300+ TOP Higher Education System MCQs and Answers Quiz

Higher Education System Multiple Choice Questions

1.What change in Education is necessitated by Globalization?

a. Equality of Educational Opportunities

b. Modernization of Education

c. Vertical Mobility

d. Cultural Diffusion

2. The great sociologist who held the view that “education does not bring about social change, rather the social change results into an educational change” was:

a. MacDoogal

b. Aristotle

c. Durkheim

d. Dewey

3. The curriculum construction in Indian education is mostly influenced by

a. Child’s Psychology

b. Teacher’s Personality

c. Family structure

d. Constitutional provisions

4. Stanford Binet Scale measures the following attribute of an individual :

a. Intelligence

b. Creativity

c. Aptitude

d. Personality

5. A sector plan in education indicates

a. overall planning

b. a limited area of planning

c. planning for a region

d. planning for a particular level of education

6. The ultimate purpose of comparative education is :

a. closely studying the patterns of education in other countries.

b. finding similarities and differences between systems of education in different areas.

c. adapting feasible educational programmes by scientifically studying these in other regions.

d. studying the educational problems of a region in comparison with those of other regions.

7. Education and socio-economic development are :

a. Related in direct proportion

b. Related in an indirect proportion

c. Sometimes related and sometimes not related.

d. Not related.

8. Social reform aims at

a. Changing basic values of society

b. Changing the norms of the group

c. Changing the religious practices

d. Changing the habits of the individuals.

9. The state in India spending the largest amount on primary education is

a. Maharashtra

b. Kerala

c. Gujarat

d. Tamilnadu

10. Which method is adopted in order to create social attitude among students ?

a. teacher-centric method

b. input-out method

c. collective persuasive method

d. all of these

11. Education and population are related as follows

a. Expansion of education leads to developing trends of small size family among educated males and females

b. Expansion of education can control growth-rate of population

c. Expansion of education makes population more qualitative.

d. All the above

Answer: d

12. Individual differences in democracy are encouraged because

a. of the guarantee of all kinds of freedom as a right provided by the constitution

b. in the long run individuals will act and think alike

c. they make diverse beneficial contributions to a common cause

d. political leaders want to achieve their selfish ends.

Answer: c

13. Which categories of the following women appear in greater proportion in profession of nursing?

a. Christian

b. Hindu

c. Muslim

d. No pattern is reported

Answer: a

14. From the point of view of population control through family planning there should be

a. more literacy of males than females

b. more literacy of women than men

c. eradicntion of illiteracy of the old men

d. emphasis on expansion of education

Answer: b

15. For raising the educational standards of the university

a. students opting for higher education should be selected on the basis of intellectual tests

b. occupational and industrial development is essential with higher education

c. state policy should be effective

d. “a” and “b”

Answer: d

16. Which one of the following is an important occupation of educated women?

a. teaching

b. medicine

c. nursing

d. all of these

Ans d

17. For reducing expenditure on technical education

a. technical educational institutions should start to take donations;

b. it is necessary to reduce expenses o~ instruments and equipments of technical education ,

c. it is necessary to provide apprenticeship training through companies

d. it is necessary to reduce the number of technical educational institution.

Answer: c

18. The higher education is still dominated by

a. Mother-tongue

b. English

c. Hindi

d. All of these

Answer: b

19. According to whom “Educational Psychology is the Science of Education” ?

a. Skinner

b. Crow and Crow

c. Peel

d. Pillsburg

Answer: c

20. The new education policy envisages major modifications in the system of education. It is implied that:

a. Present education system is not consistent with national objectives and needs

b. Present education system requires a great change

c. Present education system is outdated

d. a and b

Ans . d

21. Which one of the following difficulties occur in the rural area for continuing secondary education of girls?

a. Parents do not desire to give co- education to their daughters along with boys

b. Poverty of parents

c. Help of girls in household work and work in agriculture

d. All the above

Answer: d

22. Political parties in democracy should not be banned because

a. democracy cannot exist without political parties

b. if they are banned, there will be violation of the constitutional right of freedom of people

c. political parties mobilise the public opinion in an organized way

d. All the above

Answer: d

23. The main problem for determining educational policy in India is that

a. people having higher technical education do not have employment opportunities at all;

b. people of higher technical education have unemployment

c. people with higher technical education do not find enough opportunity in India.

