250+ TOP MCQs on Excavation of Earth and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Excavation of Earth”.

1. The removal of earth for highway formation is __________
a) Embankment
b) Sub grade
c) Excavation
d) Filling
Ans : c
Clarification: The process of removal of earth for construction is called excavation, it may be done by manual or machine.

2. The best time to remove soil is during __________
a) Summer
b) Winter
c) Rainy season
d) During storm
Answer: a
Clarification: The best time to remove soil is during summer, if it is removed in winter there may be chances of rain so it’s better to remove in summer.

3. What is the equipment used for short haul distance of 100 m?
a) Bulldozer
b) Scrapper
c) Power shovel
d) Hoe
Ans: a
Clarification: The bulldozer is versatile earth equipment used for a short distance of 100m if it exceeds 100 m other equipment can also be used.

4. The blade angle of bulldozer is usually __________
a) 60
b) 90
c) 15
d) 45
Answer: b
Clarification: The blade angle of a bulldozer is usually kept perpendicular, which is always 90 degrees to the soil.

5. The precise control of excavation is possible by __________
a) Scrapper
b) Hoe
c) Shovel
d) Bulldozer
Answer: a
Clarification: The precise control of the excavation is possible by scrapper, but they can’t be used for greater depth.

6. The boom is supported by __________
a) Cab
b) Dipper stick
c) Hoist line
d) Crawler
Answer: c
Clarification: The hoist line gives the support to boom which is attached to the cab, cab is the place where controls are placed and boom is the support.

7. Dragline cannot excavate __________
a) Soft rocks
b) Black cotton soil
c) Clay
d) Stiff material
Answer: d
Clarification: The dragline can’t exert high pressure and remove stiff materials, it can remove only soft rocks.

8. The stiff materials can be excavated by __________
a) Dragline
b) Hoe
c) Power shovel
d) Scrapper
Clarification: How is one equipment which can exert high tooth pressure and excavate stiff materials from the ground.

9. The equipment having a bucket is?
a) Shovel
b) Clam shell
c) Dragline
d) Hoe
Answer: b
Clarification: A clam shell consists of a bucket that is used to carry soil or any other material from a greater depth.

10. The compaction of sand is done by __________
a) Rollers
b) Animals
c) Vibrator
d) Jetting
Answer: d
Clarification: The jetting of the sand cannot be done by using roller or vibrator, it requires effective techniques like jetting and pounding with water.

250+ TOP MCQs on Structural Evaluation of Flexible Pavements and Strengthening by Overlay – 2 and Answers

Highway Engineering Questions and Answers for Entrance exams on “Structural Evaluation of Flexible Pavements and Strengthening by Overlay – 2”.

1. The slender beam used in benkleman beam method is ___________
a) 3.5 m
b) 3.66 m
c) 3.8 m
d) 3.7 m
Answer: b
Clarification: The slender beam dimension in length is 3.66 m, which is hinged to a datum frame.

2. The least count of the small needle in benkleman beam test is ___________
a) 0.5 mm
b) 1.0 mm
c) 1.5 mm
d) 2.0 mm
Answer: d
Clarification: The least count for the large needle of dial gauge is 0.01 mm and small gauge is 2.0 mm.

3. The tyre pressure in benkleman beam method should be inflated to (in kg/cm2).
a) 5.0
b) 5.2
c) 5.4
d) 5.6
Answer: d
Clarification: The plates should be inflated to a pressure of 5.6 kg/cm2, use of tyres with tubes and rib tread is recommended.

4. Wheel load distribution in one side of benkleman beam test is ___________
a) 1080 kg
b) 2880 kg
c) 4085 kg
d) 8170 kg
Answer: c
Clarification: The total load is 8170 kg, and it is taken as 4085 kg on one side because it is considered as a single axle.

5. The clear space between the two tyres of the dual wheels should be ___________
a) 20 mm
b) 25 mm
c) 27.5 mm
d) 30 mm
Answer: d
Clarification: The spacing is ideally considered between 30 and 40 mm, it is an ideal requirement for two tyres of the dual wheels, it may even be less or more.

6. The pavement whose rut depth is less than 10 mm is classified as ___________
a) Poor
b) Very poor
c) Fair
d) Good
Answer: d
Clarification: The classification for no cracking or rut depth less than 10 mm is good, if it exceeds 10 mm they are fair, poor and very poor depending on the degree of ruts.

7. The test pits are maximum dug at a distance of ___________
a) 150 m
b) 250 m
c) 300 m
d) 500 m
Answer: d
Clarification: The test pits are dug from a distance of 250 to a maximum distance of 500 mm.

8. The minimum length of a sub stretch is ___________
a) 0.5 km
b) 1.0 km
c) 1.5 km
d) 2.0 km
Answer: b
Clarification: The minimum length of a sub stretch is taken as 1.0 km, for longer pavement distances.

