[Geography Notes] on Rock Crystal Pdf for Exam

The Earth’s crust consists of eight major elements, oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. These are actually the components that make up most of the minerals. Around 90% of the Earth’s crust was composed of over 1,000 silicate minerals. The most prevalent silicate minerals in the earth’s crust are quartz. Rock Crystals weighing many tons have been found in many places. Rock Crystal is used for costume jewellery and delicate bowls and to imitate diamonds.


A crystal, also known as a crystalline solid, is a solid material whose components (atoms, molecules, or ions) are arranged in a closely ordered microscopic arrangement to form a crystal lattice. Crystals are a kind of solid material in which the molecules are arranged in a regular pattern. This pattern allows the substance to take on a variety of different forms. Rock crystal bonds earth and water radiation into positive energy. It cleanses the mind and soul. It also helps to dissolve energy blockages. Anyone wearing rock crystal is helped to make just, clear decisions.


Quartz is a crystalline mineral made up of silicon and oxygen atoms that is rigid and brittle. It is composed of silicon dioxide, is a chemical compound made up of one part silicon and two parts oxygen, each oxygen atom is exchanged by two tetrahedra, giving SiO2 as the overall chemical formula. 

Formation of Crystals

The formation of crystals is known as crystallization. Crystals are formed as liquids cool and begin to harden in nature. When they try to become solid, certain molecules in the liquid congregate. This is done in a consistent and repeating sequence, resulting in the formation of crystals. As molten lava, also known as magma, cools underneath the Earth’s crust, the minerals contained within it tend to crystallize.  

Rock Crystal Quartz

Rock crystals belong to the quartz family. It is a transparent colourless variety of quartz. Rock crystal quartz forms due to the condensation of magma or lava beneath the earth’s surface, through the process of crystallization. They are used as a part to make glass and optical instruments. Quartz was used in painting and sculpture in ancient history. Quartz is mostly used in electronic applications such as mobile and navigation devices as it has electrical features and heat resistance capacity. Egyptians used quartz sand crystals to produce glass. Old artists regarded glass as a precious material, as it was rare and hard to construct.

It’s also known as the mountain crystal or Alaska gem.

Rock Crystal Stone

The quartz family includes rock crystal stone. It is colourless quartz made mostly of silicon dioxide. It is available in different forms such as colourless crystals, colourful crystals, smoky crystals, as well as microscopic and transparent forms. It combines the functions of a receiver, transmitter, and amplifier. The energy within oneself is amplified, transformed, stored, and transmitted by the rock crystal block. The rock crystal stone is ideal for clairvoyance and creativity. It also helps you to easily achieve high levels of meditation. Rock crystal can assist with energy blockages by stabilizing and harmonizing the etheric body as well as the body’s vibration rate. This stone can be used for any mineral, no matter what colour or properties they have. It amplifies its forces and energies by using its light and purity. It follows the aura and purifies it.

Different Types of Quartz Rocks

After feldspar, quartz is the second most common mineral in the Earth’s crust. About all acid igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks contain it. Quartz comes in a variety of colours and shapes, some of which are semi-precious gemstones. Quartz has been the most widely used mineral in the creation of jewellery and hardstone carvings since antiquity, especially in Europe and the Middle East. Some of the varieties are mentioned below:

  1. Onyx Agate 

This type of quartz has straight bands, parallel and these are consistent in size.

  1. Agate 

Semi-translucent to translucent multi-coloured banded chalcedony. While agates can be found in a variety of rocks, they are most commonly associated with volcanic rocks.

  1. Jasper 

It is a character in the film Jasper Cryptocrystalline quartz that is opaque and usually red to brown in colour. Iron (III) inclusions are responsible for the famous red colour. 

  1. Aventurine

It is a type of mineral that is found in the sea. Translucent chalcedony with minimal shimmering inclusions (usually mica). Green aventurine is the most common colour, but it may also be orange, brown, yellow, blue, or grey. 


Quartz has been used throughout history in art and sculpture. It has its own history and discovery. Varieties of crystals are mentioned above with their composition. 