d. All the above

Answer: c

24. Which one of the following are the effect the World War II on trends of education

a. Increase in technological training

b. Schools as stronger base for national policy of education

c. Improvement in the articulation between high school and college

d. “b” and “c” ‘

Answer: d

25. In the rural sector the responsibility of primary education lies on

a. Gram Panchayat

b. District Council

c. Co-operative Societies

d. a and b

Answer: d

26. Who is called the Father of “ Basic Education”?

a. Mahatma Gandhi

b. Jawaharlal Nehru

c. Zakir Hussain

d. K. Gokhale

Answer: a

27. Fundamental Principle of Basic Education is/are-

a. The medium of education should be mother tongue.

b. The central point of education should be productive crafts.

c. English less Matriculation

d. All of these

Answer: d

28. The world, according to Samkara, is –

a. Real

b. Unreal

c. Illusory

d. None of these

Answer: b

29. Open learning institutions differ from the formal education institutions in that

a. the former offers more courses than the latter ‘

b. the former offers more flexibility in choice of course

c. the latter implements more-flexible evaluation pattern

d. the teaching process is given more importance than the learning by open learning institutions.


30. The education of primitive man was concerned with

a. vocational element

b. religious element

c. moral element

d. all of these

Answer: d

31. Who said that “Material and spiritual knowledge is already present in man covered by a curtain of ignorance”?

a. Plato

b. Mahatma Gandhi

c. Tagore

d. Vivekananda

Ans : d

32. The fundamental national values have been given in

a. Preamble of our Constitution

b. Articles of our Constitution

c. Entries of the lists of subjects

d. All of the above

Answer: a

33. Which Philosophy says, “Don’t care to know various theories about body and soul, do good and be good, that will take you to whatever truth there is” ?

a. Vedanta

b. Sankhya

c. Buddhism

d. All of the above

Answer: c

34. In India we are facing a problem of quantitative growth of higher education. The best solution could be to :

a. use satellites to teach all the courses

b. accept the facts and maintain the status, quo

c. make higher education costlier so as to prevent students going for’ higher education

d. provide alternative opportunities for life long learning.

Answer: d

35. What is your opinion about religious studies in educational institutions?

a. It should be prevented

b. It should be discouraged’

c. it must be such that it should nourish humanitarian values

d. Educational institutes should ,be non- secular. ‘

Answer: c

36. Which of the following bodies grants funds for higher education?

a. UGC

b. State Government

c. Municipal Corporation and Zila Parishad

d. Central Government

a. Only (i)

b. Only (iii) and (iv)

c. (i), (ii) and (iv)

d. All of the above

Answer: c

37. The formal education

a. makes man well civilized:

b. is not that it makes man well civilized

c. may develop bad trends

d. any of these

Answer: b

38. The barrier to female education is

a. no adequate facilities of schooling to girls

b. a large number of dropouts in case of girls recruited ill the school

c. parents not willing to send their daughters to school

d. a and b

Answer: d

39. Women are not willing to work in rural areas because of

a. nuisance by ruling people in villages

b. increasing trend of rowdiness

c. unfavourable attitude of rural society to working women

d. all the above

Answer: d

40. You are pressurized by the colleagues to accept membership of the Teachers’ union. What decision will you take ?

a. You will not accept membership to avoid enemity with the management

b. You will accept membership for promoting the strength and interest of the Teaching community

c. You do not like politics of any kind. So you will not accept membership

d. For maintaining day-to-day relations with your colleagues, you accept membership.

Answer: b

41. Which one of the following difficulties occur in the rural area for continuing secondary education of girls ?

a. Parents do not desire to give co- education to their daughters alongwith boys

b. Poverty of parents

c. Help of girls in household work and work in agriculture

d. All the above

Answer: d

42. The most prominent difference between Informal Education and Non formal Education is that

a. The former is organised, the latter is not organised

b. The former is not organised; the latter is organized

c. The former occurs within the institution, the latter occurs outside the institution

d. The former is subjective, the latter is objective

Answer: b

43. The phrase, “equal educational opportunity”, means

a. Providing equal opportunity to have the ‘ type of education for which one is suited

b. Provision of the same type of education for all

c. Providing opportunity for all to get education at any level

d. Ensuring admission to all for the desired stream of education.

Answer: a

44. Which is not an important aim of educational guidance ?

a. To help the students to find out their physical, mental and education

b. To help the students to know about further educational channels available

c. To give speed coaching to selected students in various subjects.

d. To help the students to adjust themselves to the curriculum, the college and the social life connected with it.

