600+ TOP Forensic Science MCQs and Answers Quiz

Forensic Science Multiple Choice Questions | Online Test

1. Dying declaration is to be preferably recorded by

A. Doctor

B. Police

C. Magistrate

D. Jury Member

Answer: C

2. Murder cases are tried in the following courts

A. Chief Judicial Magistrate’s Court

B. 1st Class Metropolitan Magistrate’s Court

C. Sessions Court

D. High Court

Answer: C

3. Police inquest is conducted under section

A. 174 CrPC

B. 174 IPC

C. 176 CrPC

D. 176 IPC

Answer: A

4. Assertion A.: Blood stains on cloth should be collected after drying in shade under room heater.

Reason (R): It causes disintegration of blood stains.

A. Both A. and (R) are correct.

B. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

C. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

D. A. is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

Answer: D

5. Preservation of footprint on snow can be done by

A. Plaster of Paris Cast

B. Sulphur Casting

C. Tracing

D. Wax Casting

Answer: B

6. Light that has all its waves pulsating in unison is called

A. Maser

B. Laser

C. Monochromatic light

D. Polychromatic light

Answer: B

7. Hollow Cathode Lamp (HCL) is used in the following:

A. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

B. Atomic Emission Spectrometer

C. Infra Red Spectrometer

D. X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

Answer: A

8. The Indian Arms Act was enforced in

A. 1955

B. 1959

C. 1961

D. 1964

Answer: B

9. The bore of the 12 bore gun is

A. 0.723″

B. 0.727″

C. 0.729″

D. 0.731″

Answer: C

10. The diameter of SG pellet in 12 bore gun cartridge is

A. 8.43 mm

B. 7.77 mm

C. 6.83 mm

D. 5.16 mm

Answer: A

11. Optical components in UV spectrometer are made up of:

A. Glass

B. Quartz

C. Sodium-Halide Bromide

D. Plastic

Answer: B

12. Conventional electrophoretic techniques resolve allelic products of PGM locus into one of these phenotypes:

A. 1, 1-2 and 2

B. 1, 1-1 and 2

C. 1, 2-2 and 2

D. 2, 1-1 and 1

Answer: A

13. Seminal fluid choline originate from the

A. Seminal vesicle

B. Sertoli’s cell

C. Leydig cell

D. Prostate

Answer: C

14. Assertion A.: Foetal and adult haemoglobin can be differentiated in its globin component.

Reason (R): Because the adult haemoglobin is denatured by alkali while the foetal one is not.


A. Both A. and (R) are correct.

B. A. is correct but (R) is incorrect.

C. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

D. (R) is correct but A. is incorrect.

Answer: A

15. One of the following tests is used to determine the species of origin from blood stain:

A. Acid phosphate

B. Teichmann

C. Fluorescence

D. Immuno precipitation

Answer: D

16. The following typing is used to determine the both sex from a biological specimen:

A. Mt. STR typing

B. Amelogenin typing

C. PCR typing

D. Y-STR typing

Answer: B

17. Richest concentration of choline in the spermatic fluid was determined by

A. Jhonston (1896)

B. Davis and Wilson (1974)

C. Fletcher et al (1935)

D. Florence (1886)

Answer: C

18. Considering mode of administration, poison acts more rapidly when:

A. Inhaled in gaseous state

B. Injected intramuscularly

C. Injected subcutaneously

D. Applied to skin

Answer: A

19. Match the following:

List – I                         List – II

a. Cardiac               i. Brucine

b. Deleriant           ii. Calotropin

c. Spiral                   iii. Aconitine

d. Irritant               iv. Cannabinoid


a b c d

A. ii iii iv i

B. iii iv i ii

C. iv i iii ii

D. i ii iii iv

Answer: B

20. Radioactivity of a substance can be measured by

A. TCD detector

B. MCT detector

C. EC detector

D. Geiger Muller counter

Answer: D

21. The following formula is used for the determination of stature:

A. Gustafson’s

B. Karl Pearson’s

C. Harrison Gilroy

D. Kastle Meyer

Answer: B

22. A fetus become viable by the age of

A. 6 months

B. 7 months

C. 8 months

D. 9 months

Answer: B

23. The total number of torsal bones in a person aged 12 years is

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

Answer: C

24. The book entitled “An Introduction to Criminalistics” was written by

A. Hans Gross

B. Soderman

C. Paul Kirk

D. Osterburg & O’Hara

Answer: D

25. Following are the essential points in a proper sketch of scene of crime

A. North direction

B. Scale

C. Legend

D. All of the above

Answer: D

26. The suitable control sample in case of blood stained soil is usually taken within the distance of _______ from spot.

A. 3 inches

B. 1 foot

C. 2 feet

D. 3 feet

Answer: A

27. In an aircrash case, the following method of survey is most useful.

A. Strip method

B. Spiral method

C. Zonal method

D. Wheel method

Answer: D

28. Match the following:

List – I List – II

(i) William Herschel 1. Forensic Ballistics

(ii) Osborn 2. Forensic Anthropology

(iii) Krogman 3. Finger print

(iv) Hatcher 4. Questioned document


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

A. 3 4 2 1

B. 2 1 3 4

C. 4 3 2 1

D. 1 2 4 3

Answer: A

29. Bevelling of a wound is seen in the following injuries.

A. Contusion

B. Laceration

C. Abrasion

D. Incised wound

Answer: D

30. Choose the correct answer:

The steps of investigation in proper sequence is :

A. Protection of crime scene, interview of witness, photography of crime scene, collection and dispatch of physical evidence

B. Photography of crime scene, protection of crime scene, interview of witness, collection and dispatch of physical evidence.

C. Protection of crime scene, photography of crime scene, collection and dispatch of physical evidence, interview of witness

D. Interview of witness, photography of crime scene, collection and dispatch of physical evidence, protection of crime scene

Answer: C

31. In capillary electrophoresis, which flow causes the movement of electrolyte through the tube?

A. Micro-osmatic flow

B. Electro-osmatic flow

C. Macro-osmatic flow

D. None of the above

Answer: A

32. Assertion A.: A phenolphthalein solution is used to show the possible presence of blood.

Reason (R): As there is non-specific peroxidase reaction with haemoglobin producing pink colour.


A. (R) is correct, but A. is incorrect.

B. (R) is incorrect, but A. is correct.

C. Both A. and (R) are correct.

D. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: C

33. A change in one base of an amino acid sequence may produce a change, called

A. A Tetrad

B. A zygote

C. A point mutation

D. Independent assortment

Answer: C

34. The polymorphic enzymes found in human blood may help in

A. Individualization

B. Polymorphism

C. Agglutination

D. Precipitation

Answer: A

35. Semen sample having no sperms is called

A. Oligospermic

B. Aspermic

C. Histospermic

D. Hematospermic

Answer: B

36. An Rh incompatibility between mother and fetus can occur if

A. Only mother is Rh(–)

B. Fetus is Rh(+)

C. Pregnancy is second or later

D. All of the above

Answer: D

37. Kerosene is a blend of

A. Paraffins

B. Naphthenes

C. Aromatics

D. All of the above

Answer: D

38. Petroleum products include

A. LPG and CNG

B. Aviation spirit

C. Kerosene

D. All of the above

Answer: D

39. Which of the following is used to colour motor gasoline?

A. Phenyl azo-2-napthol

B. Eosine

C. Di-alkyl amino anthraquinone

D. Erythrosine

Answer: A

40. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is measured in

A. Weight/Volume percent

B. Volume/Volume percent

C. Weight/Weight percent

D. All of the above

Answer: A

41. Deviations from Beer’s Law fall into which categories?

A. Real

B. Instrumental

C. Chemical

D. All of the above

Answer: D

42. One of the following is not the component of Kastle-Meyer Test

A. Phenolphthalein

B. Glacial Acetic Acid

C. Zinc dust

D. Potassium Hydroxide

Answer: B

43. Confirmation of menstrual blood stain is done by the following method:

A. Isoenzyme marker

B. Fibrin Degradation Product (FDP)

C. Protein Marker

D. Restriction enzymes

Answer: B

44. The complementary base pairs among four nucleotides (A, T, G, C) are as

A. A= G and T = C

B. A = C and G = T

C. A = T and G = C

D. All of the above

Answer: C

45. Seminal fluid is a gelatinous material produced in males by seminal vesicles, prostate and

A. Adrenal gland

B. Pituitary gland

C. Cowper’s gland

D. Thyroid gland

Answer: C

46. The level of toxicity of Datura plant on the basis of increasing level is

A. Root, Seeds, Fruit, Leaf

B. Leaf, Root, Fruit, Seeds

C. Fruit, Root, Seeds, Leaf

D. Seeds, Leaf, Root, Fruit

Answer: B

47. Sodium and Potassium hydroxides are strongly corrosive due to

A. Their solvent action on protein material

B. Their saponifying action on the lipids

C. Their ability to extract water from the tissues

D. All of above

Answer: D

48. In case of carbon monoxide poisoning which preservative is recommended for the preservation of blood samples

A. Sodium Chloride

B. Sodium Fluoride

C. Sodium Carbonate

D. No preservative

Answer: D

49. Free sulphuric acid is rarely found in stomach contents in acid poisoning cases because

A. It may be vomited out

B. May be neutralised by alkalies given as antidotes

C. May combine chemically with the tissue with which it comes in contact

D. All the above

Answer: D

50. Arrange the following firearms in the proper chronological order:

(i) Flint lock

(ii) Wheel lock

(iii) Match lock

(iv) Percussion cap lock


A. (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

B. (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)

C. (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

D. (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)

Answer: B

51. Zip gun is a

A. 12 bore gun

B. Automatic gun

C. Improvised firearm

D. AK-47

Answer: C

52. Ram rod is a part of

A. 12 boregun

B. 8 boregun

C. Muzzle loaders

D. AK-47

Answer: C

53. Match the following:

List – I List – II

(I) Tempered glass 1. Metallic oxides

(II) Borosilicate glass 2. Molten rock

(III) Coloured glass 3. Dice formation

(IV) Rock wool 4. Constituents B2O3


(I) (II) (III) (IV)

A. 4 1 2 3

B. 2 1 4 3

C. 3 4 1 2

D. 1 3 2 4

Answer: C

54. The following is a regenerated fiber:

A. Cotton

B. Rayon

C. Nylon

D. Silk

Answer: B

55. Which of the following statements is not true in case of an accident report?

A. The diagram of the position of the vehicles as found after the accident should be present.

B. Diagram of the tyre marks, impact marks and other items found at the scene should be present.

C. The report may contain statements made by the parties or witnesses at a later stage.

D. Photographs of the scene.

Answer: C

56. The following is the most suitable casting material for preserving foot wear impressions:

A. Plaster of Paris

B. Plasticine

C. Dental Stone

D. Paraffin wax

Answer: C

57. The annealing temperature for ordinary glass is

A. 200 °C to 350 °C

B. 100 °C to 250 °C

C. 500 °C to 650 °C

D. 800 °C to 950 °C

Answer: C

58. The multiplication factor to estimate stature from femur is

A. 3.8

B. 4.8

C. 5.8

D. 6.8

Answer: A

59. The following is not a component of Gustafson’s method:

A. Attrition

B. Dentition

C. Root resorption

D. Cementum Apposition

Answer: B

60. Spin-spin coupling is observed in

A. Raman Spectroscopy

B. Neutron Activation Analysis

C. Mass spectrometry


Answer: D

61. Pump action of a firearm is also called

A. Lever action

B. Bolt action

C. Trombone action

D. Air action

Answer: C

62. Richochet of bullet means

A. Penetration of bullet

B. Deflection of bullet

C. Unfired bullet

D. Tandem bullet

Answer: B

63. Fouling is useful in determination of approximate

A. Distance of fire

B. Time of fire

C. Penetration of projectile

D. Velocity of projectile

Answer: B

64. Amatol contains

A. TNT and RDX

B. TNT and Tetryl


D. TNT and Ammonium Nitrate

Answer: D

65. 7.62 mm AK-47 assault rifle has the magazine capacity of

A. 20

B. 25

C. 30

D. 40

Answer: C

66. The ejector is not present in the following:

A. Carbine

B. Revolver

C. Service rifle

D. Shot gun

Answer: D

67. Match the following:

List-I List-II

A. Ram rod (i) Fired Bullet

B. Chamber marks (ii) Shot gun

C. Rifling mark (iii) Fired cartridge

D. Choking of barrel (iv) Muzzle loader


A. B. C. D.

A. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

B. (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)

C. (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

D. (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

Answer: D

68. Assertion A.: The penetration power of shot gun is more than service rifle.

Reason (R): Rifle produces more energy inside the barrel as compared to shot gun. Codes :

