250+ TOP MCQs on Geometrics of Hill Roads and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Geometrics of Hill Roads”.

1. What is the minimum design speed on the major district road of hill?
a) 30 Kmph
b) 40 Kmph
c) 50 Kmph
d) 20 Kmph

Answer: a
Clarification: The minimum design speed is 30 Kmph, maximum is 40 and for steep terrain it is 20 and maximum on highway is 50 Kmph.

2. What is the width of a pavement of 2 lane national highway?
a) 7.0 m
b) 3.75 m
c) 8.80 m
d) 3.00 m

Answer: a
Clarification: The width of a pavement of a two lane national highway is 7.0 m, for single lane it is 3.75 m and including parapet it is 8.8 m.

3. What is the minimum setback?
a) 0.4 m
b) 0.2 m
c) 3.0 m
d) 5.0 m

Answer: c
Clarification: Desirable setback is 5.0m, whereas minimum is 3.0m, near rocks it may be reduced by 0.4m and 0.2 m in other cases.

4. What is the camber for high bitumen road?
a) 1.7
b) 2.0
c) 2.5
d) 3.0

Answer: a
Clarification: The camber for high type bitumen is 1.7 to 2.5 and for thin it is 2.0 to 2.5, for gravel it is 2.5 to 3.0%.

5. What is the SSD value for speed of 20 Kmph?
a) 20 m
b) 40 m
c) 25 m
d) 50 m

Answer: a
Clarification: The SSD value of the vehicle is same as the speed of the vehicle upto 40 Kmph and thereafter it increases slightly.

6. What is the ISD value of the hill road with a speed of 50 Kmph?
a) 50m
b) 100m
c) 60m
d) 120m

Answer: d
Clarification: The ISD value is twice the value of the SSD, but after 40kmph it increases slightly, so it is considered as 120m.

7. What is the minimum super elevation?
a) 7%
b) 10%
c) Camber
d) Longitudinal slope

Answer: c
Clarification: The maximum super elevation is 7%, on hills it is 10%, and for drainage it is considered as camber or cross slope.

8. On which road the maximum radius is provided?
a) National highway
b) MDR
c) ODR
d) VR

Answer: a
Clarification: National highway and state highway have the same value of 80m, whereas 50,30 and 20 are provided on the MDR, ODR and VR respectively.

9. The maximum gradient compensation for a radius of 150 m is _____________
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Answer: b
Clarification: Maximum gradient compensation=75/R

10. The length of valley curve depends on __________
a) Speed limit
b) deviation angle
c) Centrifugal acceleration
d) Speed limit and deviation angle

Answer: d
Clarification: The length of the valley curve is dependent both on speed limit and deviation angle, for a speed limit of 50 Kmph and deviation angle of 1.0 the length of the curve is 100m, for the speed of 30 Kmph and deviation of 0.08, length is 30m.

250+ TOP MCQs on Transportation Introduction and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Transportation Introduction”.

1. The main objective of transportation is?
a) Economical transport of goods
b) Economical transport of passengers
c) To generate revenue
d) Safe economical and efficient transport of goods and passengers
Answer: d
Clarification: The main objective of a good transportation system is to provide safe economical, efficient transportation for the facility of passengers and the transport of goods.

2. The factors influencing the cost of transportation are?
a) Supply
b) Demand
c) Both supply and demand
d) Cost of land
Answer: c
Clarification: Increased productivity of various items such as agricultural and their distribution can lower the cost of products. The cost of transportation substantially reduces prices.

3. Which is the most flexible type of transportation available?
a) Roadway
b) Railway
c) Waterway
d) Airway
Answer: a
Clarification: The other 3 types of transport systems have to depend upon the roads to reach their destination point from the terminals that is railway station, harbours and airports.

4. The transportation system that requires a low initial investment among the following is?
a) Roadway
b) Railway
c) Harbour
d) Airport
Answer: a
Clarification: The Roadway requires a cheaper initial investment when compared to the other 3 networks and it is the only system that provides equal facility for everyone in the society.

5. The PMGSY aims to connect all villages under a population of 500 by which year?
a) 2003
b) 2004
c) 2005
d) 2007
Answer: d
Clarification: The PMGSY aims to connect all the villages of the population above 1000 by 2003 and population below 500 by 2007 it later became a part of bharat nirman programme.

6. The road density in India in km per 100 sq. km land area in 2008 is?
a) 100
b) 110
c) 129
d) 150
Answer: c
Clarification: The road density is the mean length of state roads per 100km2 so it is highly uneven in India.

7. The PMGSY was launched in the year?
a) 2000
b) 2002
c) 2003
d) 2004
Answer: a
Clarification: The PMGSY was launched in the year 2000. The main aim of this program was to connect the rural roads by the year 2007.

