Pedagogy Multiple Choice Questions
1. Pedagogy is a
A. science of behavior
B. science of learning
C. science of teaching
D. science of testing
Answer: B. science of teaching
2. The main aim of teaching is
A. to disseminate information to the learners
B. to help the child in passing his examinations
C. to help the learners in getting employment easily
D. to help the child to respond to his environment in an effective way
Answer: B. to help the child to respond to his environment in an effective way
3. Teaching can be made effective by relating it to
A. learning
B. reading
C. lecture
D. Discussion
Answer: B. learning
4. Both teaching and learning aim at one and the same thing, that is,
A. make the learner more intelligent
B. make the learner full of knowledge
C. bring changes in the behavior of the learner
D. deliver information to the learner
Answer: B. bring changes in the behavior of the learner
5. A good teaching must always be so designed and performed as to result in
A. minimum learning
B. maximum learning
C. self-learning
D. self-control
Answer: B. maximum learning
6. Teacher’s interest in teaching and the children can
A. never help children in any way
B. motivate the learners to learn
C. help the learners to learn everything
D. never encourage the learners
Answer: B. motivate the learners to learn
7. The soul of effective teaching is
A. good command of the subject matter
B. salary
C. health
D. social status
Answer: B. good command of the subject matter
8. Which of the following statement is true of an effective teacher?
A. He must be biased and try to influence the learners in accordance with his personal views
B. His education is completed when he is certified to teach
C. He should not take into consideration the interests, abilities and limitations of the learner
D. He should understand human developmental patterns
Answer: B. He should understand human developmental patterns
9. Which one of the following is least important in teaching?
A. lecturing in impressive ways
B. maintaining discipline in the class
C. punishing the students
D. drawing sketches and diagrams on the blackboard if needed
Answer: B. punishing the students
10. The main objectives to be achieved through memory level of teaching are
A. acquisition of the body of facts with full understanding and application
B. development of higher cognitive abilities
C. the knowledge objectives
D. equipment of the learners with the ability of reflective thinking
Answer: B. the knowledge objectives
11. Teaching at memory level is based on
A. S-R theory
B. field theory
C. Gestalt theory
D. cognitive field theory
Answer: B. S-R theory
12. The method of teaching at memory level is
A. subject centered
B. teacher centered
C. learner centered
D. problem-solving centered
Answer: B. subject centered
13. The main objectives to be achieved through understanding level of teaching are
A. the knowledge objectives
B. acquisition of the body of facts with full understanding and application
C. acquisition of facts and information
D. equipment of students with problem solving ability and
Answer: B. acquisition of the body of facts with full understanding and application
