Muscles of Pharynx And Larynx Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following is a longitudinal muscle of pharynx ?
A. Superior constrictor
B. Thyropharyngeus
C. Cricopharyngeus
D. Stylopharyngeus
Answer: D
2. Stylopharyngeus muscle passes in between the gap of the following muscles
A. Superior constrictor and the base of the skull
B. Superior and middle constrictor
C. Middle and inferior constrictor
D. Inferior constrictor and oesophagus
Answer: B
3. The middle pharyngeal constrictor has its origin from
A. Pterygomandibular raphe, Mandible
B. Styloid process
C. Pterygoid plate
D. Hyoid bone
Answer: D
4. All the muscles of pharynx are supplied by vagoaccessory (pharyngel plexus) complex except
A. stylopharyngeus
B. Palatopharyngeus
C. Salpingopharyngeus
D. Inferior constrictor
Answer: A
5. Passavant’s ridge is present in
A. Superior constrictor
B. Inferior constrictor
C. Middle constrictor
D. Tensor palati
Answer: B
6. Superior constrictor muscle of pharynx originates from
A. Pterygoid hamulus, pterygomandibular raphe
B. Medical surface of mandible
C. Medical surface of mandible and side of posterior tongue
D. All of the above
Answer: D
7. Muscle of palate which works around hamular notch and forms a tendom is
A. Levator palati
B. Palatopharyngeus
C. Tensor Palati
D. Stylopharyngeus
Answer: C
8. Muscle origination from scaphoid fossa is
A. Levator palati
B. Tensor Palati
C. Palatoglossus
D. Superior constrictor
Answer: B
9. The nerve supply of all muscles of palate is derived from
A. Glossopharyngeal nerve
B. Vagus nerve
C. Cranial accessory nerve
D. Vagoaccessory nerve
Answer: C
10. Of the following muscles, thre least related to pterygomandibular raphe is
A. Superior constrictor
B. Lateral pterygoid
C. Medial pterygoid
D. Buccinator
Answer: B