Answer: c

45. Permanent change in pupil behaviour can be brought about by

a. Teaching procedures

b. Learning experiences

c. Physical activities

d. Recitation

Answer: b

46. Who gave the concept of Negative Education?

a. Sarte

b. Dewey

c. Rousseau

d. Pestaloggi

Answer: c

47. Maktabs are:

a. Centres of Primary Education

b. Centres of Secondary Education

c. Institutions of Higher Education

d. Places of worship

Answer: a

48. The Principle of “Back to Nature in Education” was given by?

a. Shri Aurobindo

b. Vivekanand

c. Rousseau

d. Dewey

Answer: c

49. Education as an investment aims at

a. Enhancing productivity

b. Cultural development

c. Development of democractic outlook

d. Satisfaction of learners

Answer: a

50. Curriculum planning is a part of the sub system of

a. educational management

b. educational facilities

c. educational communication

d. educational activity

Answer: d

51. Extension’ Education is understood as

a. extending new knowledge to the door- step of those who need it .

b. extending educational opportunities to the deprived.

c. a programme for educating the farmers.

d. education meant to spread knowledge among villagers

Answer: d

52. If something a new or original is noticed in the activities of a leaner, then which of the following terms can describe him best?

a. Intelligent

b. Creative

c. Critical

d. Motivated

Answer: a

53. The most effective impression can be provided to learners by

a. charts and maps

b. black board presentations

c. sound film projector

d. meaningful verbal explanation

Answer: b

54. Aim of complete living in Education was supported by :

a. Herbart

b. Herbart Spencer

c. John Dewey

d. Plato

Answer: b

55. The most important factor in teaching in higher education is to

a. Supply the relevant information to students

b. Prepare students for the various competitive examinations

c. Lead students to the sources of information

d. Development spirit of competition for higher achievement in students.

Answer: c

56. In higher education, students are better motivated through

a. Competition

b. Personal achievements

c. Co-operation

d. Individual attention

Answer: b

57. Which was Ottway’s view on “Educationa and social changes”?

a. Education changes the society

b. Education change follows social change.

c. Educational change and social change are independent of one another.

d. Educational change and social change are interdependent, but which is the cause and which is the effect cannot be determined.

Answer: d

58. Social workers can have the following good approach to deal with a group of delinquent children, Which one ?

a. to develop friendly relations before trying to reform them .

b. to make them fully busy with some constructive activity

c. to praise them for their good behavior.

d. to advise them in different ways.

Answer: a

59. Many individuals accept employment in educational fields, because of

a. their zeal for imparting knowledge

b. lack of job opportunities elsewhere;

c. considering teaching profession as their aim

d. lively interest in acquisition of knowledge

Answer: b

60. Approach towards education should be

a. Imparting knowledge

b. Investment in human resources

c. Sacred mission

d. Employment oriented

Answer: b

61. Which of the following was not consisted in the recommendations of National Policy on Education – 1986.

a. Redesigning courses

b. Expansion of institutions

c. Training of teachers

d. Training of guardians

Answer: d

62. The National Policy of Education-1986 recommended for

a. Reorganisation of education

b. Use of English in wide range

c. Use of Sanskrit in wide range

d. None of the above

Answer: a

63. The Indira Gandhi National Open University came into existence in

a. April, 1985

b. September,1985

c. April, 1977

d. September, 1977

Answer: b

64. Prior to the Constitutional Amendment of 1976, ‘education’ was placed under which list?

a. Union List

b. Concurrent List

c. State List

a. None of these

Answer: c

65. Who among the following gave particular attention to establishment of comprehensive institutions for the rural people starting at the early childhood level going upto the highest.

a. Mahatma Gandhi

b. Rabindernath Tagore

(c ) Vivekananda

d. a. and b. both

Answer: d

66. In the year 1947-48, the number of technical institutions at degree level was

a. 38

b. 35

c. 40

d. 70

Answer: a

67. Value education should help in

a. Increasing states income.

b. Increasing teachers income

c. Controlling guardian’s expenditure on child’s schooling.

d. Eliminating violence fanaticism.