14. Teaching at understanding level is based on
A. Gestalt theory
B. cognitive field theory
C. S-R theory
D. field theory
Answer: B. field theory
15. The main objective of reflective level teaching is
A. acquisition of the body of facts with full understanding
B. to provide knowledge to the learners
C. to equip the learners with the ability of reflective thinking
D. acquisition of facts and information
Answer: B. to equip the learners with the ability of reflective thinking
16. The method of teaching at reflective level is
A. teacher centered
B. learner centered
C. problem-solving centered
D. subject centered
Answer: B. learner centered
17. Which of the following level of teaching requires more active participation, more imaginative and creative thinking?
A. reflective level
B. memory level
C. understanding level
D. all levels
Answer: B. reflective level
18. The educational objective of pre-active phase of teaching is
A. action and reaction
B. reinforcement and feedback
C. selection of the most appropriate techniques of evaluation
D. to define educational aims
Answer: B. to define educational aims
19. Pre-active phase of teaching includes
A. feedback and reinforcement
B. sizing up of the class
C. presentation of stimuli
D. decision about the strategies of teaching
Answer: B. decision about the strategies of teaching
20. Inter-active phase of teaching includes
A. fixation of goals
B. deployment of strategies
C. sizing up of the class
D. decision making about the subject matter
Answer: B. sizing up of the class
21. In which phase of teaching the knowledge which is given to student is evaluated?
A. interactive phase
B. post-active phase
C. pre-active and inter-active phases
D. pre-active phase
Answer: B. post-active phase
22. Which of the following activity is considered in the post-active phase of teaching?
A. distribution of teaching strategies
B. changing the strategies in terms of evidences gathered
C. diagnosis of the learners
D. sequencing the elements of content for presentation
Answer: B. changing the strategies in terms of evidences gathered
23. Educationists insist of learning by doing. This is called
A. principle of activity
B. principle of motivation
C. principle of interest
D. principle of planning
Answer: B. principle of activity
24. The educator cannot elicit any useful response from the learner in the absence of
A. good physique
B. wealth
C. motivation
D. examination
Answer: B. motivation
25. The technique of teaching is determined by
A. the behavior of the teacher
B. the educational institution
C. the evaluation system
D. the objective of the lesson
Answer: B. the objective of the lesson
26. Educational psychology tells the educator that he cannot make his teaching effective unless
A. he arouses the pupil’s interest in the subject being taught
B. the pupils behave accordingly
C. he is satisfied with his salary
D. the classroom is big
Answer: B. he arouses the pupil’s interest in the subject being taught
27. After selecting a topic, teacher should
A. rest for a while
B. do the planning of the chapter
C. concentrate on student’s evaluation
D. deliver information to students
Answer: B. do the planning of the chapter
28. Modern educationists suggest that the process of teaching must be
A. dull
B. clumsy
C. creative and entertaining
D. unimaginative
Answer: B. creative and entertaining
29. The teacher should select the teaching material in such a way so that
A. he can achieve a high level of mental development
B. he can produce citizens capable of living in a democratic society
C. he can easily attain the fundamental principles of education
D. he can help the learner in his later adjustment with life
Answer: B. he can easily attain the fundamental principles of education
30. According to the principle of division, the subject matter should be divided into different steps so that
A. it can easily be presented to the class in an ordered and systematic manner
B. children are motivated to take interest in their lesson
C. the teacher can use different strategies
D. children can learn by themselves
Answer: B. it can easily be presented to the class in an ordered and systematic manner
31. Teacher must bear the principle of individual difference in his mind in order to
A. distribute study materials
B. complete a course on time
C. assess student performance
D. adopt a suitable technique and standard
Answer: B. adopt a suitable technique and standard
32. Maxims of teaching are
A. fundamental principles to teach children in an accurate manner
B. rules for presenting difficult terms and concepts to make them easy to comprehend in classroom teaching
C. learning levels which can be affected with the acquisition of various teaching objectives
D. learning experiences which are acquired in a natural way
Answer: B. rules for presenting difficult terms and concepts to make them easy to comprehend in classroom teaching
33. The most natural and simple way of teaching a lesson is to proceed from
A. something that the students already know
B. those facts which are unknown to the learners
C. examples
D. illustrations
Answer: B. something that the students already know
34. It is best for teachers to teach
A. from the viewpoint of adults
B. complex task first
C. simple topic first
D. from the viewpoint of experts
Answer: B. simple topic first
35. Particular facts and examples should be presented to the children before giving them
A. abstract rules and principles
B. general rules and principles
C. complex rules and principles
D. difficult rules and principles
Answer: B. general rules and principles
36. Empirical knowledge is that a pupil gains through
A. reading
B. fantasy
C. teacher’s lecture
D. his own observation
Answer: B. his own observation
37. Rational knowledge implies
A. observation and experience
B. action and performance
