Q1. What Are The General Human Resource Coordinator Duties?
Depending on your experience, talk about instructing employees or interviewees in matters of salary and work hours, sick days and vacations, health benefits and retirement pl. Other duties include maintaining discipline and common vision, morality and team-spirit among employees.
Q2. If You Want To Change Any Thing In Your Life, What Will You Change?
I am very much happy and satisfied with my life, this is the gift of god. But then also, if ever in life knowingly or unknowingly I have ever hurt my elders (parents, teachers), I just want to change that like it never happened and say sorry to them.
Q3. What Can You Tell Me About Motivation As A Human Resource Coordinator?
It requires analytical thinking, independence and initiative, problem solving ability and interpersonal sensitivity. Training is one way to improve motivation. Conflict management is another. You can give specific examples of how you have resolved a conflict (between employee and company or between several employees) which resulted in better motivation.
Q4. Why Do You Think You Qualify For A Human Resource Coordinator’s Post?
A possible wer could be, the role of a human resource coordinator needs the person to connect with others on a human level and help them meet their aspirations while following the company’s policies, structure and rules. I think with an experience of ‘X’ years, I know well how to deal with hum and my last employment has given me a good insight into the rules and regulations an human resource coordinator has to keep in mind while operating.
Q5. Do You Prefer Working With Others Or Alone In Human Resource?
Basically, the interviewer is asking if you are a team player. If your wer is with others, then the interviewer will think you can’t work alone and if you wer alone, then the interviewer may think you have some personality issues working with other people.
Q6. What Is The Role Of Leadership In Hr Coordination?
Leadership plays an important role. HR coordinators have a professional demeanor at all times and serve as role models for others. They are highly positive and motivated and use their people skills to motivate current employers and attract prospective workers.
Q7. If You Face A Problem With Your Own Performance As Human Resource Coordinator, What Would You Do?
The purpose here is to see if you are able to identify the problems with your own performance and take corrective measures. To wer this question, you can say something like, “If I face a problem with my own performance, I will try to estimate how big is the problem, what is causing the problem and then take action on each of the listed things.”
Q8. What Are Some Of The Things That Bother You In Human Resource?
The interviewer is looking for a job related wer, more like “what bothers you about your job or the people you work with?” If you dig deep and think of what really bothers you, you will find that it’s other people and their ideas, right? But don’t tell the interviewer that, you can be more clever than that.
“It bothers me the most when other people I work with don’t meet their deadlines or deliver what they promise.
Q9. What Characteristics Should Be Must In Human Resource Coordinator?
Human resource coordinators deal with personnel and must possess appropriate personal characteristics. You may speak about your interpersonal traits and leadership skills. Written and oral communication and presentation skills are not difficult to demonstrate. Evince initiative and creativity in decision-making by providing relevant examples of your ability to talk and negotiate.
Q10. What Is The Difference Between Salary And Incentives In Human Resource?
Salary can be termed as the fixed remuneration you are offered for your services while incentive me some extra benefits that you are offered based on your performance. Incentive can be in cash or kind.
Q11. Are You Familiar With Office Related Duties And Technology?
HR coordinators make and wer phone calls, use fax and email, handle documents, type reports, etc.
Q12. What General Hr Duties Are You Most Familiar With?
Depending on your experience, talk about instructing employees or interviewees in matters of salary and work hours, sick days and vacations, health benefits, and retirement pl. Other duties include maintaining discipline and common vision, morality, and team-spirit among employees.
Q13. What Is The Role Of Leadership In Human Resource Coordination?
Leadership plays an important role. Human resource coordinators have a professional demeanor at all times and serve as role models for others. They are highly positive and motivated and use their people skills to motivate current employers and attract prospective workers.
Q14. How Would You Improve Upon Products Of Company As Human Resource Coordinator?
Since I would be coming from an altogether new environment, I am bound to possess a new perspective towards everything here including the company, product, customers, environment and strategy etc. This will enable me to constructively question things which anyone else here might not do. This will help in improving the things and making the product & company better.
Having worked closely with product development team I understand how the research for product development is carried out and how is customer requirement analysed; I’d be able to provide a value addition there too.
Q15. What Do You Mean By Fringe Benefits In Human Resource Department?
Fringe benefit can be defined as the benefits provided by the employer to its employees in addition to the regular salary. These include health pl, paid holidays, cafeteria, company trport etc.