250+ TOP MCQs on Factors affecting Design and Performance of CC Pavements and Answers

Highway Engineering online quiz on “Factors affecting Design and Performance of CC Pavements”.

1. What is the gap provided in slabs?
a) 20 mm
b) 30 mm
c) 35 mm
d) 40 mm

Answer: a
Clarification: The slabs are provided with a gap of usually 20 mm for expansion in summer season.

2. The stress in pavement changes __________
a) Daily
b) Seasonally
c) Annually
d) Depends on pavement

Answer: a
Clarification: The stress in pavement changes daily according to the temperature on surface, actually it changes every minute but we can’t calculate it for every minute so assumption is taken it changes daily.

3. The spacing of joint depends on __________
a) Type of joint
b) Type of construction
c) Type of material
d) Same for all joints

Answer: a
Clarification: The spacing between the two joints depends on the type of joint, it may be 4.5 m for longitudinal and 3.5 m for transverse joint.

4. How many factors contributing to the flexural stress of a pavement?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

Answer: b
Clarification: The most influence factors are wheel load and temperature stress in rigid pavement.

5. The life span of a rigid pavement depends on __________
a) Magnetic action
b) Frictional action
c) Location of loading
d) Seasonal change

Answer: c
Clarification: The life span of most of the pavement is dependent on the location of loading of the wheel.

6. The term ‘a’ denotes?
a) Radius of wheel
b) Radius of the area of contact
c) Radius of the equivalent area of contact
d) Radius of axle

Answer: c
Clarification: The term ‘a’ denotes the radius of equivalent area of contact, which indicates the value of the radius of wheel in which that is in contact.

7. The stresses are found in how many places of rigid pavement?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

Answer: c
Clarification: The stresses are found in three parts of pavement they are interior, edge and corner.

8. What is the maximum fatigue ratio of rigid pavement?
a) 0.45
b) 0.65
c) 0.8
d) 0.9

Answer: d
Clarification: For a rigid pavement the fatigue ratio of the pavement is 0.45 to 0.9, in any case the value should not exceed 0.9.

9. The ratio of flexibility strength applied due to a load and the flexural stress is called __________
a) Stress ratio
b) Strain ratio
c) Stress and strain ratio
d) Bulk modulus

Answer: a
Clarification: The ratio of flexibility strength due to a load and it’s original flexural strength is called stress ratio.

10. There will be no fatigue if stress ratio is kept below __________
a) 0.44
b) 0.50
c) 0.70
d) 0.9

Answer: a
Clarification: If the stress ratio is kept below 0.44, then there is no chance of fatigue, so the pavement is designed at a stress ratio of less than 44%.

11. The design load is taken as __________
a) 15th percentile load
b) 85th percentile load
c) 98th percentile load
d) 99th percentile load

Answer: c
Clarification: The load considered is 98th percentile load which is exceeded only by 2.0% of vehicles.

12. The load safety factor assumed is __________
a) 1
b) 1.2
c) 1.5
d) 1.6

Answer: b
Clarification: The load safety factor is assumed as 1.2 for HCV, it may be even higher if it is an undivided pavement.

13. No warping stress is developed if the temperature __________
a) Constant
b) Less than normal
c) More than normal
d) Changes frequently

Answer: a
Clarification: The temperature must remain the same at both top and bottom of the slab to prevent warping stress.

14. Proximity to sea contributes to __________
a) Warping stress
b) Seasonal stress
c) Climatic factor
d) Weathering factor

Answer: c
Clarification: The proximity to sea contributes to the corrosion which is considered as a factor in the climate changes.

15. The maximum stress in summer by pavement is experienced at __________
a) Morning
b) Mid noon
c) Evening
d) Night

Answer: b
Clarification: The most worst stress is experienced in the pavement at mid noon usually in summer it is very high.

250+ TOP MCQs on Deterioration and Damages in Road Infrastructure and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Deterioration and Damages in Road Infrastructure”.

1. The damage can be caused to a well designed pavement in a hot region is by __________
a) Rain
b) Heat
c) Snow
d) Traffic
Answer: a
Clarification: The surface may be not exposed to heat always, and there is no snowfall, only rain is a factor that will effect the strength.

2. The blockade of the longitudinal and cross drains leads to __________
a) Increase of water
b) Decrease of ground water
c) Stagnation
d) Floods
Answer: c
Clarification: The blocking of cross drainage and longitudinal drainage will lead to the stagnation of water.