C. a bit of abstraction and argumentative approach
D. achievement and accomplishment
Answer: B. a bit of abstraction and argumentative approach
38. Gestalt psychologists proved that
A. the child perceives the object as a whole and then its parts
B. the child gains knowledge about the ‘parts’ first and then about the ‘whole’
C. part learning is more meaningful because the material to be learnt makes sense
D. part learning should be followed by whole approach
Answer: B. the child perceives the object as a whole and then its parts
39. Rousseau has given the concept of Follow Nature. The meaning of this maxim is
A. to give full freedom to the teacher
B. to regulate the education of a pupil according to his nature
C. the teacher should follow his discretion
D. knowledge should be given according to the teacher’s nature
Answer: B. to regulate the education of a pupil according to his nature
40. Maxims are meant
A. to be followed strictly
B. for learners and parents
C. for supervisors and administrators
D. to be our servants and not masters
Answer: B. to be our servants and not masters
Audio-Visual aids
41. An object or device used by a teacher to enhance or enliven classroom instruction is known as
A. audio aid
B. visual aid
C. teaching aid
D. activity aid
Answer: B. teaching aid
42. A teaching aid is anything used by a teacher to help teach a lesson or make it more interesting to
A. students
B. teachers
C. parents
D. principals
Answer: B. students
43. Audio-visual material means those sources in which the knowledge is acquired by
A. hearing
B. seeing
C. sense organs
D. both audio and visual sense organs
Answer: B. both audio and visual sense organs
44. Audio-visual aids should help in achieving
A. success
B. fame
C. the teaching objectives
D. wealth
Answer: B. the teaching objectives
45. Audio-visual aids should be used
A. when teachers are absent
B. when the object is not available
C. during examinations
D. during evaluation
Answer: B. when the object is not available
46. Audio-visual aids
A. should be small
B. should be large
C. should be heavy
D. should neither be large nor too small
Answer: B. should neither be large nor too small
47. Teaching aids which are presented before the pupils should
A. accompany the actions also
B. be handled by all the students
C. be huge in size
D. not help in acquiring knowledge
Answer: B. accompany the actions also
48. With the help of audio-visual aids, the vast and complicated world
A. can be explored in a day
B. can easily be taught and understood as well
C. can be developed in a year
D. can be reformed by experts
Answer: B. can easily be taught and understood as well
49. Audio-visual aids are related to
A. hearing and sight
B. feeling
C. pain
D. taste
Answer: B. hearing and sight
50. Audio-visual aids provide reinforcement to the
A. learner
B. teacher
C. parents
D. school
Answer: B. learner
51. A teaching aid proves effective only when
A. it is presented before the above average group of learners
B. it suits the interest of the learner
C. it is presented before the backward learners
D. it suits the teaching objectives
Answer: B. it suits the teaching objectives
52. According to the principle of selection, a teacher should take care of
A. the opinion of his colleagues
B. the appropriate and wide selection of audio-visual material
C. the assessment of the pupils
D. the selection of learners
Answer: B. the appropriate and wide selection of audio-visual material
53. The teacher should be fully aware of the nature of the teaching aid and the way it is to beused for
A. final examinations
B. showing his knowledge to the learners
C. the effective realization of the set objectives
D. proving his efficiency in teaching
Answer: B. the effective realization of the set objectives
54. The principle of preparation demands from the teacher as well as students
A. learning readiness
B. good communication skills
C. a great deal of effort
D. due pre-preparation on their part for the utilization of audio-visual aid material
Answer: B. due pre-preparation on their part for the utilization of audio-visual aid material
55. The principle of physical control requires
A. great physique
B. physical fitness
C. to arrange or handle the necessary details relating to physical facilities and conditions
D. to maintain healthy lifestyle
Answer: B. to arrange or handle the necessary details relating to physical facilities and conditions
56. The effectiveness of an audio-visual presentation can fail if the materials are mishandled. Therefore,
A. the aids should have specific value besides being interesting and motivating
B. they should be true and accurate
C. proper care is to be taken for minimizing such occurrences
D. they should suit the age-level of the learners
Answer: B. proper care is to be taken for minimizing such occurrences
57. Teachers should carefully plan and visualize the use of aid material
A. to produce effective citizens
B. after its actual presentation
C. before its actual presentation
D. to collect information of the pupils
Answer: B. before its actual presentation
58. The principle of action demands from the teachers to guide their students in the process of
A. adjustment
B. reacting to the audio-visual experience situations in an appropriate manner
C. facing challenges in higher classes
D. getting employment in the future
Answer: B. reacting to the audio-visual experience situations in an appropriate manner
59. While selecting teaching aids, the principle of appraisal demands
A. continual evaluation of both the audio-visual material and accompanying techniques
B. wide selection of audio-visual material
C. due pre-preparation for the utilization of audio-visual material
D. appropriate presentation of the material
Answer: B. continual evaluation of both the audio-visual material and accompanying techniques