[Geography Notes] on Secondary Succession Pdf for Exam

Succession can be defined as the change in composition, structure, or architecture of species and vegetation with respect to time. It can take place in all sorts of vegetation and converts one type of vegetation to another. It has subparts called primary and secondary succession. It is an important part of the biological changes happening day by day.

Examples of Succession

  • After ploughing a dirty field, someone left it in the summertime. During the summer season, weeds and wild bushes start growing on that field. After the growth of small weeds and grass, some shrubs start growing as well and take root in the land. After a few years, that area or the particular land becomes densely vegetated with trees growing on it.

  • Along the coast, a sand beach has small plants that spread their roots in the land. This makes the plants grow faster by providing them with nutrition. On the other hand, it also promotes soil fertility and leads to the growth of shrubs in that area. After a few years, this coast converts to a forest (because the trees take root in land with time).

Primary and Secondary Succession

Primary succession is the succession that can be defined as the process of growth of the community in the area that was previously inhabited, barren, unoccupied and there was no initial vegetation found. On other hand, secondary succession is the succession that can be defined as the growth of the community in such areas that were previously occupied, inhabited, and that have primary vegetation but got disturbed or impaired due to some external or internal factors. 

The example of primary sessions is the newly formed bare rocks, desert areas, and sand dunes, etc. whereas an example of secondary succession is the area covered under deforestation or affected by natural calamities such as floods, and earthquakes.

What is Secondary Succession?

Secondary succession is an ecological succession that comes about after the initial succession has been disrupted and some plants and animals still exist. The secondary succession is usually faster than the primary succession for the following reasons.

  • The soil is already present.

  • Seeds, roots, and underground vegetative organs may still exist in the soil.

Secondary Succession Examples

Some examples of secondary succession slides:

Secondary Ecological Succession

The secondary session is one of the two types of ecological succession. In contrast to the primary succession, secondary succession definition states that it is the process started by an event (forest fire, harvesting, hurricane, etc) that minimizes an already settled ecosystem (i.e wheat field or a forest) to a smaller population of species, and as such secondary session occurs on already existing soil whereas primary succession occurs on a place lacking soil. The factors that occur in secondary succession are tropical interaction, initial composition, and competition colonization trade-offs. The factors that prevent an increase in an abundance of species during succession may be identified mainly by microclimate, seed production and dispersal, bulk density, ph, soil textures (sand and clay, etc.) 

Secondary Succession Stages

Following are the steps of secondary succession stages:

  • An area of growth.

  • A disturbance such as fire begins. 

  • The fire destroyed the vegetation.

  • The fire leaves behind empty but does not destroy the soil.

  • Grasses and other herbaceous plants grow back first.

  • Small bushes and trees started to colonize the public area.

  • Fastest growing evergreen tree and bamboo tree develops completely, while shade-tolerant trees develop in the understory.

  • The shorter-lived and shade-intolerant evergreen tree dies as the large deciduous trees overtop them. This ecosystem is not back to the stage where it started. 

Secondary Succession Pioneer Species

Secondary succession occurs in formerly inhabited areas that were disturbed.  The disturbance could be fire, flood, or human activities such as farming. This type of succession is rapid because the soil is already in place. The pioneer species in secondary succession are plants such as grasses, birch trees, and fireweed. Organic matters from secondary succession pioneer species improve the soil. This enables other plants to move into the areas. 

In the above secondary succession figure, two months after a forest fire, the plants that are new are already sprouting or budding the charred logs.

What is Primary Succession?

Primary succession is defined as a change in vegetation that takes place on previously unvegetated terrain.  A few examples where primary succession comes about include the formation of new islands, new volcanic rock, and on land formed from glacier retreats. The initial conditions in primary succession are often harsh, with little or no soil present. The site condition changes slowly in response to the vegetation as soil grows. 

The problem here is that primary succession occurs only on previously unvegetated terrain. However, if the soil continuously develops throughout time and there is a relation between vegetation and soil development, the primary succession never ends.