A. A. is correct but (R) is wrong.

B. A. is wrong (R) is correct.

C. Both A. and (R) are correct.

D. Both A. and (R) are wrong.

Answer: B

69. The diameter of LG Pellet is

A. 0.25”

B. 0.35”

C. 0.40”

D. 0.45”

Answer: B

70. Walker Test of GSR is done for the identification of presence of

A. Metallic residue

B. Nitrate

C. Sulphur

D. Nitrite

Answer: D

71. Scales are found on the following fibre:

A. Wool

B. Cotton

C. Linen

D. Silk

Answer: A

72. Fractures due to heat are

A. Radial

B. Spiral

C. Hackle marks

D. Wavy

Answer: D

73. Which of the following type of abrasions are associated in sexual assault over the thigh of a woman?

A. Graze

B. Imprint

C. Pressure

D. Scratch

Answer: D

74. The chromosome pattern in Turner’s syndrome is





Answer: B

75. Cusp of Carabelli is found on

A. Incisors Central

B. Canines

C. Bicuspids

D. Tricuspids

Answer: D

76. ABO grouping is based on

A. Red cell surface antigen

B. Plasma proteins

C. Red cell enzyme

D. Nuclear chromatin

Answer: A

77. The total number of bones in the human skeleton in an adult is

A. 208

B. 308

C. 408

D. 508

Answer: A

78. In handwriting comparison the crossing in ‘t’ and the dots in ‘i’ and ‘j’ are known as

A. Connective signs

B. Diacrytic signs

C. Loop signs

D. Shoulder signs

Answer: D

79. Which of the following disease affects handwriting?

A. Chronic Leukaemia

B. Chronic Malaria

C. Parkinsonism

D. Thalassemia

Answer: C

80. The following is a sign of forgery:

A. Retouching

B. Connecting strokes

C. Pen lifts

D. All of the above

Answer: D

81. In vehicle accident, tyre marks on body is suggestive of:

A. Run over

B. Primary impact

C. Secondary impact

D. Tertiary impact

Answer: A

82. Match the following in case of deciphering of secret writings:

List – I List – II

a. Soap i. heat

b. Milk ii. Ferric compounds

c. Sodium Chloride iii.water

d. Potassium thiocyanate iv.silver nitrate


a b c d

A. iii i iv ii

B. iv iii i ii

C. ii i iv iii

D. iv iii ii i

Answer: A

83. The following is a suitable material for casting of tool marks:

A. Wax

B. Plasticine

C. Woodsmetal

D. Faxfilm


A. A. and B. are correct.

B. B. and C. are correct.

C. C. and D. are correct.

D. A. and D. are correct.

Answer: C

84. Pyrolysis gas chromatography is useful technique for characterization of the following paint constituents:

A. Pigment

B. Binder

C. Lacquer

D. Solvent

Answer: B

85. Radial fractures on glass, surface starts on:

A. Side of impact

B. Opposite side of impact

C. Edge of the glass

D. Corners of the glass

Answer: B

86. “Davidson Body” is present in

A. Basophil

B. Neutrophil

C. Lymphocyte

D. Monocyte

Answer: B

87. Shoval shaped incisors are found amongst

A. Mongoloids

B. Negroid

C. Aboriginal Australians

D. Eskimos

Answer: A

88. Boyde’s formula helps to determine

A. Age

B. Sex

C. Stature

D. Race

Answer: A

89. The following is not a feature of autemortem burns?

A. Cherry red color of blood

B. Soot in the airways

C. Blisters over skin

D. Inflamation of skin

Answer: C

90. Which of the following sutures of the skull are the first to fuse?

A. Coronal

B. Frontal

C. Sagittal

D. Lamdoid

Answer: B

91. The concept of poroscopy was given by

A. Karl Landsteiner

B. Burrard

C. Edmond Locard

D. Hans Gross

Answer: C

92. The layer of cells between the epidermis and dermis is called as

A. minutiae

B. dermal papillae

C. sweat pores

D. friction ridges.

Answer: B

93. Salylation is used in

A. Gas liquid chromatography

B. Mass spectrometer

C. Atomic absorption spectrometer

D. Atomic emission spectrometer

Answer: A

94. The image seen through a compound microscope is

A. Virtual

B. Real

C. False

D. Imaginary

Answer: A

95. NMR is a tool to investigate

A. Nuclear structure

B. Electron structure

C. Scattering effect of light

D. Reflecting effect of light

Answer: A

96. MCT detector is used in

A. FTIR spectrometery




Answer: A

97. In SEM, the incident beam is focused by means of

A. Lens

B. Mirrors

C. Electromagnets

D. Slits

Answer: C

98. Following instrument can view a particle under a microscope while at the same time a beam of light is directed at the particle in order to obtain its absorption spectrum

A. Atomic force microscope

B. XRF spectrograph

C. Micro spectrophotometer

D. XRD spectrograph

Answer: C

99. Ninhydrin reacts with amino acids present in fingerprints to form a coloured compound is called as

A. Dimethyl formamide

B. Pervanadyl

C. Vanadyl

D. Ruhemann’s purple

Answer: D

100. O-tolidine is 3, 3’dimethyl derivative of

A. Phenopthaline

B. Benzidine

C. Sodium acetate

D. Sodium chloride

Answer: D

101. Musket is a

A. Muzzle loader

B. Rifled arm

C. Carbine

D. A shoulder firearm with smooth bore barrel

Answer: D

102. In bullet projectory the maximum range can be attained if the angle of projection is:

A. 30°

B. 45°

C. 40°

D. 75°

Answer: B

103. The energy of the projectile is calculated by

A. Mgh


C. MV2

D. 1/2 MV2

Answer: D

104. Assertion A.: In shotgun, the dispersion of pellets is more in the true cylinder gun than choked gun.

Reason (R): Choking of barrel is not related to dispersion of pellet.


A. Both A. and (R) are correct

B. (R) is correct, but A. is incorrect

C. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect

D. Both A. and (R) are incorrect

Answer: C

105. Dumdum Bullet is so called because :

A. Tip is chiselled off.

B. It is made of Cu and Ni.

C. It is very small bullet.

D. Its velocity is very high.

Answer: A

106. Bertillonage is synonymous term to

A. Anthropometry

B. Dactyloscopy

C. Portrait Parle

D. Serology

Answer: A

107. Sherlock Holmes was a character in the novel of

A. Arthur Conan Doyle

B. Agatha Christie

C. Perry Mason D. Victor Hugo

Answer: A

108. Latent Finger print on electric bulb should be preserved by putting in

A. Cardboard box

B. Fixed in a bulb holder in wooden box

C. In a cellophane bag

D. Paper bag

Answer: B

109. A ridge that forks and forms a complete circle and then becomes a single ridge again is called as

A. Island

B. Bifurcation

C. Fork

D. Anastomosis

Answer: D

110. In India the new Central Forensic Science laboratory is not started at

A. Ahmedabad

B. Bhopal

C. Guwahati

D. Pune

Answer: A

111. Following is not improvised explosive:

A. Pipe bomb

B. Letter bomb

C. Hand Grenade

D. Acid bulb

Answer: C

112. Match the following:

List – I List – II

A. Antimony Sulphate (i) Nitroglycerine

B. Cordite (ii) Nitrocellulose powder

C. Gun cotton (iii) Double base smokeless powder

D. Dynamite (iv) Primer


A. B. C. D.

A. (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

B. (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

C. (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)

D. (ii) (iv) (i) (ii)

Answer: A

113. Assertion A.: The shortening of barrel increases dispersion of pellets in shot gun.

Reason (R): It produces less pressure inside the barrel.


A. Both A. and (R) are wrong.

B. Both A. and (R) are correct.

C. A. is correct, but (R) is wrong.

D. A. is wrong, but (R) is correct.

Answer: B

114. In XRF spectrometry, the excitation source is

A. Electron Gun

B. X-ray tube

C. Proton gun

D. Neutron gun

Answer: B

115. Electrode less Discharge Lamp (EDL) is used in

A. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

B. Atomic Emission Spectrometer

C. Infra-red Spectrometer

D. X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

Answer: A

116. Basic requirements of a monochromator are

A. Resolution

B. Spectral Range

C. Dispersion

D. All of the above

Answer: D

117. Following technique provides a unique fingerprint of a chemical structure:

A. IR Spectrometry

B. UV Spectrometry

C. NIR Spectrometry

D. Visible Spectrometry

Answer: A

118. Mass Spectrometry requires the sample to be in:

A. Liquid state

B. Vapour state

C. Solid state

D. Semisolid state

Answer: B

119. Following detector in HPLC generates structural and molecular weight information about the eluted solute:

A. Electrochemical detector

B. Fluorescence detector

C. MS detector

D. RI detector

Answer: C

120. First systematic presentation of Neutron activation analysis method was made by:

A. Clarke and Overman

B. Martin and Synge

C. Henry and Pascal

D. Piobert and Pascal

Answer: A

121. The greatest dimension of an incised wound is

A. Breadth

B. Depth

C. Length

D. Breadth and depth are equal

Answer: C

122. Appearance of a bruise at a site away from the site of impact is called

A. Artificial bruise

B. True bruise

C. Ectopic bruise

D. Chemical bruise

Answer: C

123. In which of the following injuries foreign bodies are not found?

A. Grazed abrasion

B. Chop wound

C. Lacerated wound

D. Contusions

Answer: D

124. The following factors do not influence in the formation of a bruise:

A. force used

B. sex of a person

C. age of a person

D. color of a person

Answer: D

125. Match the following:

List – I (Physical Evidences) List – II (Sections of Forensic Science Laboratory)

a. Examination of twine i. Biology section

b. Examination of saliva ii. Chemistry section

c. Examination of pesticide iii. Physics section

d. Examination of adulteration of gasoline iv. Toxicology section


a b c d

A. iii i ii iv

B. iii ii iv i

C. i iii iv ii

D. iii i iv ii

Answer: D

126. The author of the book entitled “Suspect Document” is

A. Osborn & Osborn

B. Ordway Hilton

C. Wilson R. Harrison

D. R.A. Huber

Answer: C

127. Culliford was a forensic scientist who has worked in the field of

A. Forensic Toxicology

B. Forensic Ballistics

C. Forensic Serology

D. Forensic Physics

Answer: C

128. L.N.J.P. National Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science was established at New Delhi in the following year:

A. 1968

B. 1970

C. 1972

D. 1974

Answer: C

129. A current which will exist even if no light is falling on the UV-V is detectors is known as

A. Dark Current

B. False Current

C. True Current

D. Pseudo Current

Answer: A

130. Exciter filter is a part of the following microscope:

A. Polarising microscope

B. Phase-contrast microscope

C. Fluorescence microscope

D. Transmission Electron microscope

Answer: C

131. The following method is non-destructive technique for ink identification :

A. Solubility test

B. Thin Layer Chromatography

C. UV-Vis spectrophotometer

D. Videospectral analysis

Answer: D

132. Taggants in ink are

A. Pigment

B. Vehicle

C. Binders

D. Compounds used as markers to identify ink

Answer: D

133. Rifling marks on fired bullet are of the following type :

A. Cut marks

B. Compression marks

C. Stration marks

D. Integrated marks

Answer: C

134. Wisdom teeth is also known as

A. Canine

B. Lateral incisor

C. Third molar

D. Second premolar

Answer: C

135. Olecranon fossa is present in which of the following bones?

A. Radius

B. Humerus

C. Femur

D. Tibia

Answer: B

136. Skull photo superimposition technique was used for the first time in which of the following cases ?

A. Daubert case

B. Ted Bundy case

C. Frye case

D. Ruxton case

Answer: D

137. Foramen magnum is present on

A. Pelvis

B. Scapula

C. Sternum

D. Skull

Answer: D

138. Linea aspera is present on which of the following bone?

A. Femur

B. Humerus

C. Clavicle

D. Ulna

Answer: A

139. Ossification of bones may be used for determination of

A. Sex

B. Age

C. Stature

D. Time since death

Answer: B

140. The foot prints found at the scene of crime, indicates which of the following?

A. Number of persons involved

B. Height of the persons involved

C. Entrance or exit of the persons involved

D. All of the above

Answer: D

141. Faeces stains are identified from odour, presence of indigested matter, vegetable fibres and

A. Stercobilin

B. Dark brown crystals of choline iodide

C. Rhombic crystals

D. All of the above

Answer: A

142. Assertion A.: Hair has paramount importance to establish the link between suspect and victim and linking both with the scene of occurrence.

Reason (R): As per Locards principle of exchange.


A. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

B. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

C. (R) is correct, but A. is incorrect.

D. Both A. and (R) are correct.

Answer: D

143. The direction of a wound can be ascertained from which of the following injuries:

A. Chop wound

B. Contusion

C. Incised wound

D. Laceration

Answer: C

144. Lanugo hairs are

A. Pigmented

B. Thin and soft

C. Medullated

D. Scale pattern is complex

Answer: B

145. The following method is used for determining the age of an ink by tracking the degradation of certain dyes.

A. Thin layer chromatography (TLC)

B. Gas chromatography (GC)

C. Laser desorption mass spectrometry (LDMS)

D. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Answer: C

146. LSD is derived from which of the following plant?

A. Cannabis sp.

B. Papaver Somniferum

C. Erthroxylum sp.

D. Clavicepspurpurea

Answer: D

147. Linseed, Safflower and Cottonseed are used for

A. Paint pigments

B. Paint oils

C. Paint solvents

D. Paint binders

Answer: B

148. Assertion A.: As the rhodamine ‘B’ in ballpoint pen ink degrades, it loses the ethyl groups.

Reason (R): The ethyl groups are replaced by hydrogen atoms.


A. Both A. and (R) are true.

B. Both A. and (R) are false.

C. A. is true, but (R) is false.

D. A. is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: A

149. For hardening of plaster of paris cast of foot prints, following substance is added:

A. Sodium chloride

B. Sodium carbonate

C. Talcum powder

D. Sodium sulphate

Answer: B

150. When the temperature of a liquid is raised

A. Its refractive index increases

B. Its refractive index decreases

C. Its refractive index disappears

D. Its refractive index doesn’t change

Answer: B

151. The following is not a feature of a female skull:A. Prominent parietal eminence

B. Prominent frontal eminence

C. Prominent glabella

D. Roundish shaped orbits

Answer: C

152. The period of mixed dentition extends

A. 4 – 10 yrs

B. 4 – 12 yrs

C. 6 – 12 yrs

D. 8 – 12 yrs

Answer: C

153. The accuracy of sex determination from pelvis is

A. 80%

B. 85%

C. 90%

D. 95%

Answer: D

154. Which of the following sutures of the skull is last to fuse?

A. Basi-occiput with Basisphenoid

B. Sagittal

C. Coronal

D. Lamdoid

Answer: D

155. The total number of carpal bones in a child aged 16 yrs is

A. 4

B. 6

C. 8

D. 10

Answer: C

156. Assertion A.: A ‘plain’ impression made by ink are unsatisfactory for fingerprint analysis. Reason (R): In ‘plain’ impression, larger number of points or junctions does not appear.