3. The deterioration left unnoticed will lead to __________
a) Increase of cost
b) Increase of life span
c) Increase of initial cost
d) Decrease of material
Answer: a
Clarification: The cracks or any defects may lead to heavy damage if not noticed and cause more repair cost than initial cost.

4. The inadequate compaction of sub grade may lead to distress in __________
a) Flexible pavements
b) Rigid pavements
c) Both flexible and rigid
d) WBM roads
Answer: c
Clarification: The flexible and rigid pavement are laid on the soil subgrade so they are affected by distress.

5. Which of the following is a cause of distress in rigid pavement only?
a) Inadequate compaction
b) Inadequate drainage
c) Dowel bars
d) Defect in materials
Answer: c
Clarification: The dowel bars are the only materials used in the concrete roads and the remaining defects are found in the flexible pavement also.

6. The maintenance operations do not involve __________
a) Survey work
b) Assessment of road condition
c) Diagnosis
d) Adopting the most appropriate steps
Answer: a
Clarification: The survey work is a factor, which is considered before the construction, the remaining steps are done before the construction.

7. The rate of growth of the deterioration is __________
a) Linear
b) Parabolic
c) Exponential
d) Cubical
Answer: c
Clarification: The rate of deterioration in the flexible pavement particularly is exponential curve, it doesn’t go linearly or parabolically.

8. The failure of the pavement which is not dependent on the design is __________
a) Inferior materials
b) Delay of compaction
c) Settlement
d) Overloaded vehicles
Answer: d
Clarification: The loading of the vehicles can’t be estimated and it doesn’t depend on the design.

9. The distress in bituminous pavement due to ineffective drainage system develops during __________
a) Summer
b) Winter
c) Rainy
d) Spring
Answer: c
Clarification: The deterioration rate is more than normal in the rainy season, and it may effect the drainage system.

10. The failure in settlement takes place due to the settlement of __________
a) Fill
b) Sub grade
c) Fill and Sub grade
d) Embankment
Answer: c
Clarification: The deterioration in the settlement may take place due to the settlement of fill or sub grade or even both.

250+ TOP MCQs on Alignment of Hill Roads – 1 and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Alignment of Hill Roads – 1”.

1. In a hill road, the best alignment when the sum of ascent and descent between extreme points is?
a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) Maximum+minimum
d) Maximum-minimum
Answer: b
Clarification: The total sum of the time of ascent and descent is the minimum in a well designed hill road.

2. The length may be provided ________ times from height.
a) 30
b) 40
c) 50
d) 60
Answer: c
Clarification: The permissible length may be increased by 50 times by the height for a hill road, it may vary between 30 to 60 depending on the situation.

3. The application that is not useful for the hill survey is?
a) Aerial survey
b) Photogrammetry
c) GPS
d) StaadPro
Answer: d
Clarification: StaadPro is a software that is used for the calculation of structural design and other structural functions, whereas the remaining three are useful before the construction and StaadPro is useful for pavement design.

4. What is the total resistance length of a road?
a) Effective length
b) Effective length after friction
c) Effective length after skid
d) Effective length after all resistance
Answer: d
Clarification: Resisting length of a road is given by effective length after taking into account all the resistances including skid, friction and overturning.

5. The total resisting length increases due to __________
a) Increase in friction
b) Decrease in friction
c) Increase in pavement thickness
d) Decrease in pavement thickness
Answer: a
Clarification: The total resisting length increases with the increase in friction, as it is mostly dependent on the friction, pavement thickness is for smooth travel.

6. The ruling gradient in trace cut is __________
a) 1 in 10
b) 1 in 25
c) 1 in 20
d) 1 in 30
Answer: c
Clarification: The trace cut is done at a ruling gradient of 1 in 25, and when it’s complete we have a ruling gradient of 1 in 20, 1 in 30 may provide a gradient of 1 in 25.

7. What is the minimum width of the trace cut provided?
a) 1.0 m
b) 1.5 m
c) 2.0 m
d) 2.5 m
Answer: a
Clarification: The trace cut is a narrow track of width 1.0 m to 1.2 m made along the alignment of hill road to enable inspection, if more width is provided then it may cause obstruction.

8. Degree of stability of hill side slope don’t depend on __________
a) Type of rock
b) Dip
c) Ground water
d) Type of pavement
Answer: d
Clarification: The stability of the rock depends on the dip, type of rock and ground water table, any type of pavement is effected irrespective of quality.

