250+ TOP MCQs on Engineering Surveys for Highway Alignment and Answers

Highway Engineering Questions and Answers for Freshers on ” Engineering Surveys for Highway Alignment”.

1. The surveys of highway alignment are completed in how many stages?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: d
Clarification: The surveys are completed in 4 stages namely map study, reconnaissance, preliminary survey and detailed survey.

2. The maps in India related to topography are prepared by __________
a) Geological survey of India
b) Survey of India
d) GOI
Answer: b
Clarification: All the maps related to topography in India are prepared by survey of India, NHAI is for highway alignment and geological survey of India for any rocks exploration, government of India is the finance aid for all.

3. The survey in which details are covered roughly but not accurately is called __________
a) Reconnaissance
b) Rough survey
c) Map study
d) Detailed study
Answer: a
Clarification: The reconnaissance survey consists of studying the details in the field roughly which are not covered in the map study.

4. The soil survey is conducted in which of the following survey?
a) Preliminary survey
b) Reconnaissance survey
c) Map study
d) Topography study
Answer: a
Clarification: The preliminary survey consists of collecting topographical data, soil survey and other data, in reconnaissance survey rough survey is done, map study is for a plan.

5. A closed loop used for survey purpose is called __________
a) Open traverse
b) Closed traverse
c) Primary traverse
d) Secondary traverse
Answer: b
Clarification: A traverse is a closed loop used for survey purpose, if it is open then it is called as open traverse.

6. Expand GPS?
a) Global position satellite
b) Global perception satellite
c) Global position system
d) Geographical position system
Answer: c
Clarification: GPS –Global position system is a modern technique used for survey. GIS is also used for weather report and other applications.

7. The intervals for levelling work in rolling terrain are taken as __________
a) 50m
b) 30 m
c) 45 m
d) 40 m
Answer: a
Clarification: In the rolling terrain the interval is considered as 50m and in hilly terrain is taken as 30m.

8. What is the first step in a preliminary survey?
a) Primary traverse
b) Map study
c) Detailed survey
d) Detailed project report
Answer: a
Clarification: The first step in preliminary survey is to establish primary traverse followed by a survey and detailed project report.

9. The surface thickness of the pavement is decided based on __________
a) HFL
b) MFL
c) MSL
d) HFL and MSL
Answer: a
Clarification: The HFL is the height till which water raised during recent floods, to avoid the flooding of roads they are always kept above HFL.

10. The key map size should not exceed __________
a) 20*22 cm
b) 32*20 cm
c) 32*32 cm
d) 20*32 cm
Answer: a
Clarification: The key map shows the proposed site and important places, the key map should not exceed 22*20cm in size.

Highway Engineering for Freshers,

250+ TOP MCQs on Traffic Regulation and Control – 1 and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Traffic Regulation and Control – 1”.

1. What is the first phase of traffic regulation?
a) Driver controls
b) Vehicle controls
c) Traffic flow regulations
d) General controls
Answer: a
Clarification: The first phase of traffic regulation is driver controls followed by vehicle control, traffic flow regulation and general control.

2. The various regulations imposed through the traffic control devices do not include __________
a) Clear visibility
b) Easy recognition
c) Sufficient time for driver
d) Traffic population
Answer: d
Clarification: The various regulations imposed through the traffic control devices do not include as they are not related to control of traffic.

3. The minimum age for attaining a license for a geared vehicle is?
a) 16 years
b) 18 years
c) 20 years
d) 21 years
Answer: b
Clarification: Then minimum age for driving a non-geared vehicle is 16 years, for geared vehicle it is 18 years and for transport vehicle it is 21 years.

4. The motor vehicle act was revised in __________
a) 1939
b) 1988
c) 1989
d) 1987
Answer: b
Clarification: The motor vehicle act was passed in 1939, and it was revised in 1988.

5. Traffic symbols are classified into how many categories?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: c
Clarification: The traffic symbols are classified into three types they are informatory, cautionary and mandatory.

