300+ TOP General Mental Ability MCQs and Answers

General Mental Ability Multiple Choice Questions

1. There are 20 girls and 30 boys in a class, and their respective average marks are found to be 55 and 58. The average marks of the entire class are

a. 56.5

b. 56.6

c. 56.7

d. 56.8

2. Consider an industry with the following features:

Budgeted monthly fixed cost = Rs. 2,20,000, Normal monthly output = Rs. 12,000 per standard labour hour, Standard variable overhead rate = Rs. 25 per labour hour

What would be the total factory overhead rate?

a. Rs. 40.33 per labour hour

b. Rs. 41.67 per labour hour

c. Rs. 42.67 per labour hour

d. Rs. 43.33 per labour hour

3. Acid rain is due to

a. Sulphur dioxide pollution

b. Carbon monoxide pollution

c. Pesticide pollution

d. Dust particles in the atmosphere

4. DNA fingerprinting is a technique used for the detention of

a. Alzheimer’s disease

b. Disputed parentage


d. Yellow fever

5. There are four identically sized and shaped balls in a box, with only its top open. Each ball is of a different colour, these being: Green, Red, White and Blue, only one ball of each colour. Without looking into the box, one ball is randomly picked out and its colour is noted; then it is returned to the box. What are the chances that, in two successive draws, one may get the white ball and the red ball – in whichever order?

a. 1/16

b. 1/8

c. 1/4

d. 1/2

6. SPAM in a system (e. mail) is

a. A message distributed indiscriminately

b. A search engine

c. An activity of the user

d. A command initiated by the sender

7. A cylindrical closed tank contains 36π cubic metres of water, and is filled to half of its capacity. When the cylindrical tank is placed upright on its circular base on level ground, the height of the water in the tank is 4 metres But when this tank is placed on its side on level ground, what will be the height of the surface of the water above the ground?

a. 9 metres

b. 6 metres

c. 3 metres

d. 1 metre

8. Data regarding inventory of a particular item of usage in the production activities of an organization are: the quantity in stock is 1500 units and the value of this stock is Rs. 1,27,500 (Average unite cost = Rs 85) during the ensuing year X, an additional 300 units are purchased at a unit cost of Rs. 95. Consumption in production processes during the year X has been 600 units. Working by the first. in. first. out basis, the value of the residual inventory of the item at the end of the year X will be

a. Rs. 1,00,000

b. Rs. 1,02,500

c. Rs. 1,05,000

d. Rs. 1,07,500

9. In a race, the first four winners are to be awarded points. Each winner’s points must be 5 more then that of the next position winner. Total sum of the points to be awarded is 50. What will be the points for the third position winner?

a. 30

b. 20

c. 10

d. 5

10. In raising an object to a given height by means of an inclined plane, as compared with raising the object vertically, there is a reduction in

a. Force to be applied

b. Work required

c. Distance moved

d. Friction force

11. The devices that work with computer systems as soon as they are connected are described as

a. Hot swapping

b. Bay Swap

c. Plug. N. Play

d. USB Swapping

12. Which one of the following software applications would be the most appropriate for performing numerical and statistical calculations?

a. Database

b. Spreadsheet

c. Graphics package

d. Document processor

13. A branch of scholarship that flourished in Europe, particularly from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries, and was devoted to the appreciation, chronicling and classification of historic and non. organic relics, monuments and old text refers to

a. Archaeology

b. History

c. Architecture

d. Antiquarianism

14. LAN, WAN and MAN are computer networks covering different areas. Their first alphabets L, W and M respectively stand for

a. Local, World and Middle

b. Long, Wireless and Metropolitan

c. Local, Wide and Metropolitan

d. Least, Wireless and Maximum

15. A rectangular garden is to be twice as long as its width. If 360 m of fencing including gates will totally enclose this garden, what is the length of the garden?

a. 120 m

b. 130 m

c. 140 m

d. 150 m

16. The ‘Cloud computing’ technology refers to

a. A set of algorithms that solves problems using fuzzy logic

b. Many computers that are interconnected through wireless networks and satellites

c. A distributed computer architecture that provides software, infrastructure and platforms just as required by applications/users

d. A futuristic technology that will use clouds to perform computing

17. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) used in the CERN project is a particle accelerator located on the border between

a. Spain and France

b. France and Germany

c. Spain and Switzerland

d. France and Switzerland

18. A collection of programs that controls how the computer system runs and processes information is called

a. Compiler

b. Operating System

c. Linker

d. Assembler

19. SMPS is the acronym for

a. Store Mode Power Supply

b. Single Mode Power Supply

c. Switch Mode Power Supply

d. Start Mode Power Supply

20. USB is the acronym for

a. Uniform Service Broadcasting

b. Unique Solution Bus

c. Universal Serial Bus

d. Universal Service Broadcasting

21. In a chess tournament, each of the six players will play with every other player exactly once. What is the number of matches that will be played during the tournament?

a. 10

b. 15

c. 20

d. 25

22. A man buys apples at a certain price per dozen and sells them at 8 times that price per hundred. What percentage does he gain or lose?