9. Stratified sedimentary rocks often occur as __________
a) Fault
b) Fold
c) Sediments
d) Dip
Answer: b
Clarification: Mostly the stratified sedimentary rocks occur as folds and not as faults, sediment is formed after the igneous rocks are converted into sedimentary rocks.

10. The problem which doesn’t cause landslide in the hill road is?
a) Ground water flow
b) Unstable rock
c) Stable rock
d) Overlay of relatively weak soil
Answer: c
Clarification: The landslides are not caused due to a stable rock, rather they are helpful in preventing them, ground water flow and weak soil effect the landslide very easily.

250+ TOP MCQs on Sight Distance and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Sight Distance”.

1. The length visible to driver at any instance of time is called ___________
a) Sight distance
b) Visibility limit
c) Head light distance
d) Overtaking sight distance
Answer: a
Clarification: The length of the road that is visible to the driver at any time is called sight distance, in night visibility it is headlight sight distance and in zone which it can be overtaken is called overtaking sight distance.

2. The stopping sight distance of a vehicle moving with 45kmph and having a coefficient of friction as 0.4 is?
a) 48m
b) 49m
c) 50m
d) 51m
Answer: d
Clarification: SSD=0.278vt+v2/254f

3. The stopping sight distance does not depend on ___________
a) Break reaction time
b) Speed of vehicle
c) Length of vehicle
d) Friction
Answer: c
Clarification: SSD=0.278vt+v2/ (254f)
In this equation t is the reaction time taken by driver for stopping the vehicle, v is the speed of the vehicle and f is the coefficient of friction, so the SSD is independent of the length of the vehicle.

4. The SSD is based on ___________
a) Speed of vehicle
b) PIEV theory
c) Voluntary action of brain
d) Reflex action of brain
Answer: b
Clarification: The SSD is based on PIEV theory, it is the theory that estimates the time taken to perceive and react.

5. The reaction time considered in SSD is ___________
a) 1.5 sec
b) 2 sec
c) 2.5 sec
d) 3 sec
Answer: c
Clarification: The reaction time considered in SSD unless and until specified is 2.5 sec; it is based on PIEV theory.

6. The desirable relationship between OSD and length of overtaking zone is ___________
a) Length of overtaking zone = OSD
b) Length of overtaking zone = 2 OSD
c) Length of overtaking zone = 3 OSD
d) Length of overtaking zone = 5 OSD
Answer: d
Clarification: The minimum length of the overtaking zone is 3 times of OSD, but desirable is 5 times of OSD.

7. If the speed of overtaken vehicle is 80Kmph, then the design speed is ___________
a) 80kmph
b) 96kmph
c) 100kmph
d) 106kmph
Answer: c
Clarification: Vb=V-16

8. If the speed of overtaken vehicle is 50kmph then spacing of vehicles is ___________
a) 10m
b) 12m
c) 14m
d) 16m
Answer: d
Clarification: The spacing of vehicles is given by S=0.2Vb+6

9. The reaction time of a driver assumed in OSD is ___________
a) 1 sec
b) 2 sec
c) 2.5sec
d) 3 sec
Answer: b
Clarification: The reaction time assumed is 2 sec which is less than time taken in SSD because here the driver does not need to perceive and react so this time is less than the time taken in SSD.

10. The height of the driver above the road level is assumed as ___________
a) 1.1m
b) 1.2 m
c) 1.5 m
d) 1.6m
Answer: b
Clarification: The height of the driver assumed is 1.2m which is till the eye level; this is assumed for clear vision in night.

11. The relationship between SSD and ISD is?
a) SSD = ISD
b) SSD = 1.5 SSD
c) SSD = ISD + OSD
d) SSD = 2 ISD
Answer: d
Clarification: The ISD is the intermediate sight distance which is provided when there is no possibility of providing OSD as far as possible the roads are provided with SSD = 2 ISD relationship.

12. The sight distance recommended by IRC for 50kmph speed is?
a) 100m
b) 110m
c) 120m
d) 200m
Answer: b
Clarification: IRC recommends a sight distance of 110m for a speed of 50kmph, 180m for a speed of 80kmph and 220m for a speed of 100kmph.

250+ TOP MCQs on Materials used in Highway Construction and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Materials used in Highway Construction”.

1. The materials not included in highway construction are __________
a) Stone
b) Dust
c) Soil
d) Petrol
Answer: d
Clarification: Petrol is not used directly in highway construction, but by-product like bitumen is used. Stone, dust and soil may be used in subgrade and base.