Answer: d

68. Which of the followings can be included under the group of ultimate values.

a. Goodness

b. Truth

c. Beauty

d. All of the above

Answer: d

69. Hedonism is a theory which believes in

a. happiness as the ultimate value.

b. liberation of the soul

c. ignorance is the cause of suffering. d. None of the above

Answer: a

70. The philosophy of materialism has been derived from

a. the world

b. matter

c. God

d. soul

Answer: b

71. Two ways of imparting value education are

a. Incidental and accidental

b. Systematic and non-systematic

c. Direct and indirect

d. None of the above

Answer: c

72. Sri Prakash committee was set up in

a. 1970-71

b. 1965-66

(c ) 1984- 85

d. 1959 – 60

Answer: d

73. Which of the following is not recommended by Sri Prakash committee

a. teaching moral values

b. silent meditation.

c. co-curricular activities

d. none of the above

Answer: d

74. The period of Indian Education Commission was

a. 1965-66

b. 1945-46

c. 1964-66

d. 1945-47

Answer: c

75. The Indian Education commission recommended for

a. time-table

b. suitable teachers

c. methods of moral teaching

d. All the above

Answer: d

76. Health value develops

a. Physical aesthetics

b. Mental aesthetics

c. Spiritual power

d. All of the above

Answer: d

77. Patriotic values are included under the groups of

a. social values

b. moral values

c. health values

d. ultimate values

Answer: a

78. Educating health values includes

a. Schools should have first aid box.

b. Medical inspection of the students

c. Ventilation in schools.

d. All the above

Answer: d

79. The Ishvarbhai Patel Committee was set up in

a. 1977

b. 1985

c. 1967

d. 1992

Answer: a

80. The Ishvarbhai Patel Committee recommended for …………..

a. work experience

b. value oriented education

c. women legislation

d. none of the above

Answer: a

81. Value oriented education develops

a. cultural values

b. vocational efficiency

c. character

d. all the above

Answer: d

82. The total number of Central Universities in India as on 29.06.17

a. 10

b. 47

c. 42

d. 31

Answer: b

83. The total number of Deemed Universities in India upto December, 2009 is

a. 130

b. 99

c. 69

d. 97

Answer: a

84. The number of Agricultural Education Institutes m India till today is

a. 37

b. 45

c. 39

d. 38

Answer: b

85. The number of State Universities in India is

a. 258

c. 225

b. 216

d. 230

Answer: a

86. In India, total number of Open University is

a. 14

b. 24

c. 6

d. 20

Answer: a

87. What amount has been provided in the Eleventh Five Year Plan for Education Mission through ICT?

a. Rs. 5000 crore

b. Rs. 550 crore

c. Rs. 6000 crore

d. Rs. 650 crore

Answer: a

88. The Development objective of Higher Education during Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07) was

a. Sustainable Human Development

b. Relevance in World Context

c. Improvements in Quality of Teaching

d. All the above

Answer: d

89. Which of the following are included in main feature of the UGC Xlth Five Year Plan (2007-12) ?

a. Incentives for resource mobilization

b. Universities with potential for excellence

c. Basic facilities for women

d. All of the above

Answer: d

90. Which of the following University will be set up as a Central University during Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12)?

(a)Indira Gandhi National Tribal University

b. Hyderabad University

(c)Patna University

(d)LN-Mishra University

Answer: a

91. The UGC reserved 10 per cent of the total allotted Budget during Tenth Five Year Plan for

a. North-Eastern Universities and their Constituent Colleges

b. East-Western Universities and their Constituent Colleges

c. North-Southern Universities and their Constituent Colleges

d. Border Universities and their Constituent Colleges

Answer: a

92. The total-number of Colleges till December,2009 was

a. 18000

b. 6500

c. 6600

d. 6815

Answer: a

93. The National Institute of Education Planning and Administration has been converted into a Deemed University and is now called the





Answer: a

94. The UGC INFONET network is run and managed as




d. None of these

Answer: a

95. At the end of Tenth Five Year Plan, the total number of Deemed Universities in India was





Answer: a

96. The U.G.C. have launched Career Orientation Programme in



c. 1986-87


Answer: a

97. The main aim of Vocationalization in Higher Education is

a. To control the enrolment of students in Post-graduation Courses

b. To create repulsion towards Higher Education

c. To shift the students attention from the problem of Unemployment

d. To guard the students from continuing higher education without purpose

Answer: d

98. The abbreviation ‘SCOVE’ stands for

a. Standing Committee of Vocational Edu- cation

b. Supreme Court Ordinance on Vocational Employment

c. State Committee on Vocational Education

d. State Council of Virtual Education

Answer: a

99. The aim of U.G.C.’s Standing Committee of Vocational Education is

a. To identify such institutions where vocational courses can be implemented

b. To impart training to the teachers for vocational education

c. To prepare study material for vocational courses

d. All of the above

Answer: d

100. The Residential Universities are the univer- sities having

a. Central Campus for Imparting Educa- tion

b. Many Campuses for Imparting Educa- tion

c. Both of the above are correct

d. None of the above are correct

Answer: a

Higher Education System Questions and Answers Pdf Download Quiz