300+ TOP Mental Health & Community Health MCQs and Answers

Mental Health & Community Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which are intimately related?

a. Disease and health

b. Body and health

c. Body and mind

d. Body and spiritual values

2. The percentage of population suffering from serious mental illness is

a. 1%

b. 5%

c. 8%

d. 10%

3. The percentage of population suffering from mild mental disorders is

a. 1%

b. 5%

c. 8%

d. 10%

4. People suffering from mental diseases in India number

a. 1 – 1.5 million

b. 6 – 7 million

c. 10 – 15 million

d. 60 – 70 million

5. Signs of mental illness are

a. Abnormal changes in thinking, perception and judgement

b. Abnormal changes in feeling and memory

c. Both a and b

d. Abnormal changes in behaviour towards others

6. Psychosis is characterised by

a. Loss of touch with reality

b. Prolonged emotional reaction to a given stress

c. Anxiety, fear, sadness, vague aches and pains

d. All the above

7. Neurosis is characterised by

a. Madness

b. Prolonged emotional reaction to a given stress

c. Pain in the head

d. Fits of convulsions

8. In epilepsy, the patient undergoes

a. Periods of sadness and happiness, fear and valour

b. Fits of convulsions

c. Loss of consciousness

d. Both b and c

9. Which one is not involved in mental illness

a. Hereditary factors

b. Childhood experiences

c. Changes in brain

d. Rheumatic fever

10. Proneness to mental illness is

a. Extra affection to a child

b. Quarrelsome family

c. Poverty and lack of opportunities

d. Heredity

11. A child would develop mental illness if one does not get

a. Affection

b. Encouragement

c. Guidance and discipline

d. All the above

12. Social therapy of mental illness is required for

a. Treatment of psychosis

b. Maintenance of community health

c. Rehabilitation of mentally ill persons

d. Prevention of addiction

13. Which is mental disease?

a. Tetanus

b. Neurosis

c. D–g dependence

d. Alcoholism

14. Which is not a mental disorder?

a. Gout

b. Epilepsy

c. Neurosis

d. Psychosis

15. Mental health is a state of development of one’s

a. Personality

b. Emotional attitude

c. Both a and b

d. Intellect

16. A mentally healthy individual has

a. Independent personality

b. Comfortable placing in social hierarchy

c. A purposeful life

d. All the above

17. A mentally sick person has

a. Tendency to get upset with change of routine

b. Feeling of friendship and trust for all

c. Tendency to perform all the daily chores by oneself

d. Tendency to solve all the problems without aid of others

18. A person is mentally sick if one is

a. Worried

b. With moods fluctuating between depression and elation

c. Excessively happy

d. Extra talkative

19. Trembling, depression, fear and phobia are signs of

a. Epilepsy

b. Parkinson’s disease

c. Mental sickness

d. Alzheimer’s disease

20. Type of mental illness where the patient is aware of the problem and seeks remedy

a. Neurosis

b. Psychosis

c. Schizophrenia

d. Huntington’s disease

21. Which one is a mental disability?

a. Psychosis

b. Neurosis

c. Schizophrenia

d. Epilepsy

22. In epilepsy, seizure is

a. Warming cry

b. Fit of convulsions

c. Loss of consciousness

d. All the above.

23. Paralysis agitans is

a. Epilepsy

b. Parkinson’s disease

c. Poliomyelitis

d. Alzheimer’s disease

24. Dopamine secretion is reduced in case of

a. Epilepsy

b. Parkinson’s disease

c. Schizophrenia

d. All the above

25. Parkinson’s disease is characterised by

a. Fixity of facial expression

b. Rhythmic tremor of limbs

c. Stooped posture

d. All the above

26. Melanin and lewy bodies occur in the neurons in case of

a. Huntington’s chorea

b. Alzheimer’s disease

c. Paralysis agitans

d. All the above

27. Loss of choline acetyltransferase occurs in

a. Schizophrenia

b. Huntington’s disease

c. Parkinson’s disease

d. Alzheimer’s disease

28. In Huntington’s chorea, limb movements are

a. Rhythmic

b. Arrhythmic

c. Slow and hardly noticeable

d. Absent

29. Huntington’s disease is

a. Autosomal dominant disease

b. Autosomal recessive disorder

30. Dancing gait and bizarre grimacing is characteristic of

a. Schizophrenia

b. Huntington’s disease

c. Alzheimer’s disease

d. Paralysis agitans

31. ECT is

a. Electroconvulsive therapy

b. Electrochemical treatment

c. Electrochemical therapy

d. Epileptic core treatment

32. Psychoanalysis was founded by

a. Jenner

b. Parkinson

c. Freud

d. Hansen

33. Sedatives and tranquillisers are often given for treating

a. Epilepsy

b. Psychosis

c. Diffusion

d. Anxiety

34. Cynophobia is fear

a. Cats

b. Dogs

c. Mice

d. Darkness

35. Community health aims

a. Care of the infants old

b. Care of infirms

c. Improvement of health of all

d. Improvement of health of children

36. A thrust area in community health is

a. Prevention and control of communicable diseases

b. Prevention of blindness

c. Maternal and child health

d. School health services

37. Global Immunisation Programme was started in

a. May 1974

b. May 1984

c. August 1985

d. May 1963

38. Universal Immunisation Programme was started in India in

a. 1974

b. 1963

c. 1984

d. 1985

39. Which is injected intra-dermally?

a. Polio vaccine

b. DPT

c. BCG

d. Both b and c

40. When is DT (bivalent vaccine) given?

a. 9 – 15 months

b. 18 – 24 months

c. 5 – 6 years

d. 10 years

41. Headquarter of World Health Organisation (WHO) is located at

a. New York

b. Geneva

c. London

d. Paris

42. Huntington’s chorea is

a. Common in Korea

b. Nervous degeneration causing involuntary shaking of legs, arms and head

c. Disease of kidney

d. Related to diabetes

43. Pulse polio programme is organised in our country for

a. Curing polio

b. Eradicating polio

c. Spreading polio

d. None of the above

44. Irrational fear of disease is

a. Algophobia

b. Mysophobia

c. Pathophobia

d. Haematophobia

45. Community health service includes

a. School and health education

b. Hygienic environment

c. Control of communicable diseases

d. All the above

46. BCG vaccine is against

a. Measles

b. T.B.

c. Cholera

d. Small Pox

47. Parkinsonism is due to defective neurotransmitter in brain

a. Serotonin

b. Noradrenaline

c. Dopamine

d. Eucalphia

48. Community health aims at

a. Better health and family planning

b. Better hygiene and clean environment

c. Removing communicable diseases

d. All the above

49. A disease sometimes found in persons above 40 which is characterised by poor CNS coordination, forgetfulness and tremor of hands is

a. Epilepsy

b. Alzheimer’s disease

c. Migraine

d. Schizophrenia

50. Parkinson’s disease (characterised by the tremors and progressive rigidity of limbs) is caused by degeneration of brain neurons that are involved in movement control and make use of neurotransmitters

a. Acetylcholine

b. Norepinephrine

c. Dopamine


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