[Geography Notes] on Composite Materials Pdf for Exam

Following its worthy mission to transform the experience of learning and teaching, keeps experimenting with new methods to impart the best education to the students. In order to make the geography chapter composite material more interesting, the team of has made the best use of technology along with concise content and well-experienced teachers. 

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What is a Composite Material?

Composite materials are the combination of two or more materials that have their unique properties. Different types of composite materials are in use today, meeting the challenges and requirements of a technologically advanced world. For example applications of composite materials can be found ranging from space shuttles to huge construction sites. 

Another reason for the increase in the uses of composite materials, apart from the combined characteristics of materials are properties, such as being less expensive, light in weight, and stronger when compared to common materials. Therefore, the applications of composite materials are found in diverse fields falling under the material application definition i.e. requiring materials to achieve the making of an object with specified properties.

Definition of Composite Materials

The composite material definition can be simply made from the introduction of composite materials. Thus, composite materials are the materials that are produced from the combination of two or more constituent materials. Although the constituent materials might have different and unique properties, they are merged together to form material unlike the individual materials and having the beneficial properties of all the constituents. 

The difference between composite materials and mixtures and solid solutions is that within the end product the individual components remain separate and distinct. Thus, composite materials meaning includes in the characteristics of composite materials, the unique properties of a material without actually fusing them into one another. 

Some of the typical examples of composite materials include:

  • Reinforced concrete,

  • Wooden composite materials

  • Ceramic material composites

  • Metal composite matrix

  • Reinforced plastics, etc. 

Other uses of composite materials based on the characteristics of composite material include in construction of buildings and bridges, making of the space shuttles, boats, bathtubs, storage tanks, racing cars, aircraft, etc. With the introduction of sensing, actuation, computation, and higher-order communication in between the materials, it is used in creating components of robots and satellites as well. These are specialized applications of composite materials. With the development of material sciences, they are also used in the manufacturing of daily use gadgets such as mobile phones, drones, laptops, etc.

Let’s Take Another Example:

For instance, if you are preparing concrete for commercial purposes, you need to mix it in quite a small quantity. Before it gets ready for pouring, each concrete must go through the common mixing procedure. It is up to the user whether he wants to buy a bag of cement or it will be an equal blend of gravel, sand, or cement. In case the user purchases the wet concrete, it will be sent to him mixed with water in the form of a semi-liquid mixture. It will reach you in big trucks that are equipped with rotational cylindrical beds for keeping the mixture safe from hardening.

History of Composite Materials

Since time immemorial, applications of composite materials have been numerous. One of the earliest composite materials was the bricks made from straw and mud for building construction. Also, one of the most widely used composite materials, concrete, has been in use since ancient times around 25 BCE. Woody composite materials made up of wood from true trees and plants such as palms and bamboo have been used since ancient times for making up scaffolding structures. Another such example is the use of plywood which has been in use since the ancient Mesopotamian civilization. All these examples of applications of composite materials provide a long connection with the needs of mankind of composite materials. 

The technology of composite materials saw new transformations like the invention of fibreglass. It is made up of glass fibres and polymeric materials, such as epoxy or polyester,  providing stiffness, strength, flexibility, and durability to the finished product – a combination of both constituent materials. In 1935, the first artificial reinforced plastic composite was produced using fibreglass and bakelite. Glass and plastic film over the thin electrical conductors made up of indium tin oxide make up the touch screens of the very commonly used smartphones and tablets. All this demonstrates a long and continuing journey of the use of different types of composites by mankind. 

