300+ TOP Oral Pigmentation MCQs and Answers Quiz Exam

Oral Pigmentation Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Acquired, symmetric hyper pigmentation of the sun exposed skin of the face & neck which is strongly associated with pregnancy & use of oral contraceptives is called as:
    A. Melanoma
    B. Cafe-au-lait-spots
    C. Freckle
    D. Melasma
  2. Pink’s disease is due to:
    A. Toxicity of silver
    B. Toxicity of Mercury
    C. Toxicity of lead
    D. Toxicity of Tetracycline
  3. Cafe-au-lait spots on the skin are characteristic of:
    A. Addision’s disease
    B. Peutz-Jeghers syndorme
    C. Von recklinghausen disease
    D. Hyper pituitarism
  4. Green discoloration of teeth is seen in:
    A. Tetracycline therapy Fluorosis
    B. Fluorosis
    C. Erythroblastosis fetalis
    D. None of the above
  5. In peutz-Jeghers syndrome, the oral lesions are:
    A. Ulcerations of oral mucosa
    B. Sebaceous glands of oral mucosa
    C. Silver pigmentation of oral mucosa
    D. None of the above
  6. A patient showing brownish pigmentation and with normal laboratory findings may be suffering from:
    A. Addison’s disease
    B. fibrous dysplasia
    C. Neuro fibromatosis
    D. None of the above
  7. Green stains which occur frequently in children are due to:
    A. Enamel deficiency
    B. Dentin deficiency
    C. Material alba
    D. Chromogenic bacteria
  8. Disease which increase oral melanin pigmentation:
    A. addison’s disease
    B. Hyperthyroidsim
    C. Nephritis
    D. All of the above
  9. The most common intraoral location for a pigmented nevi is the:
    A. Hard palate
    B. Soft palate
    C. Buccal mucosa
    D. Floor of mouth
  10. Melanin pigmentation in pregnancy is known as:
    A. Melasma
    B. Melanoma
    C. Epulis
    D. Melanosis
  11. The common site of melanoma on the orofacial skin is:
    A. Lower lip
    B. Malar region
    C. Forehead
    D. Upper lip
  12. Yellowish discolouration of oral mucous membrane, skin and sclera of eye is:
    A. Pernicious anemia
    B. Sickle cell anemia
    C. Chloromycin therapy
    D. Carotinemia
  13. All of the following are seen in lead poisoning except:
    A. Hallucinations
    B. GIT disturbances
    C. Peripheral neuritis
    D. Encephalitis
  14. Mucocutaneous circumoral pigmentation is found in:
    A. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
    B. Plummer-Vinson syndrome
    C. Lead poisoning
    D. Bechet’s syndrome
  15. Tetracycline stains appear as:
    A. Yellow and brown stains in enamel and dentin
    B. Yellow and brown stains only in enamel
    C. Yellow and brown stains only in dentin
    D. Only yellow stain in enamel
  16. Port wine stains are seen in:
    A. Nevus
    B. Haemangioma
    C. Melanoma
    D. All of the above
  17. Patient reports with discolored teeth bearing brown stains. The teeth glow fluorescent in UV light. The most likely diagnosis is:
    A. Porphyria
    B. Amelogenesis imperfecta
    C. Hutchinson’s teeth
    D. Tetracycline staining of teeth
  18. Yellowish discoloration of teeth is seen in children fed on:
    A. High-protein diet
    B. Tetracyclines
    C. penicillins
    D. Erythromycin
  19. The pigment associated with hemochromatosis is:
    A. Biliribin
    B. Haemosiderin
    C. Methemoglobin
    D. Myoglobin

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