A. Both A. and (R) are false.

B. Both A. and (R) are true.

C. A. is true but (R) is false.

D. A. is false but (R) is true.

Answer: B

157. The following forms the finger ridges:

A. dermal cells

B. dots or islands

C. rows of sweat pores

D. minutiae

Answer: C

158. Match the following:

List-I List-II

I. Latent finger prints 1. Fingerprints deposited on paint or blood and
readily visible

II. Patent prints 2. Plain fingerprints

III. Plastic prints 3. Invisible fingerprints

IV. Tapprints 4. Fingerprints formed in a soft material like putty



A. 3 2 4 1

B. 2 4 1 3

C. 3 1 4 2

D. 4 3 1 2

Answer: C

159. In primary fingerprint classification, following patterns are given numerical value:

A. Loops

B. Arches

C. Whorls

D. All of the above

Answer: C

160. Erasure of a writing using rubber is called:

A. Mechanical erasure

B. Soft erasure

C. Hand erasure

D. Chemical erasure

Answer: A

161. Which of the following is not a part of the mechanical system of a compound microscope?

A. Coarse adjustment

B. Objective lens

C. Body tube

D. Stage

Answer: B

162. Match the following:

List – I List – II

Instruments Detectors

a. X-ray i. Crossed coil

b. NMR ii. Bolometers

c. Visible spectrophotometry iii. Siliconlithium drifted detectors

d. IR spectroscopy iv. Photovoltaic cell


a b c d

A. ii i iv iii

B. iii i iv ii

C. iv iii ii i

D. ii iv i iii

Answer: B

163. Teaching of Forensic Science in India for the first time was started atthe University situated at

A. Kolkata

B. Bangalore

C. Patiala

D. Sagar

Answer: D

164. A married woman dies with 9 years of marriage due to hanging at her husbands house. The inquest is to be conducted by

A. District Surgeon

B. Head Constable

C. District Magistrate

D. District Collector

Answer: B

165. Inquest is conducted under which of the following sections of Indian law?

A. 164 CrPC

B. 174 CrPC

C. 164 IEA

D. 174 IPC

Answer: B

166. Match the following List – I with List – II & select the correct answer using the code given below:

List – I List – II

a. Inquest i. 143 Indian Evidence Act

b. Summons ii. 32 Indian Evidence Act

c. Dying declaration iii. 61 Criminal Procedure Code

d. Leading questions iv. 174 Criminal Procedure Code


a b c d

A. i ii iii iv

B. iv iii ii i

C. iii ii iv i

D. i iii ii iv

Answer: B

167. First Forensic Science Lab in India was established at

A. Kolkata

B. Mumbai

C. Agra

D. Delhi

Answer: A

168. Medullary Index of human hair is

A. 0.8

B. 0.6

C. 0.4

D. 0.3 or below

Answer: D

169. Kinky hairs are characteristics of

A. Europeans

B. Caucasians

C. Mongloids

D. Negroids

Answer: D

170. In paint examination, pyrolysis gas chromatography is useful for characterizing

A. Metal iron

B. Binder

C. Pigment

D. Vehicle

Answer: B

171. In which of the method, Hollow-Cathode lamp is used as radiation source?

A. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer

B. UV-Vis spectrophotometer

C. IR spectrophotometer

D. Raman spectrophotometer

Answer: A

172. The Bureau of Police Research and Development is situated in

A. New Delhi

B. Lucknow

C. Chandigarh

D. Mumbai

Answer: A

173. The following persons helped Sir E.R. Henry in ten digit fingerprint classification:

A. Battley

B. Hemchand Bose

C. Herschel

D. Azizul Haq


A. B. and C. are correct.

B. D. and C. are correct.

C. B. and D. are correct.

D. A. and B. are correct.

Answer: C

174. Assertion A.: While despatching the exhibit to the Forensic Science Laboratory the sample of the seal used on packed exhibits is also despatched along – with exhibits.

Reason (R): It helps in ascertaining the chain of custody in investigation.


A. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

B. Both A. and (R) are correct.

C. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

D. A. is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

Answer: B

175. The control soil sample should be collected within the distance of _______ of the questioned soil spot.

A. 1 inch

B. 3-4 inches

C. 8 inches

D. 1 feet

Answer: B

176. Arrange the following steps of crime investigation in proper sequence:

(i) Collection and despatch of evidence to Forensic Science Laboratory.

(ii) First Information Report.

(iii) Photography of scene of crime.

(iv) Protection of scene of crime.


A. ii, iv, iii, i

B. i, iv, ii, iii

C. ii, iv, i, iii

D. iii, i, ii, iv

Answer: A

177. These are sketching methods in crime scene, except

A. Rectangular co-ordinate method

B. Spiral method

C. Triangular co-ordinate method

D. Polar co-ordinate method

Answer: B

178. Sodium-halide-bromide cell window are used in

A. IR spectrometry

B. UV spectrometry

C. Raman spectrometry

D. Atomic absorption spectrometry

Answer: A

179. In X-ray spectroscopy, atoms are excited by

A. Direct bombardment with electrons

B. Bombardment with protons

C. Irradiation with X-rays of shorter wavelengths

D. All the above

Answer: D

180. Bertrand lens is a part of the following microscope:

A. Steriomicroscope

B. Comparison microscope

C. Polarising microscope

D. Fluorescence microscope

Answer: C

181. Dowry deaths are booked under which Section of Indian Law

A. 320 IPC

B. 304 A IPC

C. 304 B IPC

D. 375 IPC

Answer: C

182. The colour of blood in deaths due to burns is

A. Cherry red

B. Pink

C. Blue

D. Brown

Answer: A

183. Multiple parallel superficial cuts criss-crossing each other are suggestive of

A. Fabricated wounds

B. Suicidal wounds

C. Accidentally sustained wounds

D. Homicidal wounds

Answer: B

184. ______ is used as neutron moderator in NAA in TRIGA reactor.

A. Water

B. Ethanol

C. Chloroform

D. Acetone

Answer: A

185. Radioactivity of a substance can be measured by

A. TCD detector

B. MCT detector

C. EC detector

D. Geiger Muller Counter

Answer: D

186. Heroin is easily differentiated from its cutting agents by

A. Colour/spot test

B. Thin Layer Chromatography

C. UV-Vis spectrophotometry

D. IR spectrophotometry

Answer: B

187. Assertion A.: Free sulphuric acid is rarely found in stomach contents in acid poisoning case.

Reason (R): Because either it is vomited out or neutralized by alkalies given as antidotes.


A. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

B. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

C. Both A. and (R) are correct.

D. A. is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

Answer: C

188. In 0.22 Airgun pellet, the minimum velocity required to perforate human skin is

A. 490 ft/sec

B. 428 ft/sec

C. 346 ft/sec

D. 245 ft/sec

Answer: D

189. Assertion A.: Test shell case and questioned shell case can be compared using comparison microscope to establish the identity of the weapon.

Reason (R): Because rifilling marks on shell case are identical.


A. Both A. and (R) are correct.

B. A. is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

C. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

D. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: C

190. Rechochet marks are generally found on

A. Fired cartridge

B. Pellets entered human body

C. Bullet striking on stone

D. Bullet entered human body

Answer: C

191. The sequence of post-mortem changes in a cadaver includes

A. Rigor mortis, primary flaccidity, secondary flaccidity, marbling

B. Primary flaccidity, secondary flaccidity, rigor mortis, marbling

C. Marbling, secondary flaccidity, primary flaccidity, rigor mortis

D. Primary flaccidity, rigor mortis, secondary flaccidity, marbling

Answer: B

192. “Taches Noire Scleroitiques” is a post-mortem feature seen in

A. Eyes

B. Nostrils

C. Ears

D. Mouth

Answer: A

193. The following are examples of unnatural sexual offences

(i) Sodomy

(ii) Incest

(iii) Buccal coitus

(iv) Bestiality


A. (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

B. (ii) and (iv) are correct.

C. (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.

D. (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

Answer: D

194. The criminal responsibility of a mentally ill person is stated under the following section of Indian law?

A. CrPC 84

B. CrPC 80

C. IPC 84

D. IPC 80

Answer: C

195. Match the following:

List – I List – II

a. Inquest i. Cross examination

b. Conduct Money ii. Police

c. Leading Question iii. Body of evidence

d. Corpus delect iv. Witness


a b c d

A. ii iv i iii

B. iii ii iv i

C. iv i iii ii

D. i iii ii iv

Answer: A

196. Conduct money is paid for

A. Conducting an autopsy

B. Chemical analysis

C. Collecting evidentiary material at crime scene.

D. Appearing in a court as witness.

Answer: D

197. Which of the following types of inquests are presently held in India?

A. Coroner and Police

B. Police and Magistrate

C. Magistrate and Coroner

D. Police and Medical Examiner

Answer: B

198. The scales of hair can be preserved with the help of

A. Wax cast

B. Nail polish

C. Plaster of Paris cast

D. Plasticine

Answer: B

199. The term ‘Expert evidence’ is defined in section

A. 45, Indian Evidence Act

B. 131, Indian Evidence Act

C. 45, Criminal Procedure code

D. 131, Criminal Procedure code

Answer: A

200. Gas chromatography was developed by

A. G.D. Kohler and K. Thide

B. Henry and Pascal

C. Piobert and Pascal

D. Leduce and K. Thide


201. Cremains refers to the study of

A. Buried body

B. Cremated remains

C. Skeletal remains

D. Decomposing body

Answer: B

202. Area of “contact flattening” is associated with

A. Cooling of body

B. Hypostasis

C. Rigor mortis

D. Putrefaction

Answer: B

203. Assertion A.: Blood less dissection of neck structures is recommended in deaths due to strangulation.

Reason (R): It allows identifying and excluding post-mortem artefacts.


A. A. is correct but (R) is wrong

B. Both A. and (R) are correct

C. A. is incorrect but (R) is correct

D. A. and (R) are incorrect

Answer: B

204. Bobbit syndrome is

A. Mutilation of breast by male partner

B. Mutilation of vagina by male partner

C. Mutilation of face by female partner

D. Mutilation of penis by female partner

Answer: D

205. Organophorous compounds and carbamates are powerful inhibitors of

A. Cholin esterase

B. Acetylcholin esterase

C. Monoacetylcholin esterase

D. None of the above

Answer: A

206. In handwriting, a short initial or terminal stroke is called:

A. Hook

B. Hiatus

C. Spur

D. Staff

Answer: C

207. Following devised the starch-iodine test to determine the presence of semen

A. Willott

B. E.M. Southern

C. Roberts

D. Ouchterlong

Answer: C

208. The cutting of barrel length in shotgun causes

A. Decrease in dispersion of pellets

B. Increase in dispersion of pellets

C. No change in dispersion of pellets

D. Distortion of pellets

Answer: B

209. Pressure start curve inside the barrel determines

A. Temperature of projectile

B. Trajectory of projectile

C. Velocity of projectile

D. Striking energy of projectile


A. A. and B. are correct.

B. B. and C. are correct.

C. C. and D. are correct.

D. B. and D. are correct.

Answer: C

210. The stamped serial number on barrel can be restored by

A. Hydrofluoric acid

B. FeCl3 reagent

C. CuCl2 reagent

D. AgCl reagent

Answer: C

211. Magistrate Inquest is done in the following cases:

A. Death in road accident

B. Death caused by drowning

C. Exhumation

D. Death in prison


A. A. and C. are correct.

B. A. and D. are correct.

C. C. and D. are correct.

D. B. and D. are correct.

Answer: C

212. A lens with a variable focal length is known as

A. Normal lens

B. Telephoto lens

C. Wide angle lens

D. Zoom lens

Answer: D

213. X-ray spectra are quite simple because

A. they result from transition between energy levels of the innermost electrons

B. they result from transition between every levels of the outermost electrons

C. they result from transition between energy levels of middle orbital electrons

D. no change in transition levels of electrons

Answer: A

214. Spherical aberration means

A. that all portions of a lens have common focus

B. that inner and outer areas of lens do not have common focus

C. that the lens corrected for two wavelengths of radiation

D. it is corrected for three wavelengths of radiation

Answer: B

215. Detectors in IR spectrophotometry include the following:

A. Golay detector

B. Electron capture detector

C. Photodetector

D. Thermocouples


A. A. and B. are correct.

B. B. and C. are correct.

C. C. and D. are correct.

D. A. and D. are correct.

Answer: D

216. Which of the following would be considered individual evidence?


B. Blood

C. Paint

D. Soil

Answer: A

217. The sex of an individual can be determined by the following, except

A. X-Y chromosome

B. Barr-bodies

C. Protein pattern

D. Testosterone/Estradiol ratio

Answer: C

218. Which of the following factor is not assumed by Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

A. The population is infinitely large.

B. Mating in non-random.

C. No mutation

D. No migration

Answer: B

219. Two arms composed mainly of DNA and held together by centromere is

A. Gene

B. Cell

C. Protein

D. Chromosome

Answer: D

220. A nucleotide consist of

A. Nucleic acids, RNA and DNA

B. Sugar, Phosphate and one of the four chemicals – A, T, G, C

C. Messenger RNA and transfer RNA

D. Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine

Answer: B

221. Confirmatory test for identification of human saliva are

(i) lateral immunochromatographic strip test

(ii) Rapid Stain Identification Kit (RSID)

(iii) Phadebas test

(iv) UV examination


A. (i) and (ii) are correct.

B. (i) and (iii) are correct.

C. (ii) and (iii) are correct.

D. (ii), and (iv) are correct.

Answer: A

222. The presence of buccal epithelial cells confirms the following:

A. Semen

B. Blood

C. Saliva

D. Urine

Answer: C

223. Assertion A.: Presence of P30 confirms the seminal stain.

Reason (R): P30 is secreted into semen by Cowper’s gland.


A. Both A. and (R) are correct.

B. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

C. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

D. A. is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

Answer: C

224. Which of the following fiber is of mineral origin?

A. Mohair

B. Cashmere

C. Asbestos

D. Rayon

Answer: C

225. During spermatogenesis, the secondary spermatocyte develops into which of the following?

A. Spermatids

B. Primary spermatocytes

C. Spermatogomia

D. Spermatozoa

Answer: A

226. Match the following in the soil as per Munsell colour Test:

List – I (Mineral) List – II (Colour)

a. Hematite i. Pale brown

b. Iron sulphide ii. White

c. Calcite iii. Red

d. Dolomite iv. Black


a b c d

A. iii i iv ii

B. iii iv ii i

C. iii ii iv i

D. ii iii i iv

Answer: B

227. _______ is a super cooled liquid which has attained so high viscosity as to be considered as solid.

A. Plastics

B. Glass

C. Acrylic fiber

D. Rayon

Answer: B

228. ________ is used for retarding the plaster of paris cast of foot prints.