Making up and Classification of Composite Materials

As understood from the composite material definition, a composite material is made up of two or more constituent materials. The classification of composite materials depends upon the two types of categories of constituent materials, which are the matrix and the reinforcement. An optimal combination of a variety of matrix and reinforcement materials is used to make composite materials that impart the required characteristics of composite materials. The matrix provides support to the reinforcement and the reinforcement, in turn, imparts its own physical and mechanical properties to the matrix. Thus, both the matrix and the reinforcement provide durability, sustainability, and utility to the composite material meaning.  The classification of composite materials based on their matrix and reinforcement type is given below:

For making the composite material, the reinforcement is placed on a mould surface or cavity. Depending on the matrix material, it is introduced to the reinforcement after or before being placed in the mould. Following this, the matrix undergoes a melding event setting up the required shape of the composite material. This melding can happen in several ways, such as solidification in the case of melting thermoplastic polymer matrix and chemical polymerization in the case of the thermoset polymer matrix. This process is the formation step of engineered composite materials. The moulding methods used depend on the requirements of the end-product. The nature of matrix and reinforcement materials influence this step which later defines the characteristics of composite materials.

Apart from the nature of the chosen material for the matrix and reinforcement, another factor that influences the moulding process is the gross quantities of material. For example, rapid and automated manufacturing technologies involving high investments, require large quantities of gross materials whereas for producing small quantities involving low investments and high labour the gross quantities required are less. Examples of a commercially used matrix material are resin which is a polymer matrix material that can be used for different moulding methodologies depending on the amount of monetary investment. The moulding processes are also influenced in small amounts by the types of composite materials that are needed to be produced.


A brief understanding of the composite material and different types of composite materials which are classified based on unique properties and characteristics of composite materials required in the end-use is gained in this article. Also, the making of the composite material explains the nature of the composite material that is obtained from the constituent materials. The importance of the composite material and its utilization since ancient times underlines the importance of the composite materials as well.

[Geography Notes] on Dendritic Drainage Pattern Pdf for Exam

The dendritic pattern is derived from the Greek word Dendrite which means tree. The pattern itself resembles the branches of a tree and develops gently into a sloping basin with the uniform rock type; the tributaries flow each other from the area because the rock type is the same throughout the entire area. One example of the dendritic drainage pattern is the Caroni River in Trinidad.  

Channels develop in areas where surface runoff occurs and materials can be loosened and transported by the kinetic energy of water. The classification system helps indicate topographic and geologic controls on water flow. 

The Dendritic Pattern

The streams within a drainage basin form certain patterns, depending on the slope of the land, underlying rock structure as well as the climatic conditions of the area. There are four types of drainage patterns: dendritic, trellis, rectangular, and radial. Today, we will learn about the dendritic pattern. The dendritic pattern develops when the river channel follows the slope of the terrain often found in mountainous areas. It is the most common form of drainage pattern and looks like the branching pattern of a tree when joined by tributaries. 

For example, Ganga with its tributaries forms the dendritic pattern in the northern plains. The streams will flow downhill pulled by gravity and come together from a small tributary into a large river. It develops in areas that are underlined by a relatively homogeneous or material, that’s roughly the same throughout and are not a lot resistant and non-resistant rocks and things like that. 

The subsurface geology has a similar resistance to weathering so there’s no apparent control over the direction the tributaries take joining larger trivet streams that are acute angles which means that at less than 90 degrees and that’s how you get the branching effect that we see. On maps, patterns form where there is a pronounced slope to the land surface so that one where we would have a mountain face raining. For example, into a valley, the parallel pattern develops, and regions of parallel elongated landforms like outcropping resistant band rock. Tributary streams tend to stretch out in a parallel fashion following the slope of the surface. Sometimes it indicates the presence of a major fault that cuts across its area of steeply folded bedrock. All forms of transitions can occur between dendritic and trellis patterns. 

You will find different kinds of water bodies on the Earth and the origin of these bodies may be different and similarly the way they are drained, those patterns can also be different. If we talk about the Ganga river system that creates the world-famous plains, before draining into the Bay of Bengal, it follows a particular drainage pattern in its basin. There are different kinds of patterns or systems of drainage that can be found that water bodies usually follow. In this article, we will be discussing one of the most common patterns that are followed by the water bodies. This topic will help you to learn the river system and one of the most famous patterns. 


