwork is required.

15. Tell me about a time you had to juggle multiple high-priority tasks. How did you handle it?
Prepare to talk about a situation where you had to prioritize and handle multiple tasks. And would you handle this in future situations?

Multi-tasking and staying calm when many things need your attention is one of the essential skills, so don’t take this question lightly.

16. Have you flown as a passenger before? How did you feel about the service delivered by the cabin crew on that flight?
They may ask about your experience as an airline passenger, just to see what you noticed during your experience, and how you observe others.

Talk about what stood out to you as a passenger, and ideally, how you’d use that experience to provide a great customer experience to your passengers as a flight attendant.

17. Describe yourself in 3 words
Choose three positive words and be ready to explain why (in case they ask).

Here are some examples/ideas:

  • Kind
  • Team-oriented
  • Collaborative
  • Friendly
  • Versatile
  • Patient
  • Motivated
  • Hard-working
  • Resilient
  • Energetic
  • Outgoing

18. How do you imagine a typical day of a cabin crew member?
This varies from one airline to another. Search forums or the website of the company to find more about the daily routine of an FA. How many hours per day do they fly? Where do they sleep? What are the shift patterns? In any case, tell them that you are ready to work hard, and do not expect an easy ride in work.

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