300+ TOP Industrial Microbiology MCQs and Answers Quiz

Industrial Microbiology Multiple Choice Questions

1. Hops are used in the manufacture of:

A. Wine

B. Beer

C. Brandy

D. Whisky

Answer: B

2. The substance present in hops with antiseptic activity is/are:

A. Humulone

B. Cohumulone

C. Adhumulone

D. All of the above

Answer: D

3. Hops are:

A. Effective against gram positive bacteria

B. Effective against gram negative bacteria

C. Effective against gram negative as well as gram positive bacteria

D. Not effective against bacteria

Answer: A

4. Wort is obtained during the manufacture of:

A. Vinegar

B. Rye bread

C. Beer

D. Meso

Answer: C

5. Brewing is:

A. Cultivation of rape

B. Manufacture of beer

C. Preservation of meat by fermentation

D. None

Answer: B

6. Green beer is:

A. Spoiled beer contaminated by Pseudomonas spp.

B. An artificial beer manufactured by mixing water with beer flavour and added colors

C. Beer like beverage obtained from plant extract

D. Freshly prepared beer which is further stored at 0 degree C for few months

Answer: D

7. Beer is manufactured from:

A. Grape

B. Wheat

C. Barley

D. Tomato

Answer: C

8. CO2 content in beer is about:

A. 0.02-0.06%

B. 0.45-0.52%

C. 1.23-1.29%

D. 1.78-2.01%

Answer: B

9. Sarcina sickness in beer is caused by:

A. Saccharomyces cerevisae

B. Pedococcus cerevisae

C. Lactobacillus brevis

D. All of the above

Answer: B

10. Pilsener is:

A. A genus of microorganism responsible for many defects in malt beverages

B. A type of malt beverage

C. An equipment used to measure the alcohol content of beer

D. A type of defect found in beer

Answer: B

Industrial Microbiology MCQs

11. Sonti is:

A. Barley beer

B. Ginger beer

C. Wheat beer

D. Rice beer

Answer: D

12. Sake is:

A. Beer made from wheat

B. Low calorie beer

C. Yellow rice beer

D. None

Answer: C

13. Bock beer is:

A. Low alcohol containing beer

B. High alcohol containing beer

C. Low calorie beer

D. Corn beer

Answer: B

14. Ale is manufactured from:

A. Top yeast

B. Bottom yeast

C. Capsulated bacteria

D. Thermophilic mold

Answer: A

15. Red wine is manufactured by:

A. Fermentation of banana juice

B. Fermentation of grapes with skin

C. Fermentation of grapes by red pigment containing bacteria

D. Fermentation of red roses

Answer: B

16. During manufacture of wine, the crushed grape used as raw material is called:

A. Wort

B. Ale

C. Hop

D. Mus

Answer: D

17. Still wines:

A. Are fermented in a vessel without agitation

B. Are fermented strawberry

C. Contain no co2 produced during fermentation

D. Are carcinogenic

Answer: C

18. A high content of volatile acid in wine is the indication of:

A. Superior quality of wine

B. Adulteration of wine with vinegar

C. Faulty fermentation

D. Post fermentation contamination of wine

Answer: C

19. Dry wines are free from:

A. Moisture

B. Unfermented sugars

C. Toxic substances

D. All of the above

Answer: B

20. Distilled wines are:

A. Whiskey

B. Brandy

C. Beer

D. Rum

Answer: B

21. Wine flower is:

A. Type of wine fortified with flower extract

B. Type of defect found in wine

C. Type of wine supplement prepared from flower extract

D. None

Answer: B

22. Ropiness in wine caused by:

A. Lactobacillus brevis

B. Leuconostoc mesenteroides

C. Both a and b

D. None

Answer: B

23. Gassiness in wine resulting from any cause, such as from the liberation of CO2 is called:

A. Wine flower

B. Mannitic

C. Pousse

D. Tourne

Answer: C

24. California dessert wine is being spoiled by:

A. Lactobacillus trichodes

B. Torulopsis holmiii

C. Bacillus subtilis

D. None

Answer: A

25. What is “mead”?

A. It is type of spoilage found in wine

B. It is tpe of wine

C. It is the by-product of wine manufacture

D. Wine is called mead in Japan