About Drainage

If we talk about drainage, it is a process or a system, or a way through which some liquid is being drained from one place to another. On the other hand, Geography or Geomorphology, if we talk about the drainage patterns or systems, is a system followed by the rivers or streams or lakes, etc. in a drainage basin. It is also called a river system as well and largely depends upon the irregularity of the tectonic plates or the rocks laying under the water body or the land gradient. Based on the Geology or topography of the region, the drainage patterns can be classified into several categories. One of them we’re going to discuss below ie. the dendritic drainage pattern, which is considered as one of the most important and common systems of drainage in Geomorphology.


Dendritic Drainage

It is one of the most common drainage patterns found in the world. It appears like branches of the roots of a tree and happens on that lithographic surface which has a uniform rock structure. It appears as a homogeneous structure and thus has a uniform and similar resistance towards the weathering and another phenomenon. In this kind of pattern, the tributaries usually join the larger stream at an acute angle which is less than 90°. The structure of the larger rivers along with their tributaries appears like branches of the tree and forms a V-shaped pattern.


The major examples of the rivers system that follows this dendritic drainage pattern are the Amazon river system which is found in South America, the Mississippi river system which is found in North America, the Ganga river system, and the Indus river system which are found in Asia, etc. Besides these, mostly rivers found in Britain also follow this kind of pattern. The map of the Amazon river system is given below where you can see the Amazon River and its tributaries and also tributaries of the tributaries that combination makes this dendritic pattern. 


Dendritic Drainage Pattern in India

India is known as a land of rivers where a number of large and small rivers are found and these follow different drainage patterns. Basically, all major types of drainage patterns can be found in India in different regions of the country. If we specifically talk about the Dendritic drainage pattern, it can be found in the Ganga Brahmaputra river system, Indus river system, Mahanadi or Godavari, etc. In the following map, the dendritic drainage pattern of the Ganga river can be observed. Have a look, 


Besides these, the rivers that follow antecedent drainage are the Indus, the Satluj, the Ganga, the Tista, and the Brahmaputra. The rivers that follow the consequent system are Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri. The examples of subsequent rivers are Chambal, Sind, Ken, Betwa, etc whereas Damodar, Subarnarekha, Chambal, Bananas are examples of superinduced drainage. Besides these, trellis drainage, barbed pattern, rectangular drainage or radial pattern, annular and parallel drainage patterns are also found in India.

[Geography Notes] on Environmental Science Pdf for Exam

Environmental science is sometimes also called environmental engineering. It is one of the most prominent fields of study that students opt for these days. The basic definition of environmental science consists of fields such as ecology, biology, chemistry, geology, and much more. It is an interdisciplinary field and that is because it consists of different aspects of social science as well as humanities too. 


Apart from studying the physical and biological aspects of different characteristics of the environment, this field also consists of certain cultural and social impacts that humans have made on the environment today. Hence, it is really important for students to delve into environmental science study to understand what factors affect the environment. 

How to Define Environmental Science? 

In order to know what is environmental science, one has to understand how it is different from environmental studies. Environmental science can be defined as a quantitative discipline that has aspects of both theoretical and applied science. This field is influential when it comes to informing the different policies of the government in safeguarding the environment all over the world. Environmental studies and environmental science have a lot of differences, the emphasis of which is on the human relationships with the current environment as well as the political and social dimensions pertaining to it.

Importance of Environmental Science

After understanding what is environmental science, students have to figure out its importance. Environmental science is crucial for the following reasons: 

  • To figure out a more sustainable way of living. 

  • Understanding the behaviour exhibited by organisms under some natural conditions. 

  • Educating and making people aware of different environmental issues and problems. 

  • Using natural resources in an effective manner without actually causing any harm to the environment. 

  • Teaching human beings how important environmental conservation is for the rest of humanity.

There are some other branches of environmental science such as atmospheric science that deals with the atmosphere of the Earth. Ecology is another branch of environmental science that focuses on the interaction of organisms with our environment. It also teaches the impact of certain environmental factors such as water and air pollution on the environment. 