Primary Succession Examples

Primary succession can occur after the different events. This includes:

Following are the key differences between primary succession and secondary succession.

Primary Succession and Secondary Succession Differences

Key Differences

Primary Succession

Secondary Succession


It occurs in areas that are lifeless or barren.

It occurs in areas that were previously inhabited or recently denuded.

Time to Complete

It takes around 1000 or more years to complete.

It takes around 50-200 years to complete.


Humus is absent in starting as there is no soil.

The presence of humus in secondary succession is due to the previous occupants and their decomposition.


Absence of soil in the initial process.

The soil is present along with the other organisms.



Environment is unfavourable since the beginning.

The environment is favourable since beginning

Seral Community

Many seral

intermediary communities are there in primary succession

Less intermediary seral communities are there in secondary succession in comparison to the primary succession.

Previous Community

No previous community is found in the environment prior to the primary succession. 

Previous communities are present in the environment prior to the secondary succession.


Ponds, desert, bare rocks etc.

These are affected by natural calamities, covered under deforestation, etc.

Primary and Secondary Ecological Succession Facts

  • Primary succession is a series of community changes that occurs in an entirely new habitat and has never been colonized before. A  newly quarried rock face or dunes is an example of primary succession.

  • Secondary succession occurs in an area that is previously colonized but disturbed or damaged habitat.  For example, after falling a tree in the woods, land clearance, or a fire.

  • Succession will not move further than the climax community. This is the final stage of succession.

  • The most renowned example of succession deals with plant succession. It is worth remembering that as the plant community changes so will the associated microorganisms, fungus, and animal species. Succession includes the whole community rather than just the plant community.

Characteristics of Secondary Succession

  • Secondary succession is a systematic process focusing on the species and the change in the structure of species.

  • In this succession, the changes in species are described as ‘directional’ and take place in a particular period of time.

  • The secondary succession is caused due to the physical environmental changes and variation in a population of species.

  • In secondary succession, scientists predicted the changes based on the knowledge and study they conduct in the forests. Therefore, this process is mainly biologically feasible and self-going.

Causes of Ecological Succession

Ecological succession takes place due to: 

  • Due to Climatic Factor – Climate conditions such as fast wind, deposits, erosion, fire can become the cause of secondary erosion.

  • Activities are done by the organism in the habitat causing Ecological succession in that area.

  • Activities such as migration for safety against outside aggregation can also lead to ecological succession.

  • Industrialization and urbanization become a cause of migration, which leads to economic succession.

Succession Mechanism 

Successional processes are not predictable in general. But, Clements predicted some stats in the 1920s which proved to be right in the present time. For example, he predicted the increase in species diversity during the successional age. Similarly, one of the examples of primary succession was presented by William Cooper, William Reiners, and more in the year 1925-1975. Also, the retreating of glacier filling has also been seen Since 1794. 

The invasive species are considered as the natural component of succession. Also, recent research studies have examined secondary succession in-depth but cannot determine the exact statistics about it. Hence, secondary succession can be predictable but not accurately.

[Geography Notes] on Sinkhole Pdf for Exam

Sinkholes are pits in the ground that develop in regions where water collects without external drainage. Sinkholes mainly take place as water drains underneath the ground. It can dissolve subterranean caverns, especially in areas where the bedrock is composed of water-soluble carbonate rocks such as limestone or dolomite or the evaporated rocks such as salt or gypsum. 

Sinkholes also develop when the roofs of caves demolish. Sinkholes are most commonly funnel-shaped, with the broad end opened at the surface and the narrow end at the bottom of the pool.



What Happens with the Occurrence of Water Sinkholes?

Groundwater levels descended to record-setting lows as farmer’s had pumped water to irrigate their plants for safeguarding from the cold temperatures. The sinkholes demolished streets, homes, and portions of cultivated areas. Sinkholes differ from shallow holes about 3 feet deep, to pits more than 165 feet deep. Water can clear out through a sinkhole into a cave or an underground channel. When mud or residue plugs one of these underground caves, it fills with water to become a pond or a lake.

