300+ TOP IMMUNOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES Objective Questions and Answers

IMMUNOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES Multiple Choice Questions :-

1. Agarose gel electrophoresis and pulsed field gel electrophoresis may be used to resolve respectively

A. 2000 kb and 20kb DNA
B. 1000 kb and l0kb DNA
C. 20 kb and 2000 kb DNA
D. 10 kb and 1000 kb DNA

Answer: C

2. The IPTG is a gratuitous inducers of (ß-galactosidase, and x-gal is a chromogenic substrate. When a-complementation occurs which colour is produced?

A. Blue
B. White
C. Brown
D. No colour is produced

Answer: A

3. The competitive immunoassay can be used

A. to detect very small amounts of antigen
B. to detect antibody associated with allergies (IgE)
C. both (a) and (b)
Answer: C

4. Which of the following is an immunodiffusion test?

A. Double-diffusion
B. Gel diffusion
C. Ouchterloney technique
D. All of these

Answer: D

5. In Counter immunoelectrophoresis

A. electrophoresis will drive the antibody and antigen parallel to each other
B. electrophoresis will drive the antibody and antigen toward each other
C. the antibody will migrate towards anode
D. the antibody will migrate towards cathode

Answer: B

6. What is the ELISA test intended to measure?

A. Antibody to HIV only
B. Antigen to HIV only
C. Presence of free, circulating virus in the patient
D. Antibodies directed against HLA molecules

Answer: A

7. Immunoaffinity chromatography can be used in biochemical applications to

A. break down antibody structure
B. purify protein antigen
C. break down antigen and analyze quantitatively
D. none of the above

Answer: B

8. Different form of a plasmid, on an agarose gel, after electrophoresis may be in which of the following sequence in decreasing molecular weight?

A. Open circular, super coiled, linear plasmid DNA
B. Linear plasmid, open circular, super coiled plasmid
C. Open circular, super coiled, linear plasmid DNA
D. Open circular, linear plasmid, super coiled plasmid

Answer: B

9. In Rocket Immunodiffusion the length of the rocket is

A. proportional to the amount of antibody placed in each well
B. inversely proportional to the amount of antibody placed in each well
C. inversely proportional to the amount of antigen placed in each well
D. proportional to the amount of antigen placed in each well

Answer: D

10. Radial Immunodiffusion is similar to

A. double-diffusion
B. gel diffusion
C. Ouchterloney technique
D. all of these

Answer: A


IMMUNOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES Objective type Questions with Answers

11. Agarose a porous matrix used in various molecular biology technique is made by repetitive units of

A. maltose
B. agarobiose
C. agar
D. none of these

Answer: A

12. What radioactive molecule is used to end-label an oligonucleotide?

A. (alpha)-32P-ATP
B. (alpha)-32P-dUTP
C. (gamma)-32P-ATP
D. Any of these

Answer: C

13. Which of the following radioactive element is generally involved in RIA?

A. Tritium
B. Carbon-14
C. Iodine-125
D. All of these

Answer: D

14. What is approximatively the half life of 32-Phosphorus?

A. 14 days
B. 28 days
C. 42 days
D. 30 days

Answer: A

15. Rocket Immunodiffusion is also known as

A. gel diffusion
B. electroimmunodiffusion
C. double-diffusion
D. none of these

Answer: B

IMMUNOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES Questions and Answers pdf Download