Admission and Eligibility Into Environmental Science Colleges 

One of the most important questions that students have about environmental science and studies is how to get admission to the colleges that have this particular course. For some of the undergraduate courses, the students have to pass their 12th examination and must have a combination of science subjects such as Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology. However, for the post-graduate courses, students need to have a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental studies or some fields related to that. 

The admission of students happens on the basis of the marks that they have obtained in the examinations before that. Some colleges also tend to have other entrance examinations in order to grant admissions to the students. 

Career and Scope of Environmental Science 

It can be said without a single speck of doubt that the scope of studying the different types of environmental studies can actually have a lot of scope in the employment sector. Both the private as well as government sectors have their own list of reasons why individuals with a degree in environmental science are important for their organizations. 

Environmental science is basically a branch where students will be able to find different ways to protect our environment with the reliable utility of resources. So, individuals have a wide range of opportunities in their careers. They can apply for the roles of environmental engineers, environmental biologists, environmental scientists, environmental journalists, and much more. 

These roles are influential in fertilizer plants, mines, dying industries, textile industries, food processing units, and many other areas. So, the students can have a lot of opportunities to choose from. They can look for work in these organizations which will hire them in a snap. The students having a higher degree in environmental science can actually apply to universities and colleges to teach others about environmental science. 

Salary Scope and Pay Scale 

The salary scope of someone who has a degree in the different components of environmental studies is also pretty high. Students are wanted all over India in different sectors of private and government organizations. These organizations are willing to pay them a very huge amount in order to figure out the resources for safeguarding the environment. The salary of the individual depends on the qualification 


Environmental science is a pretty lucrative field that has a lot of career opportunities for students. Apart from that, students will be able to study the subjects and find out new ways to preserve the environment in resourceful and effective ways. 

[Geography Notes] on The Fossil Record Pdf for Exam

Any preserved remains, impression or remnant of any once-living thing from a previous geological epoch is referred to as a fossil. Bones, shells, exoskeletons, stone imprints of animals or bacteria, amber-preserved artefacts, hair, petrified wood, oil, coal, and DNA traces are just a few examples.

Palaeontology is the scientific study of fossils, including their age, formation process, and evolutionary relevance. If a specimen is above 10,000 years old, it is usually termed a fossil. The oldest fossils range in age from 3.48 billion to 4.1 billion years. The discovery of a geological time frame and the relative ages of different fossils in the 19th century led to the recognition of a geological time frame and the relative ages of distinct fossils. Radiometric dating techniques were developed in the early twentieth century, allowing scientists to quantify the absolute ages of rocks and the fossils they contain.

This article will study what is the fossil record and the importance of the fossil record in evolution scientific theory.

The Fossil Record 

Do You Know What is the Fossil Record?

A fossil record is a collection of fossils that have been studied and placed in taxonomic and chronological order. When organisms die, their remains are encased in earth and rock and gradually replaced by minerals over time. All that’s left is a mineral impression of an extinct animal. Comparative anatomy, radiometric dating, and DNA analysis are just a few of the fields and specialities used to classify and arrange these fossils. Scientists aim to build phylogenies, or trees that describe the links between living and extinct organisms, using data from the fossil record. The fossil record can reveal how different animal groupings have evolved over time.

Charles Darwin Viewed the Fossil Record As:

Along the way, you’ll learn about the origins of primitive “life,” which date back at least 3.5 billion years, as well as the abundance and diversity of life today. The best way to understand this path is to think of it as a result of evolution.

Contrary to common belief, neither the name nor the concept of biological evolution originated with Charles Darwin and his most famous work On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859).

Darwin believed that evolution might be explained by species’ unequal survival as a result of naturally occurring variety, a process he called “natural selection.” This viewpoint holds that organisms’ children differ from one another and from their parents in heritable ways, meaning that the differences can be passed down genetically to their descendants. In addition, given the restrictions of food, space, and other environmental resources, organisms in nature often create more offspring than can live and reproduce. If a particular progeny possesses features that provide it with an advantage in a given environment, that organism is more likely to survive and pass those qualities on to future generations. Populations of creatures diverge from their ancestors when variations develop over generations.