Formation of Sinkholes

In a landscape where limestone sits below the soil, water from rainfall gets collected in cracks in the stone. These cracks are known as joints. Gradually, as the limestone dissolves and is transported, the joints broaden until the ground above them becomes shaky and shatter. The shattering often takes place very quickly and without very much warning. Water accumulates in these shattered sections, developing sinkholes.

Example of a Sinkhole

Sinkholes form naturally, especially where there is ample rainfall, and the rock below the surface soil is limestone. For example, a cenote (pronounced as “seh-NOH-tay”) is a kind of sinkhole which occurs with the collapse of an underground cave, revealing the water to the surface. Cenotes are very common in Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula. There are over 2,000 cenotes on the Yucatan of Mexico, and they are an essential source of fresh water for people there. Ancient Mayans had the opinion that cenotes were a corridor to the underworld.

How Quickly Do Sinkholes Form?

Commonly, sinkholes form slowly. Sometimes, though, the collapse is unexpected and immediate. Those unexpected sinkholes are mostly the ones that open up and consume cars, roads and homes.

Types of Sinkholes

Since Florida is subjected to sinkholes, it makes for a good place to discuss some different types of sinkholes and other sinkhole information like the hydrologic and geologic processes that form them. The mechanism of dissolution, where surface rock is soluble to weak acids and suffusion, where cavities develop underneath the land surface, are responsible for approximately all sinkholes in Florida.

1. Dissolution Sinkholes

Dissolution of dolomite or limestone is most intense where the water first comes into contact with the rock surface. Aggressive dissolution also takes place where flow is focused in foregoing openings in the rock, such as fractures, along joints, and bedding planes, and in the zone of water-table oscillation where groundwater is in contact with the atmosphere.

Rainfall and surface water filter through joints in the limestone. Dissolved carbonate rock is transported from the surface and a little depression slowly forms. On exposure to carbonate surfaces, a depression may concentrate upon surface drainage, triggering the dissolution process. Residue carried into the developing sinkhole may plug the ponding water, outflow and developing wetlands. Rolling hills and shallow depressions induced by solution sinkholes are common topographic characteristics throughout much of Florida.

2. Cover-Subsidence Sinkholes

Cover-subsidence sinkholes are liable to form slowly where the covering sediments contain sand and are permeable. In regions where sediments bear more clay or cover material is thicker, cover-subsidence sinkholes are relatively smaller, uncommon, and may go undetected for extended periods.

3. Cover-Collapse Sinkholes

Cover-collapse sinkholes may form suddenly (over a span of hours) and cause devastating damages. They take place in areas where the covering sediments contain a substantial amount of clay. Over time, surface drainage, erosion, and accumulation of sediment reshape the steep-walled sinkhole into a shallower bowl-shaped depression. In addition, the sediments break down into a cavity. As this spalling continues, the cohesive covering sediments develop a structural arch. The cavity relocates in an upward direction by continuing roof collapse. The cavity finally breaches the ground surface, developing abrupt and dramatic sinkholes.

[Geography Notes] on Storm Surge Pdf for Exam

Surge is the type of atmospheric process that operates inland water or oceans. In this weather, the gravitational tides and the atmospheric pressure work together to create dramatic effects in the inland water or on the coastal. These effects will also lead to flooding in many areas. The difference in the velocity of the winds changes the circulation of the oceans for creating the dramatic effect. When we define surge, you should know that it will leave its impact over a vast area. 

To answer what is the meaning of Surge the meteorological department has attempted to define it clearly. According to them, Surge is associated with tropical storms and tropical cyclones. These two are the types of storm surges. These storms are generated over the local inland seas and lakes. There are several high-pressure areas that you can find on the Earth, such as the northern and southern Atlantic oceans. In this high-pressure area, you will commonly find the changes in atmospheric pressure when a surge is forming. If you think, what is the meaning of surge, or how it happens? Then there is a simple answer to this question. It concerns the atmospheric pressure that develops on oceans and the waters inland. 