2. For places where there is a passage of flood water then the highway has to be built on __________
a) Embankment
b) Subway
c) Overpass
d) Underpass
Answer: a
Clarification: If the HFL is more than the formation level of the road which is going to be provided, then it has to be built on embankment.

3. The layer which is constructed above embankment is called __________
a) Sub grade
b) Fill
c) Base
d) Sub base
Answer: a
Clarification: The embankment is the lowest layer and it is below the sub grade, base is above sub base, sub base is above the sub grade.

4. The highest CBR number is required for __________
a) Pavement
b) Sub grade
c) Sub base
d) Base
Answer: b
Clarification: CBR number decreases with an increase in height, the soil requires the highest CBR and the pavement requires the lowest CBR.

5. What is the most common waste material used in construction?
a) Fly ash
b) Slag
c) Pozzolona
d) Rice husk
Answer: a
Clarification: Fly ash is an industrial waste obtained from the thermal plants, it has been mandatory to use the fly ash in bricks.

6. Bitumen is a by-product of __________
a) Wood
b) Petroleum
c) Kerosene
d) Coal
Answer: b
Clarification: Bitumen is obtained by burning the petroleum at high temperatures, it is mostly used in the construction of flexible pavements.

7. Tar is a by-product of __________
a) Wood
b) Petroleum
c) Kerosene
d) Coal
Answer: a
Clarification: Tar is a by-product which is obtained from wood, tar and bitumen may look similar, but they are not the same.

8. In the initial stage of construction which type of pavement is cheap?
a) Flexible
b) Rigid
c) Composite
d) WBM
Answer: a
Clarification: Flexible pavements are easy to construct and have cheaper cost than C. C pavements and also they are easily accessible to the users.

250+ TOP MCQs on Stresses in Rigid Pavements and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Stresses in Rigid Pavements”.

1. What are the major stresses in CC pavement?
a) Wheel load stress
b) Warping stress
c) Wheel load and warping stress
d) Frictional stress
Answer: c
Clarification: The major stress is caused due to wheel load and temperature, remaining all are the minor stresses.

2. What is the unit of ‘K’?
a) Kg
b) Kg/cm
c) Kg/cm2
d) Kg/cm3
Answer: d
Clarification: The modulus of sub grade reaction is the pressure per deflection unit, it was obtained by Westrergaard for deflection analysis.

3. The deflection in Westergaard analysis is __________
a) 0.125
b) 0.250
c) 0.375
d) 0.500
Answer: a
Clarification: The deflection is assumed as 0.125 in Westergaard analysis, it is constant value for the deflection for modulus of sub grade reaction.

4. The Poisson’s ratio of concrete is __________
a) 0.15
b) 0.3
c) 0.6
d) 1.1
Answer: a
Clarification: The Poisson’s ratio of concrete is mostly assumed as 0.15 however it may lie between 0.13 and 0.15.

5. The deflection of slab is dependent on __________
a) Flexural strength
b) Compressive strength
c) Tensile strength
d) Roughness
Answer: a
Clarification: The deflection is dependent on the flexural strength of the material on how it breaks.

6. The stiffness of slab mainly depends on __________
a) Radius of wheel
b) Radius of rotary
c) Radius of relative pavement
d) Radius of relative pavement
Answer: d
Clarification: The radius of relative stiffness mainly depends on the soil sub grade reaction.

7. If any load is placed at interior away from all edges then it is called __________
a) Edge loading
b) Far edge loading
c) Interior loading
d) Exterior loading
Answer: c
Clarification: The loading that takes place inside of the pavement away from all edges is called as interior loading.

8. The loading which does not exist is __________
a) Edge
b) Interior
c) Exterior
d) Corner
Answer: c
Clarification: The loading that doesn’t exist is exterior loading because a load cannot be outside of pavement.

9. The distance at which the crack is developed is given by __________
a) 2.58 al
b) 2.58(al)
c) 1.58al
d) 0.58al
Answer: b
Clarification: The distance is given by the equation 2.58al, where a is the radius of wheel distribution and l is radius of relative stiffness.

10. Warping stress coefficient charts were prepared by __________
a) Burnister
b) Telford
c) Bradbury
d) IRC
Answer: c
Clarification: The charts were prepared by Bradbury, assuming it depends on seasonal coefficient and radius of relative stiffness.