The Fossil Record in Evolution Scientific Theory

  1. Humans 

Because of the historical controversy that has surrounded the evolution question, the human fossil record is likely one of the finest recorded. Almost every “missing link” in the network has been discovered, exposing a solid line of fossils stretching from current humans to our ape-like ancestors. The fossils may be distinguished by their distinguishing characteristics, and they may be dated using radioactive isotopes for extremely precise dating. The oldest Homo genus fossils were discovered to be roughly 1.5 million years old. These were the remains of Homo ergaster. Homo ergaster is thought to have spread from Africa and evolved into the species pictured below.

Both Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis have unique fossil records, indicating that they competed with modern Homo sapiens. Modern human genomes have been shown to contain traces of genes from Neanderthals, implying that the two species interbred at some point in the past. Humans can be traced back even deeper in the fossil record, all the way to ape-like predecessors who still climbed trees.

  1. Whales

Surprisingly, the fossil records of a variety of species have also been nearly completed. Whales, for example, have multiple well-defined members in their fossil record that inexorably lead to present whales. Fossils of semi-aquatic carnivores the size of coyotes that were assumed to live amphibious lifestyles near the beach have been discovered. Later fossils depict a much more aquatic predatory species that looks like a dog but has a much bigger tail and a head specialised to hunting in the water. Around 35 million years ago, there was an animal that was virtually entirely aquatic and lacked hind limbs. After 5 million years, fossils of what appears to be contemporary whales begin to appear.

  1. The Oldest Fossil

When it comes to the fossil record of life on Earth, the timeline is significantly longer. The oldest known rocks tested date back to roughly 3.8 billion years. Based on the minerals and hydrocarbons found in particular rocks, scientists have concluded that single-celled life existed roughly 2.7 billion years ago. Single-celled organisms, assumed to be an early ancestor of plant and animal cells, were discovered in the fossil record around 1.6 billion years ago.

The first multicellular life that left plentiful remains, on the other hand, is thought to have existed around 1.2 billion years ago, with a substantial expansion occurring approximately 600 million years ago. This time period is known as the Precambrian, and it marks the beginning of highly sophisticated life. The Cambrian period begins shortly after, with a massive explosion of marine life all across the earth. The Cambrian period saw the emergence of internal skeletons in vertebrates, as well as external skeletons in crustaceans and arthropods. The “Cambrian explosion,” one of the biggest species expansions ever recorded in the fossil record, occurred during this time period.

Terrestrial animals did not appear until the Silurian epoch, roughly 415 million years ago. During the Tertiary period, humans split from our ape relatives around 2 million years ago. The following graph depicts these divisions.

What can be Learned from the Fossil Record?

  • Many plant and animal species have either become extinct or developed into modern species since life first began on the Blue Planet. The fossils here assist researchers in learning about ancient flora and animals.

  • Palaeontologists learned what they know now about dinosaurs and saber-toothed tigers because of the fossil remains that were uncovered and researched. Fossils give an invaluable record of species that could not have been discovered otherwise since they died long before records were kept. Scientists can reconstruct the appearance of a plant or animal-based on its skeletal structure, learn what the animals ate, and learn where they lived and died.

  • Fossil research can also reveal some of the causes that affected evolutionary change. For example, dramatic climatic change wiped off some species, allowing others to adapt to the new environment to live, or resulting in the emergence of a new one.

  • Fossil research also reveals information on climate change. For example, scientists knew that a comet had collided with the Earth, drastically altering the circumstances for life and wiping out the dinosaurs. The Ice Age, which wiped out numerous species and altered life on Earth, was caused by yet another catastrophic shift in temperature.

  • Scientists figure out how old fossils are by determining their age and looking for other evidence in the same soil layers where the fossils were located. Human remains, as well as plant and animal fossils, provide information on how people lived in the past.