9. The depth of the hole dug for measuring of temperature is ___________
a) 45 mm
b) 55 mm
c) 65 mm
d) 75 mm
Answer: a
Clarification: The minimum depth of hole is 45 mm and diameter is 10 mm.

10. The quantity of soil collected in benkleman beam method is ___________
a) 10 g
b) 100 g
c) 1000 g
d) 2000 g
Answer: b
Clarification: The minimum quantity of soil collected is 100 g for checking the plasticity index of soil.

Highway Engineering for Entrance exams,

250+ TOP MCQs on Maintenance Problems on Hill Roads and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Maintenance Problems on Hill Roads”.

1. Catch water drains, sloping drain, road side drains, catch pit and culverts are periodically cleared to prevent __________
a) Landslide
b) Over flow of water
c) Earthquake
d) Snowfall
Answer: b
Clarification: All are drainage structures and they are maintained periodically to prevent overflow of water, landslide may cause earthquake and in hilly regions there will be a snowfall but primary purpose is to prevent overflow of water.

2. The preventive measure adopted in hill road don’t include __________
a) Stabilization of soil
b) Grass turf
c) Stone masonry
d) Brick masonry
Answer: d
Clarification: Stone masonry is advisable in hill road as, brick masonry is difficult and as brick joints consists of mortar, seepage may be a problem.

3. The problems in snowfall region, of snow is not cleared is overcome by __________
a) Hill markers
b) Snow markers
c) Traffic signal
d) Closing the road
Answer: b
Clarification: Mostly in peak snowfall region, the road is closed, but if it is extremely necessary then snow markers may be used.

4. The important structure constructed above the road with out impacting the load is called __________
a) Gallery
b) Drainage
c) Camber
d) Crown
Answer: a
Clarification: The gallery is a special type of structure which is used for the snow to slide without impacting the load, crown is the highest point, camber is used to prevent the drainage.

5. The frequent problem on the hill road is __________
a) Earthquake
b) Landslide
c) Soil erosion
d) Seepage
Answer: b
Clarification: All the problems are frequent, but landslide occur very frequently and special care should be taken for landslide.

6. The landslide denotes __________
a) Downward and upward movement of hill slope material
b) Disintegration of rocks
c) Earthquake on hill
d) Breaking of rock
Answer: a
Clarification: The landslides are a problem which is caused due to earthquake and landslide ultimately leading to the disintegration of rocks and they cause upward and downward movement.

7. The landslide doesn’t take place due to __________
a) Sliding
b) Falling
c) Flowing
d) Breaking
Answer: d
Clarification: The landslides take place only due to sliding, flowing and falling.

8. The failure of landslide is classified into how many types?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: d
Clarification: The landslides are classified as slides, falls, flows and complex slides.

9. The failure due to shear occurs in __________
a) Slides
b) Falls
c) Flows
d) Complex slides
Answer: a
Clarification: In slides the movement is caused due to shear failure along one or several surfaces, in complex slides the failure occurs from a combination of slides and falls or slides and flow.

10. The measure not advisable to prevent landslide is __________
a) Soil nailing
b) Geo synthetic fibre
c) Soil stabilization by any method
d) Retaining wall
Answer: c
Clarification: The soil stabilization should not be done by any method, it depends on many factors like soil, slope stability and other factors.

250+ TOP MCQs on Highway Planning, Classification of Road and Road Patterns and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Highway Planning, Classification of Road and Road Patterns”.

1. The phases of highway planning do not include the following?
a) Assessment of road length requirement
b) Preparation of master plan
c) Showing the phasing of a plan in five year plan
d) Financing
Answer: d
Clarification: Financing of the highway is done after the planning of the highway after getting approval from the government, before the assessment, preparation and DPR are prepared.

2. Which type of roads can be utilized during monsoon?
a) Unpaved roads
b) Gravel roads
c) Fair weather roads
d) Bituminous roads
Answer: d
Clarification: Bituminous roads are convenient to use compared to the other roads because they can easily drain off the water and are comfortable to use during rainy season.

3. The Nagpur plan classified the roads based on ______________
a) Location
b) Function
c) Location and function
d) Annual daily traffic
Answer: c
Clarification: The Nagpur plan classified the roads based on location and function into 5 categories namely National Highway, State Highway, Major District Road, Other District Road, Village Road.

4. The roads that connect the district headquarters to important city of other state is called ___________
a) National Highway
b) State Highway
c) Major district road
d) Other district road
Answer: b
Clarification: A State Highway is a highway that connects the district headquarters to other important cities in another state.