60. For the realization of better results with audio-visual teaching aids, a teacher should bearin mind.
A. principle of proper presentation
B. principle of action
C. principle of appraisal
D. the guiding principles of selection of these aids
Answer: B. the guiding principles of selection of these aids
61. Teaching aids are classified under the following categories:
A. radio, TV and camera
B. audio, visual and audio-visual
C. chalk board and bulletin board
D. maps and diagrams
Answer: B. audio, visual and audio-visual
62. The aids which help the individuals to learn through listening are known as
A. audio aids
B. visual aids
C. activity aids
D. audio-visual aids
Answer: B. audio aids
63. The cheapest and the most easily accessible aid among the audio teaching aids is
A. television
B. tape recorder
C. radio
D. film
Answer: B. radio
64. Audio teaching aids facilitate
A. student-teacher relationship
B. the teaching technique
C. the seeing function
D. the listening function
Answer: B. the listening function
65. Aids through the eye are known as
A. audio aids
B. visual aids
C. activity aids
D. audio-visual aids
Answer: B. visual aids
66. Visual teaching aids
A. enrich the listening functions
B. enrich the seeing functions
C. facilitate the audio senses
D. increase the rate of hearing
Answer: B. enrich the seeing functions
67. Map is one of the
A. audio-visual teaching aids
B. audio teaching aids
C. visual teaching aids
D. activity aids
Answer: B. visual teaching aids
68. Which of the following aid is the simplest and easiest to use and not expensive?
A. transparencies
B. television
C. cassettes
D. compact discs
Answer: B. transparencies
69. Teaching aids which encourage both listening and observing functions are called
A. booklets
B. journals
C. specimens
D. audio-visual teaching aids
Answer: B. audio-visual teaching aids
70. The following aids increase the rate of hearing and seeing simultaneously.
A. sound motion picture
B. flannel board
C. diagrams
D. phonograph
Answer: B. sound motion picture
71. Using teaching aids in the classroom
A. distract the learners
B. irritate the teacher and the learner
C. makes learning more interesting
D. cannot improve student performance
Answer: B. makes learning more interesting
72. The audio-visual aids can be used to realize
A. the cognitive objective of learning
B. the affective objective of learning
C. the psychomotor objective of learning
D. the cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives of learning
Answer: B. the cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives of learning
73. The use of audio-visual aids makes
A. the lesson boring and uninteresting
B. the experiences of the pupils meaningful
C. the learners uncomfortable
D. the pupils lazy
Answer: B. the experiences of the pupils meaningful
74. If used throughout the entire presentation, visual aids are
A. more of a distraction
B. the best motivators
C. helpful to reduce verbalism
D. interesting
Answer: B. more of a distraction
75. Teaching aids may not prove useful because of
A. proper preparation
B. correct presentation
C. lack of proper planning
D. appropriate application
Answer: B. lack of proper planning
76. Modern devices can enrich
A. student’s performance
B. teacher’s performance
C. student-teacher relationship
D. the classroom learning as well as teaching
Answer: B. the classroom learning as well as teaching
77. Audio-visual aids help the teacher in
A. creating rapport with other teachers
B. passing time quickly
C. maintaining the interest and attention of the students in classroom activities
D. making students occupied with some works
Answer: B. maintaining the interest and attention of the students in classroom activities
78. The pupils get various opportunities of doing various activities by
A. writing notes
B. listening teacher’s lecture
C. attending classes regularly
D. using audio-visual aids
Answer: B. using audio-visual aids
79. By using audio-visual aids, the pupils take interest in the development of the lesson andthey acquire the knowledge by
A. doing themselves
B. making study routine
C. changing mindset
D. doing homework
Answer: B. doing themselves
80. Things and difficult ideas which a pupil is unable to understand with chalk and talk, arefollowed easily by using
A. internet
B. audio-visual aids
C. audio aids
D. visual aids
Answer: B. audio-visual aids
Lesson Plan and Diagnostic Testing
81. A small unit or units of the subject matter which a teacher plans to teach in a definite period is
A. lesson plan
B. micro-teaching
C. diagnostic testing
D. remedial teaching
Answer: B. lesson plan
82. Lesson plan is
A. acquisition of information
B. small unit/units of the subject-matter which a teacher teaches in a definite period
C. the task of preparing students for future
D. improvement of teaching-learning
Answer: B. small unit/units of the subject-matter which a teacher teaches in a definite period
83. The teacher of every school should prepare a lesson plan for
A. 5 or 10 to 15 minutes
B. 30 or 35 to 50 minutes
C. 1 to 2 hours
D. 2 to 3 hours
Answer: B. 30 or 35 to 50 minutes
84. The development of lesson planning occurred as a result of
A. Behaviorism
B. Functionalism
C. Psychoanalysis
D. Gestalt psychology
Answer: B. Gestalt psychology
85. Lesson planning means
A. development of skill
B. habit formation
C. that detailed description which a teacher completes in a definite period
D. practice and experience
Answer: B. that detailed description which a teacher completes in a definite period
86. In preparing lesson plans, the teacher presents new knowledge as the basis of
A. his achievement
B. pupil’s health status
C. principles of teaching
