300+ TOP General Studies MCQs and Answers Online Quiz

General Studies Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which is the headquarters of the registered voluntary association “Transparency International”?

(a). Helsinki, Finland

(b). Geneva, Switzerland

(c). Berlin, Germany

(d). Paris, France

2. The Secretary General of the United Nations Organization is appointed by the

(a). General Assembly

(b). Security Council

(c). Trusteeship Council

(d). World Bank

3. The International criminal court lacks jurisdiction over which countries?

(a). France, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan

(b). UK, France, China, Pakistan

(c). USA, UK, Russia, France

(d). USA, Russia, China, Israel

4. Seasonal variation in the weather condition of the Earth is the effect of _____ of the Earth?

(a). Diastrophism

(b). Erosion

(c). Revolution

(d). Rotation

5. Which of the following planets of the Solar system experience Sunrise on the West?

(a). Jupiter

(b). Venus

(c). Mercury

(d). Mars

6. The difference between a Nuclear reactor and an atomic bomb is that _______.

(a). No chain reaction takes place in atomic bomb while it takes place in nuclear reactor

(b). The chain reaction in Nuclear reactor is not controlled

(c). The chain reaction in Nuclear reactor is controlled

(d). No chain reaction takes place in Nuclear reactor while in the atomic bomb there is a chain reaction

7. Which of the following is used for indigestion?

(a). Backing Soda

(b). Milk of Magnesia

(c). Quick lime (calcium oxide)

(d). All of the above

8. Drilling small sized holes which go deep down into the Earth’s surface for injecting water, sand and chemicals in order to obtain shale gas and oil reserves is known as _______.

(a). Fracking

(b). Chroning

(c). Dreecking

(d). Pulverising

9. In super conductivity, the conductivity of a material becomes_______

(a). Infinite

(b). Finite

(c). Zero

(d). None of the above

10. The pitch of the voice of women is in general _______.

(a). The same as that of men

(b). Much lower than that of men

(c). Higher than that of men

(d). Marginally lower than that of men

11. Diffusion of light in the atmosphere takes place due to _______.

(a). Water vapours

(b). Helium

(c). Dust particles

(d). Carbon Dioxide

12. Some heat is received by atmosphere even after sunset from ___

(a). Albedo effect

(b). Latent heat

(c). Invisible solar radiation

(d). Terrestrial radiation

13. Permanent hardness of water is due to the presence of _______.

(a). Bicarbonates of magnesium and calcium

(b). Carbonates of sodium and magnesium

(c). Sulphates of magnesium and calcium

(d). Sulphates of sodium and potassium

14. Which one of the following planets doesn’t go around Sun from west to east?

(a). Venus

(b). Jupiter

(c). Mars

(d). Mercury

15. Following Planet(s) has (have) no natural satellite.

(a). Mercury

(b). Venus

(c). Both (a). and (B)

(d). Saturn

16. Which of the following continents is known as a hollow continent because its population is very low in the central areas and concentrated around its margins?

(a). Europe

(b). South America

(c). Australia

(d). Africa

17. Murray. Darling system, one amongst the greatest rivers in the world, is in which country?

(a). Germany

(b). Australia

(c). Russia

(d). Canada

18. Polar Stratospheric Clouds are associated with which of the following?

(a). Artificial Rain

(b). Acid Rain

(c). Greenhouse effect

(d). Ozone layer depletion

19. Which of the following types of Laser is used in Laser Printer?

(a). Gas Laser

(b). Dye Laser

(c). Excimer Laser

(d). Semiconductor Laser

20. Ozone layer prevents entry of which of the following rays in the atmosphere?

(a). UV. A only

(b). UV. B only

(c). UV. C only

(d). Both UV. B and UV. C

21. As we go from the equator to the poles, the value of g :

(a). remains the same

(b). increases

(c). decreases

(d). none of these

22. Structural reforms in India do not include one of the following :

(a). reduction of interest rates

(b). land reforms

(c). tax reforms

(d). delicensing

Option – (c).
23. The maximum displacement of the particle in a mechanical wave motion is known as

(a). frequency

(b). amplitude

(c). phase

(d). vibration

24. Ca 2+ is isoelectronic with

(a). Mg 2-

(b). Kr

(c). Ar

(d). Na+

25. The natural gaps across the mountains which provide routes are called ?

(a). Peaks

(b). Dunes

(c). Passes

(d). Plateaus

26. Which among the following are the Southernmost Hills?

(a). Cardamom Hills

(b). Nallamalai Hills

(c). Javadi Hills

(d). Nilgiri Hills

27. Nymph is the name of young one of

(a). beetle

(b). housefly

(c). cockroach

(d). butterfly

28. Who founded the Bethune College in Calcutta ?

(a). Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

(b). Raja Ram Mohan Roy

(c). Rabindranath Tagore

(d). Surendranath Banerjee

29. Upper Bari Doab canal was constructed in the year—

(a). 1820

(b). 1859

(c). 1860

(d). 1890

30. The fertile land between two rivers is called:

(a). Water divide

(b). Doab

(c). Terai

(d). Watershed

31. Which one of the following African countries in not land-located?

(a). Benin

(b). Chad

(c). Lesotho

(d). Mali

32. What growth rate of Indian Economy has been projected by IMF for 2011-12?

(a). 9.3%

(b). 9%

(c). 8.2%

(d). 8.5%

33. The written who refused the Nobel Prize for literature was:

(a). Winston Churchill

(b). Prem Chand

(c). Jean Paul Sartre

(d). Boris Paternak

34. Which of the following rivers flows in Gemany?

(a). Seine

(b). Danube

(c). Thames

(d). Volga

35. The Indian Rice Research Institute is located at:

(a). Kolkata

(b). Cuttack

(c). Bardhman

(d). Tamil Nadu

36. A serious effort to tackle the problem of poverty began with

(a). Third Plan

(b). Fifth Plan

(c). Fourth Plan

(d). Seventh Plan

37. Which country first sent a successful moon mission?

(a). USA

(b). China

(c). France

(d). USSR

38. Who has been named recently as the world’s best paid author?

(a). Jeffery Archer

(b). J.K Rouling

(c). Salman Rushdie

(d). Paula Coclho

39. Red list of threatened species is released by

(a). WWF

(b). IUCN

(c). CITES


40. Kanchenjunga is situated in ;

(a). Himachal Pradesh

(b). west Bengal

(c). Nepal

(d). Sikkim

41. In which year the Population growth rate was negative?

(a). 1920

(b). 1921

(c). 1924

(d). 1925

42. A person with stones in the kidney is advised to avoied?

(a). Vinegar

(b). lemon

(c). Lentils

(d). Tomato

43. The principal organ concerned in the loss of heat from the body is:

(a). Skin

(b). Heat

(c). Liver

(d). Lungs

44. The important product of Alice Springs is

(a). Bauxite

(b). Coal

(c). Gold

(d). Oil

45. Which sound of the following frequencies we cannot hear ?

(a). 15,000 Hz

(b). 1,20,000 Hz

(c). 1000 Hz

(d). 100 Hz

46. The non-permanent members of the Security Council are elected for

(a). One year

(b). Two year

(c). Three year

(d). Four year

47. 1024 bytes equal

(a). 1 TB

(b). 1 GB

(c). 1 MB

(d). 1 KB

48. Which among the following is poorest source of Fat ?

(a). Fish

(b). Curd

(c). Egg

(d). Milk

49. In fireworks, the green flame is produced because of

(a). sodium

(b). mercury

(c). barium

(d). potassium

50. The crop which was not known to Vedic people is:

(a). Barley

(b). Wheat

(c). Tobacco

(d). Rice

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