6. The symbol when violated which may lead to offense is?
a) Cautionary
b) Mandatory
c) Informatary
d) Both informatory and cautionary
Answer: b
Clarification: Mandatory symbol is a symbol which has to be followed at all times, if violated except for special cases, they may attract a penalty.

7. Which of the following is a disadvantage in one way traffic?
a) Increase in average travel speed
b) More effective coordination of signal system
c) More stream lined movement of vehicles
d) More chances of overtaking
Answer: d
Clarification: In one way traffic there are more chances of overtaking as there is traffic only in one direction, there is a chance of overtaking.

8. The total conflict points at a junction on both two way roads are?
a) One
b) Four
c) five
d) six
Answer: d
Clarification: The total number of conflict points is the sum of major and minor conflict points, major conflict points are 4 and minor conflict points are 2, so total conflict points are six.

9. The maximum number of conflict points is formed in __________
a) One way regulation on one road
b) One way regulation on two roads
c) Two way regulation on one road
d) Two way regulation on both roads
Answer: d
Clarification: The maximum number of conflict points is formed in two ways regulation on both roads is 24.

10. The specifications for road signs are specified by __________
a) IRC 6
b) IRC 21
c) IRC 67
d) IRC 97
Answer: c
Clarification: The specifications for road signs are specified by IRC 67-2010.

11. The diameter of the small size information board is?
a) 600mm
b) 900mm
c) 1200mm
d) 1500mm
Answer: a
Clarification: The diameter of the small size information board is 600mm, for medium size is 900mm and the large size diameter is 1200mm.

12. Which type of board should be installed if the speed limit is 100kmph?
a) Small
b) Medium
c) Large
d) Not required
Answer: c
Clarification: Large sizes of boards are required when speed limit exceeds 100kmph, for lesser speeds small and medium sized boards can be used.

13. Give way sign is of __________
a) Triangular shape
b) Circular shape
c) Octagonal shape
d) Hexagonal shape
Answer: a
Clarification: Give way sign is of triangular shape and it is coloured with a red border and white background.

14. STOP sign is having __________
a) Octagonal shape
b) Circular shape
c) Triangular shape
d) Any shape
Answer: a
Clarification: STOP symbol is of octagonal shape and covered in red background and red border.

15. The clearance time is indicated by __________
a) Red
b) Amber
c) Green
d) White
Answer: b
Clarification: The clearance time is indicated by amber, in some places yellow and blue color also used.

250+ TOP MCQs on Flexible Pavement-Components and their Functions and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Flexible Pavement-Components and their Functions”.

1. The most superior material is used in _____________
a) base
b) sub base
c) surface
d) soil
Answer: c
Clarification: The most superior material is used in the surface layer of pavement as it is the layer that is exposed to more number of stresses.

2. The soil sub grade suitable for pavement is _____________
a) Gravel
b) Sand
c) Black cotton soil
d) Red soil
Answer: a
Clarification: The soil sub grade most suitable for pavement layer is gravel as it is very strong rock, black cotton is not suitable for pavement but suitable for crops, sand has a danger of liquefaction and red soil is not so advisable.

3. The drainage layer is _____________
a) Sub grade
b) Sub base
c) Base
d) Surface
Answer: b
Clarification: The drainage layer of the pavement is granular sub base course which collects water from pavement surfaces.

5. What is the minimum thickness of compacted sub grade?
a) 300 mm
b) 500 mm
c) 700 mm
d) 900 mm
Answer: a
Clarification: The minimum thickness of sub grade required is 300mm and in highways it is 500 mm as they are provided with the maximum best facilities.

5. What is the most common test used in evaluating soil strength?
a) CBR
b) DCP
c) Triaxial
d) Plate bearing test
Answer: a
Clarification: All the tests are performed but the most commonly used one is CBR, which is called as California bearing test, performed in India.

6. The CBR standard penetration is __________
a) 2.5 mm
b) 5.0 mm
c) 7.5 mm
d) 25mm
Answer: a
Clarification: The standard penetration value of the CBR value is 2.5mm if 5 mm value is greater then the penetration test is repeated again.