A. Sodium chloride

B. Sodium bicarbonate

C. Aluminium oxide

D. Borax

Answer: D

229. Besides silica, the main constituent of Gypsum soil is

A. Calcium carbonate

B. Calcium sulphate

C. Ferric oxide

D. Aluminium oxide

Answer: B

230. The Refractive Index of glass can be determined by

A. Beckeline method

B. Abbe’s refractometer


D. Pulfritch refractometer

Codes :

A. B. and C. are correct.

B. D. and C. are correct.

C. A. and C. are correct.

D. B. and D. are correct.

Answer: C

231. Davidson’s body is found in

A. Platelets

B. Neutrophil

C. Red blood cell

D. Reticulocyte

Answer: B

232. Corpus delecti means

A. Body of evidence

B. Corporal punishment for dereliction of duty

C. Detection of chemical compounds

D. Exhumation of corpse

Answer: A

233. Match the following:

A. Cephalic index i. Age

B. Carl Pearson’s formula ii. Disputed sex

C. Gustafson’s method iii. Race

D. Turner’s syndrome iv. Stature


A. B. C. D.

A. i ii iii iv

B. ii iii iv i

C. iv i ii iii

D. iii iv i ii

Answer: D

234. Zeroing is

A. Distance adjustment to strike the bullet at Bull’s eye of target.

B. Sight adjustment so that the bullet strikes at Bull’s eye of target.

C. Distance and sight adjustment to strike the bullet at the target.

D. Firing at the target without any adjustment

Answer: B

235. The diameter of 16 bore shot gun is

A. .729″

B. .709″

C. .662″

D. .579″

Answer: C

236. Bullet wipe is a term used for

A. Wiping of bullet by hand before firing.

B. Wiping of lubricant, soot or other material from the bullet on skin of body.

C. Cleaning of bullet after fire.

D. Sticking of blood on bullet after fire through body.

Answer: B

237. Assertion A.: Test bullet and exhibit bullet can be compared under comparison microscope to establish the identity of weapon.

Reason (R): Because firing pin mark on them are identical.


A. Both A. and (R) are true.

B. A. is true but (R) is false.

C. Both A. and (R) are false.

D. A. is false but (R) is true.

Answer: B

238. In .177 Air gun, the maximum velocity to perforate skin is

A. 191 ft/sec

B. 245 ft/sec

C. 331 ft/sec

D. 442 ft/sec

Answer: C

239. Thermal fractures on glass sheet are of following type:

A. Concentric fracture

B. Wavy fracture

C. Radial fracture

D. Tangential fracture

Answer: B

240. In the case of firing through windowpane glass, spiral fractures are found on

A. Side of impact

B. Other side of impact

C. Edge of fractured sheet

D. Edge of the shattered glass

Answer: A

241. Which of these is a part of a mt. DNA?

A. D-loop

B. Y-loop

C. S-loop

D. T-loop

Answer: A

242. Which of the following is not a red cell blood group system?

A. Kell

B. Duffy



Answer: D

243. A forensic scientist is supposed to answer the question when examining dried blood

A. Is it blood?

B. Is it human blood?

C. Which group it belongs to?

D. All of the above

Answer: D

244. Which of the following rare earth oxide is not found in ‘Nernst Glower’?

A. Zirconia

B. Yttria

C. Thoria

D. Titanium

Answer: D

245. Which of the following is not true in case of a radiation source?

A. It must be stable.

B. It must have sufficient intensity.

C. It must supply intermittent radiation.

D. It should be detected at the end of the optical path.

Answer: C

246. A dead body for autopsy is to be preserved in a cold chamber whose preferred temperature is

A. – 4 °C

B. 0 °C

C. 4 °C

D. 10 °C

Answer: C

247. Which of the following is not a feature of immediate change after death?

A. Cessation of brain function

B. Cessation of heart function

C. Cooling of the body

D. Stoppage of respiration

Answer: C

248. Match the following:

List – I List – II

A. Parathion i. O, O-dimethyl-Sdithiophosphate

B. Dimethoate ii. O, O-Dimethyl dithiophosphate of diethyl mercaptosuccinate

C. Phosphamidon iii. O, O-diethyl-O-pnitrophenylthiophosphate

D. Malathion iv. O, (2-chloro-2- diethyl carbamoyl)- 1-methyl-vinyl-O,


A. B. C. D.

A. iii i iv ii

B. i ii iii iv

C. iii ii i iv

D. ii iii i ii

Answer: A

249. Match the following:

List – I List – II

A. Delusion i. Desire to steal articles of small value

B. Hallucination ii. False belief which is not a fact

C. Illusion iii. False perception without a stimulus

D. Kleptomania iv. False interpretation of a stimulus


A. B. C. D.

A. iii iv i ii

B. ii iii iv i

C. i ii iii iv

D. iv i ii iii

Answer: B

250. The test to identify vaginal epithelialcells in a case of sexual assault is

A. Barberio’s test

B. Florence’s test

C. Lugol’s iodine test

D. Precipitin test

Answer: C

251. Compressive strength analysis is done in case of

A. Paint smear

B. Hair

C. Footprint

D. Cement block

Answer: D

252. The following compound is not present in Borosilicate glass:

A. Silica (SiO2)

B. K2O

C. Al2O3

D. CaO

Answer: D

253. 4R rule of glass fracture relates to

A. Concentric fracture

B. Radial fracture

C. Rib mark

D. Hackle mark

Answer: B

254. Match the following ingredients of paint:

List – I List – II

A. Pigment i. Zirconium napthemate

B. Oil ii. Soya alkyd resin

C. Drier iii. Titanium oxide

D. Binder iv. Linseed oil


A. B. C. D.

A. iii i iv ii

B. i iii iv ii

C. ii iv i iii

D. iii iv i ii

Answer: D

255. Radioactivity of a substance can be measured by

A. Geiger Muller Counter

B. Neon tubes

C. Radiometric methods

D. Photomultiplier tubes

Answer: A

256. Match the following:

List – I List – II

(Author) (Name of the book)

A. Soderman i. Fundamentals of criminal investigation

B. Paul L. Kirk ii. Judicial Photography

C. O’Hara iii. Modern Criminal Investigation

D. Rudolph Reise iv. Crime Investigation


A. B. C. D.

A. iii i iv ii

B. i iv iii ii

C. iii iv i ii

D. iv iii i ii

Answer: C

257. Split laceration resembles

A. Abrasion

B. Contusion

C. Incised wound

D. Stab wound

Answer: C

258. Which of the following is important for the identification from hair?

A. Cuticle

B. Medulla

C. Cortex

D. All of the above

Answer: D

259. The most prevalent plant fibre is

A. Wool

B. Hemp

C. Cotton

D. Mohair

Answer: C

260. The study of hair is known as

A. Lithology

B. Histology

C. Phytology

D. Trichology

Answer: D

261. Picric Acid test of urine is performed to detect

A. Albumin

B. Creatinine

C. Uric acid

D. Chlorine

Answer: B

262. Colustrum is a form of

A. Semen

B. Milk

C. Blood

D. Saliva

Answer: B

263. Which of the following techniques can be used in analysis of fibres?

A. Optical microscopy

B. Pyrolysis gas chromatography

C. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

D. All of the above

Answer: D

264. A hair cut by a blade or scissors will have

A. a sharp edge

B. a blunt edge

C. follicular tissue attached

D. a crushed edge

Answer: A

265. Sperms are stored and matured in one of the following:

A. Testis

B. Seminal vesicles

C. Epididymis

D. Vas deferens

Answer: C

266. In window glass pane, the following components are not commonly present:

A. Aluminium oxide

B. Silicon oxide

C. Antimony oxide

D. Barium oxide


A. C. and D. are correct.

B. C. and B. are correct.

C. A. and B. are correct.

D. A. and D. are correct.

Answer: A

267. The range of lime (CaO) is within ______ in Portland cement.

A. 30 – 35%

B. 35 – 55%

C. 60 – 67%

D. 70 – 75%

Answer: C

268. In density gradient determination method of soil examination, the following liquids are commonly used:

A. Bromoform

B. Bromobenzene

C. Nitrobenzene

D. Mixture of bromoform and bromobenzene

Answer: D

269. Match the following pertaining to paint sample:

List – I (Paint Pigment) List – II (Colour of Paint)

a. Titanium Dioxide i. Red

b. Cobalt Salt ii. Blue

c. Graphite iii. White

d. Lead tetra-oxide iv. Black


a b c d

A. iii ii i iv

B. iv ii iii i

C. ii i iii iv

D. iii ii iv i

Answer: D

270. The following parameters of tool application can produce the sufficient influence on the nature of stration marks produced by screw driver, except

A. Vertical angle of tool

B. Pressure on tool

C. Relative velocity of tool

D. Horizontal angle of tool

Answer: C

271. Black mineral colours in the soil are generally related to the presence of the following elements:

A. Manganese and iron

B. Copper minerals

C. Chromium minerals

D. Iron phosphate minerals

Answer: A

272. The following bones are useful for the determination of stature:

A. Fibula and Pisiform

B. Radius and Talus

C. Femur and Ulna

D. Humerus and Hyoid

Answer: C

273. In case of amputation of one finger, the following print is considered in classification:

A. Next finger of the same hand

B. Corresponding finger of the other hand

C. Thumb impression of other hand

D. Index finger of other hand

Answer: B

274. The injury sustained by skin due to an alternating current is called

A. Brush burn

B. Filigree burn

C. Joule burn

D. Arborescent mark

Answer: C

275. Tandem Bullet is

A. Slug bullet

B. Jacketed bullet

C. Spitzer bullet

D. Bullet which is lodged inside the barrel and comes out along with another bullet fired from the same gun.

Answer: D

276. Match the following:

List – I List – II

a. EDGN i. Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate

b. NG ii. Ethylane Glycol dinitrate

c. PETN iii. Cyclotrimethylene trinitramine

d. RDX iv. Nitroglycerine


a b c d

A. ii iv i iii

B. ii iv iii i

C. ii iii i iv

D. iii i ii iv

Answer: A

277. Which type of the teeth are not present in human primary dentition?

A. Premolar

B. Incisor

C. Canine

D. Molar

Answer: A

278. Mass disaster victim identification could be achieved on the basis of

A. Fingerprints

B. Photographs

C. Antimortem dental records

D. All of the above

Answer: D

279. Match the following:

List – I List – II

a. Somatoscopy i. Measurement on living person

b. Osteometry ii. Obsrvations on living person

c. Craniametry iii. Measurements of bones

d. Somatometry iv. Measurements of skull


a b c d

A. ii iii iv i

B. iii i ii iv

C. iv ii i iii

D. i ii iii iv

Answer: A

280. Stature of an individual can be estimated from foot prints on the basis of

(i) multiplication factors

(ii) regression equations

(iii) Hardy-Weinberg equation

(iv) Segregation equation


A. (i) and (iii) are correct.

B. (i) and (ii) are correct.

C. (ii) and (iv) are correct.

D. (i) and (iv) are correct.

Answer: B

281. Lynching is commonly used for

A. Suicidal hanging

B. Judicial hanging

C. Homicidal hanging without trial, by the mob

D. All of the above

Answer: C

282. Following are the types of Neurosis, except

A. Anxiety

B. Obsessive-compulsive

C. Psychopathic personality

D. Depressive

Answer: C

283. Lie detector measures, the following parameters of an individual :

A. Pulse rate

B. Blood Pressure

C. Galvanic skin Resistance

D. All of the above

Answer: D

284. As per IPC (Indian Penal Code), Emasculation is classified as

A. Assault

B. Simple Injury

C. Miscarriage

D. Grievous injury

Answer: D

285. The homicide caused unintentionally by an act done in a good faith is

A. Excusable

B. Murder

C. Culpable homicide

D. All of the above

Answer: A

286. The ‘fingerprint’ region of IR spectrum can be subdivided into the following except

A. 1500 – 1350 cm–1

B. 1350 – 1000 cm–1

C. Below 1000 cm–1

D. Below 500 cm–1

Answer: D

287. The ‘magic angle’ of NMR is at

A. 90 degrees

B. 54.7 degrees

C. 120 degrees

D. 60.8 degrees

Answer: B

288. Which of the following illumination cannot be used in stereomicroscope?

A. Incident

B. Reflected

C. Vertical

D. Refracted

Answer: D

289. ‘Ballooning effect’ test is characteristics of

A. Woollen fibres

B. Nylon fibres

C. Cotton fibres

D. Rayon fibres

Answer: C

290. In hair growth, the telogen phase may last upto

A. one hundred days

B. six months

C. two years

D. six years

Answer: A

291. The skid marks on the road in a vehicular accident may give an indication of

A. Make of the vehicle

B. Speed of the vehicle

C. Weight of the vehicle

D. Height of the vehicle

Answer: B

292. Chemical etching is a method for restoration of erased marks on

A. Wood

B. Leather

C. Metal

D. Plastic

Answer: C

293.The most suitable solvent system for thin layer chromatography/paper chromatography of inks is

A. N-butanol: pyridine: water (3: 1: 1.5)

B. Amyl alcohol: acetic acid: chloroform (6: 1: 2)

C. Ethanol: Acetone: acetic acid (4: 1: 5)

D. Amyl alcohol: acetic acid: pyridine (6: 1: 2)

Answer: A

294. The following is the most acceptable method for revealing indented writing:

A. Oblique lighting

B. Intense lighting

C. Rubbing with a pencil lead


Answer: D

295. Cadaveric spasm indicates

A. Suicide

B. Homicide

C. Natural death

D. Last act of a person before death

Answer: D

296. Chromatography was first reported by

A. Ramsey

B. Henry

C. Pascal

D. Leduce

Answer: A

297. Copy prepared by superimposing the document is called:

A. Traced forgery

B. Simulated forgery

C. Free tend forgery

D. Asymetrical forgery

Answer: A

298. Within a monochrometer, the necessary collimation and focussing are performed by:

A. Mirrors

B. Detectors

C. Prisms

D. Photo tubes

Answer: A

299. Match the instrument with the detector.

List – I List – II

i. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer a. Thermal conductivity

ii. Infra Red Spectrometer b. Hypersensitive Photoplate

iii. Emission Spectrograph c. Golay

iv. Gas liquid Chromatography d. Photomultiplier Tube


a b c d

A. iv iii ii i

B. i iv iii ii

C. i iii iv ii

D. iii iv iii i

Answer: A

300. Following is the active component of marking nut:

A. Semicarpol

B. Semicarpine

C. Semicarbine

D. Semicarmine

Answer: A

1. Casper’s dictum is related to

A. Identification

B. Cause of death

C. Flotation of body

D. Rate of putrefaction

Answer: D

2. Getler’s test is associated with

A. Burns

B. Drowning

C. Electrocution

D. Poisoning

Answer: B

3. Pre-auricular Sulcus helps in the determination of

A. Age

B. Sex

C. Stature

D. Race

Answer: B

4. Assertion A.: The shifting of NMR signals is known as ‘chemical shift’.

Reason (R): The ‘chemical shifts’ occur due to shielding and de-shielding by electrons.

A. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

B. (R) is correct, but A. is incorrect.

C. Both A. and (R) are correct.

D. Both A. & (R) are incorrect.

Answer: C

5. Which of the following is used as a detector in HPLC?

A. Photovoltaic cell

B. Phototubes

C. Electrochemical detector

D. Photomultiplier tubes

Answer: C

6. A carrier gas in GLC should have the following characteristics except

A. It should be inert

B. It should be mixtures of gases

C. It should be easily available

D. It should not cause explosion or fire

Answer: B

7. The name ‘Keeler’ is associated with

A. Chromatograph

B. Polygraph

C. Spectrograph

D. Monograph

Answer: B

8. Which of the following witness can be asked a leading question during examination-in-chief?

A. Common witness

B. Expert witness

C. Hostile witness

D. None of the above

Answer: C

9. Exhumation means

A. Execution of a death sentence

B. Examination of skeletal remains

C. Digging out of a buried body

D. Injecting formalin into body for preservation

Answer: C

10. ‘Expert’ is defined in the following section:

A. 145 of Indian Evidence Act

B. 45 of Indian Evidence Act

C. 145 of Criminal Procedure Code

D. 45 of Indian Penal Code

Answer: B

1. Post-mortem lividity helps in the determination of the following except

A. Cause of death

B. Motive for death

C. Position of death

D. Time of death

Answer: B

2. In a case of hanging, if the knot is situated at the occipital region, is called

A. Atypical

B. Complete

C. Partial

D. Typical

Answer: D

3. Which of the following organs is most suitable for diatom test?

A. Jejunum

B. Lungs

C. Stomach

D. Sternum

Answer: D

4. The yellowish discoloration of a healing contusion is due to

A. Bilirubin

B. Hematoidin

C. Hemosiderin

D. Oxyhemoglobin

Answer: A

5. Hesitation marks or tentative cuts is a feature seen in

A. Accidents

B. Suicides

C. Homicides

D. Fall from height

Answer: B

6. The first permanent tooth to erupt is

A. Lateral incisor

B. Bicuspid – II

C. Molar I

D. Molar II

Answer: C

7.Taurodontism is a feature seen among

A. Caucassians

B. Indians

C. Mongoloids

D. Negroids

Answer: C

8. Which of the following is not a prominent feature of male skull?

A. Glabella

B. Frontal eminence

C. Supra orbital ridge

D. Zygomatic arch

Answer: B

9. Sharpey’s fibres that join ligaments in holding a tooth in the socket are present in

A. Cementum

B. Enamel

C. Gingiva

D. Dentin

Answer: A

10. The radiological study of skeletal remains for age estimation is based on the fusion of

A. Epiphysis

B. Anaphylaxis

C. Metaphase

D. Telophase

Answer: A

1. Match the following:

List – I List – II

Firearm Trigger pull in pound

a. Ordinary shot gun i. 31/2 to 41/2 pound

b. Pistol ii. 3-4 pound

c. Revolver Double Action iii.16-20 pound

d. Service Rifle iv. 6-7 pound


a b c d

A. i ii iii iv

B. i iv ii iii

C. iii iv i ii

D. ii i iv iii

Answer: A

2. In a firearm case, casuality criteria for man is:

A. 58 ft / pound

B. 60 ft / pound

C. 62 ft / pound

D. 65 ft / pound

Answer: A

3. For wound ballistics study in human beings, the following is used in experiments:

A. 10% gelatin gel block

B. 20% gilatin gel block

C. 10% agar gel block

D. 20% starch gel block

Answer: B

4. Firing Pin marks of a gun are:

A. Compression marks

B. Cut marks

C. Striatian marks

D. Repeatative marks

Answer: A

5. The human genome contains about _______ DNA molecules per diploid geneme.

A. 4 X 109

B. 5 X 109

C. 6 X 109

D. 7 X 109

Answer: C

6. The writing on charred document can be restored by:

A. Reflected light

B. Ultraviolet rays

C. Infrared Photography

D. None of these

Answer: C

7. The most common means of identification of faeces sample is by the detection of

A. Ptylin

B. Glycogen

C. Urobilinogen

D. Creatin

Answer: C

8. Tailing of a wound is seen in

A. Chop wound

B. Contusion

C. Laceration

D. Incised wound

Answer: D

9. Scalds are caused by

A. Dry heat

B. Moist heat

C. Joule burn

D. Filigree burns

Answer: B

10. A brownish colored scab over an abrasion is formed by

A. < 24 hours

B. 2-3 days

C. 5-7 days

D. 10-15 days

Answer: B

1. Arrange the following post-mortem changes in an ascending order:

i. Cooling of the body

ii. Greenish discolouration of abdomen

iii. Rigor mortis

iv. Marbling


A. i iii ii iv

B. ii iv i iii

C. iv iii ii i

D. i ii iii iv

Answer: A

2. The shape of cooling curve pattern of a human cadaver is

A. Ascending

B. Descending

C. Parabola

D. Sigmoid

Answer: D

3. Spinal cord is preserved in which of the following cases?

A. Alcohol

B. Arsenic

C. Oleander

D. Strychnine

Answer: D

4. Pseudocyesis refers to false

A. Rape

B. Pregnancy

C. Abortion

D. Infanticide

Answer: B

5. Brush burn or graze is a form of

A. Abrasion

B. Chop wound

C. Contusion

D. Laceration

Answer: A

6. Assertion A.: While taking the photograph of the dead body at the scene of offence a scale should be put by the side of the body.

Reason (R): It would help to calculate the total height of the person.


A. Both A. and (R) are correct.

B. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

C. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

D. A. is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

Answer: B

7. Which of the following is the most important component for the individualization of hair?

A. Follicular tag

B. Cuticle

C. Medulla

D. Cortex

Answer: A

8. Which are the natural fibres?

A. Cotton, jute, wool, hemp

B. Cotton, nylon, rayon, wool

C. Silk, jute, polyester, cotton

D. Rayon, silk, hemp, polyester

Answer: A

9. Jaffe test for urine is a reaction between

A. creatinine and picric acid

B. Urea and ammonium hydroxide

C. Urea and picric acid

D. creatinine and ammonium hydroxide

Answer: A

10. Which of the following is a pigment found in faecal matter?

A. Titanium oxide

B. Urobilinogen

C. Creatinine

D. Keratin

Answer: B

1. Post-mortem caloricity means

A. Colour change of the bodybefore death

B. Colour change of the body after death

C. Fall of temperature before death

D. Rise of temperature after death

Answer: D

2. Suspended animation may be seen in which of the following type of deaths?

A. Burns

B. Drowning

C. Hanging

D. Electrocution


A. A. and B. are correct.

B. B. and C. are correct.

C. A. and D. are correct.

D. B. and D. are correct.

Answer: D

3. Assertion A.: The colour of lividity in carbon-mono oxide poisoning is cherry red.

Reason (R): Because of the binding of carbon to hemoglobin.


A. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

B. Both A. and (R) are correct.

C. A. is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

D. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: A

4. Caffey Syndrome is related with

A. Child abuse

B. Husband abuse

C. Wife abuse

D. Harassment at work place

Answer: A

5. Match the following:

List – I List – II

a. Age i. Barr body

b. Race ii. Epiphyseal union

c. Sex iii. Femur

d. Stature iv. Shovel shaped incisors


a b c d

A. i ii iii iv

B. iii i iv ii

C. ii iv i iii

D. iv iii ii i

Answer: C

6. The following mark is not found in fired cartridge case

A. Firing pin mark

B. Rifling mark

C. Chamber mark

D. Breach face mark

Answer: B

7. HPLC was discovered by

A. Izmailov and Schraiber

B. M. Tsuet

C. de Vries

D. Kirkland and Huber

Answer: D

8. Zip guns are

A. Country made guns

B. Rifles

C. Machine guns

D. Carbines

Answer: A

9. In the gunshot wound, the term back spatter refers to

A. Ejection of blood and tissues from exit wound

B. Ejection of projectile from the exit wound

C. Ejection of projectile from entrance wound

D. Ejection of blood and tissues from entrance gunshot wound

Answer: D

10. Match the following:

List – I List – II

a. Fulminate of mercury i. Nitroglycerin

b. Gelatinesticks ii. Dart

c. Ballistite iii. Primer

d. Air gun iv. Double base smokeless powder


a b c d

A. i iii iv ii

B. iv iii ii i

C. iii i iv ii

D. iii ii i iv

Answer: C

1. IR spectra fail to distinguish

A. Tautomer

B. Enantiomers

C. Conformers

D. Stereoisomers

Answer: B

2. Match the following:

List – I List – II

A. Ultraviolet light i. 2.5 – 25 μ

B. Visible light ii. 2000 – 4000 °A

C. X-ray iii. 4000 – 8000 °A

D. Near IR region iv. 0.1 – 100 °A


A. B. C. D.

A. ii i iv iii

B. iv iii ii i

C. ii iii iv i

D. iii i ii iv

Answer: C

3. First G.E.Q.D. in India was started at

A. Kolkata

B. Shimla

C. Hyderabad

D. Delhi

Answer: B

4. Juvenile courts are meant for trial of

A. Mentally ill persons

B. Foreign citizens

C. Criminal lawyers

D. Children below 18 years

Answer: D

5. Which of the following courts is not a court of trial?

A. Chief Judicial Magistrate

B. First Class Judicial Magistrate

C. Additional District and Session Judge

D. Hight Court

Answer: D

6. Match the following:

List – I List – II

A. DNA i. Osborn

B. Documents ii. Hatcher

C. Ballistics iii. Landsteiner

D. Blood iv. Jefferys


A. B. C. D.

A. iv i ii iii

B. i ii iii iv

C. iv iii i ii

D. iv ii i iii

Answer: A

7. After collecting the blood stained soil from the scene, it should be sent for examination:

A. As such without drying

B. After drying in oven

C. After drying under fan

D. After drying under shade

Answer: D

8. Prostate-specific antigen is also called as

A. Proteinase K

B. Amylase

C. P30

D. Ptylase

Answer: C

9. Seminal acid-phosphatase is produced in the

A. Adrenal gland

B. Prostate gland

C. Thyroid gland

D. Pituitary gland

Answer: B

10. A bright halo observed near the border of a glass particle immersed in a liquid of a different refractive index is known as

A. Refractive point

B. Birefringence

C. A straight line

D. Becke line

Answer: D

1. Which of the following is not classified as Hallucinogen?

A. Methaqualone

B. Psilocybin

C. Marijuana

D. Mescaline

Answer: A

2. Daizy wheel is a type of

A. Paper feeding system used in printers

B. Key board system used in printers

C. Rolling system used in typewriters

D. Font system used in electronic typewriters

Answer: B

3. Inkjet printer printing can be recognized by

A. Concentrating droplets

B. Satellite droplets

C. Central droplets

D. Lateral droplets

Answer: B

4. The final purple coloured compound produced during the development of latent fingerprints with ninhydrin is known as ________.

A. Rutherford purple

B. Ruheman’s purple

C. Reinberg purple

D. Jaffery’s principle

Answer: B

5. Anthropometry is an identification system which is also known as ________

A. Bertillonage

B. Ridgeology

C. Poroscopy

D. Edgeoscopy

Answer: A

6. Micturition syncope is a condition which occurs due to heavy consumption of

A. Aluminium phosphide

B. Beer

C. Opium

D. Endrin

Answer: B

7. Which of these markers is present in seminal plasma?

A. Peptidase A

B. Peptidase C

C. Peptidase D

D. Transferrin

Answer: A

8. In Kastle-Mayer test, which of the following reagents are used?

A. Benzidine

B. Phenolphthalein

C. O-toulidine

D. Luminol

Answer: B

9. Takayama’s test for confirming blood is based on

A. Haemin crystal formation

B. Haemochromogen crystal formation

C. Ferric sulphate crystal formation

D. Globulin crystal formation

Answer: B

10. Which of the following test is used to determine whether the blood belongs to human or animal?

A. Benzidine test

B. Phenolphthalein test

C. Precipitin test

D. O-toulidine test

Answer: C

1. Radial Diffusion Test is used for the detection of

A. Colostrum

B. Heptoglobulins

C. Hemoglobin

D. Amylase

Answer: D

2. Human hair when examined under microscope will reveal

A. Thick cortex and thin medulla

B. Thin cortex and thick medulla

C. Cortex and medulla with equal thickness

D. None of the above

Answer: A

3. In starch-iodine test, the starch turns in the following colour on addition of iodine:

A. Purple

B. Blue

C. Green

D. Pink

Answer: B

4. Accumulation of epithelial skin tags at the end of a wound is seen in which of the following?

A. Abrasion

B. Incised

C. Split laceration

D. Chop wound

Answer: A

5. Match the following constituents of paints:

List – I List – II

(I) Vehicle 1. Used in a polymer to increase its flexibility

(II) Lacquer 2. Pigment distribution

(III) Varnish 3. Fast-drying coatings

(IV) Plasticizer 4. Solution of drying oils and resins in organic solvents


(I) (II) (III) (IV)

A. 3 1 4 2

B. 2 1 4 3

C. 4 3 2 1

D. 2 3 4 1

Answer: D

6. Radiations emitted by radioactive elements are

A. Alpha rays

B. Gamma rays

C. Beta rays

D. All of the above

Answer: D

7. Maintenance of the correct number of chromosomes in cell division (mitosis) is dependent on a process of

A. DNA duplication

B. DNA mutation

C. Single nucleotide polymorphism

D. All of the above

Answer: A

8. The following is not red cell isoenzymes:

A. Adenosine deaminase

B. Transferrin

C. Glutamate pyruvate transaminase

D. Phosphoglucomutase

Answer: B

9. Which of the following is involved in human body’s immune system?



C. Thrombocytes

D. Serum

Answer: A

10. One of the options mentioned is not a step involved in PCR technique:

A. Annealing

B. Deuaturation

C. Extension of nucleotides

D. Southern blotting

Answer: D

1. Assertion A.: Detailed note should be recorded regarding the amount of blood found/splattered at the scene of occurrence.

