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Oral Pigmentation Multiple Choice Questions
- Acquired, symmetric hyper pigmentation of the sun exposed skin of the face & neck which is strongly associated with pregnancy & use of oral contraceptives is called as:
A. Melanoma
B. Cafe-au-lait-spots
C. Freckle
D. Melasma
- Pink’s disease is due to:
A. Toxicity of silver
B. Toxicity of Mercury
C. Toxicity of lead
D. Toxicity of Tetracycline
- Cafe-au-lait spots on the skin are characteristic of:
A. Addision’s disease
B. Peutz-Jeghers syndorme
C. Von recklinghausen disease
D. Hyper pituitarism
- Green discoloration of teeth is seen in:
A. Tetracycline therapy Fluorosis
B. Fluorosis
C. Erythroblastosis fetalis
D. None of the above
- In peutz-Jeghers syndrome, the oral lesions are:
A. Ulcerations of oral mucosa
B. Sebaceous glands of oral mucosa
C. Silver pigmentation of oral mucosa
D. None of the above
- A patient showing brownish pigmentation and with normal laboratory findings may be suffering from:
A. Addison’s disease
B. fibrous dysplasia
C. Neuro fibromatosis
D. None of the above
- Green stains which occur frequently in children are due to:
A. Enamel deficiency
B. Dentin deficiency
C. Material alba
D. Chromogenic bacteria
- Disease which increase oral melanin pigmentation:
A. addison’s disease
B. Hyperthyroidsim
C. Nephritis
D. All of the above
- The most common intraoral location for a pigmented nevi is the:
A. Hard palate
B. Soft palate
C. Buccal mucosa
D. Floor of mouth
- Melanin pigmentation in pregnancy is known as:
A. Melasma
B. Melanoma
C. Epulis
D. Melanosis
- The common site of melanoma on the orofacial skin is:
A. Lower lip
B. Malar region
C. Forehead
D. Upper lip
- Yellowish discolouration of oral mucous membrane, skin and sclera of eye is:
A. Pernicious anemia
B. Sickle cell anemia
C. Chloromycin therapy
D. Carotinemia
- All of the following are seen in lead poisoning except:
A. Hallucinations
B. GIT disturbances
C. Peripheral neuritis
D. Encephalitis
- Mucocutaneous circumoral pigmentation is found in:
A. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
B. Plummer-Vinson syndrome
C. Lead poisoning
D. Bechet’s syndrome
- Tetracycline stains appear as:
A. Yellow and brown stains in enamel and dentin
B. Yellow and brown stains only in enamel
C. Yellow and brown stains only in dentin
D. Only yellow stain in enamel
- Port wine stains are seen in:
A. Nevus
B. Haemangioma
C. Melanoma
D. All of the above
- Patient reports with discolored teeth bearing brown stains. The teeth glow fluorescent in UV light. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Porphyria
B. Amelogenesis imperfecta
C. Hutchinson’s teeth
D. Tetracycline staining of teeth
- Yellowish discoloration of teeth is seen in children fed on:
A. High-protein diet
B. Tetracyclines
C. penicillins
D. Erythromycin
- The pigment associated with hemochromatosis is:
A. Biliribin
B. Haemosiderin
C. Methemoglobin
D. Myoglobin
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