  • Plant and animal fossils discovered alongside the ruins of ancient human communities revealed what people ate, how they worked, and how they lived. Scientists can extrapolate that if disease signals are detected in plant or animal fossils, the people of that age may have had the same condition.

  • Understanding what people ate can reveal details about their lifestyles, such as whether they hunted, raised livestock, or started producing crops for meals. A fossil layer might also contain objects from ancient societies, such as tools or pottery, which tell scientists about the way people lived at the time.

Did You Know?

When an organism is buried, it goes through a process called permineralization. Mineral-rich groundwater fills the empty spaces within an organism (spaces filled with liquid or gas during life). Minerals precipitate from the groundwater and fill in the voids. This activity can take place in very small places, such as within a plant cell’s cell wall. Permineralization on a small scale can result in extremely detailed fossils. The creature must be covered by silt soon after death for permineralization to occur; otherwise, scavengers or decomposition will destroy the remnants. 

The degree to which the remains have decomposed when they are covered defines the fossil’s eventual details. Some fossils are just skeleton bones or teeth, while others have evidence of skin, feathers, or even soft tissues. It’s a type of diagenesis.

[Geography Notes] on Globe and Map Pdf for Exam

If you want to understand the meaning of a map simply, then it’s nothing but a representation of the Earth’s surface on a piece of paper, or you can even say that it’s a drawing of any particular surface of the Earth. 


Maps can be of a city, state, a small district, a country, any river or sea, or even of the entire world. Maps can be hand-drawn or printed, and it helps us locate any place we want to search and help in navigating from one place to another. When we were kids, we used to think that our Earth was circular in shape, but that’s not true. 

What is a Globe?

Earth is not accurately spherical, and it’s a bit flattened from poles. But, with the help of the globe, we can get an idea of how our Earth looks. So, Basically, Globe is a miniature or 3-D representation of how our Earth looks and represents different continents, oceans, directions, countries, etc. 


We can even say that a map is a 2-D representation of any particular place, whereas a globe is a 3-D representation of our Earth. So, finally, we’ve understood the meaning of map and globe, and now find out the difference and similarities between map and globe. 

Similarities Between Globe and Map

Maps and globes are both models of the Earth that help us to understand what our Earth looks like. Both globes and maps show us the Earth and help us to locate different places, like continents, countries, cities, oceans, and many more. Globes and maps have different imaginary lines such as the equator, latitudes, longitude, prime meridian, and many more. Both maps and globes show similar symbols and colours and help us to locate different places. 

What are the Advantages of Maps Over Globes?

Maps help us to see a particular location of the Earth, whereas, on the globe, you have to see the entire world at once. If you want to look at a particular location, whether it be a city, country, or continent, then the map is the best option. 

Another important feature of maps is their variety. There are a variety of maps for different purposes, such as physical maps, political maps, topographic maps, road maps, and many more. You can select the appropriate map according to your need and purpose.  

What are the Advantages of Globes Over Maps?

Globes help you to understand the visual representation of the Earth. On maps, you can just see the lines and pictures, which are two-dimensional in nature, whereas on the globe, you can clearly visualize every location, whether it be a city or a river, and it even helps you to understand the accurate mental map of our Earth.

5 Difference Between Globe and Map

Maps and globes help us to understand a lot of aspects related to geography and also of our daily use like direction, about different geographical aspects of the country we live in and many more things. But do you know the similarities and differences between map and globe? If your answer is yes, then let’s revise these concepts once again and if your answer is no, then let’s find a lot of interesting facts about maps and globes. 



Globes are a three-dimensional representation of the earth. 

The map is a two-dimensional representation of any particular sphere of the earth. 

A globe is of the entire earth only.

A map can be of the entire world, or any particular place like a city. 

Globes are not easy to port from one location to another. 

Maps are easy and convenient to port and you can take them anywhere. 

Globes are also known as the duplicate of the earth because it shows all the location, direction, and other geographical aspects accurately. 