Surge Formation

When the atmospheric pressure changes in the area of high pressure, it will lead to the fall in water level in that area; however, when the atmospheric pressure changes in the sea of low pressure, the water level will rise. There are several areas in which this weather occurs from time to time, and they noted the common measurement of rising or fall of water level. You will commonly see the 2millibars rise or fall in water level in 24 hours. 

If we see the surge definition, then you will understand that this is the type of atmospheric process which can be caused by different situations. Another cause that can create surges is the sudden increase in the speed of wind streams. This type of surges will happen in tropical areas, and you can also follow this surge in the weather map with the expansion when the speed of the wind changes in the trade wind belt. It is commonly increased by 40 km/hr from the surface area to over some height from the surface. When these changes happen in the monsoon currents, then the changes in the speed of wind are called the monsoon surge or burst. 

The surges can also happen on a smaller scale, but the impacts of the surges on a smaller scale will be harsh than normal. The increase in the level of water will be unpredictable when it comes to the smaller scale. It will cause flooding in the coastal areas, and it will also destroy the lives of many people. If the tropical storms and tropical cyclone is formed, then it will make landfall across the coast. The storm surges will also bring heavy rain along with them. The height of the storm is also measured based on its wind speed, intensity, and path. It also depends upon the characters of the coastal region, such as shape, shore, and slope. 

There are two main types of surge weather you will find from several studies. Following is detailed information on the types of the surge and how they formed. 

Storm Surge 

We can define surge as a process that mainly occurs in the Ocean and inland water due to the variation in pressure, gravitational tides, and other changes in oceanic circulation. Storm surge is one of the types of surge weather which is commonly found in the inland seas or tropical region. Storm surge meaning is very simple, which is the sudden increase in the water level in the low-pressure areas. Storm surge is similar to coastal floods and the different tsunami-like phenomenon. For the measuring of storm surge intensity, you just have to measure the level of rising water concerning the normal tidal level of the water. You should also know that in the concept of storm surge, you will not find any waves or drama in the oceanic circulation. 

When the coastal region is hit with tropical cycling or a storm surge, it will damage all the infrastructure on the coastal region, and it will leave a huge impact on the coast. When the weather becomes more intense and the level of water increases, then the impact of the surge is more on the infrastructure and the property on the coastal area. It will also create a high impact on the coat population. 

Surge definition is similar to the storm surge or tidal surge. The impacts of the storm surge are extreme. It will also lead to extreme floods and tsunami. This will damage all the infrastructure and the property which is in the path of the surge. 

You will find several effects which will contribute to forming the surge, or it will affect the intensity of the surge in many ways. Direct wind effect, atmospheric pressure effect, heart rotation effect, the effect of waves, rainfall effect, the depth of the sea or topography, and storm size all will affect the surge, and it will also help in increasing the intensity of the storm surge. Every factor has its mechanism to work with the surge. 

All the above information will give a detailed answer to the question: what is surge? You will also see the different impacts and the factors which affect the formation of a surge in different low-pressure areas.  

[Geography Notes] on Taiga Pdf for Exam

Taiga, also known as the boreal forest, is a type of vegetation found in northern circumpolar forested regions that consists primarily of cone-bearing needle-leaved or scale-leaved evergreen trees and is characterised by long winters and moderate to high annual precipitation. The taiga, or “land of the little sticks” in Russian, derives its name from the collective term for Russia’s northern forests, especially those of Siberia. The taiga is a cold-weather subarctic area. The subarctic area of the Northern Hemisphere is located just south of the Arctic Circle. The taiga region is located between the tundra to the north and temperate forests to the south. Taigas can be found in Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, and Siberia. The world’s largest taiga, stretching 5,800 kilometres from the Pacific Ocean to the Ural Mountains, is found in Russia. During the last ice age, this taiga area was entirely glaciated or surrounded by glaciers.