5. The arterial roads are a classification of which type of roads?
a) Rural roads
b) Urban Rods
c) National highway
d) State highway
Answer: b
Clarification: Urban roads are classified into Arterial roads, Sub arterial roads, Collector streets and Local streets.

6. The rectangular pattern of roads has been adopted in which Indian city?
a) New Delhi
b) Chandigarh
c) Hyderabad
d) Mumbai
Answer: b
Clarification: Chandigarh city was planned by assuming the rectangular pattern. But by this pattern operation of traffic has been a problem.

7. The Nagpur plan formulae assumed which type of pattern?
a) Star and grid
b) Star and circular
c) Hexagonal
d) Circular
Answer: a
Clarification: The Nagpur plan assumed star and grid pattern in which it assumed to connect all the nearby important cities and villages to the National capital.

8. The Nagpur plan conference was held in which year?
a) 1941
b) 1942
c) 1943
d) 1947
Answer: c
Clarification: The Nagpur plan conference was held in 1943 which was the first 20 year development plan. The main target of the plan was to achieve 16km road density per 100sq.km.

9. The highway research Board was set up in which year?
a) 1947
b) 1953
c) 1963
d) 1973
Answer: d
Clarification: The highway research board was set up in the year 1973 by IRC to give good guidance for road development in India.

10. The second 20 year development plan conference was held in which city?
a) Nagpur
b) Bombay
c) Madras
d) Lucknow
Answer: b
Clarification: The second 20 year development plan conference was held in Bombay, their target was to achieve road length of 32km but they achieved 34.8km.

250+ TOP MCQs on Traffic Characteristics and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on ” Traffic Characteristics”.

1. The difference in between the set of front axle and rear axle while negotiating a horizontal curve is called ___________
a) Psychological widening
b) Off tracking
c) Skidding
d) Slipping
Answer: b
Clarification: Whenever a four wheeled vehicle such as bus or truck negotiates the horizontal curve then there is a centrifugal force induced and a difference is formed between front and rear axle which is called as off tracking.

2. A wheel base of 6.5m negotiates a 35m curve find the off tracking?
a) 0.5m
b) 0.6m
c) 0.62m
d) 0.7m
Answer: b
Clarification: Off tracking=l2/2R

3. In a braking test, a vehicle was moving with a speed of 45kmph and was stopped by applying brakes, the skid marks were 10.0m in length. Determine the skid resistance.
a) 0.78m
b) 0.69m
c) 0.71m
d) 0.72m
Answer: a
Clarification: speed=45/3.6
Braking distance = u2/2gf
10=12.5*12.5/ (2*9.81*f)

4. The brake efficiency in the braking test is assumed as ___________
a) 95%
b) 96%
c) 99%
d) 100%
Answer: d
Clarification: In the braking test the wheels are assumed to be fully locked and the efficiency is assumed as 100%.

5. Gross weight, axle and wheel loads of vehicle govern the ___________
a) Width of pavement
b) Thickness of pavement
c) Structural design of pavement and cross drainage structures
d) Traffic junctions
Answer: c
Clarification: The weight of the vehicle and wheel loads usually recommended by IRC is used for the design of pavements and cross drainage structures.

6. How many types of factors affect traffic characteristics?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: d
Clarification: The factors affecting traffic characteristics are physical, mental, environmental and psychological.

7. The hearing, visibility and reaction time are covered in which type of factors?
a) Physical
b) Mental
c) Psychological
d) Environmental
Answer: a
Clarification: The visibility, hearing and reaction time are related to the physical conditions of the road, they are covered under physical type.

8. An intelligent driver who consumed alcohol will have a chance of ___________
a) Increased alertness
b) Increase in reaction time
c) Increase in speed
d) Increase in judgment
Answer: b
Clarification: A person who is extremely intelligent if he consumes alcohol, then there is a chance of losing his control over mind temporarily and will have an increase in reaction time.

9. The pollutant mostly released by automobiles is ___________
a) CO
b) CO2
c) O3
d) CH4
Answer: a
Clarification: The pollutant mostly released by automobiles is CO, when it is mixed with haemoglobin it forms carboxyhaemoglobin which is very dangerous for health.

10. The most likely cause of accidents is ___________
a) Impatience in driving
b) Slow speed of vehicle
c) Pedestrians crossing the road
d) Cattle crossing the road
Answer: a
Clarification: The most likely cause in this case is impatience in driving as it may lead to anxiety and fear; this mostly affects the user psychologically.

11. The width recommended by IRC for all type of vehicles is ___________
a) 1.5m
b) 2.0m
c) 2.5m
d) 3.0m
Answer: c
Clarification: IRC recommends a width of 2.5m for any type of vehicle.