Reason (R): It would help to evaluate about the length of survival of the victim after assault.


A. Both A. and (R) are correct.

B. A. is correct but (R) is incorrect.

C. A. is incorrect but (R) is correct.

D. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: A

2. The main ingredient of Mandrax is



C. Methaqualone


Answer: C

3. Dry ashing method is used for the extraction of following poisons from viscera:

A. Organic volatile

B. Organic non-volatile

C. Metallic

D. None of the above

Answer: C

4. Following color test is applied for the detection of opiates:

A. Marquis

B. Mecke

C. Froehde’s

D. All of the above

Answer: B

5. Lysergic acid is found in

A. Ergot fungus

B. Psilocybe mexicanna

C. Lophophora Williamsie

D. Argimoni wexicanna

Answer: A

6. Screening tests are performed for

A. Tentative identification

B. Definite identification

C. Quantitative analysis

D. Semiquantitative analysis

Answer: A

7. The combination of the following liquids is most suitable in the density gradient column:

A. bromoform and phenol

B. bromobenzene and methanol

C. bromoform and bromobenzene

D. bromoform, benzene and phenol

Answer: C

8. Mc Naughten, who shot Edward Drummond was suffering from delusion of

A. Infidelity

B. Persecution

C. Poverty

D. Nihilism

Answer: B

9. ‘Stass-Otto’ process is used for:

A. Extraction of poisons

B. Extraction of DNA

C. Extraction of antigens

D. Isolation of compliments

Answer: A

10. Following is active principle of Abrus:

A. Abrin

B. Adbrin

C. Abrinine

D. Abricodine

Answer: A

1. Which of the following preservatives is used to preserve the blood in case of alcohol poisoning?


B. Heparin

C. Sodium fluoride

D. Sodium chloride

Answer: C

2. A technique used for increasing the amount of a specific segment of DNA is called

A. DNA replication

B. DNA amplification

C. Denaturation


Answer: B

3. Which of the following is a plant protein?

A. Lectins

B. Actin

C. Mycin

D. All of the above

Answer: A

4. Rule of Hasse helps in the determination of

A. Age of Fetus

B. Congenital anomalies of fetus

C. Sex of fetus

D. Stature of fetus

Answer: A

5. Which of the following conditions does not resemble rigor mortis?

A. Cold stiffening

B. Gas stiffening

C. Pugilistic attitude

D. Tetanus

Answer: D

6. The total number of temporary molars in a child aged 7 years

A. Zero

B. Four

C. eight

D. twelve

Answer: C

7. Fine, white lathery froth that is copious and tenacious around mouth and nostrils is suggestive of death due to

A. Drowning

B. Epilepsy

C. Morphine poisoning

D. Snake bite

Answer: A

8. Which is the best bone for determination of sex from skeletal remains?

A. Skull

B. Pelvis

C. Scaphoid

D. Pisiform

Answer: B

9. Intersex means

A. Intermingling of sexual traits in a person

B. Determination of fetal sex

C. Female homosexuality

D. Sodomy

Answer: A

10. The diameter of LG shot is

A. 9.14 mm

B. 8.43 mm

C. 6.83 mm

D. 5.16 mm

Answer: A

1. In human seminal fluid, the amount of spermatozoa is

A. 3 thousand spermatozoa/ml

B. 50 billion spermatozoa/ounce

C. 25 trillion spermatozoa/pint

D. 100 million spermatozoa/ml

Answer: D

2. In GC-MS, a process in which an inert gas is bubbled through the water is known as

A. Trapping

B. Purging

C. Mixing

D. Eluting

Answer: B

3. The time interval that a drug takes for its concentration to drop to half of its concentration is known as

A. Full life period

B. Sleep life period

C. Half-life period

D. Quarter life period

Answer: C

4. 90% of the total ethanol consumed in body is converted into acetaldehyde and acetic acid within the

A. Liver

B. Lung

C. Stomach

D. Kidney

Answer: A

5. Effects of barbiturate onsets after

A. Twelve hours

B. Eight hours

C. Two hours

D. Six hours

Answer: C

6. Cannabis sativa contains the following principal constituents

A. Cannabinol

B. Strychnine

C. Hyosciene

D. Tetra hydro cannabinol


A. A. and B. are correct.

B. A. and C. are correct.

C. A. and D. are correct.

D. B. and C. are correct.

Answer: C

7. Which of the following instrument is used to identify the organic drugs?

A. Infra-red spectrophotometer

B. Polymerase chain reaction

C. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer

D. Automatic blood analyzer

Answer: A

8. The soap remains present in the blood because of high alkaline binding capacity of the serum/due to its dissociated products like

A. Proteins

B. Albumin

C. Fatty acid


Answer: C

9. Derringers are single shot pistols, which possess

A. Single barrel

B. Multiple barrels

C. Choke in the barrel

D. Magazine

Answer: B

10. In the firing mechanism of firearm trombone action is also called as

A. Pump action

B. Lever action

C. Bolt action

D. Slide action


A. A. and B. are correct

B. A. and C. are correct

C. B. and D. are correct

D. A. and D. are correct

Answer: D

1. In case of poisoning of living persons, the following are preserved, except:

A. Vomit

B. Excereta

C. Stomach wash

D. Unsoiled clothings

Answer: D

2. The following wounds will heal without a scar formation:

A. Abrasion

B. Laceration

C. Chop wound

D. Stab wound

Answer: A

3. In firing case muzzle pattern is found in

A. Contact fire

B. Firing from 4 ft

C. Firing from 8 ft

D. Long distance firing

Answer: A

4. Burning, blackening and tattooing are useful for determination of

A. Time of fire

B. Distance of fire

C. Ricocheting of bullet

D. None of the above

Answer: B

5. It is not the component of rifle Cartridge

A. Cartridge case

B. Primer

C. Projectile

D. Wad

Answer: D

6. Vaginal secretion consists of

A. Urea

B. Doderlain’s bacilli

C. Glyoxalase I

D. Serum Cholinesterase

Answer: B

7. “Counter Immuno Electro Phoresis (CIEP)” is applied detection of


B. P30

C. Protein

D. Isoenzymes

Answer: B

8. Fecal matter as evidence is encountered in cases like

A. Rape

B. Murder

C. Bestiality

D. Hanging

Answer: C

9. The angle of tool application should be considered for making standard tool marks by:

A. Hammer

B. Pliers

C. Screwdriver

D. Prybar

Answer: C

10. Nodes are seen in the following fibre:

A. Cotton

B. Wool

C. Silk

D. Linen

Answer: D

1. Following test is a confirmatory test for phenol

A. Ware’s Nitrite Test

B. Cobalt Thiocyanate Test

C. Vitali’s Test

D. Marqui’s Test

Answer: A

2. Rectified spirit as preservative is contra-indicated in cases of poisoning by:

A. Alcohol

B. Phosphorus

C. Acetic acid

D. All of above

Answer: D

3. HMX contains

A. Cyclotetra Methylene Tetranitramine

B. Ammonium Nitrate

C. Nitro-Glycerine

D. Cyclo-Trimethylene Tri-nitrate

Answer: A

4. It is not used as a primer in cartridge:

A. Hg fulminate

B. Ammonium nitrate

C. Lead azide

D. Lead styphnate

Answer: B

5. Wads and cushion wads are found in:

A. 7.62 mm cartridge

B. 0.303” cartridge

C. 12 bore cartridge

D. None of the above

Answer: C

6. Snap haunt is a

A. 12 bore gun

B. Flintlocks muzzle loader

C. Improvised gun

D. Carbine

Answer: B

7. Following column packing materials are available in HPLC:

A. Microporous

B. Pellicular

C. Bonded Phase

D. All of above

Answer: D

8. The number of land and grooves in 32 revolvers is

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

Answer: C

9. The number of LG pellets in 12 bore cartridge is

A. 1

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8

Answer: C

10. Teaching of Forensic Science for the first time in India was started in 1959 at the following place:

A. Delhi

B. Hyderabad

C. Patiala

D. Sagar

Answer: D

1. Age of blood stain can be determined by, except

A. Colour change


C. Globulin/Albumin ratio

D. Protein patterns

Answer: B

2. Structure of DNA, carrier of the genetic blueprint of all biological organisms has been reported by

A. Alec Jeffreys

B. Muller

C. Crick & Watson

D. E.M. Southern

Answer: C

3. By which method Nicotine is isolated from alkaline solution?

A. Dry ashing

B. Wet digestion

C. Distillation

D. Sublimation

Answer: C

4. Arrange in the ascending order of presence of Δ9THC in the following:

(i) Charas

(ii) Bhang

(iii) Ganja

(iv) Charas oil


A. (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)

B. (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)

C. (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)

D. (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)

Answer: B

5. Wet digestion method is used for the extraction of ________ poisons from viscera.

A. Alkaloids

B. Pesticides

C. Toxic heavy metals

D. Barbiturates

Answer: C

6. For preparing Heroin from morphine, which of the following is used as acetylating reagent?

A. Acetic anhydride

B. Sodium Hydroxide

C. Ammonium Hydroxide

D. Calcium Hydroxide

Answer: A

7. Ethanol is absorbed into blood from

A. Stomach and small intestine

B. Liver and large intestine

C. Kidney and liver

D. Stomach and large intestine

Answer: A

8. Which one of the following is not an insecticide of vegetable origin?

A. Nicotine

B. Pyrethrins

C. Rotenone

D. Chlorodane

Answer: D

9. The important characteristic of petrol includes

A. Anti-knock index

B. Density

C. Research octane number

D. All of the above

Answer: D

10. The essentials of a fingerprint with loop pattern are

A. A sufficient recurve, a delta and minimum one ridge count

B. A sufficient recurve, a core and a delta

C. A sufficient recurve, a core, a ridge count

D. A sufficient recurve, a core and a ridge count across a looping ridge

Answer: A

1. Chronograph is an instrument which measures the following in forensic ballistics:

A. Temperature inside the barrel of gun

B. Velocity of the projectile

C. Trajectory of the projectile

D. Angle of fire of a gun

Answer: B

2. Bullet that leaves a visible smoke mark on the flight is called

A. Fragile bullet

B. Jacketed bullet

C. Tracer bullet

D. Hollow point bullet

Answer: C

3. Fibers obtained from animals or plants may also be called as

A. Synthetic fiber

B. Natural fiber

C. Manmade fiber

D. Regenerated fiber

Answer: B

4. Following are the salivary glands found in humans:

A. Parotid gland

B. Sublingual gland

C. Submandibular glands

D. All of the above

Answer: D

5. In which weapon Iron pyrite was used as ignitor?

A. Percussion lock gun

B. Wheel lock gun

C. Flint lock gun

D. Match lock gun

Answer: B

6. To visualise the latent fingerprints, ninhydrin reacts with which of the following ?

A. Urea

B. Amino acids

C. Fatty acids

D. Sodium chloride

Answer: B

7. Cyanoacrylate method can be best used to visualise latent fingerprints on the following type of surfaces:

A. Non-porous

B. Porous surfaces

C. Semiporous

D. None of the above

Answer: A

8. To decipher indented writings, following instrument is used:

A. Videospectral comparator

B. Electrostatic Detection Apparatus

C. Universal Projectina

D. Comparison Microscope

Answer: B

9. Development of a classification system based on single fingerprints is credited to

A. Henry

B. Galton

C. Battley

D. Faulds

Answer: C

10. The book entitled “Classification and uses of fingerprints” is authored by

A. Francis Galton

B. Henry Faulds

C. E.R. Henry

D. Juan Vucetich

Answer: C

1. Apart from humans, P30 in seminal stain is found in

A. Cat

B. Fowl

C. Rat

D. Cow

Answer: A

2. The centre of ossification for the iliac crest appears by the age of

A. 12 years

B. 14 years

C. 16 years

D. 21 years

Answer: B

3. The following is most likely to develop individual characteristics when it is used a lot:

A. Typewriting

B. Ink jet printing

C. Dot matrix printing

D. Laser jet printing

Answer: A

4. Indented writing means:

A. Invisible writing

B. Coding

C. Marginal writing

D. Sub-surface impressions

Answer: D

5. Assertion A.: For comparison purpose of handwriting non-request standards are also desirable.

Reason (R): They are free of intentional disguise.


