300+ TOP Fundamentals of Robotics MCQs and Answers

Fundamentals of Robotics Multiple Choice Questions

1. Robot is derived from Czech word

a. Rabota

b. Robota

c. Rebota

d. Ribota

2. A Robot is a

a. Programmable

b. Multi functional manipulator

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

3. The main objective(s) of Industrial robot is to

a. To minimise the labour requirement

b. To increase productivity

c. To enhance the life of production machines

d. All of the above

4. The following is true for a Robot and NC Machine

a. Similar power drive technology is used in both

b. Different feedback systems are used in both

c. Programming is same for both

d. All of the above

5. Match the following

Robot part                                                        Function

a. Manipulator arm               1. For holding a piece or tool
b. Controllers                         2. Move the manipulator arm and end effector
c. Drives                                   3. Number of degrees of freedom of movement
d. Gripper                               4. Delivers commands to the actuators

a. a. 1, b. 4, c. 2, d. 3

b. a. 3, b. 4, c. 2, d. 1

c. a. 3, b. 2, c. 4, d. 1

d. a. 4, b. 3, c. 2, d. 1

6. Drives are also known as

a. Actuators

b. Controller

c. Sensors

d. Manipulator

7. Clockwise of Anti clockwise rotation about the vertical axis to the perpendicular arm is provided through

a. Shoulder swivel

b. Elbow extension

c. Arm sweep

d. Wrist bend

8. Radial movement (in & out) to the manipulator arm is provided by

a. Elbow extension

b. Wrist bend

c. Wrist swivel

d. Wrist yaw

9. Industrial Robots are generally designed to carry which of the following coordinate system(s).

a. Cartesian coordinate systems

b. Polar coordinate systems

c. Cylindrical coordinate system

d. All of the above

10. The Robot designed with Cartesian coordinate systems has

a. Three linear movements

b. Three rotational movements

c. Two linear and one rotational movement

d. Two rotational and one linear movement

11. The Robot designed with Polar coordinate systems has

a. Three linear movements

b. Three rotational movements

c. Two linear and one rotational movement

d. Two rotational and one linear movement

12. The Robot designed with cylindrical coordinate systems has

a. Three linear movements

b. Three rotational movements

c. Two linear and one rotational movement

d. Two rotational and one linear movement

13. Which of the following work is done by General purpose robot?

a. Part picking

b. Welding

c. Spray painting

d. All of the above

14. The following drive is used for lighter class of Robot.

a. Pneumatic drive

b. Hydraulic drive

c. Electric drive

d. All of the above

15. Internal state sensors are used for measuring __________ of the end effector.

a. Position

b. Position & Velocity

c. Velocity & Acceleration

d. Position, Velocity & Acceleration

16. Which of the following sensors determines the relationship of the robot and its environment and the objects handled by it

a. Internal State sensors

b. External State sensors

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

17. Which of the following is not a programming language for computer controlled robot?

a. AMU

b. VAL



18. In which of the following operations Continuous Path System is used

a. Pick and Place

b. Loading and Unloading

c. Continuous welding

d. All of the above

19. Which of the following branch process with sensory feedback in robotics?

a. Computer Engineering
b. Mechanical Engineering
c. Electrical Engineering
d. Electronics Engineering

20. What is EKF

a. Existance Kalman filter
b. Extended Klaman Filter
c. Each Kalman filter
d. Evalution Kalman Filter

21. Weighted voting of correction vectors is a technique of

a. Recursive filtering
b. Filtering
c. Landmark
d. Pose estimation

22. Which of the following sensor work based on radio detection and ranging?

a. Sonar
b. Radar
c. Intertial
d. Biosensor

23. What is the name of algorithm in which a loop that continually moves in the direction of increasing value – that is uphill

a. Up-Hill Search
b. Hill-Climbing
c. Hill algorithm
d. Platue climbing valley

24. Which of the following is the component of machine that is responsible for controlling a mechanism system?

a. Sensor
b. Middleware
c. Actuator
d. Transducer

25. A computer software that provide the services to software applications beyond those available from the operating system is called

a. Sensor
b. Middleware
c. Actuator
d. Transducer

26. What is reckoning

a. Evaluating existing location
b. Evaluating Previous location
c. Information acquired
d. Finding the location

27. The original LISP machines produced by both LMI and Symbolics were based on research performed at

a. CMU
b. MIT
c. Stanford University

28. What are the main cons of hill-climbing search?

a. Terminates at local optimum & Does not find optimum solution
b. Terminates at global optimum & Does not find optimum solution
c. Does not find optimum solution & Fail to find a solution
d. Fail to find a solution

29. The Signals which represent 2D & 3D odjects gathered from sensor data are referred as

a. Relational maps
b. Sensorial maps
c. Perceptul maps
d. Geomatric Maps

30. Convergense of the estimates is a technique of

a. Recursive filtering
b. Filtering
c. Landmark
d. Pose estimation

31. Which of the following sensor is not used to measure the distance?

a. Radar
b. Sonar
c. Laser Rangefinder
d. Intertial Sensor

32. Triagulation is a technique associate with

a. Pose
b. Landmarks classes
c. Robot
d. Odometry

33. Sensor based servoing associate with

a. Robot pose
b. Robot action
c. Robot position
d. Robat path

34. Why do the robot need sensor?

a. To collect information from environment
b. To map environment atribute to a quantitative measurement
c. only option 1 is true
d. Both option 1 and 2 are true

35. The device that is used to convert energy from one form to another is called

a. Emiter
b. Transducer
c. Transmitter
d. Receiver

36. Which is mode of mining

a. Close pit mining
b. Mining
c. Pit Mining
d. Underground Mining

37. Which is fundamental approache of mapping

a. Mapping without localization
b. Sensorial maps
c. Perceptul maps
d. Geomatric Maps

38. Which localization does not require any previous informatiom

a. Absolute
b. Local
c. Global
d. Passive

39. Whai is necessity for a lot of sensible mobile robotics funaction

a. Map discovery
b. Geomatric Maps
c. Perceptul maps
d. Sensorial maps

40. If something is open or closed in the system then it is informed by followoing sensor

a. Contact Sensor
b. Inertial Sensor
c. Sonar Sensor
d. Biosensor

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