D. previous knowledge of the pupils
Answer: B. previous knowledge of the pupils
87. In a lesson plan,
A. the subject-matter becomes limited
B. objectives cannot be fixed
C. the teacher’s and pupil’s activities cannot be pre-decided according to the class level
D. the teaching strategies cannot be decided beforehand
Answer: B. the subject-matter becomes limited
88. While preparing a lesson plan,
A. the learner should divide the topic in one or more units
B. the learner should point out the teacher’s weaknesses
C. the teacher should divide the topic in one or more units
D. the teacher should point out the learner’s weaknesses
Answer: B. the teacher should divide the topic in one or more units
89. In order to create attraction and interest in the lesson,
A. the teacher is occupied with students’ problems
B. the teacher is free to make changes in the lesson plan
C. the learner decides what strategies and instruments to be used
D. the learner evaluates the teaching tactics and techniques used by the teacher
Answer: B. the teacher is free to make changes in the lesson plan
90. The teacher should write a lesson plan in detail
A. in the classroom
B. while giving a presentation
C. after final examinations
D. before commencing the task of teaching
Answer: B. before commencing the task of teaching
91. A scaled down teaching encounter in class size and time is known as
A. micro-teaching
B. lesson plan
C. remedial teaching
D. diagnostic testing
Answer: B. micro-teaching
92. Micro-teaching is a
A. devise
B. method
C. scaled down teaching
D. law
Answer: B. scaled down teaching
93. A systematic training to provide feedback to teacher-trainee for the modification of teacher behavior is
A. remedial teaching
B. diagnostic testing
C. micro-teaching
D. lesson planning
Answer: B. micro-teaching
94. The aim of micro-teaching is
A. to create simulated situations
B. to strengthen educational institutions
C. to modify student behavior
D. to modify teacher behavior
Answer: B. to modify teacher behavior
95. In micro-teaching, a pupil-teacher teaches a short lesson to
A. large group of pupils
B. small group of pupils
C. the whole school students
D. the school administrators
Answer: B. small group of pupils
96. Micro-teaching is a scaled down teaching encounter to reduce the duration of period of
A. 5 to 10 minutes
B. 30 to 50 minutes
C. 1 to 2 hours
D. 2 to 3 hours
Answer: B. 5 to 10 minutes
97. Micro-teaching as a training technique involves three phases. They are
A. knowledge acquisition, skill acquisition and transfer
B. preparation, orientation and selection
C. presentation, observation and Answer:
D. re-planning, re-teaching and evaluation
Answer: B. knowledge acquisition, skill acquisition and transfer
98. In micro-teaching, the student-teacher plans a short lesson in which he can
A. learn a new skill
B. develop a new opinion
C. acquire a new knowledge
D. practice a particular skill
Answer: B. practice a particular skill
99. A micro-teaching cycle used to practice a teaching skill consists of
A. teaching, planning, feedback
B. planning, feedback, teaching
C. planning, teaching, feedback
D. teaching, feedback, planning
Answer: B. planning, teaching, feedback
100. Micro-teaching can control the practice by
A. knowledge acquisition
B. observation
C. feedback
D. orientation
Answer: B. feedback
101. A diagnostic test is a tool used by teachers
A. to identify students with special needs only
B. to give information to the students
C. to prepare extra classes for examination
D. to evaluate students’ prior knowledge of a particular subject
Answer: B. to evaluate students’ prior knowledge of a particular subject
102. Diagnostic testing is usually done
A. after the end of the school year
B. before the start of a new unit of study
C. before giving assignments to the students
D. after finishing final examination
Answer: B. before the start of a new unit of study
103. The purpose of diagnostic testing is
A. to motivate the student
B. to find out the particular problem faced by the student
C. to make the student understand the subject matter
D. to control the behavior of the student
Answer: B. to find out the particular problem faced by the student
104. Diagnostic tests help teachers diagnose the needs of the students
A. to meet their instruction needs
B. to pass in their examinations
C. to retain whatever is learnt
D. to survive
Answer: B. to meet their instruction needs
105. Diagnostic tests are those which help the teacher
A. to improve his teaching skill
B. to measure the achievement of the student
C. to know the family background of the student
D. to know the particular strength and weakness of the student
Answer: B. to know the particular strength and weakness of the student
106. A test which is designed to reveal specific weakness or failures to learn in some subjectof study is known as
A. achievement test
B. attainment test
C. prognostic test
D. diagnostic test
Answer: B. diagnostic test
107. A diagnostic test is useful if a teacher uses it
A. every month
B. once throughout the school year
C. more than once throughout the school year
D. every week
Answer: B. more than once throughout the school year
108. Diagnostic tests are also known as
A. analytical tests
B. attainment tests
C. achievement tests
D. prognostic tests
Answer: B. analytical tests
109. A diagnostic test measures where a student is in terms of his
A. habit
B. knowledge and skills
C. physical fitness
D. attitude
Answer: B. knowledge and skills
110. A diagnostic test should identify
A. the school curriculum
B. teacher efficacy
C. next steps for the pupil
D. teacher competency
Answer: B. next steps for the pupil