A. Both A. and (R) are true.

B. Both A. and (R) are false.

C. A. is true but, (R) is false.

D. A. is false but, (R) is true.

Answer: A

6. The following percentage of ridge matching is a positive proof of matching in striation tool marks examination:

A. 30%

B. 40%

C. 50%

D. 60% and above

Answer: D

7. As per “Rule of Nine”, the surface area of the body involved for the trunk is

A. 9%

B. 18%

C. 27%

D. 36%

Answer: D

8. Signatures on cheques, drivers license and other official documents are examples of:

A. Request writings

B. Non-request writings

C. Exhibits

D. All of above

Answer: B

9. Acroreaction test helps to identify a

A. Entry wound of filigree burn

B. Exit wound of filigree burn

C. Entry wound of joule burn

D. Exit wound of joule burn

Answer: C

10. Serum protein polymorphism are demonstrated by


B. Centrifugation


D. Electrophoresis

Answer: D

1. The fractures found on the edge of glass sheet are

A. Radial fracture

B. Concentric fracture

C. Rib marks

D. Hackle marks


A. A. and C. are correct.

B. B. and C. are correct.

C. C. and D. are correct.

D. B. and D. are correct.

Answer: C

2. 303 rifle cartridge is a

A. Pin fire cartridge

B. Rim fire cartridge

C. Centre fire cartridge

D. Blank cartridge

Answer: C

3. Trigger pull of double action revolver ranges as

A. 3 – 5 pounds

B. 5 – 7 pounds

C. 9 – 12 pounds

D. 16 – 20 pounds

Answer: D

4. The modified Griess Test is specific for determination of ________ in gunpowder residue.

A. Nitrate

B. Antimony

C. Barium

D. Nitrite

Answer: D

5. Match the following:

List – I List – II

a. Nux vomica i. Vitalis test

b. Opium ii. Gold chloride test

c. Datura iii. Mandelin’stest

d. Aconite iv. Marqui’s test


a b c d

A. iv i ii iii

B. ii iii iv i

C. i ii iii iv

D. iii iv i ii

Answer: D

6. Wet digestion method is used for extraction of following poison from viscera

A. Arsenic

B. Alkaloid

C. Pesticide

D. Ethanol

Answer: A

7. The following are the tests for analysis of morphine except

A. Marqui’s test

B. Vitalis test

C. Frohde’s test

D. Husemann’s test

Answer: B

8. The most suitable solvent system for chromatography of blood sample is

A. Chloroform: Ethanol (40: 60)

B. Methanol: Water (70: 30)

C. Methanol: Acetic acid: Water (90: 3: 7)

D. Ethanol: Acetic acid: Water (92: 1: 7)

Answer: C

9. The following poisons are extracted from alcoholic extract of Viscera:

A. Croton

B. Oxalate

C. Copper

D. Curare


A. A. and B. are true.

B. C. and B. are true.

C. B. and D. are true.

D. A. and D. are true.

Answer: D

10. ABO antigens are present over the surface of



C. Nucleus

D. Cytoplasm

Answer: B

1. Wads are found in the cartridge of the following firearms:

A. Rifles

B. Revolvers

C. Airgun

D. Shotgun

Answer: D

2. The drug metabolizes in the liver through oxidation, dealkylation and conjugation and the main form of conjugation is with

A. Glucoronic acid

B. Sulphuric acid

C. Glacial acetic acid

D. Hydrochloric acid

Answer: A

3. Vesication test is done to confirm the identification of following poison:

A. Markingnut (Semicarpus Anacardium)

B. Dhatura

C. Crotontiglium

D. Harshish

Answer: A

4. The magnified effects from the combination of drugs is called

A. Tolerance

B. Dependence

C. Synergism

D. Reverse tolerance

Answer: C

5. The average elimination or ‘burn-off’ rate of alcohol is approximately

A. 0.5% w/v per hr.

B. 0.15% w/v per hr.

C. 0.015% w/v per hr.

D. 0.05% w/v per hr.

Answer: B

6. Babinski toe sign occurs in which of these drugs?

A. Benzodiazepines

B. Methamphetamine

C. Chloral hydrate

D. Barbiturates

Answer: D

7. Which of the following teeth are superadded permanent teeth in jaw of an adult?

A. Incisors

B. Canines

C. Bicuspids

D. Molars

Answer: D

8. Ten fingerprints classification system is also known as

A. Fauld’s system

B. Bertillon’s system

C. Henry’s system

D. Galton’s system

Answer: C

9. Anti-H lectin, is prepared from

A. Dolichos biflorus seeds

B. Semecarpus anacardium seeds

C. Ulex europaeus seeds

D. Ricinus communis seeds

Answer: C

10. The person having ‘Bombay Blood Group’ has the following in his red blood cells:

A. ABH antigens

B. HLA antigens

C. mt DNA

D. Myoglobin

Answer: C

1. 4-R rule is connected with:

A. Arson

B. Glass fracture

C. Fiber

D. Soil

Answer: B

2. A crater – shaped hole in glass is _______ on the side where the projectile entered the glass:

A. Similar

B. Narrower

C. Wider

D. Irregular

Answer: B

3. The most suitable technique for liquid ink individualization is

A. Reflected light examination

B. T. L. C

C. Microscopic examination

D. Short wave ultra violet light

Answer: B

4. The following is considered as part of gait pattern:

A. Step length

B. Foot angle

C. Walking line

D. All of the above

Answer: D

5. Which of the following is the most frequent type of fingerprint pattern?

A. Arch

B. Loop

C. Whorl

D. Accidental

Answer: B

6. When two sets of writings / signatures are exactly superimposing upon each other, that means

A. one of the sets is result of disguise

B. one of the sets is result of simulated forgery

C. one of the sets is result of traced forgery

D. one of the sets is result of free hand forgery

Answer: C

7. Magnetic powders contain which of the following as one of the constituents?

A. Copper particles

B. Silver particles

C. Gold particles

D. Iron particles

Answer: D

8. Kromekote paper method is used in the following:

A. determining sequence of intersecting strokes

B. deciphering indented writings

C. deciphering invisible writings

D. deciphering erased writings

Answer: A

9. The study of fingerprints is also known as

A. Anthropometry

B. Dermatology

C. Dermatoglyphics

D. Ergonomics

Answer: C

10. Preliminary observations of the pooling of blood at the lowest part of the body caused by gravity is

A. Rigor mortis

B. Livor mortis

C. Algor mortis

D. All of the above

Answer: B

1. The following technique is used to identify the enzymes in blood samples:

A. Southern blotting

B. Electrophoresis


D. Northern blotting

Answer: B

2. Match the following:

List – I List – II

(I) Central pocket loop (1) Contains no delta

(II) Arches (2) Contains two loops opening on the same side

(III) Twinned loop (3) Contains one core and two delta

(IV) Lateral pocket loop (4) Contains two loops opening at opposite sides


(I) (II) (III) (IV)

A. 3 1 2 4

B. 2 3 1 4

C. 4 3 2 1

D. 3 1 4 2

Answer: B

3. Assertion A.: In disputed paternity and maternity cases, it is not possible to determine the blood group of the child.

Reason (R): The blood groups are not inherited as per Mendelian law of inheritance.


A. Both A. and (R) are correct.

B. A. is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

C. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

D. (R) is incorrect and A. is correct.

Answer: C

4. Application of ABO grouping in disputed paternity was first used by

A. Landsteiner

B. Hirschfeld

C. Bernstein

D. Ottenberg

Answer: D

5. Genes which exists as alternate expressions at a particular locus is known as

A. Loci

B. Antigen

C. Allele

D. Phenotype

Answer: C

6. Kozelaka and Hine method is used for the quantitative estimation of

A. Ethyl Alcohol

B. Opium

C. Cocaine

D. Cannabis

Answer: A

7. The following colour tests is applied for the detection of halogenated hydrocarbons?

A. Fujiwara Test

B. Koppanyi-Zwikker Test

C. Sodium nitroprusside

D. Cobalt thiocyanate

Answer: A

8. The following is a poisonous mushroom species:

A. Amanita phalloides

B. Morchella esculenta

C. Boletus edulis

D. Cantharellus cibarius

Answer: A

9. Scott’s test is applied for the detection of

A. Amphetamines

B. Barbiturates

C. Opiates

D. Cocaine

Answer: D

10. The active ingredients of cannabis are collectively known as

A. Cannabinoids

B. Annabinoids

C. Cannazoids

D. Cannatedois

Answer: A

1. For preparing Heroin which of the following is used as acetylating reagent?

A. Acetic anhydride

B. Sodium hydroxide

C. Ammonium hydroxide

D. None of the above

Answer: A

2. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is measured in

A. Weight/volume percent

B. Volume/volume percent

C. Weight/weight percent

D. None of above

Answer: A

3. The detection of colostrum is essential in the following situation:

A. Concealment of birth

B. Rape

C. Paternity dispute

D. Immigration

Answer: A

4. Match the following:

List – I List – II

A. P30 (i) Blood

B. Creatine (ii) Saliva

C. Ptyaline (iii) Urine

D. PGM (iv) Semen


A. B. C. D.

A. (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

B. (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)

C. (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

D. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Answer: C

5. The causes of death in drowning are, except

A. Gagging

B. Asphyxia

C. Ventricular fibriltation

D. Laryngeal spasm

Answer: A

6. Match the following:

List – I List – II

a. Kleptomania i. Irresistible desire to alcoholic drinks

b. Pyromania ii. Irresistible desire to mutilate animals

c. Dispomania iii. Irresistible desire to steal articles of little value

d. Mutilomania iv. Irresistible desire to set fire to things


a b c d

A. iii ii i iv

B. iii iv ii i

C. iii i iv ii

D. iii iv i ii

Answer: D

7. In simple microscope if focal length of lens is 1 cm, then magnification power lies at

A. 25 – 26

B. 30 – 35

C. 40 – 45

D. 50 – 55

Answer: A

8. Haase rule related to fetus is employed for the determination of

A. Weight of fetus

B. Age of fetus

C. Height of fetus

D. Sex of fetus

Answer: B

9. Sexual perversion includes following except

A. Sadism

B. Rape

C. Masochism

D. Felichism

Answer: B

10. Match the following:

List – I (Projection Blood stain patterns) List – II (Forms following patterns)

a. Cast off i. Arc

b. Drip ii. Stroke

c. Swipe iii. Linear

d. Arterial gushing iv. Satellite


a b c d

A. iii iv ii i

B. i iii ii iv

C. iv i ii iii

D. i iv ii iii

Answer: A

1. Grazing angle in case of oblique light examination of documents pertains to _______.

A. 10° – 15°

B. 20° – 25°

C. 25° – 30°

D. 30° – 35°

Answer: A

2. Indented writings on paper can be deciphered by ________.

A. Electrophoresis

B. Electrostatic Detection Apparatus

C. Electroplating

D. Electrolysis

Answer: B

3. The length is the greatest dimension in which of the following wounds?

A. Chop wound

B. Contusion

C. Incised wound

D. Stab wound

Answer: C

4. ACE-V in fingerprints terminology stands for _______.

A. Association, comparison, evaluation, verification

B. Analysis, comparison, expertise, verification

C. Analysis, correlation evaluation, verification

D. Analysis, comparison, evaluation, verification

Answer: D

5. Blobbing can be found in writings written with_______.

A. Fountain pen

B. Ball point pen

C. Sketch pen

D. Roller pen

Answer: B

6. Foot prints on wooden floor may be collected by

A. Electrostatic method

B. Plaster of paris

C. Sulphur

D. All of the above

Answer: A

7. The most suitable method for preservation of surface foot print is

A. Tracing

B. Wax cast

C. Plaster of paris cast

D. All of above

Answer: A

8. The refractive index of glass is determined by

A. Becke line method

B. Free floatation method

C. Pulfritchrefractometer

D. Density gradient tube method

Answer: A

9. Nigrosine Ink is obtained from

A. Plant

B. Coloured dyes

C. Carbon

D. Coal tar

Answer: D

10. Assertion A.: Organic contents of the soil help in ascertaining the source of the soil.

Reason (R): The organic components of soil from different sources are different in nature.


A. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

B. (R) is correct, but A. is incorrect.

C. Both A. and (R) are correct.

D. BothA. and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: C

1. The presence of BHC is established by separation of its constituents by


B. Northern blotting

C. Chromatography

D. Southern blotting

Answer: C

2. Ester test is done for the identification of which of the following poisons?

A. Dhatura

B. Opium

C. Calatropis

D. Abrus

Answer: C

3. All the ten fingers having loop pattern will have classification as _________.

A. 0/0

B. 1/1

C. 32/32

D. 64/64

Answer: B

4. _________ technique is used to decipher latent finger-prints on wet non-porous surfaces.

A. Small Particle Reagent (SPR)

B. Ninhydrin

C. Crystal violet

D. Amido Black

Answer: A

5. Which of the following are examples of diacritic marks in handwriting?

A. Dots of i and j

B. loops of g and j

C. Curves of i and j

D. Loops of p and y

Answer: A

6. Which of the following techniques is considered effective to develop latent fingerprints on non-porous surfaces?

A. Super glue

B. Ninhydrin

C. Diazafluorenone (DFO)

D. Crystal violet

Answer: A

7. In SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, the role of SDS is to

A. Bind proteins

B. Denature proteins

C. Identify proteins

D. Isolate proteins

Answer: B

8. Which microscope has found wide application for the examination of birefringent material present in soil?

A. Comparison microscope

B. Stereomicroscope

C. Fluorescent microscope

D. Polarising microscope

Answer: D

9. Rocket Immunoelectrophoresis is also known as

A. Immunodiffusion

B. Crossed-over electrophoresis

C. Laurell technique

D. Ring test

Answer: C

10. Which of the following officers cannot conduct enquiry into a dowry death?

A. District Magistrate

B. Sub Divisional Magistrate

C. Executive Magistrate

D. Deputy Superintendent of Police

Answer: D

1. Blue colour of PDS kerosene is due to the presence of which dye?

A. Phenyl azo-naphthol

B. Dialkyl amino anthraquinone

C. Anthraquinone

D. Anthracene

Answer: B

2. SEMTEX is a high explosive, which is a combination of the following:

A. Nitroglycerine and Ammonium Nitrate

B. RDX and TNT

C. Dynamite and ANFO


Answer: D

3. Berdon primer is a primer

A. within an anvil

B. without an anvil

C. in the form of pill

D. primer in the centre of the cartridge

Answer: B

4. The diameter of 8 bore shot gun is

A. 0.615″

B. 0.729″

C. 0.835″

D. 0.913″

Answer: C

5. The trigger pull of service rifle is

A. 6 – 7 lbs

B. 9 – 12 lbs

C. 12 – 15 lbs

D. 15 – 18 lbs

Answer: A

6. Ejector is not found in

A. 303 Rifle

B. Musket

C. Revolver

D. Automatic pistol


A. B. and D. are correct.

B. A. and C. are correct.

C. A. and B. are correct.

D. B. and C. are correct.

Answer: D

7. Ridge characteristics can be found in

A. Palm print

B. Foot print

C. Finger prints

D. All of the above

Answer: D

8. Arrange the following in ascending chronological order of their appearance:

(i) Manual type writer

(ii) Laser printer

(iii) Dot-matrix printer

(iv) Inkjet printer

Codes :