Maps are the representation of physical features of any particular region, and there are varieties of maps such as physical maps, political maps, road maps, etc which are used for different purposes, and different signs and symbols have been used to present different geographical aspects. 

Longitudes and latitudes of the globes are drawn as circles and semi-circles.  

Longitudes and latitudes on the maps are shown with straight lines. 

[Geography Notes] on Hot Spring Pdf for Exam

Hot springs are also known as the thermal springs, which spurts water that has higher temperatures which are moreover higher than the air temperature of that region that is surrounding the spring. The hot springs are a discharge of the groundwater that is heated by shallow intrusions of the magma. 

However, these thermal springs are not related to volcanic activity. In the cases of hot springs, the water is heated by the convective circulation of groundwater which percolates downward and then reaches the depths of a kilometre or even more where the temperature of rocks is quite high because of the normal temperature that is the gradient of the crust of the earth. 

Hot Spa

A hot spa is formed by a hot tub, which is typically used to refer to the above-ground portable spa. A hot tub or this portable spa is a total self-contained vessel. All kinds of plumbing works, and also the electrical control system and other such components, are built inside the hot tub. Extra plumbing is not required here.

The contrast between these two is their actual use and their location. A hot tub does have spa-like qualities like spas are often a standalone establishment or this is an in-ground structure that also provides all the health treatments. Whereas, a hot tub is portable and has plumbing and other electrical control systems.

Asin Hot Springs 

Asin Hot Spring is located 16 kilometres away from Baguio City. The hot spring is set in between the tall mountains.

Passing through the Naguilian Road, which comes before Cooyeesan Hotel Plaza after a few minutes, we can find Woodcarving Village. Woodcrafts are here displayed along the roadsides, where we can stop and watch the villagers carve beautiful images from the wood. The travellers travelling in the Asin, usually enjoy the whole trip because of the beautiful mountain scenery that is displayed throughout this trip. There are two waterfalls which catch the attention of the travellers. The travellers need to pass two tunnels after which they can finally reach Asin. 

There are 5 resorts to choose from, depending on the preference, budget and availability. The entrance fee to the resorts starts from Rs. 40-60 for the kids and Rs. 80-100 for adults. All the resorts have great amenities like restaurants, hotels and souvenir shops.

People with minimal budgets choose to go to the river instead. The water is clean and clear there, with no rules, so that they can enjoy nature at its best. People can also bring their fishing rods with them. Here the travellers come and enjoy with fewer restrictions and entry fee, they also carry picnic mats with them.  

Hot Spring Bath 

The hot spring bath is a steamy and sulphur-smelling tradition that spans the ages and continues to be a luxury requirement for spas, resorts and campgrounds around the world. People around the globe talk much about the rejuvenating powers of the sulphur springs. So, we can say that the hot spring bath causes many health benefits.

  • Hot Spring Baths are friendly to the skin.

  • This relaxes the mind.

  • A hot Spring bath increases blood circulation.

  • Hot Spring Bath proves to be a natural painkiller

Hot Springs Resort and Spa

Hot Springs are located in the mountains of Western North Carolina and are located along the banks of the Spring Creek and in the French Broad River, this is a town with rich history and with beaming natural charm. This town is an intersection along the historic Appalachian Trail and they are the part of the Southern Appalachian Mountains.

There is a Hot Spring Resort and Spa located in the heart of Hot Springs, North Carolina, this is a 100-acre Resort & Spa. In this resort we can find jetted hot tubs, that are positioned outside along the tranquil banks of the Spring Creek and the French Broad River; these tubs are supplied with a continuous flow of the World Famous Natural Hot Mineral Water. The resorts also have a nationally certified and state-licensed staff of massage therapists to compliment the same. 

Hot Springs Resort & Spa also offers other lodging options for those looking for a relaxing time to spend. These resorts have four luxury suites that have a jetted tub with mineral water in the room. This resort also has a deluxe cabin along with a full size outdoor jetted tub.