A taiga, also known as the boreal (meaning northern) forest zone, covers approximately 17 percent of the Earth’s land surface area in a circumpolar belt of the far Northern Hemisphere. Beyond this stage, the taiga merges with the circumpolar tundra. The taiga is dominated by a small number of conifer species such as pine, spruce, larch, and fir, as well as several deciduous genera such as birch and poplar to a lesser extent. These trees are capable of reaching the highest latitudes of any trees on the planet. Plants and animals in the taiga have adapted to short growing seasons with long days that range in temperature from cool to warm. Taiga winters are long and severe cold, with short days and a persistent snowpack. The taiga biomes of North America and Eurasia share many characteristics, including some plant and animal species.

Conifers have adapted to the taiga’s long, cold winters and short summers. Their needles contain very little sap, which aids in the prevention of cold. Their dark colour and triangle-shaped sides aid in catching and absorbing as much sunlight as possible. The taiga’s tree growth is thickest around muskegs and glacial lakes. Apart from conifers, the Taigas have few native species. The taiga soil is deficient in nutrients. It can also freeze, making it impossible for many plants to establish themselves. The larch is one of the few deciduous trees that can thrive in the harsh northern taiga. Mosses, lichens, and mushrooms cover the taiga floor instead of shrubs and bulbs. These species may either grow directly on the ground or have extremely shallow roots. They can live in the cold and without much water or light.

Types of Taiga

Taiga is divided into two types: open woodlands with widely spaced trees and dense forests with a shaded base.

Environmental Conditions

While there is a significant variety of climates in taiga ecosystems, coldness is the dominant climatic factor. This cold climate is caused by a combination of factors, including the solar elevation angle, day duration, and snow cover. The Sun is never directly overhead in the taiga biome, as it can be in the tropics. With rising latitude, the maximum solar angle decreases. As a result, solar energy is less concentrated in the taiga biome because it is distributed over a larger area of the Earth’s surface than in equatorial regions. Temperature is also affected by the duration of the day. 

Taiga winters have Long nights at high latitudes allowing radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface to escape into the atmosphere, especially in continental interiors where cloud cover is less prevalent than along the coast. Snow cover also has an effect on climate because it reflects incoming solar radiation and amplifies cooling. Over the winter, a snowpack lasts at least five months in the southern taiga biome and seven to eight months in the northern reaches. Since it roughens and darkens what would otherwise be a smooth, snow-covered, energy-reflecting surface for most of the year, the taiga actually mitigates this cooling. It is predicted that without the taiga, Earth will be much colder.

Taiga Major Forests in the World

These forests are commonly found in the far north, between the temperate forest biome and the tundra biome. This is located on the globe between 50 degrees latitude north and the Arctic Circle. Most of northern Russia and Siberia is covered by Taiga major forests in the world. North America (Canada and Alaska) and Scandinavia are two other large Taiga forests (Finland, Norway, and Sweden).

Plants of the Taiga

The coniferous evergreen tree is the dominant plant in the taiga. Spruce, oak, cedar, and fir trees are examples of these trees. They grow close together, creating an umbrella-like canopy over the ground. This canopy absorbs the sun and only allows a small amount of light to pass through to the ground. The seeds of taiga conifers are produced in cones. They have needles for leaves as well. Needles are excellent at retaining water and enduring the harsh cold winds of the Taiga winter. The trees grow in a cone shape as well. This makes it easier for snow to fall off their branches. Few other plants grow under the canopy of the trees. Plants such as ferns, sedges, mosses, and berries can thrive in moist areas.

Animals of the Taiga

The taiga is home to a diverse range of animals. All animals must be well-adapted to cold temperatures. During the cold winter months, birds native to the taiga usually migrate south. Small creatures, often rodents, live near the ground. Many birds of prey, including owls and eagles, hunt these species from the taiga’s trees. The moose, the world’s largest deer, can survive in the cold taiga. Moose, like all deer, are herbivores. They prefer the aquatic plants that grow in the taiga’s bogs and streams. The taiga is home to only a few large carnivorous species. Bears and lynxes are relatively common. The world’s largest cat, the 300-kilogram (660-pound) Siberian tiger, is a taiga species. Siberian tigers can be found in a small area of eastern Siberia. They usually hunt moose as well as wild boars.


