300+ TOP Oral Pre-Cancer & Oral Cancer MCQs and Answers

Oral Pre-cancer and Oral Cancer Multiple Choice Questions

1. The current “gold standard” for predicting the malignant potential of the precancerous lesions is the:
Answer: A. presence & degree of dysplasia
B. presence of candidal hyphae
C. presence of red areas in the lesion
D. site of the lesions

2. Which of the following viruses is not an oncovirus?
A. Herpes Simplex Virus
B. Human Papilloma Virus
Answer: C. Varicella zoster Virus
D. Epstein Barr Virus

3. Which type of inflammatory cells predominate in the infiltrate of invasive carcinoma?
A. Monocyte
B. T lymphocyte
Answer: C. CD 8 lymphocyte
D. Langerhan’s cell

4. The fixation of lymph nodes to adjacent tissues in cases of malignancy is due to:
A. Secondary infection
B. protective mechanism of body
Answer: C. invasion of malignant cells through capsule
D. matting of lymph nodes

5. Which of the following is not a Tumor suppressor gene?
A. p53
B. p161NK4A
Answer: C. bcl – 2
D. FHIT (fragile histidine triad)

6. A tumor classified as T1 N2 M0 belongs to which stage?
A. Stage 1
B. Stage 2
C. Stage 3
Answer: D. Stage 4

7. Which is the preferred method of biopsy in case of a malignant involvement of lymph node?
Answer: A. Fine needle aspiration
B. Incisional biopsy
C. Excisional biopsy
D. No biopsy

8. Leukoplakia in which of the following sites poses high risk comparatively?
A. Gingiva
B. Buccal mucosa
Answer: C. Floor of the mouth
D. Palate

9. Which of the following statements is true regarding the effects of hyperfractionation of radiation therapy?
A. Chronic complications are more
B. Acute complications are more
Answer: C. Acute complications are more & chronic complications are less
D. Both, acute & chronic complications are less

10. Which of the following tumors are highly sensitive to radiation therapy?
A. Well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma
B. Malignant lesion with bone invasion
Answer: C. Mucosal lesions
D. Lesions with extensive node involvement

11. Which of the statements given below is true?
Answer: A. Leukoplakia in nonsmokers has a greater risk for malignant transformation than leukoplakia of smokers
B. Alcohol consumption alone can be associated with an increased risk of developing leukoplakia
C. Invasion of dysplastic epithelial cells is seen in basement membrane zone in Carcinoma in situ
D. Verrucous leukoplakia is usually seen in older adults

12. Which of the following investigative procedures is gold standard for achieving the diagnosis in case of a oral leukoplakia?
A. Toluidine blue staining
B. Brush biopsy
C. Cytosmear
Answer: D. Biopsy

13. Choose the correct sequence. The risk of malignant conversion of oral leukoplakias in decreasing order is:
A. Homogenous – verrucous – speckled
B. Verrucous – homogenous – speckled
C. Speckled – homogenous – verrucous
Answer: D. Speckled – verrucous – homogenous

14. Bowens disease mimics which of the following lesions
Answer: A. Erythroplakia
B. Leukoplakia
C. Verrucous carcinoma
D. Traumatic keratosis

15. Erythroplakic lesion of oral cavity mimics all of the following lesions except:
A. Denture stomatitis
B. Vascular lesion
Answer: C. Syphilitic patch
D. Inflammatory lesion

16. Which of the following diseases has the highest malignant transformation rate?
A. Leukoplakia
Answer: B. Erythroplakia
C. Oral Lichen planus
D. Oral submucous fibrosis

17. Widely accepted etiological factor in case of oral submucous fibrosis is:
Answer: A. Areca Nut
B. Tobacco
C. Chillies
D. Vitamin deficiency

18. Which of the following is not a premalignant condition?
A. Oral lichen planus
B. Oral submucous fibrosis
C. Xeroderma pigmentosum
Answer: D. Cheilitis granulomatosa

19. Exposure to ultraviolet rays, particularly from sun light causes all of the following lesions except:
A. Basal cell carcinoma
B. Actinic keratosis
Answer: C. Adenoid cystoc carcinoma
D. Malignant melanoma