8. The current road length in India is in which position in the world?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
Answer: b
Clarification: The total roadway length in India is around5, 532,482km in march 2015 which is the 2nd largest network in the world.

9. The current highway development works in India are undertaken by?
b) Govt. of India
c) State governments
Answer: a
Clarification: The highway works all across the country are undertaken by NHAI, It was formed in 1988 and it has mandate to follow all the NHDP (national highway development program) which is implemented in phases.

10. The scope of highway engineering is divided into how many parts.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: b
Clarification: The scope of highway engineering is divided into 2 parts called phases and details. In these phases overall review is given and in the details it is planned in detail.

250+ TOP MCQs on Design of Vertical Alignment and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Design of Vertical Alignment”.

1. The vertical alignment of a highway includes?
a) Sight distance and traffic intersection
b) Widening of pavements
c) Design of valley curves and gradients
d) Highway lighting
Answer: c
Clarification: The design of valley curves, summit curves and gradient are included in the vertical alignment of highway.

2. The ruling gradient required for plain or rolling terrain is ___________
a) 1 in 15
b) 1 in 20
c) 1 in 30
d) 1 in 40
Answer: c
Clarification: The ruling gradient value required for plain and rolling terrain type of road is 1 in 30 or 3.3%.

3. The maximum grade compensation for a curve of radius 75m is?
a) 1%
b) 1.4%
c) 1.5%
d) 1.6%
Answer: a
Clarification: The maximum grade compensation is 75/R = 75/75 = 1%.

4. The vertical alignment does not influence?
a) Sight distance
b) Vehicle operation cost
c) Accidents
d) Vehicle speed
Answer: c
Clarification: The vertical alignment influences sight distance, vehicle operation cost, vehicle speed and comfort while travelling at high speed.

5. The angle which is measured at the change of direction of two gradients is called ___________
a) Standard angle
b) Subtended angle
c) Deviation angle
d) Setback angle
Answer: c
Clarification: The angle which denotes the direction of change of two gradients angle is called as deviation angle.

6. The length of the summit curve is based on ___________
a) Comfort
b) Sight distance
c) Convexity
d) Deviation angle
Answer: b
Clarification: The length of summit curve is based on stopping sight distance, it is further divided into two cases when L>SSD and L

7. The value of “a” in the equation y=ax2 used in the summit curve is ___________
a) N/2L
b) N/3L
c) N/4L
d) N/5L
Answer: a
Clarification: The value of the constant “a” is N/2L where N is the deviation angle and L is the length of the curve.

8. If the length of the summit curve having SSD as 150m and deviation angle is 1 in 30 is ___________
a) 50m
b) 100m
c) 150m
d) 170m
Answer: a
Clarification: The length of the summit curve is given by
L=1*150*150/ (4.4*30)

9. If the deviation angle of the curve is 1/200 and the design speed is 80kmph then calculate the total length of the valley curve for comfort condition.
a) 18.22
b) 18.52
c) 19.22m
d) 19.52m
Answer: c
Clarification: The total length of the curve for comfort condition is 0.38(NV3)1/2

10. The equation for La) NS/8H
b) NS2/8H
c) NS2/10H
d) NS2/12H
Answer: b
Clarification: The equation of summit curve for L< OSD or L2/8H and the height of the eye of driver is generally assumed as 1.2m.

11. The minimum length of vertical curve recommended by IRC for a design speed of 100kmph is?
a) 30m
b) 40m
c) 50m
d) 60m
Answer: d
Clarification: IRC recommends a value of 60m for curve having a design speed of 100kmph this value decreases with a decrease in speed.

250+ TOP MCQs on Stone Aggregates – 1 and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Stone aggregates – 1”.

1. If the load value at 2.5mm penetration in CBR is 190kg and the load for 5.0mm penetration is 48kg, then the CBR value at 5 mm penetration is?
a) 4.6
b) 4.4
c) 4.3
d) 4.1
Answer: b
Clarification: CBR value at 5.0mm penetration=48*190/2055

2. The plate bearing test is used to evaluate __________
a) Modulus of sub grade reaction
b) Modulus of sub base reaction
c) Modulus of base reaction
d) Modulus of pavement
Answer: a
Clarification: The plate bearing test is used to evaluate the modulus of subgrade reaction “k” which is used in westergards analysis.

3. If the shear strength of the non-cohesive soil is 84KN/m2 and angle of friction is 30 degrees, then the normal strength in KN/m2 is?
a) 140
b) 141
c) 143
d) 145
Answer: d

4. Stone aggregate do not have to resist __________
a) Weathering effect
b) Traffic load
c) Wheel load stress
d) Soil load
Answer: d
Clarification: Stone aggregate do not have to resist the soil load as they are transferred by foundation only, weathering traffic and wheel load are directly experienced by aggregates.