12. The stability of a vehicle is influenced by ___________
a) Width of wheel base only
b) Width of wheel base and height of gravity
c) Height of gravity only
d) Length of vehicle only
Answer: b
Clarification: The stability of a vehicle is influenced greatly by width of wheel base and height of center of gravity is useful near horizontal curves.

13. The height of the vehicle mainly influences?
a) Width of pavement
b) Length of curve
c) Clearance under structures
d) Design velocity
Answer: c
Clarification: The clearance of structures like over bridges and under bridges mainly depends on the height of the vehicle.

14. The minimum number of parameters needed to measure brake efficiency is?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: b
Clarification: The parameters required for measuring brake efficiency are initial speed; braking distance and actual duration of braking application in these three parameters any two of them are needed.

15. If the acceleration of the vehicle is 6.17m/sec2 then the average skid resistance is?
a) 0.61
b) 0.62
c) 0.63
d) 0.64
Answer: b
Clarification: The average skid resistance f=a/g

250+ TOP MCQs on Bituminous Binders and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Bituminous Binders”.

1. Bitumen is obtained from __________
a) Wood
b) Petroleum
c) Coal
d) Kerosene
Answer: b
Clarification: Bitumen is a product that can be obtained from petroleum, bitumen is the most preferred material for pavement now.

2. Tar is obtained from __________
a) Wood
b) Petroleum
c) Coal
d) Kerosene
Answer: a
Clarification: Tar is a byproduct of wood, both tar and bitumen look similar and used for pavement.

3. Tar is not used now because of __________
a) Cost
b) Efficiency
c) Harmful effects
d) Not satisfactory
Answer: c
Clarification: Tar is not being used now because of its heating effects and poisonous gases released during heating.

4. Bitumen is __________
a) Pyrogenous
b) Natural
c) Either natural or pyrogenous
d) Artificial
Answer: c
Clarification: The bitumen may be natural or pyrogenous which is completely soluble in carbon disulfide and carbon tetrachloride.

5. The bitumen is completely soluble in __________
a) Carbon monoxide
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Carbon sulfide
d) Carbon disulfide
Answer: c
Clarification: Bitumen is completely soluble in carbon disulfide and carbon terachloride, these are the chemical substances in which bitumen dissolves completely.

6. The resistance to flow is measured by __________
a) Flash and fire
b) Viscosity
c) Penetration test
d) Ductility test
Answer: b
Clarification: The resistance to flow of the liquid is called as viscosity, the other tests are also conducted for bitumen, in viscosity the viscosity grade of bitumen is obtained.

7. The temperature used in highway pavement in degrees centigrade is __________
a) 130
b) 120
c) 115
d) 175
Answer: d
Clarification: The temperature varies between 130 and 175 degrees centigrade and it may also be above it, depending on the exposure of heat and time taken, usually it cools down very fast.

8. The solvent used in cut back bitumen is __________
a) Kerosene
b) Oil
c) Petrol
d) Diesel
Answer: a
Clarification: The solvent mostly used in the cutback bitumen is kerosene, this bitumen is economical than others, oil petrol and diesel are inflammables so they should not be preferred.

9. The bitumen surface becomes stiff in __________
a) Summer
b) Winter
c) Rainy
d) Spring
Answer: b
Clarification: The bitumen becomes softer in summer due to heating and stiffer in winter due to cooling.

10. Which bitumen does not need heating?
a) Paving grade
b) Cut back
c) Modified
d) Bitumen emulsion
Answer: b
Clarification: The cutback bitumen which is the most economical type may or may not require heating, whereas the remaining required to be heated.

11. The distance between two samples in penetration test should be __________
a) 10mm
b) 15mm
c) 20mm
d) 25mm
Answer: a
Clarification: The minimum distance between samples must be 10mm in a penetration test, if it is less than 10 mm then there is no accurate value for penetration.

12. Which of the following grade of bitumen is harder?
a) 30/40
b) 60/70
c) 80/100
d) All are equal
Answer: a
Clarification: Lesser the value of bitumen stiffer will be the bitumen, 30/40 is the least value, whereas 80/100 is the highest value, so it is the most soft bitumen.

13. The temperature in penetration test is __________
a) 25
b) 30
c) 27
d) 35
Answer: a
Clarification: The room temperature of the bitumen test is considered as 25 as per theory, practically it may not be possible, it may be 27 to 35 also in India.

14. The SI unit of viscosity is?
a) Stoke
b) Pascal
c) Pascal second
d) Dynes
Answer: c
Clarification: The SI unit of viscosity is Pascal second, Pascal is for pressure, Stoke is CGS unit, Dynes is also a CGS unit.

15. The softening point of bitumen in the given options (in degree Celsius) will be __________
a) 25
b) 30
c) 35
d) 80
Answer: c
Clarification: The softening point of bitumen may be between 35 and 70 in most of the cases, so here 35 is the most appropriate.