111. An educational instruction which is usually organized to eliminate the influences of defective teaching and learning which a child gains during his starting days of learning is called
A. remedial teaching
B. micro-teaching
C. lesson planning
D. diagnostic testing
Answer: B. remedial teaching
112. A remedial teaching is one that is meant to
A. improve study habits
B. rectify a particular problem area in a student
C. identify special learners
D. evaluate the achievement of a student
Answer: B. rectify a particular problem area in a student
113. Remedial teaching is also known as
A. special education
B. technical education
C. compensatory education
D. learning by doing
Answer: B. compensatory education
114. Remedial teaching indicates
A. elimination of attitudes
B. elimination of skills
C. elimination of habits
D. elimination of drawbacks
Answer: B. elimination of drawbacks
115. The function of remedial teaching is to
A. solve the problem faced by the teacher
B. recondition habit and skill
C. encourage teaching profession
D. modify teacher behavior
Answer: B. recondition habit and skill
116. The remedial teaching is followed
A. after actual classroom teaching
B. before actual classroom teaching
C. before the beginning of a new lesson
D. during actual classroom teaching
Answer: B. after actual classroom teaching
117. The first step in remedial teaching is
A. to give instructions
B. to identify poor students
C. to locate the learning difficulties
D. to use appropriate strategy
Answer: B. to identify poor students
118. After identifying the poor students, the next step in remedial teaching is to
A. prepare remedial instructions
B. remove the learning difficulties
C. locate the learning difficulties and its causes
D. provide suitable strategy
Answer: B. locate the learning difficulties and its causes
119. After teaching in remedial teaching, a test is administered
A. to ascertain how far learning difficulties could be removed
B. to identify poor and slow learners
C. to discover the causes of learning difficulties
D. to develop instructions
Answer: B. to ascertain how far learning difficulties could be removed
120. Remedial teaching aims for
A. feedback
B. identification of a particular strength of a child
C. modification of student behavior
D. the correction of errors in learning
Answer: B. the correction of errors in learning
Models and Methods of Teaching
121. The depiction of teaching and learning environment, including the behavior of teachersand students while the lesson is presented through that model, is known as
A. teaching report
B. style of teaching
C. model of teaching
D. teaching paradigm
Answer: B. model of teaching
122. Teaching models are prescriptive teaching strategies designed to accomplish particular
A. instructional goals
B. teaching skills
C. lessons
D. interests
Answer: B. instructional goals
123. Models of teaching have been developed to help a teacher to improve his capacity to
A. influence other members of the society
B. reach more children
C. take extra classes
D. live life without problems
Answer: B. reach more children
124. Different teaching models stress on a different instructional goal when put these models into
A. rule
B. power
C. instruction
D. action
Answer: B. action
125. A pattern or plan, which can be used to shape a curriculum or course, to selectinstructional materials and to guide a teacher’s actions, is called
A. functions of teaching
B. factors of teaching
C. method of teaching
D. model of teaching
Answer: B. model of teaching
126. Teaching models help a teacher to create a richer and more diverse environment for
A. teachers
B. learners
C. parents
D. planners
Answer: B. learners
127. A model of teaching is meant for
A. substituting teachers
B. recording students’ activities
C. creating suitable learning environments
D. student’s evaluation
Answer: B. creating suitable learning environments
128. Models of teaching describe teaching, as
A. it ought to be
B. giving information
C. sharing experiences
D. assignment
Answer: B. it ought to be
129. Teaching models used by teachers in the classroom to facilitate group work are
A. information processing models
B. behavioral models
C. personal models
D. social interaction models
Answer: B. social interaction models
130. The major theorists of social interaction models are
A. Carl Rogers & Fritz Pearls
B. Herbert & John Dewey
C. David Hunt & William Glasser
D. Bethal & William Gordon
Answer: B. Herbert & John Dewey
131. The family of social interaction models are
A. Non-directive Model and Awareness Training Model
B. Synetics Model and Classroom Meeting Model
C. Group Investigation Model and Social Inquiry Model
D. Conceptual System Model and Information Processing Model
Answer: B. Group Investigation Model and Social Inquiry Model
132. In the models based on social interaction source, the social aspects of human beings are kept in mind and
A. their social development is more emphasized
B. physical development is more emphasized
C. self-awareness is more emphasized
D. concept development is more emphasized
Answer: B. their social development is more emphasized
133. The models belonging to social interaction category give more emphasis on
A. the development of the society
B. personality development
C. behavior
D. information
Answer: B. the development of the society
134. Social interaction models are concerned with
A. concept development and analysis
B. the attainment of the social goals belonging to the affective domain
C. body and sensory awareness
D. self-awareness, understanding, autonomy and self-concept
Answer: B. the attainment of the social goals belonging to the affective domain