5. Sand obtained from river is used as __________
a) Course aggregate
b) Fine aggregate
c) Filling materials
d) Substitute
Answer: b
Clarification: Sand obtained from river is used as fine aggregate as it can be used to fill the voids in the concrete, coarse aggregate is obtained from the rock, sand is not used as filling material but stone dust can be used if sand is not available.

6. Soft aggregates are used in __________
a) Lower layers
b) Upper layers
c) Everywhere in the pavement
d) Depends on the material
Answer: a
Clarification: Soft aggregates cannot resist the weathering action and wheel load of the vehicle, so they are preferred in lower layers, as they are impacted directly.

7. Which of the following is a soft aggregate?
a) Brick
b) Gravel
c) Clay
d) Silt
Answer: a
Clarification: Bricks are not actually aggregates, but the crushed bricks or over burnt bricks are used as aggregates in pavement they are not so hard as the hard aggregate.

8. Impact value is used to measure?
a) Hardness
b) Toughness
c) Wheel load
d) Strength
Answer: b
Clarification: The impact value of an aggregate is used to measure its toughness; if it is tough then it has a low impact value, hardness is for resistance to abrasion, strength is resistance to crushing.

9. The capability of aggregate to resist more weathering action and wheel load is called __________
a) Hardness
b) Toughness
c) Durability
d) Angularity
Answer: c
Clarification: Durability is the period till which the aggregate can resist the weathering action and other loads, hardness is the resistance to abrasion and toughness is the resistance to impact.

10. If the aggregates are exceptionally strong then they are having impact value which is?
a) Less than 10
b) Less than 15
c) Less than 30
d) Greater than 30
Answer: a
Clarification: The aggregates which have a less impact value are exceptionally tough, but normally the aggregate upto 30% impact value can be used.

11. The skid number for highways should not be less than __________
a) 55
b) 45
c) 35
d) 25
Answer: a
Clarification: The skid number for highways should not be less than 55 for national highways to ensure smooth ride, if it is less than 55 then suitable precautions have to be taken.

12. The specific gravity for aggregates should be within the range of __________
a) 2.5-2.8
b) 2.6-2.9
c) 2.4-2.6
d) 2.2-2.6
Answer: b
Clarification: The specific gravity for aggregates should be within the range of 2.6-2.9 for pavement construction purposes.

13. The crushing value of the aggregate determines its __________
a) Hardness
b) Strength
c) Toughness
d) Durability
Answer: b
Clarification: The resistance to crushing is referred as strength, whereas the resistance to abrasion is called hardness.

14. The flakiness index for surface dressing should not exceed __________
a) 15%
b) 25%
c) 35%
d) 45%
Answer: b
Clarification: The flakiness index for aggregates that are used in the pavement surface dressing should not exceed 25%, but in any case combined flakiness and elongation index should never exceed 30%.

15. The sum of flakiness index and elongation index should not exceed __________
a) 15
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40
Answer: c
Clarification: IRC recommends the combined flakiness and elongation index not to exceed 30%. for the aggregate that should be used in a highway.

250+ TOP MCQs on Embankment and Subgrade and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Embankment and Subgrade”

1. What is the last step in design of embankment?
a) Height
b) stability of slope
c) Stability of foundation
d) Settlement
Answer: b
Clarification: After the highway embankment construction, the stability of slope should be checked, settlement takes place after a few days and height is checked in design itself.

2. If the height of embankment increases __________
a) Slope stability increases
b) Slope stability remains constant
c) Slope has to reduced
d) Slopes need to be flattered
Answer: d
Clarification: The slopes need to be flattered if the embankment height is increased, if the embankment height is small then slope may be kept constant.

3. The fill material used in embankment is __________
a) Peat
b) Silt
c) Clay
d) Granular soils
Answer: d
Clarification: The granular soil with less plasticity are more preferable in filling material.

4. The settlement is due to __________
a) More compaction
b) Inadequate compaction
c) Temperature
d) Air pressure
Answer: b
Clarification: The settlement is due to the inadequate compaction effort which leads to excess settlement.

5. The stability of foundation is checked to ensure __________
a) Lateral strength
b) Compressive strength
c) Shear strength
d) Tensile strength
Answer: c
Clarification: The stability of the foundation is checked to ensure the soil satisfies the shear strength requirement.

6. Stability of slopes change with __________
a) Climate
b) Increase in load
c) Increase in soil
d) Increase in width of pavement
Answer: b
Clarification: The stability of slope mostly depends on the type of load if it changes the stability requirement will also change.

7. An embankment is classified as high if height exceeds __________
a) 3.0 m
b) 4.0 m
c) 5.0 m
d) 6.0 m
Answer: c
Clarification: The embankment is classified as a high embankment if height exceeds 5.0m, if it is less than 5.0 m they may be medium height or small height embankments.