Answer: B

26. Mead is manufactured from:

A. Sugarcane

B. Apple

C. Honey

D. Apricot

Answer: C

27. Cider is fermented:

A. Apple

B. Orange

C. Banana

D. Cherries

Answer: A

28. Rum is:

A. Distilled liquor

B. Undistilled liquor

C. Fortified wine

D. By-product of brewing industry

Answer: A

29. Rum is manufactured from:

A. Grape

B. Sugarcane

C. Rice

D. Carrot juice

Answer: B

30. Whisky is:

A. Distilled liquor

B. Undistilled liquor

C. Fortified wine

D. By product of brewing industry

Answer: A

31. Simmering is:

A. Closing the mouth of can during canning process

B. Gentle boiling, with temperature about 100 degree C

C. Killing of microorganisms with the help of antibiotics

D. Method of removal of contaminants from the raw material

Answer: B

32. Preservation of foods in sealed containers and which usually implies heat treatment as the principal factor in the prevention of spoilage is called :

A. Cold sterilization

B. Canning

C. Aseptic packaging

D. Simmering

Answer: B

33. Which of the following is the baker’s yeast?

A. Saccharomyces cerevisae

B. Saccharomyces bulgaricus

C. Saccharomyces carlsbergensis

D. All of the above

Answer: A

34. Which of the following microorganisms is used in beer making?

A. Yeat

B. Bacteria

C. Mold

D. All of the above

Answer: A

35. Which variety of Saccharomyces cerevisae is used in beer manufacture?

A. Mesentricits

B. Ellipsoideus

C. Vermiformis

D. Carlsbergensis

Answer: D

36. What is ale?

A. Fermented corn

B. Type of beer

C. Fermented carrot

D. None

Answer: B

37. Which low temperature lactic acid bacteria is involved in the production of rye bread?

A. Lactobacillus bulgaricus

B. Lactobacillus plantrum

C. Streptococcus thermophilus

D. All of the above

Answer: B

38. Ginger beer produced by the use of:

A. Lactobacillus bulgaricus

B. Lactobacillus plantrum

C. Streptococcus pyriformis

D. All of the above

Answer: C

39. Microorganism involved in sauerkraut manufacture is/are:

A. Enterobacter colacae

B. Erwinia herbicola

C. Lactobacillus plantrum

D. All of the above

Answer: D

40. Alcohol content in beer is (by weight):

A. 3-4%

B. 5-1%

C. 20-23%

D. 35-38%

Answer: A

41. Which of the following bacteria is/are involved in vinegar manufacture?

A. Pseudomonas

B. Glucanobacter

C. Alkaligens

D. All of the above

Answer: B

42. In sake production microorganism involved is:

A. Saccharomyces

B. Aspergillus

C. Lactobacillus

D. Bacilllus

Answer: B

43. In San francisco drought bread, microorganism responsible for leavening is:

A. Lactobacillus sanfrancisco

B. Torulopsis holmii

C. Lactobacillus bulgaricus

D. Saccharomyces cerevisae

Answer: B

44. Acid development in sanfrancisco dought bread is due to:

A. Lactobacillus sanfrancisco

B. Torulopsis holmii

C. Lactobacillus bulgaricus

D. Saccharomyces cerevisae

Answer: A

45. Sarcina sickness is the defect of:

A. Wine

B. Saurekraut

C. Beer

D. Bread

Answer: C

46. In coffee fermentation, microorganism involved is:

A. Lactobacillus brevis

B. Leuconostoc mesentroides

C. Lactobacillus plantrum

D. All of the above

Answer: D

47. In cocoa processing microorganism involved is:

A. Torulopsis holmii

B. Candida krusei

C. Penicillium expansum

D. Bacillus natto

Answer: B

48. In tea fermentation, the microorganism involved is/are:

A. Aspergillus oryzae

B. Bacillus coagulans

C. Both a and b

D. None

Answer: D

49. In the production of ang-khak, the microorganism involved is:

A. Serratia marcescens

B. Monascus pupureus

C. Pseudomonas erythrae

D. None

Answer: B

50. Which of the following is bottom yeast?

A. Saccharomyces carlbergensis

B. Saccharomyces elipsoideus

C. Candida utilis

D. All of the above

Answer: A

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