135. Teaching models mainly related to the emotional life of a person and also assist in developing a productive relationship to the environment are
A. information processing models
B. behavioral models
C. personal models
D. social interaction models
Answer: B. personal models
136. Personal models are concerned with
A. social problem-solving
B. relationship of the individual to society
C. attainment of social goals
D. teaching by example
Answer: B. teaching by example
137. The major theorists of personal models are
A. Herbert & John Dewey
B. Byron & Benjamin Cox
C. Carl Rogers & Fritz Pearls
D. Donald Oliver & James P.Shaver
Answer: B. Carl Rogers & Fritz Pearls
138. The family of personal development models are
A. Laboratory Method Model & Jurisprudential Model
B. Role-playing Model and Social Simulation Model
C. Group Investigation Model and Social Inquiry Model
D. Non-directive Model and Conceptual System Model
Answer: B. Non-directive Model and Conceptual System Model
139. Personal models of teaching emphasize development of
A. behavior modification
B. self-awareness, understanding and self-concept
C. social values
D. social relationship
Answer: B. self-awareness, understanding and self-concept
140. Which of the following statements is true about personal models of teaching?
A. They share an orientation towards the individual and the development of selfhood
B. They share an orientation towards the information processing capabilities of the students
C. They emphasize relationship of the individual to society
D. They are associated with productive thinking and the development of general intellectual abilities
Answer: B. They share an orientation towards the individual and the development of selfhood
141. A teaching procedure involved in the clarification or explanation to the student of some major idea is called
A. demonstration method
B. lecture method
C. story telling method
D. problem solving method
Answer: B. lecture method
142. Lecture method lays emphasis on
A. the presentation of the content
B. the participation of the learner
C. the solution of problems faced by the learner
D. the removal of errors in learning
Answer: B. the presentation of the content
143. In lecture method,
A. the teacher is the recipient
B. the teacher makes elaborate arrangements for demonstration or experiments
C. students are more active and teacher is passive
D. teacher is more active and students are passive
Answer: B. teacher is more active and students are passive
144. A good lecture provides
A. active participation for learners
B. creative thinking
C. better scope for clarification
D. real experience
Answer: B. better scope for clarification
145. Lecture method is a
A. project approach
B. activity centered approach
C. student-controlled approach
D. teacher-controlled approach
Answer: B. teacher-controlled approach
146. The presentation of a pre-arranged series of events or equipment to a group of studentsfor their observation is known as
A. demonstration method
B. problem solving method
C. story telling method
D. lecture method
Answer: B. demonstration method
147. Demonstration method is
A. oldest teaching strategy given by idealism philosophy
B. a classroom strategy used in technical schools and training colleges
C. made interesting with extra-addition of flannel board or puppets
D. considered both autocratic and permissive type of teaching
Answer: B. a classroom strategy used in technical schools and training colleges
148. For a successful demonstration, the teacher
A. should never involve students in demonstration
B. should never break down the demonstration into a simple step by step pattern
C. should plan all the activities in great detail and rehearse it
D. should proceed with the demonstration as quickly as possible
Answer: B. should plan all the activities in great detail and rehearse it
149. The demonstration aids in bringing about a relationship between the theory and
A. practice
B. hypothesis
C. concept
D. observation
Answer: B. practice
150. Demonstration is a
A. learner-centered method
B. teacher-centered method
C. subject-centered method
D. curriculum-centered method
Answer: B. teacher-centered method
151. An educational device where the teacher and students attempt in a conscious, planned and purposeful effort to arrive at an explanation is known as
A. lecture method
B. story telling method
C. demonstration method
D. problem solving method
Answer: B. problem solving method
152. Problem solving method is
A. a teacher-controlled instruction
B. used in technical schools and training colleges
C. used to train pupils’ mind by confronting them with real problems and giving them the opportunity and freedom to solve them
D. used for teaching lower classes
Answer: B. used to train pupils’ mind by confronting them with real problems and giving them the opportunity and freedom to solve them
153. In problem solving method, a systematic and orderly process is adopted for carrying out
A. the teaching-learning process
B. data collection
C. evaluation
D. analysis
Answer: B. the teaching-learning process
154. Problem solving involves
A. imagination
B. reflective thinking
C. divergent thinking
D. convergent thinking
Answer: B. reflective thinking
155. Problem solving method help the learner to
A. depend on teachers
B. think critically and independently
C. summarize the main points covered in the lesson
D. be actively involved in observing
Answer: B. think critically and independently
156. Which of the following teaching method is considered as an art that enables the teacher to come very close to the heart of the students and thereby attracts their attention?