Human development, which decreases habitat for the plants and animals that live there, is one of the issues affecting the taiga’s conservation. Humans eliminate predators that pose a threat to livestock. We build roads and power lines, as well as prospect for minerals. When forest fires are suppressed to protect human homes, the natural succession of the forest is disturbed.

Many of the world’s taigas are classified as old-growth forests. Their big trees are sought after by the lumber industry. Old-growth forests have all but declined in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, with just a handful remaining in North America. The removal of all large trees has an effect on the natural rate of succession.

Mining and construction waste can pollute the land and water. In taiga food chains, industrial chemicals from all over the planet have accumulated. Wind and rain carry these toxins, as well as naturally occurring pollutants such as some metals and radioactive material.

Climate change is also a concern. Scientists are also tracking and comparing temperature data to see how it has changed the taiga. Warming temperatures can have an effect on ecosystems by melting permafrost, rising lake levels, and shifting plant growth patterns. Furthermore, maximum and minimum temperatures may be higher, and precipitation patterns may shift. Precipitation has risen globally in high latitude areas where the taiga exists. There is insufficient data to assess whether or not improvements have occurred. Refer to the article taiga that was written recently for more information about taiga forest issues.  

Facts About the Taiga Biome

  • Taiga is a Russian word that means “forest.”

  • Ice glaciers filled the taiga many years ago.

  • Boreal is a term that means “northern” or “of the north wind.”

  • The occasional wildfire is beneficial to the taiga because it creates new growth areas. The trees have grown tough bark to protect themselves from fires. Any of them would be able to withstand a small fire as a result of this.

  • Many of the forest floor plants are perennials, meaning they return each summer after going dormant for the winter.

  • These forests are threatened and declining as a result of logging.

Difference Between Taiga and Tundra

Plant Life

The appearance of trees is the most noticeable visual distinction between taiga and tundra. The taiga has a dense forest of conifers such as pine and spruce, while trees are entirely absent in the tundra. This is due in part to a shortage of water in the tundra, but it is also a product of permafrost. In frozen land, trees have a difficult time forming healthy roots. While both the tundra and the taiga have lichens and mosses, the tundra has a greater diversity of grasses and wildflowers than the taiga. The taiga soil is highly acidic and low in nitrogen, making growth difficult for plants that are not adapted to the climate. Plants in the taiga are more similar to those found in swamps and bogs than temperate forests and include shrubs like blueberries as well as carnivorous plants like the pitcher plant. 

Animal life

Mammals and birds can be found in both the taiga and the tundra. Both biomes are home to foxes, bears, wolves, hares, and rodents. The exact species, however, differ between taiga and tundra. For example, moose and deer can be found in the taiga, while reindeer are more common in the tundra. The polar bear lives in the tundra, while the grizzly lives in the taiga. Bird species differ between the two biomes as well. Songbirds that consume insects and nuts, such as jays and woodpeckers, coexist in the taiga with carnivorous owls that eat small mammals. Tundra birds, on the other hand, are mostly migratory seabirds including terns, loons, and gulls.


The taiga is a well-known terrestrial biome. A biome, also known as a “major life zone,” is a broad geographic region of the earth’s surface with distinct plant and animal communities—in other words, an extensive ecosystem or grouping of ecosystems distributed over a large geographic area. However, classifying species as specific biomes is rather subjective. The taiga is an ecological zone south of, and more temperate than, the tundra, and is distinguished primarily by the presence of coniferous forests. Tree growth is hampered in the tundra by low temperatures and limited growing seasons, so grasses, mosses, and lichens predominate. 

The taiga is bounded on the south by the more temperate steppes, prairies, and hardwood forests. There are coniferous forests to the south of the taiga, such as in North America’s Pacific Northwest, but these regions are known as outside of the taiga because of milder winters, and the taiga is often described by having long, cold winters with only a short growing season.

[Geography Notes] on Topaz – Mineral Pdf for Exam

Topaz mineral is an aluminium and fluorine silicate with the chemical formula  Al2SiO4(F, OH)2. It is used as a gemstone in jewellery and other decorative materials. The topaz in its natural state has a golden yellow colour. Various impurities and treatment can make topaz wine red, pale grey, reddish-orange, green, pink, or opaque.