7. What is the minimum thickness of seal coat?
a) 20mm
b) 25mm
c) 30.m
d) 35mm
Answer: a
Clarification: The minimum thickness of the seal coat required is 20mm for bitumen pavement, seal coat is a layer above the flexible pavement surface.

8. The impact value of aggregate used in the pavement is __________
a) 30
b) 40
c) 50
d) 60
Answer: a
Clarification: The aggregate impact value should not be more than 30% for aggregate used in bitumen if it is less than 30 the aggregate may be replaced.

9. The abrasion value of the aggregate in pavement should be less than __________
a) 30
b) 40
c) 50
d) 60
Answer: b
Clarification: The abrasion value of aggregate should not be more than 40% for the aggregate tested by Los Angeles abrasion test, if it is more than 40, then it may be rejected.

10. The specifications for highway are prepared by __________
a) IRC
c) BIS
Answer: b
Clarification: The specifications for the highway are prepared by MORTH, which is the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway.

250+ TOP MCQs on Mechanical Soil Stabilization and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Mechanical Soil Stabilization”.

1. What is the first principle of mechanical soil stabilisation?
a) Proportioning
b) Compaction
c) Consolidation
d) Shear
Answer: a
Clarification: The first principle of mechanical stabilised soil is proportioning and then compaction.

2. The non desirable property of soil is __________
a) Shear
b) Swelling
c) Incompressibility
d) Stability
Answer: b
Clarification: Swelling is not such a desirable property in soil because change in volume may cause great loss to soil.

3. The maximum dry density of the soil can be achievement by __________
a) Compaction
b) Consolidation
c) Removal of voids
d) Removal of rocks
Answer: a
Clarification: The best method to achieve maximum dry density is by compaction of soil, as it is the easy, best and fast method.

4. The compaction of granular material is __________
a) Very easy
b) Easy
c) Difficult
d) Very difficult
Answer: d
Clarification: The compaction of granular material is a very difficult task as it needs a lot of effort.

5. If the grains in the aggregate lose contact, they __________
a) Melt
b) Float
c) Freeze
d) Sieze
Answer: b
Clarification: When granular material is separated, then the grains in the soil mostly float and in cold region they freeze.

6. The n in the gradation formula is called __________
a) Gradation value
b) Gradation index
c) Gradation factor
d) Gradation distribution
Answer: b
Clarification: The n in gradation formula is called as the gradation index of the soil, which is used to denote the property of a particular soil.

7. The value of the maximum gradation index lies between?
a) 0.5
b) 0.3
c) 0.2
d) 0.1
Answer: a
Clarification: The maximum gradation index is 0.5 it depends on the coarseness of aggregate, for less coarse aggregate it may be 0.1 to 0.2.

8. The mechanical stabilised soil does not depend on __________
a) Gradation
b) Salts
c) Compaction
d) Consolidation
Answer: d
Clarification: The mechanical stabilisation of soil doesn’t depend on consolidation as it is a long process.

9. The proportioning method not in use is __________
a) Rothfutch
b) Triangular
c) Lab tests
d) CBR method
Answer: d
Clarification: The CBR method is a method of designing of flexible pavement, the remaining are proportioning methods.

10. The percentage of chemical added in soil by weight is?
a) 1
b) 1.5
c) 0.5
d) 0.2
Answer: c
Clarification: The usual volume of chemical added in the soil is 0.5% of the weight of soil if it is added more then the soil may lose it’s strength.

250+ TOP MCQs on Requirements and importance of Highway Drainage and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Requirements and importance of Highway Drainage”.

1. The highway drainage requirement don’t include ______________
a) Effective drainage
b) Water entering the roadway
c) Sufficient longitudinal slope
d) Erosion free
Answer: b
Clarification: The water should not enter the roadway as it will cause severe damage to the pavements.