A. problem solving method
B. demonstration method
C. story telling method
D. lecture method
Answer: B. story telling method
157. Story telling enables the teacher to make lessons
A. boring
B. complicated
C. a burden for students
D. lively and interesting to the pupils
Answer: B. lively and interesting to the pupils
158. Students grasp very easily the knowledge presented in the form of a
A. fact
B. figure
C. graph
D. story
Answer: B. story
159. In story telling technique, the language should be
A. difficult
B. ineffective
C. simple and easy
D. dull
Answer: B. simple and easy
160. Story telling method is commonly used for teaching
A. lower classes
B. higher classes
C. university students
D. adults
Answer: B. lower classes
Role and Functions of a Teacher
161. Teacher effectiveness is the major area of
A. pedagogy
B. sociology
C. technology
D. philosophy
Answer: B. pedagogy
162. A teacher, in order to be successful, should
A. help students in achieving their goals
B. provide subject knowledge to students
C. concentrate on syllabus completion
D. prepare students to score high marks
Answer: B. help students in achieving their goals
163. An effective teacher
A. disrespects students
B. makes the same mistake repeatedly
C. presents facts and concepts from related fields
D. turns classes into PowerPoint shows
Answer: B. presents facts and concepts from related fields
164. Teacher must be a good human being first before designated as a
A. successful manager
B. good teacher
C. problem solver
D. good orator
Answer: B. good teacher
165. Teachers can play a quite significant role in bringing desirable social changes by possessing
A. tolerance and patience
B. studious and scholarly nature
C. good physical and mental health
D. cordial relationship with parents and guardians of the students
Answer: B. cordial relationship with parents and guardians of the students
166. In terms of his teacher behavior, an effective teacher should
A. be courageous
B. be self confident
C. have good temperament
D. have mastery over his subject
Answer: B. have mastery over his subject
167. How far a teacher has been successful in his mission, may reflect upon his
A. love for students
B. teacher effectiveness
C. regularity
D. attitude towards other teachers
Answer: B. teacher effectiveness
168. As an individual an effective teacher should
A. have social maturity
B. be a good communicator of ideas and actions
C. be duty bound and sincere
D. respect other members of the society
Answer: B. be duty bound and sincere
169. An effective teacher should
A. maintain distance from the media
B. be systematic and methodical in classroom management
C. be cold and hostile
D. have pessimistic and regressive outlook
Answer: B. be systematic and methodical in classroom management
170. In terms of his output, an effective teacher may be observed to possess the following characteristic:
A. his students demonstrate a reasonable performance in terms of the realization of educational objectives
B. his students do not appreciate his ways of teaching
C. his students are found to possess pessimistic outlook in dealing with the problem of real life
D. his students are incapable of utilizing the things learned in the real life settings
Answer: B. his students demonstrate a reasonable performance in terms of the realization of educational objectives
171. The quality of a great teacher, according to students, is
A. failure to honor commitments
B. deliberate deception
C. violation of conscience
D. knowledge of learners
Answer: B. knowledge of learners
172. The main function of teacher as a planner includes
A. assessment
B. evaluation
C. setting learning objectives
D. encouraging independent study habits
Answer: B. setting learning objectives
173. As a planner, the teacher must
A. encourage classroom and panel Discussion
B. be guidance minded
C. first decide what changes should take place in the learner
D. observe students’ reactions skillfully
Answer: B. first decide what changes should take place in the learner
174. The teacher should plan the learning tasks in accordance with the
A. abilities and interests of students
B. performance of students
C. reaction of students
D. assignments given by other teachers
Answer: B. abilities and interests of students
175. As a facilitator, the teacher must be
A. dominating
B. short-tempered
C. autocratic
D. warm, understanding and self-controlling
Answer: B. warm, understanding and self-controlling
176. For facilitating learning, the teacher must encourage
A. lecture
B. question and answer session
C. extra class
D. work experience
Answer: B. question and answer session
177. As a facilitator of learning, a teacher requires
A. two months leave
B. one year training
C. opportunities for professional and academic advancement
D. opportunities to travel around the world
Answer: B. opportunities for professional and academic advancement
178. For guiding children, the teacher can play an important role provided he has the right attitude as a teacher towards
A. his colleagues
B. his pupils
C. the society
D. the school
Answer: B. his pupils
179. As a counselor, the teacher is supposed to be
A. self-controlling
B. stimulating and imaginative in his approach to classroom behavior and subject
C. concerned directly with the problems related to the behavior of the students
D. guidance minded having an eye on individual children in the class
Answer: B. guidance minded having an eye on individual children in the class
180. A teacher’s attitude is to be that of help and guidance so that he can play an important role in putting
A. children on the right track
B. his opinion a rule
C. children under his care
D. his job first
Answer: B. children on the right track
181. The knowledge of counseling skills is essential for teachers
A. to promote student learning and well-being
B. to prepare weekly lesson plans
C. to collect data
D. to guide the student in possessing technical competence
Answer: B. to promote student learning and well-being
182. The final role of a teacher is to
A. plan
B. teach
C. facilitate
D. evaluate
Answer: B. evaluate
183. Evaluation is vital to a teacher’s success. It is this role that allows the teacher to discover
A. the social condition
B. the expectations of parents
C. the worth of his work
D. the value of family
Answer: B. the worth of his work
184. The difficulty with evaluation is that it is often confused with assessment. Assessmentsare used as
A. teaching aids
B. tools to evaluation
C. teaching methods
D. guidelines
Answer: B. tools to evaluation
185. When teachers complete a lesson, they ask what worked and why. This is called
A. planning
B. identification
C. teaching
D. evaluation
Answer: B. evaluation
186. Professional ethics for teachers is the study area of
A. pedagogical beliefs
B. social psychology
C. philosophy
D. psychology
Answer: B. pedagogical beliefs
187. The characteristics of ethical teaching include
A. depreciation for courage and interpersonal skills
B. depreciation for moral deliberation
C. appreciation for apathy
D. appreciation for moral deliberation
Answer: B. appreciation for moral deliberation
188. In education, the teacher in order to be a professional, must promote learning on the part of
A. the students
B. the home
C. the parents
D. the teacher
Answer: B. the students
189. Teaching will attain the status of a recognized profession if a teacher is propelled by his
A. physical condition
B. motive
C. covetousness
D. socio-economic condition
Answer: B. motive
190. Professional ethics is defined as the personal and corporate rules that govern behavior within the context of
A. family
B. social service
C. a particular profession
D. a particular lesson
Answer: B. a particular profession
191. A teacher who is whole heartedly dedicated and devoted to his profession is
A. dishonest
B. injustice
C. sincere
D. partial
Answer: B. sincere
192. The professional ethics will enlighten the teachers that they have a major role in bringing
A. unpleasant study environment
B. desirable changes in the behavior of the students
C. detrimental effect to the students
D. undesirable changes in the learner
Answer: B. desirable changes in the behavior of the students
193. Professional ethics help teachers to understand their profession as a
A. guide
B. helper
C. teacher
D. director
Answer: B. teacher
194. An ethical teacher is always involved in
A. taking bribes from students
B. sexual exploitation
C. pressuring students to buy books
D. equality and respect towards the students
Answer: B. equality and respect towards the students
195. In fulfillment of the obligation to the profession, the educator should
A. make false statements about a colleague
B. treat other members of the profession in the same manner as he himself wishes to be treated
C. assist a non-educator in the unauthorized practice of teaching
D. make false statement concerning the qualifications of a candidate for a professional position
Answer: B. treat other members of the profession in the same manner as he himself wishes to be treated
196. In teaching, to succeed, a teacher has to be devoted to his work and
A. remain ever ready to help his students
B. lack respect for students
C. show partial treatment to students
D. emotionally immature
Answer: B. remain ever ready to help his students
197. An ethical teacher is guided by a set of beliefs that leads to attitudes and actions focused on
A. what is best for him
B. what is best for the school
C. what is best for the parents
D. what is best for students
Answer: B. what is best for students
198. In order to keep himself alive and up to date, a teacher is required to dedicate himself to acquire knowledge at the frontiers of new knowledge. This is required
A. to develop his I.Q.
B. to develop his emotion
C. to enhance his competence in teaching
D. to enhance his knowledge
Answer: B. to enhance his competence in teaching
199. An effective teacher thinks of teaching as his profession because
A. teaching is his passion
B. he enters it by chance
C. he is influenced by monetary gain in the form of tuition
D. he is influenced by family circumstances
Answer: B. teaching is his passion
200. The teacher, in order to dedicate himself to the welfare of his students, should truthfully disseminate his expert service solely for
A. good results
B. the benefit of his students
C. his promotion
D. increase in salary
Answer: B. the benefit of his students