Topaz Crystal on white matrix

Topaz meaning – Topaz is a silicate mineral. It is one of the hardest natural minerals to have a low recovery rate and  It is produced in many parts of the world. The name topaz is derived from the Greek words Τοpáziοs or Τοpáziοn.

Topaz meaning – In the Bible, Topaz is described as a “stone of fire,” and is highlighted as one of the gems laid in the foundations of the walls of the holy city Jerusalem.

Composition of Topaz 

What is Topaz made of?  A natural Topaz stone is composed of rare silicate mineral, with the composition of  Al2SiO4(F, OH)2 it is usually formed in the cavities and crevices of rhyolite, pegmatite, and some of the other igneous rocks. The gemstones are mined from numerous places of the world and the natural stones look golden brown or yellowish in colour.   

Topaz Colours 

You can find different colours of topaz which includes red, grey, orange, blue, blue colour  (we will look at the blue topaz in detail later), pink and purple. These colours are made from impurities or man-made treatments that change the colour of natural gemstones.

First Discovery of Topaz

The first yellow crystals (modern topaz) were discovered in Germany in 1737, and in 1740, a large gemstone was discovered in Brazil. However, it seems to be mixed in line with the topaz.

 The large stone was initially believed to be a diamond and was quickly fixed in place of the Portuguese crown. The gem was later identified as a topaz rather than a diamond – but it retained its place over the royal attire regardless.

Modern-Day Topaz Mining Deposits

Nowadays, topaz is found in many places around the world, including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Japan, Mexico, Madagascar, Burma, Australia and the USA. A large number of topaz rock crystals have been found earlier in Ukraine and Brazil.

What are Topaz Characteristics?

Topaz, in its natural state, is golden brown to yellow – a feature that will be confused with the citrine sometimes, a less important gemstone. The specific gravity of all topaz shades is much heavier than the citrine (about 25% per volume) and this weight difference can be used to separate two stones of equal volume. Also, if the volume of a given stone can be determined, its topaz weight can be established and tested on a critical scale. Similarly, glass stones are much lighter than topaz.

A variety of impurities and treatments can make topaz wine red, light grey, reddish-orange, light green, or pink (unusual), as it does not look good. The pink and red varieties are derived from chromium instead of aluminium in their crystalline structure. The colour of an Imperial topaz is yellow, pink (rare, if natural) or pink-orange. The topaz of the Brazilian state is usually bright yellow to a deep brown hue, sometimes violet. Many brown or pale topaz are treated to turn yellow, gold, pink, or violet. Some of the topaz of the empire may fade when they are exposed to the sun for a long time. The naturally occurring blue topaz is rare. Normally, colourless, grey, or pale yellow and blue material are treated with heat and radiation to produce the desired blue colour. Mystic topaz is a colourless topaz coated with a coating of smoke that gives the rainbow effect to its surface.

Although very hard, topaz must be treated with greater care than other minerals of similar hardness (such as corundum) due to the weak bonding of atoms of stone molecules and one or another axial plane. This gives the topaz a tendency to pierce such a plane when struck with sufficient force. Topaz has a low index of refraction compared to a gemstone. Therefore, stones with large features or tables are not as smooth as in mineral-cut stones with high refractive indices, although the top quality colour palette is shiny and shows more “strength” than similar cut quartz. When given a typical “glittering” cut, the topaz may indicate a feature of a glittering table surrounded by the sides of a dead-looking crown or a ring of glittering crown elements with a dull table that is exactly the same.

Do You Know?

How is topaz made? In nature, Topaz is often colourless and some of them come in many colours, but the colourless variety of the topaz often creates confusion with diamonds.

For Topaz to form, you need a high level of fluorine, which is formed and broken or in caves. The hot liquid (like mud) will break through the Fluorine and pull into the cracks between the rocks. There, Topaz is made from depleted fluorine. Like diamonds (and many gemstones), Topaz needs some of the harshest areas to form and further it will be pushed to the surface over time.