A. (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)

B. (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)

C. (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)

D. (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)

Answer: A

9. Match the following:

List – I List – II

a. Watermarks i. Ink examination

b. Poroscopy ii. Fingerprints

c. Thin Layer Chromatography iii. ESDA

d. Indented writing iv. Paper


a b c d

A. iv ii i iii

B. ii iv iii i

C. iv ii iii i

D. i iii ii iv

Answer: A

10. Match the following:

List – I List – II

a. Asphyxial death caused by suspension of
the body by a ligature encircling the neck i. Drowning

b. Asphyxial death caused by constriction of
the neck by a ligature without suspending the body ii. Smothering

c. Asphyxial death caused due to aspiration of
fluid into air-passage iii. Strangulation

d. Asphyxial death caused by closing the external
respiratory orifices iv. Hanging


a b c d

A. iv iii ii i

B. i iii ii iv

C. iv iii i ii

D. iv i ii iii

Answer: C

1. Different forms of the same gene or marker are called

A. Genetic linkage

B. Linkage equilibrium

C. Alleles

D. Locus

Answer: C

2. Visualization of Esterase-D can be done using which of the following reagents?

A. Glycine – sodium carbonate solution

B. Glucose-1-phosphate

C. 4-methyl umbelliferyl acetate

D. Reduced glutathione

Answer: C

3. Which locus is used for determining both male and female gender in DNA fingerprinting?

A. DYS 19

B. DYS 393

C. Amelogenin

D. Y-plex ladder

Answer: C

4. Vaginal secretions can be characterised on the basis of the following:

A. Glycogenated epithelial cells

B. Papillary cells

C. Squamous cells

D. Elongated cells

Answer: A

5. Presence of colostrum in milk is indicative of

A. Ovariantumours

B. False pregnancy

C. Recent delivery

D. Uterinetumour

Answer: C

6. Precipitin Test is performed to determine

A. Species of origin

B. Sex of origin

C. Age of origin

D. All of the above

Answer: A

7. The working of Polilight is based on ______.

A. Alternate light source

B. U.V. light source

C. I.R. radiation source

D. Near I.R. radiation source

Answer: A

8. Guided-hand writing is also known as ________.

A. Skilled handwriting

B. Assisted handwriting

C. Forged handwriting

D. Traced handwriting

Answer: B

9. Graphology can be defined as examination of handwriting for purpose of determining ________.

A. Sex of the writer

B. Stature of the writer

C. Age of the writer

D. Personality of the writer

Answer: D

10. Pica type of typewriter types _______.

A. 10 characters per inch

B. 12 characters per inch

C. 15 characters per inch

D. 9 characters per inch

Answer: A

1. The following form of paint sample is most suitable clue in forensic paint analysis:

A. Paint smear

B. Paint dust

C. Paint streak

D. Paint chip

Answer: D

2. Match the following:

List – I List – II

a. Vegetable fibre i. Asbestos

b. Animal fibre ii. Cotton

c. Mineral fibre iii. Acrylic

d. Synthetic fibre iv. Angora


a b c d

A. iv ii i iii

B. i iv iii ii

C. ii iv iii i

D. ii iv i iii

Answer: D

3. Linen fibre posseses

A. Medulla

B. Hollow tube in centre

C. Nodes

D. Twist

Answer: C

4. Gait pattern comprises

A. Step length

B. Foot angle

C. Footwear mark

D. Movement line

Answer: (Wrong question)

5. Drill marks are

A. Single action striation mark

B. Compression mark

C. Repeated action striation mark

D. Mixed marks

Answer: C

6. Sodium fluoride that is used as a preservative for blood samples inhibits the enzyme

A. Enolase

B. Esterase

C. Peptidase

D. Phosphokinase

Answer: A

7. The terminal velocity of falling 9 mm bullet is about

A. 168 ft/s

B. 282 ft/sec

C. 198 ft/sec

D. 219 ft/sec

Answer: D

8. What is the effect of cutting of barrel on dispersion of pellets on a target?

A. Decrease the dispersion of pellet

B. Increase the dispersion of pellet

C. No change in dispersion of pellet

D. The whole mass will make a single hole

Answer: B

9. In black powder Fg, FFg, FFFgnumber represents

A. Weight of powder grains

B. Volume of powder grains

C. Fineness of powder grains

D. Density of powder grains

Answer: C

10. The three genetic loci that control PGM polymorphism are locus 1 on chromosome 1, locus 2 on chromosome 4 and locus 3 is on which of these chromosomes?

A. 6

B. 8

C. 10

D. 14

Answer: A

1. ‘Off-its-feet’ is an individual characteristic found in ________

A. Type script typed with manual typewriters

B. Inkjet printer printout

C. Electronic typewriter

D. Laser printer

Answer: A

2. Measurement of stride is used in

A. Foot length

B. Shoe length

C. Gait pattern

D. Foot width

Answer: C

3. The following chemical is used for hardening of plaster of Paris cast of tyre mark?

A. Sodium sulphate

B. Sodium chloride

C. Sodium carbonate

D. Aluminium sulphate

Answer: C

4. The approximate age of iron gallotannate ink on document can be determined with the help of


B. Colorimetric analysis of ink

C. Chloride ion diffusion of ink

D. Change in preservative

Answer: C

5. The following material is most suitable for toolmark casting

A. Plasticine

B. Sulphur

C. Woods metal

D. Wax

Answer: C

6. The angle of tool application should be fixed for making standard marks in

A. Hammer

B. Screwdriver

C. Pliers

D. Firing pin

Answer: B

7. Besides silica, the main constituents of dolomite soil is

A. Aluminium oxide

B. Ferrous oxide

C. Calcium magnesium carbonate

D. Calcium sulphate

Answer: C

8. Friction tool marks are prepared by

A. Hammer

B. Drill

C. Saw

D. Firing pin


A. A. and B. are correct

B. B. and C. are correct

C. C. and D. are correct

D. A. and D. are correct

Answer: B

9. Assertion A.: A translucent design impressed into paper during manufacture is called as water mark.

Reason (R): They help in providing information about the origin of paper.


A. A. is correct but (R) is incorrect.

B. A. is incorrect but (R) is correct.

C. Both A. and (R) are correct.

D. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: C

10. Which of the following is not a psychiatric disorder?

A. Delusion

B. Dementia

C. Diplopia

D. Hallucination

Answer: C

1. The probable time of last fire from a firearm can be determined by

A. Dispersion of pellets

B. Fouling

C. Trajectory of projectile

D. Muzzle velocity of projectile

Answer: B

2. Assertion A.: In Absorption-Inhibition method, specificabsorption is allowed to proceed by placing antigenic material in contact with its homologous antibody.

Reason (R): This absorption renders the serum less potent, and the inhibition of its activity is measured.


A. A. is correct but (R) is incorrect.

B. A. is incorrect but (R) is correct.

C. Both A. and (R) are correct.

D. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: C

3. The major metabolite of benzodiazepines is

A. Benzoylecgonine

B. Oxymorphone

C. THC-acid

D. Desmethyldiazepam

Answer: D

4. Ninhydrine is used to

A. Develop latent finger prints

B. Identify barbiturates

C. Make gunpowder mixture

D. Identify the type of fibre

Answer: A

5. First Forensic Science University in India is opened at

A. Calcutta

B. Patiala

C. Sagar

D. Ahmedabad

Answer: D

6. The evidence of Expert in the Court of Law is recorded in the following order:

A. Examination in chief, Cross examination, Oath, Questions by Judges.

B. Oath, Examination chief, Cross examination, Questions by Judges

C. Questions by Judges, Oath, Cross examination, Examination in Chief

D. Oath, Questions by Judges, Examination in chief, Cross examination

Answer: B

7. In terms of maximum power, the Courts are in the following ascending order:

A. C.J.M., Sessions Court, High Court, Supreme Court

B. Sessions Court, C.J.M., High Court, Supreme Court

C. Sessions Court, High Court, C.J.M., Supreme Court

D. Sessions Court, High Court, Supreme Court, C.J.M.

Answer: A

8. Assertion A.: Polilight is used to detect latent fingerprints from the scene of crime.

Reason (R): Non-destructive methods should be used as a first step to detect latent fingerprints.


A. A. is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

B. Both A. and (R) are correct.

C. Both A. and (R) are incorrect.

D. (R) is correct, but A. is incorrect.

Answer: B

9. First Fingerprint Bureau was started at Kolkata in the year

A. 1897

B. 1902

C. 1905

D. 1913

Answer: A

10. Which of the following is a type of cuticular scale?

A. Imbricate

B. Flattened

C. Elongated

D. All of the above

Answer: D

1. Who is credited for his practical interest in fingerprints as a means of identifying workers to detect duplicate payment of wages?

A. E.R. Henry

B. William Herschel

C. Francis Galton

D. Henry Faulds

Answer: B

2. Foamy liver is seen in

A. Alcohol poisoning

B. Phosphorous poisoning

C. Drowning

D. Putrefaction

Answer: D

3. The time limit for exhumation in India is

A. 2 years

B. 5 years

C. 10 years

D. No time limit

Answer: D

4. The earliest putrefactive colour changes after death is noticed over

A. Cubital fossa

B. Left iliac fossa

C. Right iliac fossa

D. Popliteal fossa

Answer: C

5. Which of the following is a feature in antemortem hanging?

A. Fracture of hyoid bone

B. Ligature mark around neck

C. Protrusion of tongue

D. Salivary dribbling

Answer: D

6. Singeing of hair around a wound of entry is seen at which range?

A. Contact

B. Close range

C. Intermediate range

D. Long range

Answer: B

7. Match the various sections of Forensic Science Lab with the physical evidence they are examining:

A. Chemistry i. Ricochet bullet

B. Physics ii. Insecticides

C. Toxicology iii. Ink

D. Ballistics iv. Skid marks


A. B. C. D.

A. iii i ii iv

B. ii iv iii i

C. i iv ii iii

D. iii iv ii i

Answer: D

8. Flaying of the skin is associated with which of the following wounds?

A. Avulsed laceration

B. Grazed abrasion

C. Patterned laceration

D. Stretch laceration

Answer: A

9. The identification of shot gun is possible when the fired cartridge contains

A. A shots

B. B shots

C. Buck Shots

D. SSG shots

Answer: C

10. Which of the following sutures of the skull are the first to fuse?

A. Coronal

B. Lambdoid

C. Metopic

D. Sagittal

Answer: C

1. Which of the following method is recommended to develop latent fingerprints on human skin?

A. Ninhydrin Method

B. Amido Black Method

C. Silver-Iodine Plate Transfer Method

D. DFO Method

Answer: C

2. Handwriting with finger movements may be characterized by ______.

A. Restricted lateral freedom

B. Frequentpen lifts

C. Size of the writing

D. All of the above

Answer: D

3. The shape of sub pubic angle in a female is

A. L shaped

B. U shaped

C. V shaped

D. Round shape

Answer: B

4. Arrange the following weapons in the reverse chronological order of their development:

i. Match lock

ii. Wheel lock

iii. Percussion lock

iv. Flint lock


A. i iii iv ii

B. ii iii i iv

C. iii ii iv i

D. iv i ii iii

Answer: C

5. Ambidextrous writer is a writer who can write with equal ease and skill with _______.

A. right hand only

B. left hand only

C. Both the hands

D. Holding pen in mouth

Answer: C

6. Match the following:

List – I List – II

a. Single action striation mark i. Hammer

b. Punch mark ii. Pliers

c. Repeated action tool marks iii. Screw drive

d. Cutting mark of wire iv. Drill


a b c d

A. iii ii i iv

B. iii i iv ii

C. iv iii i ii

D. ii iv i iii

Answer: B

7. Stature of an individual is approximately _______ times of foot length of a person.

A. 6.5

B. 8.2

C. 7.5

D. 5.9

Answer: A

8. The part of a tyre that contacts the road surface and contains a design is called as

A. Tyre track

B. Tyretreads

C. Vehicle stance

D. Trailer

Answer: B

599. Which of the following surfaces can be treated particularly with Vacuum Metal Deposition (VMD) method for the development of latent fingerprints?

A. Paper and cardboard

B. Heavily contaminated surfaces

C. Polythene and Plastics

D. Leather like surfaces

Answer: C

600. The following are the features of a female pelvis except,

A. Wide greater sciatic notch

B. Prominent pre-auricular sulcus

C. Triangular obturator foramen

D. Triangular shaped pubic bone

Answer: D

601. Which of the following reagents is used to identify the vaginal secretion on the basis of detecting glycogenated epithelial cells?

A. Benzidene reagent

B. Periodic acid-schiff reagent

C. Nessler’s reagent

D. Iodoplatinate reagent

Answer: B

602. The presence of blood in the semen causing pink or reddish colour is known as

A. Azoospermia

B. Histospermia

C. Oligospermia

D. Hematospermia

Answer: D

603. Double helix structure of DNA was reported by

A. Watson and Crick

B. Saikai and Mullis

C. Oswald Avery

D. Alec Jeffreys

Answer: A

604. Individuals who produce A, B and H blood group specific substances in body fluids are called as

A. Secretors

B. Non-secretors

C. Lewis positive

D. Lewis negative

Answer: A

605. In STR loci, the tandem repeat unit consists of

A. 2-7 bp

B. 242 bp

C. 1100 bp

D. 35 bp

Answer: A

606. The major advantage of the SEM includes the following except

A. Its great depth of field

B. Its high resolution

C. Its high magnification

D. Its ability to polarize light

Answer: A

607. Microscopic air packets or vacuoles within the cortex of hair is called as

A. Ovoid bodies

B. Protein fibrils

C. Cortical fussi

D. Vacuum pockets

Answer: C

608. Creatinine in urine reacts with picric acid to form

A. Di-sodium picrate

B. Ammonium picrate

C. Albumin picrate

D. Creatinine picrate

Answer: D

609. Graying hair is as a result of loss of

A. tyrosinase activity

B. Proteinase activity

C. Pectinase activity

D. glucomylase activity

Answer: A

610. Type lines can be defined as the two innermost ridges which start parallel, diverge and surround or tend to surround ______.

A. Pattern area

B. Inner terminus

C. Outer terminus

D. Core

Answer: A

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