2. The preferable height of the water table should be __________
a) 0.75 m
b) 1.0 m
c) 1.2 m
d) 0.5 m
Answer: c
Clarification: The preferred height for the ground water should be 1.2 m below the sub grade. If it is less than 1.2 m it may raise upward.

3. The precautions should be mostly taken for drainage in __________
a) Dry areas
b) Semi dry areas
c) Water logged areas
d) Desert areas
Answer: c
Clarification: Special precautions need to be taken especially in the areas where there is water logging.

4. The increase in moisture causes the strength to __________
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Remains same
d) Can’t determine
Answer: b
Clarification: An increase in the moisture content will reduce the strength of the soil, so it should be very carefully calculated.

5. The excess water on shoulder in a dry region with a good drainage system causes __________
a) Water stagnation
b) Floods
c) Damage to pavement
d) Increase of initial cost
Answer: c
Clarification: The damage of pavement is caused due to the excessive amount of water on the pavement shoulders.

6. The sustained contact with water cause failure due to __________
a) Swelling
b) Stripping
c) Ravelling
d) Sloping
Answer: b
Clarification: The sustained contact with water in flexible pavement causes stripping of bitumen from aggregate.

7. The damage in cold region is caused due to __________
a) Heat
b) Rain
c) Frost action
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c
Clarification: In cold regions when freezing temperatures are prevalent then there is considerable damage due to frost action.

8. The path of wheels cause damage in the form of __________
a) Undulations
b) Shear
c) Deflection
d) Ruts and corrugation
Answer: d
Clarification: The ruts and corrugation are formed due to the heavy vehicles, and they give impressions on the pavement.

9. The swelling and shrinkage is mostly seen in __________
a) Sand
b) Gravel
c) Black cotton soil
d) Kankar
Answer: c
Clarification: The black cotton soil is a soil in which mostly alternative shrinkage and drying occurs, in construction of pavement the black cotton soil is not preferred.

10. In India for storm sewage and domestic sewage we use?
a) Individual sewers
b) Combined sewers
c) Iron pipes
d) Closed sewers
Answer: b
Clarification: In India we mostly use combined sewers and they are mostly open and made with concrete.

250+ TOP MCQs on Drawings and Report and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Drawings and Report”.

1. The index map shows __________
a) Topography
b) Soil
c) Area of the site
d) Plan
Answer: a
Clarification: Index map is used for general topography. They are usually prepared in 32*20 cm map.

2. Detailed size drawings are prepared in which sheet?
a) A1
b) A2
c) A3
d) A4
Answer: b
Clarification: The detailed plans of drawings are prepared in A2 sheets. They are usually 60*42cm in size.

3. The cross sections should be drawn for every __________
a) 10m
b) 20m
c) 50m
d) 100m
Answer: d
Clarification: The cross section should be drawn for every 100m or wherever there is an abrupt change in the level.

4. The approximate cost of construction evaluated for the project is called __________
a) Project report
b) Project feasibility
c) Estimate
d) Detailed project report
Answer: c
Clarification: The approximate cost of a project before the construction is called an estimate.

5. The report that includes all the works including soil, bridges, topography, material studies and drainage studies is called as __________
a) Feasibility report
b) Detailed project report
c) Survey report
d) Primary report
Answer: b
Clarification: Detailed project report or DPR is the report that is created after all the surveys and estimates have been prepared for a final review.

6. The planning, design and construction of either a network of new roads or road link is called __________
a) Highway project
b) Highway estimate
c) Highway interlinking
d) Highway design
Answer: a
Clarification: The highway project includes planning, designing and execution of new roads or providing links between existing roads, the design is for geometry and interlinking word is not so appropriate and estimate is prepared for every highway.

7. Highway should be planned for __________
a) Present requirements
b) Traffic developments
c) Traffic studies
d) Present requirements and future requirements
Answer: d
Clarification: A highway should be planned such that the present and future requirements of the highway are satisfied.

8. The New highway project is divided into how many stages?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: c
Clarification: The new highway project is divided into (i) Selection of route, alignment and geometric design. (ii) Collection of materials (iii) Construction stages including quality control.