8. What is the most common natural problem found in embankment?
a) Settlement
b) Stability of foundation
c) Stability of slope
d) Soil erosion
Answer: d
Clarification: All the problems are encountered by a highway engineer but soil erosion is a natural problem which cannot be avoided.

9. The investigation of embankment should be carried out for __________
a) Twice the height of embankment
b) Thrice the height of embankment
c) Exact height of embankment
d) Half height of embankment
Answer: a
Clarification: The investigation of the embankment should be carried out at twice height of embankment below the ground level.

10. The consolidation can be achieved faster by __________
a) Clay
b) Peat
c) Sand drains
d) Sand filter
Answer: c
Clarification: The Sand drains are a type of drainage system which is used to accelerate the consolidation.

11. What is the minimum spacing between the two sand beds?
a) 1.0 m
b) 1.5 m
c) 2.0 m
d) 2.5 m
Answer: d
Clarification: The minimum spacing between the two sand beds may be 2.5 m and the maximum is 6.0 m.

12. The liquid limit of soil for embankment construction is __________
a) Less than 70%
b) Less than 90%
c) Less than 60%
d) Less than 45%
Answer: a
Clarification: The minimum liquid limit should be less than 70% for embankment construction.

13. The free swelling index of soil should be less than __________
a) 50
b) 60
c) 70
d) 80
Answer: a
Clarification: The free swelling index of the soil should be less than 50% for the soil for good embankment.

14. The plasticity index for a sub grade should be less than __________
a) 45
b) 35
c) 25
d) 15
Answer: c
Clarification: The plasticity index for a sub grade should be less than 25 for embankment construction.

15. The rollers that uses both tamping and kneading is __________
a) Plain roller
b) Vibratory roller
c) Sheep foot roller
d) Pneumatic roller
Answer: c
Clarification: The sheep foot roller can use both the procedure of tamping and kneading that is done by using a roller that resemble the paw of a sheep.

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1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

250+ TOP MCQs on Structural Evaluation of Flexible Pavements and Strengthening by Overlay – 1 and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Structural Evaluation of Flexible Pavements and Strengthening by Overlay – 1”.

1. The rate of structural deterioration of flexible pavement doesn’t depend on ___________
a) Stability of pavement
b) Magnitude of traffic
c) Growth rate
d) Climatic change
Answer: d
Clarification: The structural deterioration doesn’t depend on the climate, it is a functional change.

2. The objective of conducting structural evaluation studies doesn’t consist of ___________
a) To measure the present structural condition
b) Determine the drainage system
c) Estimate the residual life
d) Design of overlay
Answer: b
Clarification: The objective of conducting structural evaluation doesn’t consist of estimate for the drainage system.

3. The existing strength of pavement can be made stronger by ___________
a) Construction from sub grade
b) Construction from sub base
c) Construction from base
d) Overlay
Answer: d
Clarification: The economic solution is to provide overlay for making the pavement stronger, the remaining methods may be used if the pavement is extremely damaged.

4. The repair cost is approximately how many times the maintenance cost?
a) Three times
b) Four times
c) Five times
d) Six times
Answer: d
Clarification: The maintenance cost if neglected for 3 years rises up to 6 times and even uptown 18 times if neglected for 5 years.

5. The structural evaluation studies are usually conducted for every?
a) 1 year
b) 2 years
c) 3 years
d) 4 years
Answer: a
Clarification: The structural evaluation studies are conducted for every 1 year to evaluate the pavement strength.

6. The difference between existing pavement and new pavement is ___________
a) Strength
b) Deficiency
c) Permeability
d) Shear
Answer: b
Clarification: The difference between the thickness of the pavement between the existing pavement and overlaid pavement is the deficiency.

7. The Stability of flexible pavement structure depend on ___________
a) Sub grade
b) Degree of compaction
c) Drainage system
d) Water cement ratio
Answer: d
Clarification: The stability doesn’t depend directly on the water cement ratio but it depends on the design mix and quality of pavement layers.

8. The elastic recovery of deflection is called ___________
a) Rebound deflection
b) Elastic deflection
c) Rigid deflection
d) Semi rigid deflection
Answer: a
Clarification: The elastic recovery of the pavement is considered as a rebound deflection if it doesn’t recover it is a failure.

9. The benkleman beam method was developed by ___________
a) IRC
Answer: c
Clarification: The benkleman beam method was designed by CGRA and followed in India. NHAI still follow this method for overlay.

10. The structural evaluation can’t be evaluated by ___________
a) Dynaflect
b) Road rater
c) FWD
d) Bump integrator
Answer: d
Clarification: Bump integrator is not a pavement evaluation method, it is an instrument used for the measurement of roughness.