20. Which of the following is an antioxidant that is used in the chemoprevention of oral cancer?
A. Iron
B. Bleomycin
C. Methotrexate
Answer: D. Selenium

21. Which stage of syphilis is a pre-disposing condition to oral cancer?
A. Primary stage
B. Secondary stage
Answer: C. Tertiary stage
D. Syphilis is not a predisposing condition to oral cancer

22. Malignant transformation rate of oral leukoplakia globally is:
A. 18 – 20 %
Answer: B. 3 – 6 %
C. 0 – 1 %
D. 0.5 – 0.1 %

23. Presence of multiple pre-malignant lesions in oral cavity is aptly called as:
A. Premalignant condition
Answer: B. Field cancerization
C. Immunocompromised
D. Premalignant syndrome

24. “Ebbing tide type” leukoplakias are described in which part of oral cavity?
A. Buccal Mucosa
B. Gingiva
C. Vestibule
Answer: D. Floor of mouth

25. “Eliptical rima Oris” is a clinical feature of:
Answer: A. Oral Submucous fibrosis
B. Oral lichen planus
C. Oral cancer
D. Oral erythroplakia

26. Spindle cell carcinoma is also known as Carcino-sarcoma because:
A. it is a combination of carcinoma & sarcoma
B. Sarcoma occurs in a carcinomatous tissue later
Answer: C. presence of Spindle shaped cells gives false appearance of sarcoma
D. it is a lesion which can metastasize in both blood & lymphatics

27. In vital staining technique using toluidine blue for detection of oral precancer & cancer __________ acid is used.
A. 4% hydrochloric acid
B. 1% Sulphuric acid
Answer: C. 1% Acetic acid
D. 10% Formic acid

28. Which of the following variety of oral cancer has slow growth & rarely metastasizes?
Answer: A. Verrucous carcinoma
B. Melanocarcinoma
C. Adenocarcinoma
D. Carcinosarcoma

29. Which are the two more parameters that were later added to TNM system of staging?
A. Age and sex
B. Age and Site
Answer: C. Site and pathology
D. Sex and pathology

30. One of the following clinical features is not seen in Oral sub mucous fibrosis:
A. Xerostomia
B. Pain in ear
C. Excessive salivation
Answer: D. Enlarged uvula

31. “Ribbon like” epithelium is seen in which of the following diseases histopathologically?
A. Oral Lichen planus
Answer: B. Oral Submucous Fibrosis
C. Verrucous carcinoma
D. Leukoplakia

32. Deficiency of which vitamin can induce metaplasia & keratinisation of certain epithelial structures leading to oral leukoplakias?
Answer: A. Vit. A
B. Vit. C
C. Vit. D
D. Vit. K

33. Muscle degeneration is seen which of the following precancerous conditions?
A. Lichen planus
Answer: B. Oral submucous fibrosis
C. Discoid Lupus erythematosus
D. Xerostomia pigmentosum

34. In radiation therapy, deep seated lesions are usually irradiated with:
A. X ray photon
B. Electron
Answer: C. Neutron
D. Proton

35. Radioisotopes are used in which of the following treatment procedures of cancer?
A. Teletherapy
B. Chemotherapy
Answer: C. Brachytherapy
D. Immunotherapy

36. Most of the ____________ carcinomas of oro-facial region spread by local infiltration, or perineural invasion or hematogenous spread and less commonly through lymphatics.
A. Melano
Answer: B. Adeno
C. Basal
D. Neuro

37. Which of the following adeno-carcinomas have a capsule?
Answer: A. Acinic cell carcinoma
B. Clear cell carcinoma
C. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
D. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma

38. Which of the following malignancies has the highest incidence of metastasizing to jaws?
A. Thyroid
Answer: B. Breast
C. Prostate
D. Renal

39. Intra epithelial carcinoma is a:
Answer: A. Pre-cancerous lesion
B. Squamous cell carcinoma
C. Lesion which can metastasize to different epithelia
D. Aggressive lesion

40. Chemotherapy is used to treat oral malignancies in:
A. order to cure the lesion completely
Answer: B. advanced disease & recurrent tumors
C. order to control primary tumor
D. adjuvant with immunotherapy

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