a. 4% profit

b. 6% profit

c. 4% loss

d. 6% loss

23. For which time intervals, is the percentage rise of population the same for the following data?

Period Population
1970 40,000
1980 50,000
1990 60,000
2000 72,000
2010 80,000
a. 1970 – 80 and 1980 – 90

b. 1980 – 90 and 1990 – 2000

c. 2000 – 2010 and 1990 – 2000

d. 1980 – 90 and 2000 – 2010

24. If the difference of two numbers is greater that the sum of the numbers, then

a. Both the numbers are negative

b. Exactly one of the numbers is negative

c. At least one of the numbers is negative

d. None of the above

25. A palindrome is a number which reads the same from left as well as from right, for example, 23732. What is the number of palindromes between 10 and 1010?

a. 101

b. 100

c. 99

d. 90

26. In writing all the integers from 1 to 300, how many times is the digit 1 used?

a. 160

b. 140

c. 120

d. 110

27. Consider the sequential integers 27 to 93, both included in the sequence. The arithmetic average of these numbers will be

a. 61.5

b. 61

c. 60.5

d. 60

28. The term ‘Carbon footprint’ means

a. A region which is rich in coal mines

b. The amount of reduction in the emission of CO2 by a country

c. The use of Carbon in manufacturing industries

d. The amount of greenhouse gases produced by our day. to. day activities

29. What is Apartheid?

a. An international organization of peace

b. A medical term

c. A trader charter

d. A policy of racial segregation

30. In a medium size township, the trend of annual immigration is an addition of 20% of the population as it was at the beginning; also 15% of the population as it was at the beginning is estimated to relocate elsewhere every year. If the current population is 80,000, what is the likely population three years hence?

a. 90,000

b. 91,200

c. 92,000

d. 92,610

31. There are two circles of radii r1 and r2 (r1 < r2). The area of the bigger circle is 693/2 cm2. The difference of their circumferences is 22 cm. What is the sum of the diameters of the two circles?

a. 17.5 cm

b. 22 cm

c. 28.5 cm

d. 35 cm

32. Walking at 3/4th of his usual speed, a man reaches his office 20 minutes late. What is the time taken by him to reach the office at his usual speed?

a. 80 minutes

b. 70 minutes

c. 60 minutes

d. 50 minutes

33. A and B run a 1 km race. A gives B a start of 50 m and still beats him by 15 seconds. If A runs at 8 km/h, what is the speed of B?

a. 4.4 km/h

b. 5.4 km/h

c. 6.4 km/h

d. 7.4 km/h

34. In an office, 40% of the employees are men and the rest women. Half of the employees are tall and half short. If 10% of the employees are men and short, and 40 employees are women and tall, the number of tall men employees is

a. 60

b. 50

c. 40

d. 30

35. Which of the following is not an absolute measure of dispersion?

a. Range

b. Mean deviation

c. Quartile Deviation

d. Coefficient of Variation

36. A provisions shop. owner is found to mix 25 kg of rice worth Rs. 32/kg and 20 kg of rice worth Rs. 35/kg and the mixed rice is sold at 15% profit. What is the selling price of the mixed rice?

a. Rs. 35.40/kg

b. Rs. 38.33/kg

c. Rs. 36.50/kg

d. Rs. 37.42/kg

37. The original lay of a rectangular plot ABCD on open ground is 80 m long along AB, and 60 m wide along BC. Concreted pathways are intended to be laid on the inside of the plot all around the sides. The pathways along BC and DA are each 4 m wide. The pathways along AB and DC will mutually be of equal widths such that the un. concreted internal plot will measure three. fourth of the original area of the plot ABCD. What will be the width of each of these pathways along AB and DC?

a. 3 m

b. 4 m

c. 5 m

d. 6 m

38. At a dinner party, every two guests used a bowl of rice between them, every three guests used a bowl of dal among them and every four guests used a bowl of curd among them. There are altogether 65 bowls. What is the number of guests present at the party?

a. 90

b. 80

c. 70

d. 60

39. If 5 men and 9 women can finish a piece of work in 19 days, 3 men and 6 women will do the same work in

a. 12 days

b. 13 days

c. 14 days

d. 15 days

40. If the radius of a circle is reduced by 50%, its area will be reduced by

a. 30%

b. 50%

c. 60%

d. 75%

41. In an examination paper where maximum marks are 500, A got 10% marks less than B, B got 25% marks more than C, and C got 20% marks less than D. If A got 360 marks, what marks did D get?

a. 65%

b. 70%

c. 75%

d. 80%

42. The term ‘Dear Money’ refers to

a. Low rate of interest on housing loans

b. Value of money at the recession stage

c. High rate of interest

d. Savings gained due to decrease in rate of interest on housing loan

43. In the study of pollution, SPM refers to

a. Sulphur Phosphorous Matter

b. Sulphur Particulate Matter

c. Solid Particulate Matter

d. Suspended Particulate

44. Plagiarism means

a. There was an epidemic of plague in the area

b. It is a sort of political philosophy

c. It indicates a happy community spirit like in Playing Holi

d. It is presenting the work of someone else as one’s own

45. What is a Ballad?

a. A novel

b. A historical narration

c. A popular story or folktale in verse

d. Musical comedy

46. What is the meaning of the expression: ‘Blue blood’?

a. Polluted industrial waste water

b. Sap of teak wood

c. An aristocrat

d. A costly object

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